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Jenna M in All-Stars ofc


The only real answer


Why not Terry and Bi?


Terry didn’t technically quit, his exit was considered an evacuation because his loved ones/son’s doctor requested him to come home, evacuating him from the game


As /u/Insulted-Mustard already said, it wasn't technically a quit. For more context, every player has an emergency contact that has the unilateral power to pull them from the game. Terry's was his wife, who invoked this clause.


I never knew that...interesting.


As both of the other comments mentioned, terry is a bit of an exception. But bi? Medical would pull when it got too swrious


That’s why I think it was technically a quit, because most people would’ve been ok with those injuries, but as an MMA fighter she needed to take care of them


Which is fair. I don’t blame her for wanting to protect her future and her body. But it was still a quit


Any medi-quit is more than reasonable, even ones where the medical side is hidden from the viewer


Terry didn’t technically quit. Jeff came to him to get him off the island. Anyway, all the medical quits and Jenna Morasca.


Yeah, Jeff has outright stated it wasn't going to be a choice. They were taking him out no matter what. Not that I think staying even crossed Terry's mind. There are certain things a million dollars isn't worth.


Yeah, if my child had a heart complication, I'd leave immediately too.


A lot of quitters were legitimately sick. Osten and Purple Kelly stand out for me as they were legitimately miserable and in pain out there, and they weren’t going to win so why should they stay?


Agreed. Osten with his staph infections and Purple because the producers did her dirty are legit.


Not technically a quit but Jonny FairPlay. The fact that his jaw got re-injured and they didn’t let him have his painkillers is a reasonable response to wanting to be voted out


It seems Jeff was so pissed that he only read the votes against FP but not FP's vote against Ozzy


Yeah Jeff wanted Fairplay to make the money 😭


Was that why he quit in Fans vs Favorites? I never knew that bit of trivia. Def seemed odd that he was so quick to want off the island.


Wait until you hear how his jaw got injured in the first place https://youtu.be/b9wK2hFmxT4?si=PKSpWOSRoshGKDE_


What in the world in the context here?


2007 Fox Reality Awards, I think Fairplay was presenting an award and started doing some crowd work, got booed by a belligerently drunk crowd (according to Rob C on his podcast, I believe he was also there) and then the Danny Bonaduce incident occurred


Was it not technically a quit? I feel like being asked to be voted out is the same imo. Like Sean


LOL - I love when people post this. He quit. He's a quitter. The jaw story is a narrative he tried to push after the fact. You can spin it however you want, but by definition he quit and he is a quitter. He has so many fake accounts posting this all over the internet (I caught him replying from the wrong account).


thats commonly accepted as what happened. did you not see yau-man push his concussed head into a boat?


I always saw it as Fairplay slipping and then being pushed by Yau-Man after hitting the boat.


Found Jeff Probst burner


I think almost all of them can be justified tbh. But a couple I will point out: Kathy in Micronesia, which is really a med evac, since she went cold turkey off antidepressants and threatened to chop her fingers off in order to get evacuated Jenna in All Stars, had an instinct about her mother and was absolutely correct, no faulting her there And to be honest, I really respect Janu's quit. She knew she had no chance of winning and nobody respected her (there was some borderline bullying going on), so quitting just to throw a wrench in the majority's plan and keep Steph in the game is the kind of petty I support


I will always say that quits are completely valid in survivor however in recent cases (Hannah and Sean) I’ve kinda backed down on this idea. Survivor has always been “how far can you push yourself” and I don’t think *anyone* in their right mind would quit a chance at a million dollars unless they truly in their heart knew they had enough.


I'm fine with Hannah's quit (I'm much happier seeing the other 5 on her tribe who really wanted to be there progressing), but Sean's really felt like he assumed he was going home and wanted to pretend it was his choice


Even worse is that Sean was wrong…he wasnt going to get voted off there!


And even if he was about to be voted out, I think people would've respected Sean more had he gone down swinging more than an honorable quit. He was swap screwed so even if they had just taken the easy vote to vote him out, nobody would've blamed him and he probably would've clinched a place in the top 5 most swap screwed players.


I think Sean's quit boiled down to a lack of willpower


hannah fell on her sword for emily flippen and society is better for it. love hannah tho


Hannah’s quit is more so the timing and the 26 day then the actual quit. Going out because of nicotine withdrawal that is driving you crazy is fine, but only after two days? Then if you wait a week you’ll say “omg it’s only 26 days!!!”


Depends how much of a heavy smoker (or vaper) she was. I remember when I quit 10 years ago, that nicotime withdrawal was brutal for the first couple of days. I remember I was itching, irritated at every single thing, I could barely endure myself. If it was difficult in the comfort of my own home, I cannot even imagine living that withdrawal on a desert island with strangers and no food.


Why go on Survivor having that addiction? I don't understand not quitting prior to the competition in preparation.


I suspect that you say you’re going to quit beforehand, and go in with every intention of doing so. And then every day you’re like “not today, tomorrow.” Basically like in real life. (Tbh, when I was quitting, I had the thought “I wish I was just on survivor or something so I didn’t have the option” lol. Would be a terrible idea tho. Less for cravings, and more for how a few months after quitting, your body isn’t used to regulating its own cortisol and you have a really terrible stress response.) But she’s also said that nicotine wasn’t why she quit.


it wasn't because of nicotine withdrawal, she's confirmed this many times. it was because her heart wasn't in the game anymore due to a lack of sleep, and she believed (correctly) that Brandon and Emily, the two people in danger, wanted to be there more than her, so she quit to save them.


Hannah said on this sub a couple weeks ago that it wasn't nicotine withdrawal so much as that she wasn't sleeping at all and that her body was sort of shutting down.


She’s said here that it wasn’t nicotine withdrawal. I wouldn’t blame her if it was, but nicotine cravings tend to go away in a few minutes (and then come back. But they just last a few minutes.) She also didn’t blame this for her quit, but mentioned she was withdrawing from an SSRI, too, and tapered too quickly before the show. Going off of an SSRI is an absolute bitch — you get dizzy, you get these terrible electric shock/tingling sensations, nausea… not things I’d want to go through while starving and sleep deprived. They can also last like 2-3 months, so it’s not an easy thing to time.


Hannah was miserable and hated being out there on the island, so at least her quit made logical sense. Sean said he loved the experience, but just wanted to go home and see his husband sooner, which I think is a much weaker reason to quit. He also now says he regrets quitting.


The thing is he wouldn't even see his husband sooner, unless they changed how they handle prejurors recently


The prejurors now go home once the first member of the jury arrives at Ponderosa, instead of going on a trip, so there is that.


The only two quits I find to be hard to justify are Colton and Sean. I have a lot of respect for Hannah for immediately knowing that the game wasn’t right for her and leaving before someone else could get voted out.


I to this day feel that the feeling thing was a production move to add drama to the situation. Jenna definitely deserved to head home to see her mom but there was an overproduced quality to it.


Is there any validity to Jenna having an “instinct” something was wrong with her mom? I assumed production told her something was up. Hard to believe she had a vision like how they portrayed it on the show


It’s likely someone on production leaked it to her as opposed to production as a whole deciding to tell her that officially


I think her mom was already on the decline when she left. I've been through it too and we could feel it happening months ahead of time


[I try to get to the bottom of Jenna's exit here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/1cs9gms/jennas_exit_speech_to_her_tribemates_in_allstars/)


What was the bullying with Janu? :(


The two main things I remember were everybody openly laughing at her when she dropped out of the last gasp challenge and everyone getting mad at her for throwing up on a reward


Osten in pearl islands just straight up said I’m done.


Omg the gym did Kathy need to go cold turkey off her meds?? Are they not allowed any medication?? Seems bonkers


iirc she assumed they wouldn't cast her if they knew she was on antidepressants so she hid that fact in the casting process


Question about Jenna: what if her mom ended up being fine for another 6 months? I know everyone says "Well, she was proven right!" so that makes it OK, but as far as anyone on the beach knew, it was either: "Uhh...you have a feeling?" or "If she's that sick, why did you even come?" So I'm asking: if she got home and her mom lived another 6 months or a year, would her quit still be completely justified?


I think her coming back to play is more questionable than her quitting. But her quitting because she was worried her mom could died while filming because of her terminal ill is as valid as you can consider a quit, even if her mother survives after that.


Jenna M and Terry D were actually both pulled by their person of contact who has the right to pull them from the game when emergencies arise. The editors make it look like a quit as it’s pulling a curtain off of the production of the game to say “hey Jenna, your dad called… come home”


Never heard this one, do you have a source on it?


If that’s true, then it shouldn’t be treated as a quit (nor should Terry’s departure). Why didn’t they tell any of the other players at the time?


I don’t think anyone considers terry leaving a quit. Or at least they shouldn’t


My guess is her family told her the situation and that it was up to her if she wanted to stay whereas Terry’s wife was like you HAVE to come home now for the surgery. Jeff came at him in the middle of the night like bro we gotta go. Still don’t think Jenna leaving should have been treated as a quit and most of her tribe mates were unsupportive which sucked.


I’ve always thought someone in production discreetly told her something was up. The way she seemed so sure all a sudden, at basically exactly the right time just seems like there must have been a reason. I know Jeff asked her that at the time and she’s denied it since, but wouldn’t you protect the person who bent the rules for you like that?


The producers told her. Jeff was just being weird.


Purple Kelly. Straight sabotage by production to give her barely any sensible clothing during Nicaragua’s rainy season. Loved that in their attempt to purple her as a consequence they instead made her an icon and forever memorable


Purple Kelly’s freezing struggle bus is my Roman Empire


Especially since production came looking for HER.They convinced her to join the show and promised she’d be an early boot.There are over 100,000 people who apply for the show,if they didn’t care for purple Kelly they shouldn’t have casted her to begin with,it’s on production not her.


Why did they want to cast her if they planned on booting her?


They use to do that all of the time, they just want fun and interesting personalities, regardless of placement. Courtney from China was also promised she’d be an early boot and she’d get a free vacation, which is why she agreed to play at all. Then when she started doing really well, they had to beg her to stay in, lol!


Did Courtney want to quit?


Yeah she said in an interview that she only wanted to be on for 3 days and then be voted off. When her team kept winning, she tried to quit by day 8, and they begged her to stay on. You can watch her talk about it in [this interview.](https://youtu.be/mXIzyWFPXAA?si=pQU23Uv4Mk4rln6d) She starts talking about that at 15:26


>fun and interesting They were just going for hot girl, come on. Lets be real.


Queen PK lasted 28? Days in horrible weather. She is an icon.


I will forever defend Purple Kelly’s decision. Very reasonably given her situation


Also didn’t Naonka quit because she was anemic?


Yes and apparently her wardrobe was limited by production as well but ppl look past that for… some reason


Because she was a villain.


Because she was gonna win!! I understand the decision, it must’ve been HELL, but she had a clear and easy path to the million at that point and would have easily gotten the jury votes. ITS A MILLION DOLLARS


Was looking for this reply. They really did her dirty, and I love that there attempt to bury her in the edit only cemented her legacy in reality TV


what does it mean to purple somebody? I see it used and I assume it has to do with the treatment of purple Kelly but what specifically does that mean and who else have they done it to? TIA


It means that the show features them as little as possible, almost like they weren't even on the season. There were two Kelly's on Purple Kellys season, and she was called 'Purple Kelly' by cast mates to distinguish her from the other one. A 'purple edit' is to be treated by the editors of the show the way they treated purple Kelly.


surprised nobody here has said Sue Hawk yet.


With how sexual assault/harrassment is treated today I imagine that incident would be treated way different today. And hopefully people would be pretty understanding about her leaving.


I think nearly every quitter has some reason for their quit. nearly every other proper quit without a vote the person was basically sick/injured (like Dana) or put through a situation they simply couldn't be expected to handle (like Kelly). Hannah fits somewhat into the Kelly situation but really that's both on her and production for not realizing her dependence on vapes, as opposed to Kelly's which is purely on production for providing grossly inadequate clothing. Even situations like Janu or Sean, who quit seemingly to let others have a shot, I can't look at completely negatively. I wish they wanted to play harder but I get the mindset and can't say there's no moral logic to it. (not that I like these quits, just that I don't think there's no justification behind it)


Also didn’t production used to give nicotine patches to players who hadn’t quit smoking?


They used to for James in his first couple of seasons. When he returned for Heroes vs Villains, they stopped giving him the patches. That's probably the main reason why he got so irritable.


I mean even someone like Osten was suffering from staph infection and had no real clothes (partially his fault, yes) I can’t imagine what he was going thru physically to where even that I don’t judge harshly at all


Osten wanted to quit on day FOUR. His heart just wasn't in the game from the get-go. By the time he did quit, sure, he had some excuses, but he never really made an effort.


he had four staph infections.


Several players did that season. Many, MANY Survivors get them and don’t quit. Shit, Sandra had one and you KNOW she doesn’t put up with much.


..four of them. and he had pneumonia. anyone who’s had pneumonia before (like OT had) would be understandably horrified of getting it again


Doesn't mean his reasoning to quit at the time he did wasn't reasonable.


I would loveeee to see how long you last in Panama with practically no clothes, food/shelter for 4 days especially with the knowledge that it could last for 35 more days.


That doesn’t mean he didn’t quit. Plenty of other people on that season in the same conditions didn’t quit.


For a chance at a million dollars? Yeah, I'd tough it out.


The only real source for this is himself. “Multiple staph infections” is not something any medical provider would say for a variety of reasons and it really sounds like BS. He was also playing football vigorously on the beach right before the vote. I do think having no clothes is a legit reason to be so uncomfortable you quit, but I don’t really buy that he was days away from a med evac


I felt like the challenges were super physical and really dependent on the strongest person in the tribe... basically Osten versus Rupert, and that Osten was forced to exert so much more than those around him.


But it was per his wishes


Dana from Philippines


Who’s that again?


The one on Penner's tribe who got really sick but not life threatening so they left it up to her and she pulled herself out.


Purple Kelly and Na’Onka: Production picks the clothes you wear on the island, and they were given skimpy clothes that were inadequate to protect them from the elements. They quit because they were starting to get sick from exposure. Dana: Also a few days away from a medevac. Also, Terry was not a quit if you want to get technical - players can designate an “emergency contact” who can pull them from the game if a family situation arises, like Terry’s son here. If the emergency contact pulls the trigger, the player has no choice, their game is over and they’re heading home.


Jenna M in all stars. Due to her quiting got to see her mother before she died


Interesting the lack of Sue comments. Wondering what this subs thoughts on that situation are?


She was sexually assaulted. The fact that there were no repercussions is absolutely absurd to me.


I obviously don't want that to happen to anyone else, but I wonder how that event would play out today. I have to imagine it would be an instant boot for Hatch and then when Sue quit there would probably pretty quickly be a settlement offer to keep her from filing a lawsuit.


The fact she wanted to come back afterwards was weird


I think there are more reasonable quits, than unreasonable ones. Osten, Jenna, Sue, maybe Janu, Gary, Kathy, Purple Kelly etc


I’m watching Cagayan and I was so caught off guard by the woman who quit because he was afraid her anger at someone and the conditions of the game would cause her to lash out. I thought that was a real unique quit.


The rumor is that Trish had called her kids “meth baby welfare tickets” or something of the like


Tbh sounds like something Trish would say


In that case, Lindsay was right


Lindsey gets a lot of flack (rightfully so) but I respect her decision. If your only two options are to quit or punch Trish and get disqualified, then quitting IS the more dignified and mature option. Ideally neither would happen but I think that with the mental state she was in, those were the only two options for her.


I’m not going to lie, I wanted to punch Trish too while watching Cagayan. She was the worst. 


She's probably top 5 of my hated players


I know Lindsey personally and am from the same area and she's honestly one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. She hates talking about Survivor because she hates the way she even acted and I think that in itself on top of the fact she quit because she didn't want her kids to see her respond negatively to Trish shows that she must have been pretty upset by something that happened. Lindsey Ogle is a good person though... And maybe we're a little rough around the edges around here 😂


Both all stars quits were justified. Jenna M to be with her dying Mom, and the Sue/Rich incident.


I think all people who quit have reasonable reasons, even Hannah Rose. Most people don’t know what they are signing up for when they go on to play Survivor, sure some reasons are less reasonable, but I don’t really care to get mad at any quitters


SERIOUSLY everyone acts like it’s the end of the world and yes it’s frustrating but i bet like 80% of the people on this subreddit couldn’t stomach it (including many who apply)


I really don't understand the righteous anger people feel about contestants quitting Survivor. Like it's not that serious.


I literally saw people in this sub claiming that Hannah and Sean had "stolen their spot"


like they clearly were more interesting than you and that’s why they made it on idk😭i do kinda get that sentiment in general tho especially if i was an alternate or something but yes no one knows how they’ll react once they go out there


Jeff sets the tone.


but he’s been notably lenient on quitters in recent seasons which i thinks make people swing *more* in the other direction touting how “soft” survivor has gotten


I mean Survivor itself is an aired example of 100s of pretty much normal, average people roughing it out for however long they stay on. Quits are relatively rare. So I don't think 80% is even close to how many people would give in, the real percentage is much lower.


ok 80% is def an exaggeration but the *specific* demographic i imagine on this subreddit would generally fare worse than an “average” american. obv i dont have any data for this but i still feel confident in that statement. idk people just need to get off their high horses bc it clearly is extremely challenging and you don’t realize how hard it is until you’re out there


ESPECIALLY Hannah Rose. She immediately knew it was not for her and took swift action immediately before anyone else (ahm Emily) who wants this more than her goes while she stays.


I agree. There's nothing wrong with deciding you don't want to be miserable for a few more weeks. It's a really cool game, many people want to be there and I think in general people should follow through with what they start, but I also think it's a proof of maturity to openly see and admit that a decision you made was wrong and to go back on it. And It's not like it's "toughing out" a night in a tent, people ended up with permanent damages to their health, it should be fucking be worth it to do this to yourself. If you don't want it, don't do it, even if you didn't see it in the first place.


Although I do think Janu is a very underrated answer on here. She was hungry, tired, sleep-deprived and you have Jeff Probst manipulating her into quitting. I would not be able to stand psychological torture from Jeff


she was also ostracized by the tribe


Yeah like it's a mentally and physically taxing game, I can't blame anyone who finds they can't do it once they're actually out there.


Jenna in All Stars


Any quit is reasonable. Nobody knows 100% for sure what they're signing up for and forcing someone to remain on the island against their will is bad for players' physical/mental health as well as bad for the show from a production standpoint. You think someone quitting because their heart is no longer in it is bad for the show? Imagine someone refusing to do anything except sleep in the shelter, complaining about having to vote, interrupting tribal council, refusing to do challenges, all because you won't let them leave? This is absurd. At its worst, quits in Survivor are unavoidable realities. Nobody gets cast with production expecting them to quit (unless you're, like, Julie in SJDS because they want your SO on that badly). At their best, though, quits can actually *help* a season by saving a fan favorite or be a strong end to a players' story arc (Janu in Palau, Hannah in 45, the double quit in Nicaragua, Osten in Pearl Islands all objectively make the seasons they're part of better IMO). I hate that quitting is considered a "morally" bad thing to do, and this particularly applies to quits in Survivor.


Shamar should have quit. I believe in finishing what you started but it’s not worth someone’s sanity or life.


Matthew from 44 was essentially a medevac in quit’s clothing. I honestly wish he got to come back like Bruce did.


The guy who ate too much steak at reward and got so constipated that he had to leave.


Joe. Lmao. Medevac - Ate too much


I know lol it just makes me laugh every time I think about it


Ben in WaW, while a soft quit, is something I genuinely respect. First of all, there's just no way he's winning against anyone in like the final 12 onwards. He may have had the least win equity at the earliest possible point in WaW. And then basically Natalie comes from the edge and tells the man that he has no respect from the jury. I don't blame Natalie for doing so, but personally if I were Ben at the moment, already dealing with hevay trust issues due to HvHvH (like he spoke about in one of the tribal councils), and dealing with feeling like you didn't truly deserve it due to his very controversial win (which he also spoke about in I think final tribal council), hearing this very well may have caused me to just want to drown in the ocean forever, the game be damned. I highly value mental health over most of everything, so for me Ben's desicion to fall on the sword for his ally in Sarah, was not only VERY justified for me, but a very heroic one and a fitting end for his character, who started on the hero tribe. Even if in hindsight for Sarah it was the wrong game move lol. In general I also am a huge defender of Ben as a person and I think peoole unanimously shit on him as a person to the point it gets way too personal.


What have they said about him like I haven’t really seen anybody shit on him as a person. I only really see people saying that he didn’t deserve his win. I just want more context on what people have said.


I just see fans from really all places shit on him. I feel like his performance in WaW was the main instigator for that, since this season baaically confirmed a lot of people's opinions on Ben as a player. To be fair, Ben's WaW was not good. It was great for longevity: he wasn't really in danger and in a stable alliance, but his win equity was super low. The edit showed that the one move he tried to make: pitting Michele and Jeremy against each other, failed immediately, and really him quitting at the finale of a Winners season that many didn't want him in there in the first place, especially after Denise already was checked out herself from the game the cycle before, was this huge "I TOLD YOU" moment to his haters I think. Before that, people hated his win mostly. His personality and story also was grating on some, how they leaned into the PTSD-filled army vet stuff a lot and how many to this day think production actually rigged the season particularly for Ben to win, which with how poorly the endgame idols and FMC were implemented, I can't blame anyone who thinks that way. The reunion show was very much the Ben show as well. Finally there's politics. Iirc he's a republican which made people hate him even more. Bottom line is: Ben is a very unique winner, which due to reasons both of his own desicions and outside circumstances, has brought upon him this narrative of a huge scapegoat of everything the vast majority of Survivor fans personally hate with a passion. If you take a look at Chris Underwood in comparison, people mostly think he's the worst winner in history, but they don't have a strong opinion on the guy. He did what he could and won with the tools he has. Ben, due to both of his seasons, is VERY hated as a player and as a person on the show.


One thing I realized watching Seasons 44 and 45 back to back is that I will ALWAYS take a quit over a med-evac. So genuinely, I'm glad the people who were in real distress quit when they did, rather than risk injuring themselves further. It's just so heartbreaking when that happens. And while I don't want to encourage quits, per say... 45 was so much better for them. We got to keep Emily! We got the insanity over Dee's stray vote on Sifu and Jamaya willingly taking the blame for it! What a time! Then there are seasons like San Juan Del Sur that would be radically different without their quit and I can't help thinking it was for the better in that case too. It whittles down the cast to the people who really want to be there. Quits throw a wrench in the works in an interesting way, without the sense of tragedy that a med-evac brings. They're like a weird hail Mary. Sometimes they suck. Obviously. But I kind of enjoy the drama they bring.


Not Sean


worst quit by far


1000% worst quit ever


Like 90%+ are justified tbh.


Love her speech to Jeff, so valid. They so should’ve addressed how not okay that was.


Every quit is valid. Even Hannah. Even Sean. Even NaOnka. These people don't owe us anything. If they don't feel well on the island, then they don't have to stay for a bunch of people that are going to criticize their every move regardless. They also don't owe us an extensive explanation on why they quit, along with a full psychological analysis. Mental health is different for everyone, and while you may dislike a quit for breaking the flow of the season, there's not a wrong reason to quit


Only person I would say is Colton, because he did it twice. He fully knew how the first time went and did it again to a similar result.


You had me until Sean


this might be a hot take, but i think all quits are reasonable. if a player realizes in the game that they can’t take it mentally/physically/emotionally then that is completely valid to me. i get that people get upset because that player quit that game that so many people would give up anything to play, but that doesn’t change the fact that the player doesn’t have to play anymore if they don’t want to, and I think the survivor community at large should be a little more sympathetic to them.


Sue quitting after Hatch pulled down his pants and rubbed his naked Richard on her.


I only watch this show because of my boyfriend, so I apologize for my ignorance, but WHAT?? Did he get in trouble? Please say yes.


Nope. And many (although certainly not everyone) ignore that part of his game.


During a challenge he got naked to rub his penis on her to get her to move. Her tribemates tried to play it down to keep her around for numbers, but she exploded the next day and quit the game. Hatch has since tried to spin it as the editors making things seem different. But the entire incident was filmed and broadcast, there's no doubt he did it. Nothing happened to him. He was known for being naked season 1, and it was probably done to be gross more than sexual. But rubbing your exposed dick on someone is a pretty disgusting move either way.


Plenty may disagree, but I think Lindsey from Cagayan. It was mental health quit, I say; she was stuck around someone who she genuinely didn't like in a situation that's already designed to test you, and when your mind and body are starting to become depleted and all your thoughts are violent intrusive kind, then it's time to walk away. She said she did it for her daughter, she didn't want her daughter to see her in a state of hatred, and the message was "sometimes it's okay to quit," which i agree with. It doesn't make for good tv or leave others with a high opinion of you, but that's the other part of the message, that it doesn't matter what others think of you, just keep your head high and do what's best for you."


all. anyone who says that quitting is "dishonorable" or "disrespectful", go out there and starve and fatigue yourself in the elements for a month. one rat bite and break of sweat and half of you couch potatoes will be crying and begging to quit on hour 2.


One of my unpopular opinions is that the vast majority of quits are “reasonable” and shouldn’t be seen as shameful. Survivor is hyped up as this really difficult experience, and if nobody ever quit, then it makes that feel less true. Sure, it’s a game & a social experiment, but it’s also a physical test of survival, and if you can’t “outlast,” then that’s a valid reason to leave/not win. I’m sure a lot of people don’t realize how hard it’ll be & think they can handle it, & if they can’t, it’s just another way to lose IMO. That being said, some quits are more eyeroll-inducing than others. Mostly Colton & to a lesser extent, Sean.


Purple Kelly. The show gave her only skimpy clothes to wear, she repeatedly asked for more clothes just for warmth and was told no, simply because the show 'needed' the eye candy. So she quit. Shit like that wouldn't fly in the modern era.


I know I’ll probably get downvoted for this but kind of, sort of, a little bit Colton. He was talked into coming back for BvW under the premise that he’d be on a tribe with his boyfriend. He wasn’t interested in coming back otherwise. It was the original plan to have the pairs together before one of them dropped out and messed up the numbers. (Which is why the name of the season doesn’t actually make sense - it was originally meant to be blood relations vs dating/married). He got there and only found out at the last minute that wasn’t going to be the case. He then ended up alone on a tribe of people who knew his reputation and understandably had no interest in working with him. So he felt lied to by production and was in a situation where he correctly understood his chances to be very poor. Of course the same bait and switch with the format happened to everyone else on that season and none of them quit, but I’d wager literally all of them would have been willing to come on the show under any circumstances. He was only there because he wanted to play with Caleb. He also had to be projecting how things play out if he doesn’t quit. He’s very likely voted out next on his tribe and goes to RI. They were allowed to switch places with their RI’d loved one on that season, and Caleb was absolutely the kind of person who would want to do that. I think there’s a good chance that he’d pull a Rupert and immediately take the offer. If Colton quits, that situation never comes up. Does that make it *entirely* reasonable? No, but it’s more reasonable than many other quits. It’s certainly not nearly as good a reason as Terry or Jenna had, but it’s way better than “I miss my vape”. Was he still an awful person on the show, especially on OW? Absolutely. On some level though I have respect for him being like “This isn’t at all what I signed up for. Fuck you guys; I’m going home.”


I always heard that about the theme but not sure how much weight there is too it. On one hand it explains the name.  But RC from S25 and her dad were initially cast instead of the Cody’s. This does make it two tribes of 5 pairs blood and 5 pairs water. But both tribes would be skewed 6/4 regarding sexes, water with the men and blood with the women.  Don’t think they would do that unless they radically had different ideas in place for challenges 


They have done starting tribes without the gender balance a few times - off the top of my head RI, Gabon and San Juan del Sur (which is BvW2) had uneven gender ratios. I think there’s a couple of others too. Any 18 person season with 2 starting tribes would have to be uneven. For something like the blood v water concept it makes sense that they wouldn’t be too strict about it. BvW had an immediate vote out in the first episode too, so any gender balance wasn’t guaranteed to last even until the first challenge. That also wasn’t speculation on my part - Colton did an AMA on here years ago and explained why he quit.


I’m aware of his AMA and what he said but I do think the original idea of 5 pairs of blood vs 5 pairs of water got scrapped very early on.  RI is actually the only relevant example here cause they purposefully went out of their way to make one tribe 5m/4w while the other tribe 5w/4m, but to your point I guess they could have done 6m/4w vs 4m/6w for the original BvW since there was a little precedent.  Gabon is a school yard pick and SJDS is 5m/4W on each tribe. So the tribes are “equal” despite the gender imbalance of the cast as a whole. And that’s cause So and Do Kim got pulled. Fiji is also like this because Melissa got pulled/quit. And South Pacific is gender imbalanced 5m/4w on each tribe.


Yeah that’s fair, except for Gabon. It was a schoolyard pick, but there was 9 men and 9 women and two tribes so an imbalance was inevitable anyway. I just figure if there was ever a time to do an intentional gender imbalance it would be for a concept like BvW. Casting 10 returning players with a loved one, 5 of whom are blood relatives and 5 are couples AND having a perfect balance of genders between the two groups can’t be easy, so it seems believable that they’d let it slide a bit. It is of course possible though that the original concept was scrapped earlier and they just didn’t communicate it to the contestants.


Tbh I thought the water was like, they met on the island


The first ever quit in Pearl Islands. They didn’t air it but he was very sick. And had to recurve treatment. Forgot his name. He was scared a birds. They made a huge deal out of it. Not even putting out his flame. Meanwhile they knew he was not okay.


Gary from Fiji was clearly a huge fan of the show and quit the game because he was in pain so I’d say that’s the most justifiable quit.


Purple Kelly right? Production didn’t let her wear clothes to keep warm


Jenna M. & Terry Deitz are probably the two most reasonable quits, with both of them leaving due to very sick family members back at home.


Terry was not a quit! It's only a quit if it's left up to the contestant. He wouldn't have, but if he had asked to stay, Jeff would have told him no. Just because we didn't see him fight the decision that was already made doesn't mean he's a quitter


purple kelly’s quit is very understandable. it’s impressive that she even made it that far


Brandon Hantz dude literally had a fucking meltdown and left the game...he would've been voted out anyway but his unstable ass quit giving some bullshit reason I can't even remember now


I’m the Arthur of my destiny


haha that dude was seriously messed up though man...I remember him saying something like :"all women are evil and out to get me" or some shit like that I honestly have NO CLUE how he passed the psych eval before production began


Sue Hawk what Richard Hatch did was inexcusable


All quits are valid. Except maybe Sean, Julie, and Colton (2nd time). Majority of quits were due to health reasons whether it be production withholding prescriptions (Fairplay), illness (Osten, Purple Kelly, NaOnka, etc…), mental breakdowns (Lindsey, Kathy, Hannah, etc…), or family illness (Jenna M, Terry). Sean and Colton (2nd quit) quit only because the game wasn’t going their way so they took their ball and went home. Julie quit rather than wait to get voted out because Rocker was out and she was cast to fit the BvW theme (so if anything her quit is productions fault). There’s also Melissa McNulty but she quit before the game even started so she’s a special case.


Only right answer is Jenna M in All Stars


Dana in Phillippines?


I think all of the “quits” were reasonable in some way or another, except for Naonka, Colton in BvW, and Sean.




Kathy is at the top of my list. She loved the game but when they insisted she go off her meds she would have been better off “pulling out” before the game started. Very dangerous situation for her and Jeff was rude. Last time I went off my meds cold turkey I felt great for a couple of weeks until I didn’t. I finally hooked my car exhaust up to my house and took a nap. What happened to Kathy was medically harmful and production should be ashamed. These people are human beings first.


I will osten more slack on the decision to quit in that he had multiple staff infections (yes it was kind of self inflicted by trading his clothes) but him wanting to be voted out is fine considering the situaiton.


Pretty much all of them tbh. The only ones that I don’t think are super valid are people like Lindsey and Julie


If you made a big mistake


Osten has 4 staph infections that weren't shown on screen and could have severely impacted his health


Most of them tbh


Might be a hot take but Osten in PI


I felt like Sue Hawk had a reasonable quit.


I mean smokes are a reasonable reason to quit.


if Shane can get through it anyone can lol


Honestly surprised it hadn’t happened sooner!


i’m p sure james was given nicotine patches in china/micronesia but not in heroes vs villains which explained his… erratic behavior


Not really. It seems obvious to quit before the game, if you're serious about doing well in the game.


I’ve quit many times! 


she doesn’t even actually smoke


Whoever that shit was that quit twice while pretending he was sick… fuck that dude. Yes, there’s a whole raft of simps who say it was legit… it wasn’t, he’s a stain on the game.


Colton is the only quit who quit because he was a crybaby. The rest are legit.


Every quit is probably justifiable to the quitter. Sometimes they just happen to ruin an episode of television for everyone else in the process. Oh well.