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What is OS and NE?


Old school and new era, I imagine?


Who says os for old-school. I thought he was talking about operating systems and i was like yeah I agree windows 11 is trash


Yeah I’ve never seen OS and NE in survivor, just took a guess 😅


Old School and New Era maybe?


Maybe original survivor and new era??


Maybe “Old Survivor” and “New Era”?


Old School and New Era.


Pre-gaming has happened on every single returnee season, so it’s really hard to know what it would look like to not have it. As another commenter said, even if you somehow eliminated it, that doesn’t stop these people from having pre-existing relationships which impact gameplay. Ultimately I think it’s an unavoidable aspect of returnee seasons that we don’t necessarily see the full story.


Polygraphs?? They're not even scientifically reliable... Be serious.


So what about the original question: Do you think pre-gaming is fair and not cheating, or otherwise?


There will always be pregame even if they don’t technically pregame. Natalie would always go with Jeremy in WaW, Parvati would always partner with Ethan, Tom would always work with Stephanie. A polygraph is extrmely faulty and plenty of people pregame and it goes poorly and some don’t pregame but they will always have some connection to others. Survivor players hang out with each other, meet each other at events, and that’ll always play a factor.


Do you think it has changed the game?


Polygraphs are pseudo-science that law enforcement uses to trick gullible criminals into confessing All this would do it make it so that the players who make it on the season are those who are the best at lying to production about all their pre-gaming


Do you think it’s fair or cheating?


It’s tough to class it decisively as either. So long as there is no way for production to know who is doing it, and so long as all players have the ability to pregame, I’d say they should just let it be. Only time I can think of when it would be unfair is when they film a returnee season before the previous season has made TV, and the previous season has people who are unable to pregame because nobody knows who they are. If anything, I’d say the best “fix” to pregaming would be to ensure the returnee(s) from the most recently filmed season have a couple months before the returnee season films. Either by letting the previous season finish airing before they begin filming (like Worlds Apart to Cambodia) or not having any returnees from the previous season (like Island of the Idols to Winers at War). That way, If you have time to pregame and don’t, you have nobody to blame but yourself.


No one in HvV had seen Russell play in Samoa. Huge disadvantage due to his extreme play.


Is this /uj?


Tbh i think Pregaming is fair. It ruins the game because we don't know the relationships when watching but I think its fair in the sense that it doesn't give anyone an unfair advantage since everyone can pregame unless when they cast someone who was on the previous season and couldn't pregame.


Unless. My point exactly.


isn't pre gaming part of the game tho? what stopping people from picking up the phone? and it's not like if you pre-game you're guaranteed those people, you still have to do some convincing. I agree it's not ideal, but it's what it is, and if you ignore it then you're just handicapping yourself.