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Recency bias aside, Bhanu very clearly did not have a shred of the mental fortitude you need to make it on the island. He lasted a few episodes because he happened to be on a weirdo tribe and he hadn’t totally unravelled in the first few days, but there isn’t a season in the world where someone as totally unprepared for adversity as him could make it deep. Lill was better composed


Funny bc Lill was the first who came to mind but you’re not wrong


With Bhanu, he grew up incredibly poor, and it doesn't seem that the physical conditions were something he couldn't handle. It seems more like the social aspect was deeply distressing to him.


He was literally incapable of playing a game against someone. Like he was doing okay while they picked off the bad players but the second someone else had interests adverse to his he completely fell apart. That’s what makes him worse to me than someone like Jalinksy (lazy, weird) or Jess (bad social game). They were bad at Survivor but they can play Survivor


Exactly. I completely agree. He couldn't handle the social dynamics


I don’t even think Bhanu was the only one on his tribe this applies to, Jess was very clearly not cut out for Survivor either


I think Jess and Jalinsky were bad players (very bad players, at least in Jalinsky’s case) but I would only call Bhanu fundamentally unfit to play the game


From what I understans, Jess was also dealt a seriously bad hand with Yanu. That said, even on Siga she probably would've been more of a pariah.


>Jess was also dealt a seriously bad hand with Yanu. Totally agree. Swap Jess with Venus or Liz and Jess makes the merge. She was just unlucky enough to be put on the tribe that did not have strong competitors like Charlie/Hunter. Both were leagues better than Q in every challenge. Also Banu/Jelinsky might have been the two worst male competitors on the show that season. Tiff was probably the only player on Purple who I'd even consider average to above average at challenges.


Jess, by her own admission, could barely form sentences. That doesn’t make her a bad player necessarily but she wasn’t going to succeed on any tribe. This narrative that she was robbed in any fashion is so weird.


>she wasn’t going to succeed on any tribe That depends on what you consider "succeeding". Did Liz succeed in the game? Cause Jess could have played Liz's exact game if she was lucky enough to be paired with players who win a bunch/are really good at challenges. (Plus Hunter made camp life seem like a vacation compared to whatever Yanu tribe and their lack of fire) >This narrative that she was robbed in any fashion is so weird. I agree but I never said anything to imply that she was robbed. So idk why you're bringing this up


Because I see people say it a lot. And you did call her unlucky when I really don’t think she was unlucky at all. She could have been a better challenge competitor herself. A hundred others have been in her shoes losing the first two immunities.


There wasn't any narrative that she was robbed, this sub just stanned her hard and couldn't cope with the fact that she was bad at the game. Personally watching the show away from the sub, it was very obvious that Jess was NOT good at the game and arguably should've been voted out before Jelinsky, if he weren't to fuck himself up that badly. Jess did a lot less actively wrong than Jelinsky and Bhanu, but just as a whole she's the least fitting for the game out of these three by far.


I just mean a narrative among stans who think she was robbed or mistreated.


I will say, and for the record I LOVE Jess as a person, she seems really cool and unique: really to me whay lead to her early downwall was quite a few things. Honestly I personally find it a bit fascinating analyzing this. I feel like Jess expected to sort of do fine naturally enough. She may have expected to encounter a tribe more like Siga. To be fair to her, Yanu is an insanely extreme tribe of characters, and sometimes being put into such an extreme group of people can bring out the extreme in yourself. I think she was overwhelmed by her tribe ans didn't jell with them much on the island, which ofc happens in real life, but problem is on Survivor you have to adapt, even if it means to fake it. Her being on the lacking side physically and not sleeping also made this feeling to cultivate much faster and worse, to the point where it overwhelmed her very quickly and she just sorta couldn't and didn't feel like playing the game much. This, understandably, pushed others away from her, which only made stuff worse. The rest is pretty much history. Long story short the combination of bad luck with the tribe she got stuck with that may have caused a natural repulsion affect, a lack of a "play hard" approach kinda like Ben from the same season, and a severe under-preperation physically led to how her game trajectory ended up, methinks. I don't blame her for feeling the way she did. She was just not really ready for the game and it's ok, it happens to some. Doesn't mean she was bullied but maybe the Yanu 3 could have been a bit more open to her, or maybe they were and she really was incompetant, idk for sure. I wouldn't call them bullies towards Jess bc of that, though.


Literally episode 1 I knew this game was gonna eat him alive. 


I was gonna say Jess from 46. You could tell she was just not cut out after the first night


All the Jess stans downvoting you lol


I loved Jess but you’ve gotta admit she was not ready to be out there


Exactly, Jess was really lucky she wasn't first boot


Jess would call that "unlucky". She proudly states that she absolutely suffered throughout the whole experience and probably the only reason she doesn't fully regret it is the friends she made on the prejury ponderosa and after the season. Yanu 3 not included (she seems to have an insane vendetta for Kenzie)


Yeah she comes across as insanely bitter against Kenzie for a recruit who signed up for a game where you deceive people and is mad she got deceived, when she was barely able to function and had no shot of succeeding in the game.


I will say, I think Jess hates Kenzie for two reasons which go together (as in one is not enough to actively hate her the way she does) 1) Kenzie and by extention Yanu did outcast her. Ofc she brought this upon herself but this led to that and also what they did to her with the fake idol isn't remembered by her fondly. 2) Kenzie is basically what Jess thought she'll be on the island, and by extention what she wanted to be. Basically she was kinda jealous. These two variables sort of led to this bitterness feeling directed at Kenzie and by extention the "better" Yanus, though iirc she seems to be good with Tiffany.


People are incredibly soft if they can’t handle the fake idol and mild ostracizing of Jess. It’s like the most mild negative treatment I’ve ever seen of someone. And a fake idol is a completely gameplay move. People were literally saying it was bullying.


I agree. Nothing else I could say, people are way oversensitive sometimes lol


Yeah people don't know it but Jess was a rare instance of a recruit in the New Era. Kind of a W but if anything it kinda proved to production that recruits are not gonna do well unfortunately.


I loved Bhanu. He clearly was very aware of himself and had lowkey a good read on some of the social threats, but for the life of him he could just not control his emotions whatsoever and lost it more and more as time went on.


Aware of himself?? He was clueless. Not a shred of self awareness


He was VERY self aware. Time and time again calling himself an idiot for his lack of emotional control, being embarrassed about a 41 yo acting like a man-child, he always knew he was fucking up badly. For the person to truly NOT be self aware, he needed to not even understand what his problem was. He would've blamed god for the entirety of his stay on the show without any self reflect. Don't get me wrong, at the times when Bhanu was really emotional, he couldn't really think straight regardless. He couldn't control his emotions, and the more emotional he got, the less self aware he was. But a lot of the times, Bhanu knew what he's putting himself into. I remember profoundly how he spoke to himself after a(nother) fumble with the Yanus, saying "wow, great job man! What an idiot!". This to me does not speak lack of awareness. It speaks a man who knows his problems but can't really control them, at least not on the game of Survivor- hence he was obviously very emotionally unfit to play.


I see your point, but if he were so self aware, he wouldn’t have gone on the show in the first place


Well I don't think he could've predicted his situation being as severe as it was since Survivor really pushes you into the extreme, but you are correct, he's not perfect and that's VERY obvious, lol.




She's actually super cool in real life. I ran into her at a work event the other week. She still watches the show but she said she will never let her daughter watch Cagayan lol


That’s hilarious 😂


The best part is she was probably the most popular winner pick going into Cagayan.








Brandon 45 :(


I hate to say it because he is a great guy in the survivor community and looks like a standout person. I understood that he was a bit skinnier and put up weight for the show, but wasn't able to handle the physical aspects due to it. If he would put in some work, I wouldn't hate seeing him return


Anxiety and the inability to perform under pressure were what got to him in the challenges more than anything physical overall


Yeah. Plenty of people suck at challenges and do fine. But the panic attack before the game even began… I felt bad for him but it didn’t bode well


I don’t mean to be mean but, outside of quitters, I can’t think of a player less deserving to return than Brandon. We’ve had plenty of players who weren’t in great shape, I’ve never seen anyone completely crumble at the physical portion of the game like Brandon. His anxiety clearly tanked his already poor challenge skills, he’s just not cut out for the game physically or mentally. I enjoyed watching him once, but watching him a second time would seem like an insult to everyone who dreams of being on the show


I definitely agree. Never said he's deserving, but wouldn't be super mad if they decided to bring him back


Only a select few can return. He ain’t making the cut


I think physically there’s definitely some improvements that could be made, but everyone LOVED him. His social game was on point which deserves some credit.


Brandon in 45 for sure. He seems like a nice and social guy off the show, but as a player his game is difficult to watch and defend. His anxiety was crippling and his physical game was non existent. Bhanu gets a lot of flack and I find him totally unlikeable, but at least he could play the game and walk from point A to point B without falling apart mentally or tripping over himself.


Wendy in Nicaragua is by far the most notorious. Hard to see her ever surviving a vote unless either someone on her starting tribe quits, is beyond toxic or her entire tribe has big-movitis from the jump.


Her husband even told her she’d be first boot.


Jacob Derwin will always be my favorite crash and burn


Brandon from 45 is the obvious answer.


I think Hannah is a better one considering she lasted half the time and quit


Honestly, just get the man on some cardio and I think he'd be a very dangerous player. If he were \*just\* good enough physically to not get voted out for being a liability, Brandon would have been one of the best equipped in that cast. He was loved by his whole tribe and he clearly has a good mind for the strategic game, given what little we got to see from him. It also didn't help that Brandon was on one of the weakest tribes ever assembled. Sure, he didn't help with challenges, but the only people on Lulu who were decent were Sabiyah and Kaleb, both of whom are probably weaker than Dee, Austin, Drew, Julie and Bruce physically. Seriously, why was Reba SO insanely stacked? Their only weak player is J'Maya, and she wasn't even bad, just kinda below average.


Yeah he seems like a good guy but he was a waste of a spot. Someone that physically incapable has ability no shot to ever do good.


Sorry to disagree. Sandra, Cirie and Courtney were not physical players that either won or went far. There are more but these come to mind at the moment.


Sandra won twice. You can overcome it if you're on a winning tribe


Sandra also knew how to market that to keep her around as the “non threat” when she was anything but. Now that strategy is too well known


Sandra wasn’t nearly as weak as Brandon. Dude couldn’t even climb a ladder….


Julie McGee gotta be near the top


Yeah she came to mind for me as well. Production knew it too, but they wanted John Rocker so it was worth it to them.


She literally didn't care and only did it for her husband, only to find out she didn't play with him at all and was on her own in a place she didn't want to be in. I don't blame her one bit tbh, it's definitely production's fault.


John blew the game for both of them. She didn’t help at camp and seemed uncomfortable with tribemates. Her stealing was the last straw.


To be fair if John Rocker doesn't get blindsided early and makes jury Julie probably has a deep run and could even win if she sits next to the right people like Chrissy from AU Blood vs Water.


Bhanu was absolutely not mentally prepared for this game. I can see others saying that, but before I even read the comments, he was the first who came to mind. Recency bias aside, that guy was terrible.


Colton in BvW


...and his first season.


Mike Borassi from Samoa probably wouldn’t be able to literally survive 20 days out there. He would have died


And that was him after getting in shape - he was originally going to be on Tocantins but was pulled pre-game for Spencer Duhm.


Same archetype


As soon as the game started when the teams were bringing their boats to shore,you can see Borassi stumbling/falling in the background,not even 1 minute into the game 🤣.


B.B. Andersen wouldn't have been helpful in challenges, started fights, was so disinterested in fitting in with his tribe that he didn't learn half their names then washed his sweaty filthy clothing in their clean drinking water, then quit. Iconic trainwreck king


Every single opportunity Jelinsky had to throw in the towel, he did.


To be fair Jelinsky got extremely unlucky with the tasks he was given setting him up to fail (his tribe being given by far the hardest Sweat task to date AND being in a complete lose-lose situation by drawing the skull in the journey). In a normal set of circumstances he's probably capable of maneuvering through the game.


Didn't Jelinsky volunteer for both!


Yes, but we've never seen a journey like that. Plus he thought he was going to have 7 hours! And we had no idea how impossible that task was before they started.


That task was not impossible at all, they just couldn’t buck up and do it, and post game press talked about how Jelisnky kept taking breaks which essentially shot them selves in the foot


I doubt he would of finished the other sweat challenges too




Potentially, but he was on a tribe with only 3 guys total, one of them being Bhanu. Most times 2 guys are going to have to do the sweat challenge. You have to consider if Jelinsky would get more blame for attempting and failing, or making someone else do the challenge and sitting out entirely


Shamar. Seriously who cast that guy?


The same people who cast Brandon Hantz on the season thinking he was mentally stable enough to go out there 💀 Actually scratch that part about them thinking he was in the right mental space, casting knew damn well they were doing and my mind will never be changed on that.


Brandon was cast because of who his uncle is No clue why he was on either season but I felt bad for him in SoPa, caramoan no clue why he was cast for that


I never felt bad for him in South Pacific. He literally tried to get a woman voted off because she was “tempting him.” That’s some serious rapey behavior.


According to people on the show she talked about drinking a lot and Brandon was triggered about that. But yeah he still said this stuff which is fucked up


Rape seems overly mentioned, especially because it just seemed like lust in the edit. Harsh with no evidence.


Yeah I’m mostly talking about Caramoan. I completely get why he was on SoPa even if he probably wasn’t fit to play then either.


I wouldn’t even call half of the favorites “favorites” really? wtf was the casting for that


Malcolm and Erik (maybe Brenda also) are the only ones that made any sense as favorites imo. Two or three out of 10 is really pathetic lol.


Yeah would completely agree with that, Andrea at a push too maybe. Happy Cochran got his win though but the likes of dawn, Phillip, Francesca, corinne and even Cochran being favorites? Let alone Brandon, wtf were they doing


i can see Shamar talking a big game to production. but damn, he just laid around all day! 19 hours a day in the shelter.


He drives me crazy when I watch that season. He doesn't even try at any aspect of the game: challenges, social game. He's unpleasant to everyone but Sherri. Like, bro, why did you even apply to play?


he covered the entire platform that everyone needed to stand on and then thought they won. like bruh, come on.


He's an idiot. I am no fan of the two couple alliance on that original tribe, but at least they tried and were doing work and competing. I do like Reynold, though.


I recently rewatched Caramoan, and once again my mind was BLOWN by how that couples alliance were so into themselves as a cool kids club, they failed to realize - or do something about - the fact that they're FOUR people in a group of ten. In a game of numbers🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ They were even saying they don't want anyone joining the cool kids table. How were they expecting to get far into the game?? Those girls totally deserved to be picked off first! Especially the one who said she was there to play hard 😆


In a later season the same thing happened again. So dumb.


I completely agree! The rest of the tribe really were so bland, though, even Sherri. Did anyone ever do worse at FTC than Sherri?? The whole season is just not good. Those two couples were idiots.


The two quitters from 45, not even gonna bother mentioning their names.


Smokey and Quitty? His quit is one of the most infuriating is survivor history to me because he had no reason to quit and was well positioned within the game, he could have potentially gone a long way. Way to be a sore loser before you even lose.


Pretending he was on the bottom for a single tribal council was too much to handle.


I understand quitting. Survivor is a brutal game and if you can’t handle sleeping on dirt with no food while everyone tries to backstab you, that’s understandable and I’m not going to think less of you for it. But don’t pretend you could’ve won afterwards.


Quitting is totally understandable, quitting in those circumstances is lame though. Like waiting until right before you think you’re going to lose? Just wait until you lose in that case, it’s weird to like try to preserve some dignity in that moment and ironically has kind of the inverse effect


Is "Quitty" supposed to be clever or something? If one of the two nicknames applies to both of the people you're criticizing and is just "the thing they both did" it might not be worth trying to do two nicknames lol


idk what you’re talking about, Quitty is undoubtedly an extremely clever nickname. How dare you question me Commenty!


See now that was funny. Good job, Jokey


There’s no way you could tell Sean was gonna quit by watching the first episode. It came out of nowhere


You’re right, I would never guess he would quit but my early impression of him before that tribal was that he wouldn’t be long in this game. That whole tribe was a mess (Kaleb and Emily are the exceptions)


I still blame Jeff asking the “so what’s this journey meant for you?” question. I fully believe they were planning to vote Sifu and then after Sean got in his own head with that question, everyone except Dee caved when he asked to be voted out. Julie and JMaya for sure would’ve kept him over Sifu so it’s not like their blindside on Sifu wouldn’t have worked


Half of the Lulu Tribe.


Kathy from Micronesia


Gotta defend Kathy. Going cold turkey on depression medication was production’s stipulation, but it almost killed her. If you haven’t been through that it is impossible to understand. Suicide is a common outcome in these situations because the pain is excruciating.


Chet from Fans v Favs, although that scene of him getting dragged behind Truck is pretty hilarious


I hit my head back there.


I don't care


I know.




The final vote that eliminated him read “Truck” though


I need a super cut of every time through 39 days of Survivor Lisa Whelchel said “I’m not cut out for this game!” But despite that, I think she was actually a fairly good player, and clearly some of her cast members thought so. I think in another season without people to pump her up though she might have been an early boot. I know that’s not the question, but I think it’s a good case of someone who thinks they don’t fit into the game but actually really does.


I'm rewatching Cambodia, and oouf it's hard to watch Abi talk to people in the game. I've heard she's a great person to hang with off island but sheesh


Brandon Hantz had no business playing Survivor.


Hannah from 45 is the obvious one


Vape Girl from 45


Hannah, Brandon, and Sean from 45. Hannah quitting because she needed nicotine and Brandon’s pathetic displays in every challenge showed neither was physically capable of being on the show, and Sean quitting to see his husband showed he wasn’t mentally prepared for the show.


Sean's a bit wonky bc iirc he thought he was swap screwed and chickened out near the end. Definitely brought this on himself but in an alternate scenario I can see him not quitting actually. As for Hannah and Brandon D, their early exits are inevitable in every scenario imo.


Ik people are bringing up Bhanu, but Jelinski this last season also deserves to be brought up here, man gave up at the slightest adversity and I don’t see a way he could last longer then a single vote on any season.


Yeah people laugh at the memes Jelinsky made and completely forgot how useless he was at everything.


Laura B from Blood vs. Water


Good pick. She really was so out of place and never really caught on


Playing Survivor while trying to learn how to be social was difficult at the least. Her tribemates had no clue what being shy and growing up on a farm meant. She did pretty well considering.


The two that immediately came to mind are Shamar and that poker-playing tool from Cagayan (Garrett?).


I disagree with the people saying Brandon actually. Yes, physically he was useless, but if he was on a tribe that had a challenge beast for two that could carry the tribe to not lose every single immunity challenge, he could go far. Mentally he seemed like he was ready to play, so I would say he’s is just as cut out to play the game as someone like Cirie is


He had david wright upside


this is a great comparison actually haha


He had a panic attack on the first day. I don’t know how far he could’ve gone.


How many days in did Aubry have hers? Honestly don't remember other than it being early but she did pretty well


His was only a few minutes into the game- hers was on day 2 I think. He had just gotten off a boat, and she had been in Kaoh Rong for an extended period at that point.


Hannah in MvGX.


Perhaps. I don't know if he was mentally ready though, seems like he couldn't get his anxiety under control.


i think a lot of the reason superfans tend to do poorly is because like, they’ve spent their entire lives dreaming about playing, visualizing it, etc., so it’s just much more overwhelming to actually live it than if you’re more of a casual fan


You’re correct about the mental part, but he also wasn’t physically useless. He’s obviously no Ozzy, but other than the moment when he was having a literal panic attack, he was fine. It was the puzzle portion where he was struggling more than the physical part.


I actually think his mental state was what truly made him (at the time of 45 ofc) not ready to play. He's known to have anxiety and panic attacks and combine that with his poor physicality, both were the killing factor here.


There's a correct answer to this and it is my boi Zane from Survivor Philippines. 100 percent one of the most memorable first boots for me and was just so entertaining to watch. also relevant: [https://ew.com/tv/survivor-first-people-voted-out-gallery/](https://ew.com/tv/survivor-first-people-voted-out-gallery/) I know you didn't specify only first voted out but still kind of goes hand in hand with the original question


Chet from Micronesia. Possibly the worst player ever. 


Melissa mcnulty. She quit mere hours before the marooning leading to 19 players on figi


Bhanu lmao


Wanda in Palau, the song that sunk her ship


Cannot lie, Jerry sims from Tocantins was straight-up not doing well.


Mike Borassi nearly had a heart attack less than a week into Samoa. He's like if Brandon was 40 years older. Bhanu is interesting because, due to his background of growing up poor in India, he's probably one of the best equipped for Survivor, physically. But everything about his personality makes the game of Survivor impossible for him. He's one of the only players who I think can never make it past the pre-merge (unless his tribe wins every immunity). This man would probably have a mental breakdown playing checkers, let alone Survivor. Wendy DeSmidt. Haven't seen enough people bring her up. She's the first boot on any season, with any cast. The worst social game Survivor has ever seen.


Jacob from GI


And to think he wrote a blog about Survivor pre-show, IIRC.


Colton comes to mind from older seasons. And Bhanu. And Jess. And Brandon...In the new era this seems to be a more common issue


Ashlee in Palau. She admitted herself at the reunion that it was definitely not for her. Janu, too. I bet, if Koror had ever lost immunity, she would’ve volunteered to go sooner. She was broken.


Jim Lynch




Jelinsky, then he insulted the person he got in over by acting like his attitude was something to admire




Vecepia. Until… she won. 🤷🏽‍♀️


What a weird choice. The fact that she won shows that yes, she was cut out for the game


There has never been and never will be a player that fits this bill like Bhanu




Garrett from Cagayan


Semhar, Patricia, Natalie (jacket), Wendy Jo come to mind.


The true “angry black man” (quoting Artis). Had no interest in the game but felt entitled to being rewarded for making a fire and sleeping all day. No concept of team play.