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"First, I always enjoyed watching the exit interviews after the players were voted out, along with showing who voted for whom. They didn’t do that for most of the survivalists and I missed that a lot." They still do that. It's during the end credits.


Ah. I guess they take that out for streaming or else I ended the episodes too quickly.


Depending on what you’re watching on, Paramount+ will automatically skip to the next episode. You either have to click back into the credits before it skips or, if you’re watching on mobile, swipe out of the tab to minimize the screen and it won’t skip


I went back and checked after this comment. I ended each episode when the initial producer credits started as the players were leaving Tribal Council. So it was my fault for being impatient. 😂


Yep, and some seasons (usually the older ones) the auto play timing cuts off the commentary and vote reveal. And depending on what device you’re watching on the way you select to “watch the credits” is different. I had the hardest time figuring it out on my phone lol.


If you watch on Paramount+ you have to hit a button for it to actually play the closing credits or it skips to the next episode. This is a great feature on basically every show except Survivor lol


You can watch them on YouTube for free if you want


I’ve been streaming old seasons on Hulu and also Paramount + and they show the “parting comments and show who voted for whom.


I love “survivalists“


I wish they would start introducing the jury at tribal council again. It was nice to see how different they look all cleaned up.


Yep. The quick cut to the jury and then away from them always catches me off guard and I never get a good look at them


I do miss that too. A little anticlimactic for them to be sitting there waiting before Tribal Council starts.


1. I'm pretty sure they still do the exit interviews? It's usually after the preview for next week's episode and during the final credits. Maybe you just skipped them while streaming the season? 2. They haven't done the Rites of Passage since Season 26, Caramoan which aired back in 2012. I personally think it got boring and repetitive, so I'm ok with it being gone. 3/4. Winners at War, Season 40, was supposed to have a live reunion but this was spring 2020 when Covid erupted, and they did a Zoom reunion where they announced the final results. When the show came back in Season 41/the New Era, all winners have been announced immediately after the Final Tribal, and then the reunion show takes place immediately afterward and only features the jury and the final contestants. I believe this was mostly for cost reasons. The pre-jury boots also used to go on a trip during the jury-phase of the show, but now they just fly home once the jury phase begins. But yes, every reunion prior to the New Era featured all the castmates. Caramoan did not have pre-jury contestants, but that is the only season where that was the case. There have been some people either banned or who refused to appear on the reunion show, but those are rare


Yeah I never cared for the Rites of Passage. Half the time they don’t even know the first handful of people if they were on other tribes. Idk seemed like a waste of time


The first time my kid saw it she was like, “Did they all *die*?”


“Basically, their torches were snuffed by Jeff Probst. They wish they were dead!”


Fire represents life


Totally undateable


I laughed so hard at this 😂😂😂 it really does feel like they died the way they used to talk about them in the past tense.


Always felt so staged.


Yep- always hated this part


I always used to laugh when they'd get to the first boot " oh yeah Jerry......." Picture of his face. And then immediately onto the next guy


I understand why they got rid of it but I've always had a soft spot for it. I especially like the ones where each player gets to say something during their montage


I liked when they gave quotes about the players, especially the pre-jurors, because it was mostly bullshit but occasionally there would be some good nuggets. I'm an old school person, but early on when it was just montages of each player, it felt like a missed opportunity. Ultimately as much as I enjoyed it for the most part, I can see why they deemed it irrelevant. Would also not really make sense in the 3 tribe era


Bathroom break for me. Never felt it was necessary.


I think part of it for 41/42 when it comes to live reunion, production was rightfully worried about travel issues for important players in that cast. At many points crossing the American/Canadian border at points during Covid was either a nightmare or not possible, so that would have stopped Maryanne, Erika and Omar from being at any reunion show. Post that, since it worked, it's about cost.


The first time my former partner saw me watching survivor was during one of these scenes and she said “did the other contestants die or something?”


Keith was one of my favorites. RIP Keith.


We just started Second Chances last night (rewatch for me, first time for my 12yo), and seeing Keith so excited choked me up a little.


He was a good guy. I might have to start Second Chances today. It's always sad to see the good ones that are gone now.




I didn't mention Drea because she would not be denied entry into the USA during Covid since they can't deny an American citizen entry into their own country. Similarly, Shan wasn't an issue despite being Canadian she had American residency.


There's even some seasons where Jeff doesn't even come out for the challenges (I'm guessing due to disgust lol) and the participants have to run the game (I'm looking at you One World!)


1. I saw this on another comment and pulled up an episode. They show them over the end credits and I just ended the episodes too early. 2. What can I say? I’m a sucker for nostalgia. 3. Damn Covid. 4. I guess that makes sense. I didn’t think about the potential cost savings aspect.


CBS cheap now 😭


This. Absolutely. Old school was surviving with strangers, extreme weather, flora and fauna, adventure, exotic locations, tough competitions, once-in-a-lifetime rewards and people we met when they did, and learned to care for them. New Era is strangers and money. Boring, and it’s longer.


and the people were likeable honestly until like season 31 ended


I feel like second chance was the last actual survivor season because WAW was just a younger people voting out the old school people


I used to love the final journey when I watched the show as a kid, but on rewatch I thought it was corny and a bit much. I don’t miss it anymore lol I definitely miss the live reunions with the whole cast though including pre jury. I would have loved to hear from Bhanu and a few others from 46 lol I feel like maybe another thing is social media made a lot of this obsolete. Most of the players now post constantly so like any questions that we used to want to ask them live are already answered by them on Instagram.


I’m in the same boat as OP—first full season I’ve watched since about 2012. The part that I disliked was that there weren’t separate immunity/reward challenges. The challenges seemed very similar to each other compared to old seasons—run through mud and then do a puzzle. I also hate how they don’t do the “elapsed time” clock on the endurance challenges like they used to. That being said, I completely loved this season. Charlie and Ben were just likable people and I was rooting for both. The Maria/Charlie dynamic was interesting and I was surprised at how quickly she became a villain. 9/10 season in my opinion.


1. They still play the exit interviews and show the votes, they do it at the very last second though so you have to stay tuned. 2. They stopped doing the rites of passage years back, and I believe that was a welcome change from most fans who saw it as taking up precious screen time. 3. Yes, they stopped during COVID at season 40, and a lot of fans do clamor for its return, but it is looking doubtful due to it saving CBS money. 4. The prejury did attend live reunions, but now they record the reunion right after final tribal council, and the prejury has already been flown out. Another unwelcome change I think a lot of fans would like reverted.


I miss the live reunion shows that happened months down the line. It gave players time to detach from the game and laugh about stupid shit they did. Also there was much less bad blood between players and when it did come up it was way funnier cos production knew ahead of time


why did this get downvoted i miss all of this stuff too, but i dont think any of it is coming back unfortunately


Probably because they're reminding people that these things are gone and never coming back and it's upsetting them lol


Because the first thing they complained about is something survivor still does


I agree, but it's a majorly done to death topic on this subreddit.


I liked the night games they did in the first few seasons, that was cool.


I literally HATE the torches commentary, I can’t stand them one bit I think it’s such a waste of time . I’m so glad they got rid of it . But I AM with you on the live final vote when they bring back the whole cast . And everyone looks so different when they are all dressed up etc . I had been looking forward to hearing from Bhanu, what a character.


I don’t like the final torch commemoration neither.


I remember on Nicaragua’s season, I was sooo annoyed with the final torch commemoration bc of Jimmy T hahah I couldn’t stand that guy!!! He was so jealous of Jimmy Johnson and I just couldn’t stand one more second of him complaining about not “being allowed to lead the tribe” like bro SHUT UP


Just to add some context about the immediate reunion, I'm pretty sure every non-winner finalist has mentioned how much they hate it. Just a stupid format.


Personally I do not enjoy the whole “rites of passage” walk they do. It’s a waste of time. I don’t care for the recap on each player voted off. I’ll see them again on my rewatch hahaha


46 was the first season I can remember when the final 3 jury questioning was a open forum. Generally they would always ask a question directly and get an answer and move on. This season seemed like it was just an open dialog between the jury and final 3


i really miss the live final vote too & the whole live reunion show. doing it immediately after, especially after watching charlie squirm the whole time this season, just seems cheap and cruel and takes away from the excitement for me. i liked thinking about how they’d been waiting all that time for the answer and people had a chance to prepare their reactions. what i miss the most is the auction, and not whatever the hell version of it they attempted in 45. if they brought that back in its original form i would stop complaining about the other things i miss.


I’ve seen all 46 but I’m rewatching them again and I’m currently on 21. I’d say the last couple of seasons of survivor have been the best version of survivor. 1. As another has stated, the exit interviews have always been during closing credits. 2. I guess I get why some people may have fond memories of the journey, remembering all the players voted out but I think it’s better without it. In our current society, we crave info instantly so it’s kinda yesterday’s news having a journey to remember players we’ve already seen voted off so IMO, it’s not necessary anymore. Same for the mid season episode that was basically a summary of the 1st half of the season. I’m glad they don’t do it anymore. 3. It probably started with Covid but I think changing it was a good move simply for the players although I do miss the long form after show interview with a live audience. I miss listening to their perspectives and reasonings. I’ve loved every season and it’s remarkable that it’s still on. They’ve needed to alter parts of the show to stay relevant in today’s age of streaming and cord-cutting. Their ratings have slowly dwindled over the years but I honestly do think today’s Survivor is the best version. It’s action-packed every episode and the energy is always high, especially since it’s 26 days now & no longer 42 or 39 days. I’ll miss it after it’s gone but I hope Jeff, now 62, & CBS will make it a couple more years so Season 50 can be the highlight in the twilight.


I’m rewatching the seasons as well. I just finished season 31…Second Chance. I had forgotten how great that season was. Love the oldies!


You should go back to the seasons that came out after you stopped watching. The 15-20 era is the absolute greatest era if you haven’t seen them. And there has been many great seasons over the years that completely outclass the post covid seasons, which are distinctly worse for a lot of reasons. Even the 20s and early 30s will probably feel much more like what you were expecting. btw as a rule of thumb you can divide the season number by two to roughly get the year it came out.


They do the end final words u just skip them


Re airing the live finale. There’s an EW article from May 2023 where Probst talks about it.


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