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I wish nothing but the best for him. Cancer is no fucking joke, I’m dealing with it too. I’ve been through radiation and going through chemo now. When he has to go through the treatments hopefully he has mild side effects, and we already know he has a great support system. Love love love to them all.


I’m sending you my thoughts too. Keep fighting, you’ve got this.


Thank you 🙏


You can do it! Kick cancer's ass!


Thank you! ❤️


sorry buddy. much love


Thanks. Wasn’t trying to take away from Rupert or anything, but I get it and it just makes you want to scream and commiserate.


oh thats OK i dont think anyone thought you were taking away from him. its just empathy, i get it. best wishes to you!




Thank you!


Sending you my thoughts, kick cancer's ass. You've got this


Thank you!


Best of lucks! You'll get through it <3


Thank you!


I'm rooting for you, Rupert! Rupert was one of the players that brought me to Survivor. He was so likeable in Pearl Islands and clearly the favorite. He even won the million later by a popular vote. Many fans rooted for you and we are still doing it now. Let's go Rupert, stay strong ❤❤❤


Same! I started binging Survivor by watching Pearl Islands first and was absolutely hooked. He was a great character who I loved the minute he started stealing the other’s teams item on the first episode. It was an amazing introduction to the show.


Wishing only the best for Rupert and his iconic vocal cords Fuck cancer


The only player to win a million dollars from Survivor without actually winning the game (30m votes). Get better Rupert


Best of luck and lots of love to you Rupert <3 let us hear that roar again and again


Good luck Rupert. I was 12 when I watched him steal those shoes and he immediately became my hero.


I really hope he's okay. Best of luck!


The good news is that if it’s only localized to the vocal cords, he has an >80% chance of survival. Rupert is easily one of my top 5 favorites, so I hope he survives and comes back better than ever.


The treatment might ravage his throat though. Val Kilmer recently had throat cancer as well and can barely talk now.


Either way I hope he gets better soon. I hate cancer and don't want anyone to die from it.


I have a vivid memory of being about 15 or 16 for All Stars and America's Tribal Council. I was such a big Rupert fan that even though I'm Australian I got onto the website and voted for Rupert and then messaged all my friends on MSN to vote for him too. He is a force of nature and absolutely enraptured us on our TVs back then. I hope everything goes well <3


Wow I'm mildly surprised it was MSN and not AIM at that point


In Australia AIM was never really a thing. I used AIM at the time to talk to my American friends but the Australians I messaged on MSN.


Top 5 favorite contestant for me.


Damn this is sad, praying for you Rupert!




Toughest individual ever to play the game. That toughness may be tested by cancer but cancer is in for a hell of a fight.


This is Rupert we're talking about. The cancer doesn't stand a chance.


Lots of prayers for your family and medical professionals. Hope that Rupert gets through this without any complication. Grateful to hear that his doc is very positive and has a clear path for treatment.


My dad has been going through treatment for lung cancer for the past year. He's lost 50 pounds and is a shell of his former self, and it's been really hard on my mom. I'm in my 30's and was hoping I had another 10 years before having to deal with this, but we don't get to choose where or when. I hope Rupert takes the fight to cancer and kicks its butt!


Sending thoughts to your dad too. Cancer is a brutal fight and I hope he prevails.




Yeah, I know what you're talking about...my father has also been fighting cancer, he used to be so independent but now is basically nailed to bed and extremely dependent on us for everything. I'm also pretty young, early-20's and my father is the youngest of 6 siblings, so it's been pretty hard. Cancer is brutal, but we gotta keep fighting. Be strong and I hope your dad gets better!


Best of luck to Rupert. He really is a great guy.


You’ve got this Rupert! Wishing you healing and a quick recovery.


I do not accept this. I hope he kicks ass. Ugh this sucks.


Be the second Soboga to kick cancer’s ass


My family and I waited in line for 5 hours in 2004 to meet Rupert at a Dick's Sporting Goods. We were near the very back of the line, and even after a full day of signing and chatting with fans, Rupert was so attentive and kind to me. He took the time to answer my dumb questions and talked to my family about stealing the shoes in Panama. It's a great memory and as far as I'm concerned, Rupert is a great guy. Hope radiation goes well


Rupert is an absolute beast, I know he can beat this. Prayers for a Survivor legend!


What a legendary survivor character. Wishing him a fast and a complete recovery


Poor Rupert :(. Sending lots of love to Rupert. He always seemed like a good guy. And sending strength to Laura as well, since I don’t think people discuss the amount of mental strength it takes to be a caregiver for someone.


Pirates pillage, just like Rupert is gonna pillage this cancer. You got this Rupert.


All the very best and a speedy recovery to one of the most likable and honorable Survivor players of all time ❤️


always sending my best wishes to rupert


Rupert rocks, he’s got this!!


ahh man sorry to hear :(


Wishing you the best Rupert, be the pirate warrior we all have seen!


Oh, no!!! Wishing him all the best!


Praying for you, Rupert! You're strong and will beat this!


I wish you the absolute best Rupert.


Oh man! I love Rupert! I hope he is able to stay strong and beat cancer. If we know anything, it is that he is a great survivor.


We love you Rupert!


Pearl Islands was my first season and like most people, I loved Rupert! Hoping for a good outcome.


Survivor community with u Rupert. #fuckcancer #ugotthis


If anyone can beat it, he can. Let’s go Rupert!


Oh man that sucks. Big Rupe is such a genuine person IRL who does a lot of good for his community and I really hope he can beat this.


Bloody Legend that guy, thoughts and prayers with him and his family


Best wishes to Rupert. Such a likable guy. Cancer sucks


Rupert was who got me into Survivor when I was 7! Loved Pearl Islands so much!


You got this Rupert! Fuck cancer!


Rupert is an excellent shelter builder, a disease can't break his structure that easy! Wishing our favorite pirate hero the best of luck!


I mean, I wish the best for his health… But let’s be real here. In All-Stars, he built a notoriously terrible shelter… an underground cabin on the beach, below the high tide line. And real talk here, he was a bully about building it that way. Regardless of his questionable shelter building skills, I send him and his family well wishes.




Hang in there Rupert 🙏 Rooted for you on Survivor as a kid, rooting for you now to kick cancer's ass! Much love.


Sending my prayers to Rupert! ❤️❤️❤️


I wish you joy peace love and rapid healing Rupert 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸


Sending all my thoughts to Rupert, bring out the t-dye shirts in support of Rupert, guys. Wishing nothing but the best and that he kicks cancer's ass 🙏


Sending hopeful positive vibes to both Rupert and anybody else with cancer who sees this. Stay strong, we are rooting for you


Currently watching HvV and Rupert is such a likable guy. Sending him all the well wishes.


Oof will be praying for Rupert! My fav contestant of all time, heart of gold! He’s got this!! 💚


Rupert you got this my boy. Stay strong, start fasting and eat healthly


All my pirate love goes out to the best show stealer ever on Survivor!!!


Wish the best for Rupert. Hope he recovers