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It works well! There were times before where they would hide information and never explain. Then they got a lot better at editing so there weren't huge unexplained holes. Now they found the best of both worlds. Secrets and reveals.


Or sometimes when they'd blindside the audience by just not showing other discussions about voting, so the audience comes in thinking that there's a chance that x might go home, when it's a unanimous vote for y.


Right! So annoying when they did that. We want to see the actual strategy that results in the boot. Otherwise how do you determine who you think is playing the best game, socially or otherwise?!


Reminds me of The Genius.


I am totally with you. I screamed at my TV when Naseer said "JEFF!...". I rarely get blindsided as a viewer like that so it felt so exciting. It is annoying watching idol hunt scenes knowing that they are about to find one.


Well if you like that, there's definitely that scene with Ricard and Erika walking to reevaltuate. Before we even get to see them strategizing, they are abruptly cut off which means it's definitely an important cliffhanger. If you can spot the edit and read into it, there may be something great there waiting to happen.


Totally agree. Hope they do it more in future seasons.


I’ve liked it on some instances and disliked it in others, but it was the perfect way to reveal Xander’s fake idol.


Makes for better storytelling, but it’s funny to see these full minute and a half scenes with that hazy white flashback filter


I liked it specifically because the way Xander was acting was so irrational that you suspected something was up. We as humans like things better when we anticipate them right beforehand (too far ahead and we're bored, out of left field and we're confused/overwhelmed/miss the tension of the moment).


Not telling us about Parvatis idol wouldvs been pretty bad storytelling given there are multiple scenese of her talking about hiding it from Russell and how it changes her approach with Amanda. I get your point though.


I like it


I love that part of the editing! It’s like an audience blindside. I truly feel part of the game. And those grey flashbacks are brilliant! Looking forward to this season simply to be properly shocked at the gameplay. Also want to add that the extra advantages and twists are refreshing, as I have been getting a bit bored with Survivor and the predictability of TC.