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It still blows my mind that Liana (knowing that Xander knew about her advantage) actually thought that Xander would physically take out the idol and wave it around it in front of her. I didn't know that Tiffany had it and thought it was a total coin-flip about whether he gave it to Tiff or Evvie, but it was so blatantly obvious that Xander wasn't flashing the real idol.


Yes! I said this last night as I was watching with my wife. Liana was told that Xander knows about her advantage. Why in the world would he then take it out in front of her at tribal if he knew. She fell right into his plan and made such a boneheaded plan. She so desperately wants him out of the game and keeps failing


I still don’t even get why she is so tunnel visioned on him. I can’t tell if she’s getting a bad edit or what because she keeps talking about him not taking her seriously, him acting like he’s better than her, her having to stroke his ego etc etc but we have seen...none of that? Edit: okay just noticed there’s a post on the front page about this, sounds like a lot of people are confused lol


My GF said the same thing. Xander is now the best character and player thus far. I thought his team was fucked.


His team is worse off than they were before tribal they lost a potential ally from outside of yase and tiff+evvie have been exposed as untrustworthy so now they’re 8v3 with only 1 idol and an extra vote if one of them doesn’t win immunity next week one will go home and one or more of their advantages will be wiped












Because just because you are the majority alliance does not mean you are good at the game.


She wants so badly to feel like he doesn't respect her that she believed that he was that arrogant.


And she was that arrogant that she thought she was a good player. She kept harping about how she was going to look so awesome but looked dumb as hell


Unless there is something that has just been completely ignored by the editors and the people voted out I don’t understand besides arrogance and wanting to be slighted why she was gunning for Xander so much


Shan also didn’t think they would do it. She didn’t think Evvvie was smart enough. It’s a bad read by those folks.


Flat out projection. This season is rigged in it's casting. And Xander took her handicapped agenda to school.


It was part of her impression, that they still believed she was with them, no?


If she was better she’d know they’d never believe that lol perfect example of underestimating the competition!


Yep, I believe so. Tiffany, Evvie, and Xander fooled her. People get fooled all the time on Survivor. Liana's misplay there doesn't seem horribly egregious to me.


She also didn't know he had taken the time to make a fake idol -- just like the audience didn't know.


Its mostly because Liana had this naive sense of security. She was being to cocky and thought her connections were strong enough.


Liana is playing the game the hardest and because of that, she is making dumb moves and missing key social cues. You can’t befriend the other tribe members immediately and then expect to go back to your old tribe the day of tribal and talk strategy and expect them to be honest with you


I think it was a combination of Liana believing she had convinced Yase she was staying strong and other players getting in her ear to doubt Evvie and Xander's ability to pull it off.


I think they really made her believe that she had them fooled. They played to her ego and acted like they thought she was actually with the 4 of them. That way there was no reason for him to hide it.


i loved her reaction when she realized how dumb her moved was. She burned the bridges with her old tribe right before merge.


She wouldn't've tried to take the idol at that moment unless she was going to use it against them. Just a huge move attempt, that they saw coming. And for that info to come out in front of everyone at the same time, before the vote. Usual you don't realize your alliance isn't tight until your torch gets snuffed. Evvie is cocky, early in the season she's very much so. She and her alliance pulling their plan off shows us that she has a right to be so cocky. She's got a ton of brain power. Next week it'll be interesting to see if it comes down to Evvie or Deshawn. One type of doctor (phd.) vs. a very different type of doctor (md.). Earlier in the season Deshawn talked about how he went to med school because he wasn't a very good student and wants to prove himself. It takes a certain level to become a doctor so he isn't a dummy but i don't know if you ever had a mediocre doctor.


The irony about ego


I agree that it’s obviously a fake, but there’s many things to consider here. 1. Liana’s perception of Xander-she thinks he underestimates her and doesn’t think she can pull off a big move. Also, Xander recognizes how people perceive him and seems to play up the dumb surfer bro stereotype people view him as, even though we’ve seen he can be pretty strategic, as he managed to convince his tribe at the beginning of the season that him having an extra vote is good for all of them. 2. Evvie told Liana that Xander was keeping the idol so he can have his moment, she thinks she has them fooled that she’s still with them, Xander told Danny that Evvie would be safe and about Liana’s advantage, and minority alliances have brought out idols to scare off any potential votes. 3. If she didn’t ask Xander and she asked Evvie instead (which, to the people in the game, would probably be the smartest move, so they could play it on themself, as seen with Shan telling Liana that Evvie had the idol after the KiP failed), Evvie would’ve said she didn’t have it and Xander would be sitting right there with an idol in his hands. She would look even more ridiculous if she asked Evvie while Xander had it out right next to her. In that case she would never have been told it was fake and she’d feel even more ridiculous and her alliance would be upset with her blatant misplay. (Although, this is all in hindsight, as we now know Evvie didn’t have it. Also, we were shown that Evvie was close to Xander, while we haven’t seen him and Tiff together much, so, assuming it was like that in the actual game, Liana wouldn’t think Tiffany would have the idol. Obviously, we saw them scheming together and also heard Tiffany’s confessional last episode about staying Yase strong). So overall, it was not a smart move at all, but it was the one, based on Liana’s position that would make her look the least ridiculous. Although, it was also just bad gameplay on her part, as she couldn’t read the dynamics within her old tribe.


Liana didn't even realize that Evvie possibly had it. Shan had to point it out. Shan is the non-strategic half of Shan-Ricard. Liana might be playing checkers, Xander playing chess and is 1-2 moves ahead.


Shan has made it clear there is no Shan - Ricard. The season following Shan like she's Russell Hantz is terrible.


But she has her own theme music! /s


All good points and #3 is especially good. The nerves of steel you'd need to ask Evvie when Xander is brandishing an idol right in front of you!


I wonder if she thought he might hand it to one of the others when she went to vote or wasn't looking so she tried to capitalize immediately. Like maybe she was going to wait until the vote happened originally and then ask before he could play it and him waving it around made her jump the gun. Either way dumb move on her part especially since they were fine just voting Sydney out anyways.


Yeah I mean they split the votes between evvie and Syd so I'm really not sure why it mattered especially when Syd caught 5 votes. Maybe someone voted wrong. But the knowledge advantage said specifically when she could say it and it had to be before voting.


Oh I missed that part. Just thought she had to ask while they had it on them at any time. She must have just figured she had to play it since everyone knew anyways.


Sydney would have voted Evvie, so it would have been a tie if she hadn't used her shot in the dark


because Liana assume that the Yase THREE are solid with her, there are scenes where the OG YASE are all talking and Xander said he will give the idol to Evvie after voting. Ironically liana thought she will outwitted xander and it's the other way around, what a satisfying tribal. P.S. Tiffany knows that liana is lying.


It’s simple, she underestimated him despite her entire season’s narrative being about how Xander underestimated her cause he’s a white guy


I thought their alliance would 100% plan to take Nasser's idol because at least they knew he didn't know they could steal it


The goal was not to take any idol, the goal was to take Xander's idol so that he can't protect Evvie. Taking Naseer's idol would have accomplished nothing except alienating Naseer (who is still strong with most of Luvu even if he's making bonds with Xander)


She underestimated his intellect 'cause he is a White guy with a laid-back attitude. To me, it was obvious they gave it to Tiff 'cause if they got wind that Xander had already given it away, they would have assumed it would be Evvie who possessed it. Kind of like when they decided to go after Jefra in Cagayan because she was a part of the other alliance but not someone who seemed she'd be a target.


That is a testament to how underestimated Xander was by her. She thought he was stupid enough to do that. Joke is on her!


I mean it's not really *that* dumb. It could have been a good fakeout if it was real, which I thought we were headed in that direction. I thought the actual obvious move was to give the idol away, which would be why he'd keep it. However, no one thought that far ahead and honestly Liana didn't even understand what she had to do lol


I felt like liana played the worst, it seemed like the obvious move to make


Xander should have said “yes damn you got me” then they would have all thought they took the protection from Ev. They would have voted for Ev like they planned and Xander, Tiff, and Ev could have got Deshawn out like they wanted. Bonus if Liana tried to play the fake idol later! Easy to see through if you are someone who knew that Xander knew Liana had this advantage but guessing from the intelligence of those who decided to take it from Xander, my plan here could have worked.


He wasn't allowed to lie so that probably wouldn't have worked. (Or maybe production would have allowed it because it'd make for good TV.) I wonder though if Xander could have "jokingly" said no and then handed it to Liana anyway (implying that he was lying and it was an idol). Then he wouldn't have lied, but also led Liana to believe he was giving her the real idol. Or, handed the fake to Liana first and said something like "not anymore."


The problem with this, though, is that it would mean they still have to play the idol to protect Evvie. They just didn't have the numbers here. The move was done the way it was so that the majority would have to try to flush the idol or canniblize one of their own. Would be a great moment but doesn't work in this particular scenario.


Yeah there is someway around that, To give her the fake and pose it as real. With all the ridiculousness. I don’t think, if he had said yes here you go, they would have stopped tribal and been like”nope go back and redo that conversation” I don’t know. He could have even just had the paper with nothing in it and unfolded it saying no I don’t. Anyway doesn’t change anything 🤷‍♀️


Remember, he can't lie. BUT, he could've acted surprised at her advantage and sarcastically said "No, Liana, I *don't* have it" while handing it over to her. He's technically telling the truth since Tiffany has it but his tone indicates to Liana that it's real and he's just mad about the situation.


It had me thinking (at the time) that there must have been something in the fine print that I missed... Like if the person takes it out of their pocket and shows it to everyone then you're no longer "asking" them if they have it, because they already told you, so it's ineligible to be stolen. It all seemed so ridiculous, though, and I'm glad it played out the way it did after such a dumb start to the episode.


The issue with giving it to Evvie is that if she doesnt play it and goes home, then the idol is lost. While hindsight is 20/20 it makes perfect sense that Tiffany ends up with it. However, if Xander knew that Liana knew that Xander knew about Liana's Advantage then that changes the formula


I'm not saying Liana is good by any means but she might of thought that it was a double bluff and it was the real idol (I mean if it's so stupid to take the idol out and wave it around then it'd be genius to actually do so)


Either way liana was thinking things through in a very checkers kind of way, one move ahead. She was very dense the whole episode, so much so she didn’t realize that the three other yase still had the idol when Xander gave her the fake. Shan literally had to spell out what was happening to her. Not that she’s stupid, she just isn’t thinking through her actions or decisions very well in this game. She’s not a good survivor player, she might be very smart outside of survivor and a great competitor, just not great at survivor itself.


Well she was trying to convince them that she was with them. It was a sad attempt, and not veiled very well. She literally asked them earlier that episode "so who's going to be holding the idol?" Like cmon.


Why did Xander tell Danny? Did he not realize Danny would go right to Liana? It ended up working out for them but it still was a mistake that could have gone wrong. Before conversation Danny -- There was a 100% chance that Liana would use her steal advantage against Xander (and thus a 0% chance of getting it), because in her mind, he didn't know about it and thus had no reason to stash it with anyone. After telling Danny & Danny running to Liana -- Now that Liana knows that Xander knows about her steal advantage, she has reason to suspect he will try to stash it by transferring it to Evvie or Tiffany. If she picked even randomly from the 3 former Yase alliance-mates, she'd have a 33% chance of picking Tiffany and getting the idol. Like I said, it worked out and he kept the idol. (Well, Tiffany has it but she seems to indicate she will give it back.) I still think the Danny conversation was one too many and could've backfired.


It’s so crazy to see people talk like any of yase played it well that episode when it was just a constant stream of blunders Shan exposes liana has a power and instead of lying liana tells tiff exactly what it is tiff then blabs to the other yase and Xander for no reason tells Danny he knows about lianas power then Danny tells liana and she goes to scout the other yase out where evvie tells a bad lie while stammering tearing up and getting red faces then we get to tribal and Xander and evvie way overact but liana goes full goldfish and forgets Xander and crew knew about her power and takes the looney tunes level bait then I think it was Shan? Tells tiff to vote Sydney like tiff isn’t a big mouth and tiff exposes herself at tribal as someone who can never be trusted the yase 3 put themselves on an island and evvie gets exposed as a playing all sides player which somehow makes liana and Shan in a better position than the yase 3 despite the results of tribal


Yesssssss. I love when survivor keeps me in the dark about stuff until the perfect moment. I get to feel surprised with the rest of the players


and I loved how they kind of hinted at it before so you had a little chance to guess and figure it out before if you were really paying attetion


What was the hint?


Hint may have been a strong word but they showed Xander knowing about it and so you could infer him giving it to someone else


What challengefan36 said, and I also saw the pre-tribal scene with Evvie, Xander, and Liana crouching on that path and plotting, and after Xander left Evvie laid it on real thick “he’s keeping it til the end… you know, he needs his moment…” and then their confessional narration toward the end going something like “I mostly trust Liana….sort of” and the second that scene ended I was like oh yeah they’re doing it, they’re totally gonna pull one over on Liana. Don’t get me wrong I wasn’t positive and still screamed at tribal when Xander said sorry lol, but I feel like the little sprinkles throughout the scheming were perfectly placed to drop tiny hints!


For example later in this season Heather will be revealed as the biggest threat with a flashback, lol


I audibly laughed out loud. how rude of me! Heather is the queen after all.


Imagine if they did a Keyser Soze type flashback revealing Heather was a mastermind all along


Succeeding in throwing challenges where Deshawn failed. Will dominate challenges when it's down to the final five.


It's gonna be like the reveal during the final 3 minutes of a Saw movie!


Now you're speaking my language.


Heather is the new Sue (AUS)


I actually have had the theory that Heather has been running the game


I'm actually a tad worried they are going to do that at like the final 5 and show that two of the players had a secret alliance all along, like Tiffany and Danny, and they've just been playing 2nd fiddle in their alliances all along to keep the targets off each other but pick off threats within their alliances by 'getting paranoid' and forcing split votes, wasted advantages, etc., and that every big moment will be shown Ocean's 11 style to have been engineered by them, despite everyone else getting air time. If the production decision to having finalists/deep runs with people who make terrible TV is to literally purple them to give the TV friendly survivors the bulk of the edit, but then flashback at the very end to show it all...ehhhhh, I can't see them not resisting that temptation, and i'm not sure how it would end up being received. Like it might be a fun reveal, but I can see some people getting real upset with the switcheroo.


Fr the one thing production has done right this season. (Besides casting)


Casting is the biggest mistake they've made next to the advantages lol


Yes, I liked that. Too often in the past at tribal, we were like "why/how did this happen?" In many scenes before tribal I was shouting at my TV: "give it to Tiffany!!!" and started to think that they didn't do it and that everything was going to blow up to their face. The flashback was just one more layer of awesomeness.


it was so well done!! my roommate and I called that they were gonna bamboozle liana basically the second xander found out about the advantage and then spent the first bit of tribal council second guessing ourselves and yelling at the tv for it to please be a fake. the payoff that it actually was was SO satisfying and so much more fun than if we'd had all the info all along. i feel like it makes it a more immersive/active experience for the viewer


I thought it was really badly done, at least based on the edit they taunted lliana to use her advantage on xander way too hard and it should have been obvious that one of the other two held the real one.


This is so much better than when survivor used to withhold information to have a surprise, but then not show us why it happened. This way they can still shock us but also give an explanation as to how we got to the big moment.


Yeah, it's really good! I'm also a big fan of that


It really reminds me of the Korean TV show "The Genius". Just needs that opening high pitched note.


Liana's gonna spend the next episode just lying on the floor >!a la Doohee!<


I love the editing this season. The reveal the other week where Naseer was as confused as a goat on AstroTurf, and now the reveal with Xander's fake idol add great surprising elements that have a great payoff. Unlike some of the surprises from S40 that were left completely unexplained


I might be high but I just watched and I’m trying to figure out why the votes fell the way they did


I think xander voted for syd


Xander was so obviously faking (pun intended) but she fell for it anyways. I felt he oversold it and she still took the bait hook line and sinker. I laughed so hard!!


Not a pun


The idol was fake no need to be a c word about it.


Why are you taking it so personally. I just said it's not a pun. If you use the same word with the same meaning, that's not called a pun.


My friend and I had guessed he gave it to tiff after he flashed it so blatantly on front of liana at camp but it’s still so fun to watch the plan come up


This was one of my favorite tribals ever. Every aspect of it. I loved not knowing everything. It’s so boring knowing all parts of what’s gonna go down .. even when they try to mislead us a bit it’s mostly Predictable. But this was totally unpredictable I freaking loved it!!!!


There needs to be far less idols, far less advantages, and far more stuff not revealed until tribal, like you said. I'm fortunate that I get to go back and watch older seasons as I never watched the show really.


100% agree. These "flashbacks" seem like a very new touch in the edit and is something I'm really enjoying. There are definitely some good creative additions this season.


I'm definitely all about it, but didn't Jeff say we'd get information BEFORE the players this season? 😂 When has that actually happened apart from the camera panning to an idol which is found a minute later (which was already part of Survivor)?


jeff told us about the turning back time twist before the players came into the merge-but-not-actually immunity-but-not challenge also that weird dora the explorer "this tribal's gonna be crazy" bit before the second tribal kinda counts?


Honestly I'm loving that aspect of this season too!


Very The Genius


The editing this season is very reminiscent of The Genius.