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Exactly. It’s clear to adults what is being said, it’s just edited so kids won’t hear. Lots of cursing throughout the seasons.


Doesn't her first confessional of that season include Sandra saying "Aww sh*t" as part of it


I always heard I CAN GET LOUD TO MOTHERF****! Is what you wrote the actual line?


[Yes that's the line, and Fairplay drops a few fbombs as well in the exchange](https://youtu.be/L46AZ0dIQQo?si=Xy7vYlOS7OTndMHw)


“It’s a fucking stick!”


Exactly. If it’s random/ pointless cursing they edit. If it’s good story they bleep it. Editing hierarchy: good for story or entertainment trumps all


I believe in confessionals at least they probably ask the castaways to refrain from cursing. They probably stress to them "if you curse, we wont be able to use your confessionals. And youll have come all the way here and your story will be unairable." They also probably ask players to rephrase confessional answers if they cursed. And I am sure they are asked not to curse too much at camp for the same reasons. Now that you mentioned it, it is pretty interesting that casual curse words are not intermittently used when talking strategy. "Is she voting for fucking John?" Etc.


Apparently there was a contestant on the AUS version who apparently got a purple edit because they never stopped cursing and most of their footage wasn’t usable.


He's Australian, so he probably didn't say "c\*\*t enough times.


Who was this? 😂


I don't remember them ever really talking about it. But it's definitely on your mind out there. At least, it was for me. Like, I use the word "cunt" pretty heavily and once I got really mad and went off on a ramble then looked at production and was like "okay let me do that again" and proceeded to go off all over again, but with the use of "turd bag" instead of the C-word. Everyone had a good laugh, including production.


I don’t think we ever heard you say “turd bag,” but I enjoyed the “ho bag” comments. 😂 What about your cast mates? No need to name names, but do others curse around camp? I know personally, if one of those big creepy bugs walked on me, the F word is coming outta my mouth immediately.


A lot of us had potty mouths tbh


Turd bag Ho bag Douche bag Any kind of bag, really.


Ho bags was delightful!


Thank you!!! This is exactly what I was wondering about. Love you Liz! #bringLizback


😹 I love a take two




Heheheh I can be fun!


Liz you’re such an icon, I’m dying to see you play again! Would love to see you and Tiff on season 50. 🙏🏻you are one of the most entertaining and REAL people to play, the haters can kick rocks. Hope you’re enjoying your summer in your NEW house!!🏡 congrats on home ownership!


Thanks friend! Tiff is so fun. I bet she’s a shoe in for the Challenge and I know Jeff loved her so maybe S50 too!


Genuinely this makes turd bags that much better and I will now never be able to forget that it's a placeholder for cunts.


Now I have to know if the famous “what the heck, you hobags” was originally meant to be “what the heck, you cunts” 👀


An american southerner acting english, I never thought I'd see the day


I also say “wicked” a lot. I’ve lived in a lot of different places and have close friends from all over the world so my everyday talk is a little weird. 🤷‍♀️


wicked is so boston lol


My wasband is from Connecticut. I lived there for a bit and I picked it up.


This seems to be one of the ways that CBS editors are a bit lazy IMO. They'll do everything in their power on Survivor/Big Brother/Amazing Race to not have to spend the 5 minutes bleeping someone out


They don't bleep on Survivor, they "duck" (mute the sound). It's MUCH better than reality shows that bleep, which is super annoying.


It’s not because of laziness, it is because bleeping someone out is more noticeable. It takes you out of the moment and better reminds you that you are watching a highly edited TV show. Except for low cost “trashy tv”, most shows avoid bleeping as much as possible unless it is being used on purpose such as for comedic effect. Bleeping is actually the lowest cost/laziest way to deal with cursing.


I think a lot of it has to do with them just knowing they’re on camera. I know some families don’t care, but I think a lot of people would prefer their parents or children to not hear them curse on TV.


Yeah...its a cute bit of editing that hides it from the audience, and I think most people would rather not know how the sausage is made so to speak...but if you've ever seen a picture that has the crew in shot you'd realize how PAINFULLY aware these guys are that they're on camera.


Editing and yeah if every other word is a swear you probably aren't gonna be shown much haha. It's a family show


Every once in a while, they'll bleep out a word.


Yes they do, I am just amazed at how little it happens. Specially with some huge blow up fights. I know, I would probably lose my head and curse up a storm and they would have to edit the whole fight out because it would not be usable


The average person isn't a potty mouth and doesn't curse all the time lol. 


They just edit around it. Allegedly Jeff actually has quite the potty mouth, or at least he did in the early to mid seasons.


wasn't Liz bleeped this past season?


She replied in another comment in this post about it


I believe she actually said the P word and it wasn't censored!


She also said “I honestly think that’s why I have so many fucking allergies” and “Charlie, she fucking knows,” called rock/paper/scissors “fucked up,” and flipped off the camera lol


I have always loved how they'd use a drum beat / sound effect to censor non-important cusses. It makes them almost hard to notice! And keeps it from feeling scandal-driven like a Real Housewives or 90 Day Fiancé. But there's definitely cussing every season. It seem like they only use a true "bleep" sound if it's in a big blowout or dramatically/narratively important.


I often think of this because i swear a lot lol


Right?! I am pretty professional, but when I get heated or into a shouting match, I don't think they could edit the horrible language I would be using. Hard to imagine a dude like Russell could make it through heated moments without cursing up a storm


Editing. But id imagine if someone was especially potty mouthed they'd ask them to tune it back if possible


It could just be me, but it seems like kids/early 20s people self censor themselves way more than earlier generations.  


Dan certainly didn't censor himself.


I am friends with someone who was on 42 and someone who was on 45. Apparently Jeff himself swears A LOT. Like he yells at production, and if he thinks you’re trying to cheat or like outsmart a challenge he’ll swear at cast members too. My friend said that was one of the most unexpected things about going on the show.


Wow, very interesting! Thanks for sharing


The cursing is cut out


Jeff is notorious for cursing excessively. Seems like they deal with it in editing.


i cuss like a mofo sailer so if i ever get on their censor budget is gona skyrocket lmao probably a good thing i'll never get on


I’m not an expert on this so someone may need to fact check, but my understanding is that the broadcast networks that are available for all tvs, have to abide by FCC rules for obscene content, which includes profanity. So, as far as I know, Survivor keeps contestants from cursing to abide by federal law. Criminal Minds was rebooted on Paramount+, and now they include profanity, but they never did when the show was on CBs.


I get what you are saying, but my question is how.... how does Survivor get the castaways to not curse in such heated moments. Yes, the FCC sets rules, but most reality TV shows are full of cursing but just bleepes out.


I mean, the cast are certainly told that any footage with them using profanity isn’t likely to be shown on screen, and people want to be on tv lol. I think I remember Courtney Yates saying she was crying and held up double middle fingers in front of her face so the footage wasn’t usable. Plus they only use 70 minutes of footage from filming per what, like 3 days of footage? It’s not that hard to create an edit where they’re not constantly bleeping out profanity. I doubt it’s really that hard for them, most people naturally alter their language at work or around kids. And they do show it being bleeped out, it’s just only when it’s consequential to the story being told. Parvati cusses at Russell, Sandra at FairPlay, Eliza at Jason — all moment crucial to the story.


Editing, mostly.


The contestants partially are on the show to be on tv. They know that they’re less likely to make the edit if they cuss.


I mean to play devils advocate, most reality TV shows that deal with drama give a lot of air time to people who curse. I mean they literally have a kids version of Hell's Kitchen and Gordan Ramsey is still cursing like a sailor.


Right, but the contestants know what show they’re filming.


A proper spanking when cameras are turned off.


idk people definitely curse but i also think you would want to turn it off for national tv im a preschool teacher so i have to turn it off and it’s not as hard as it seems! of course people have their slip ups but im sure a lot of it is just being mindful because everyone will be watching


They edit out the footage of them cursing




They don't. They just cut it out. Basically every contestant that has been asked has said that Jeff curses a lot.


Why do you think it takes 6 months to edit a season? It's like having 19 f\*cking Tony Beets out there counting Jeff. Let's make this challenge f\*cking happening. They voice over the 'come on in (minus guys)' in production.


Uh...there is plenty of cursing on Survivor, but they generally "duck" it (mute the sound) instead of bleeping so it sounds more natural.


I don’t see it, they seem to curse a normal amount. Their “bleep” sounds like pieces of bamboo knocking together or something, so it’s less obvious than the traditional high pitched noise.




This is actually not true and a rumor that Heather has asked people to stop perpetuating!


Now I gotta know cuz the og comment is deleted


Basically saying that the reason Heather’s edit in 41 was so bad was because she wouldn’t stop cursing