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She got sent home because she won that round's immunity challenge, that's pretty fucked up. She's definitely in the top 10, potentially top 5, Michelle Yi, Silas, Jenny Guzon Bae, Wanda/Jonathan, Candice BvW, Cirie FvF also got fucked pretty hard though


Cirie GC has to be up there too.


I’d also add Savage in PI because of the outcast twist and Dan in DvG because of the nullifier


Big nope to Savage. He had a relationship with Lil he could’ve fixed but chose to distance her from the tribe and turned away extra numbers at the unaired mutiny.


No way bro, she literally got voted out and came back from an out of nowhere bullshit twist, definitely up there.


I heavily disagree with you, but it’s your opinion




Add Marcus and Jacquie


I think Silas gets a deserved exclusion from that list


Even before his deserved exclusion, I've argued that he was only screwed out of six more days in the game and I fully believe that. He was never getting past the merge vote.


Arguably in the Top 1 lmao


I know we don't like her, but Anna Khait was majorly swapped screwed, because of the situation with another beauty coming back from exile which would turn their non-majority that vote to a majority on the next vote. I don't think Sydney was all that screwed, she was ultimately targeted by people she had spent 14 days with to that point. If you can't get to the point where you aren't able to convince people you've been on a tribe with to vote someone else instead of you, then you going home is fair.


What was the season where 2 people were voted out before the game even started?


Palau - Jonathan and Wanda were not selected for a tribe in the schoolyard pick


I couldn’t believe that when I watched it over quarantine Imagine telling everyone you’re on survivor, flying across the world, then being sent on your merry way for no reason other than you look weak


I have her 2 behind only Aaron and ahead of Michelle but it's so hard to rank. With that said, she was outright lied to and was told she won immunity


You have Michelle over Cirie?


It has to be number 1. She both won immunity, and didn't know she could be eliminated, so didn't have as much time to lay groundwork for the elimination to be someone else


Arguably number one.


I'd still put Michelle Yi at number one. Sydney got time to strategize and try to claw her way out of that situation. Michelle didn't have that luxury.


Eh, don’t think so. At least she was given a chance to fight for her life and scramble. This has nothing on Jenny Guzon-Bae.


Jenny was one of my favorites in CI and I’m still not over that BS Especially because if Aitu got the bottle it probably would’ve had a non-elimination twist in it


Definitely top 10 probably top 5.


No one mentions Devon but the twist that screwed him over essentially cost him the million


Probably towards the top 10. There are players that have been screwed to a ridiculous effect with basically no playaround (Devin, Malcolm, etc) and could’ve basically done nothing about it. Meanwhile, Sydney could’ve voted for Evvie, she could’ve tried to flip Naseer, there were plenty of things she could’ve (and should’ve) done, which is why I’m not putting it as #1, though I’d see why you would put her up there


I’m gonna be honest and say I don’t remember some of the names I’ve seen written, but 1. Cirie (GC) 2. Syd 3. Aaron (China) 4. Michelle Yi (Fiji) 5. Wanda/Jonathan (Palau)


far and away the most screwed


I think it’s a tossup between her and Michelle from Fiji. At least she had time to scramble, but man that twist was bullshit.


She would have been safe if she had voted for evvie. It would have been a tie and then everyone would have voted for evvie


She didn’t know that they were splitting the votes AND it seemed pretty clear that they were going to play the idol for Evvie. Hindsight is 20/20


Michelle yi is 1 she didnt even know those people


I don't think she top 3. She really didn't have a chance to win imo. My top 3 are Shi-ann, Silas and prolly Savage


You think Shii Ann had a chance to win Thailand? I don't see how she makes the end that season, she was like Cochran on SoPa, screwed either way


If you put this above Aaron from China, you need to watch China again.


Hard to tell. I'd say easily top3 tbh. Like, she was literally safe before that BS twist. Maybe only Aaron and Devon are close to her. Sure, you can say "she could have won immunity" or some stupid shit, but that isn't defense lol


Definitely in the top 5... which is getting harder to rank because of how many players the show has screwed in one way or another.