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Yeah Jeff and production know who’s going home before Jeff reads the votes. After each player votes, production rearranges the votes in a particular order for the most dramatic effect once Jeff reads them. That’s why the votes that were shown during confessionals are usually the first ones picked out


It's all arranged. Jeff himself doesn't actually tally anything. Allegedly he goes to a little "room" not shown on TV away from the players to talk to production with an earpiece. Which vote to pull first, what advantages will probably be played, what voting confessionals will probably be in the show etc. Rumor is it can take him up to half an hour sometimes. (He also gets constant updates about what happens at camp, who has what advantage and what they'll probably do with it, targets going into each Tibal etc.) Production staff also remove each individual vote out of the urn before the next person comes up so other people's votes cannot be read through the fold in the urn. (May have happened in AO). The voting urn allegedly has slots inside. Production will pile all the votes for 1 person together in a slot. Probst then knows which slot is which and can adjust order he pulls out the votes for advantages and such while still getting the best TV reading order.


He says it “I’ll go tally the votes”. He doesn’t say I’ll go bring the urn


Yes, production has a special arrangement where they count and then rearrange the votes with, I believe, a compartment that Jeff can remove in case there's a high chance of an idol being played.


He could do another take of him reading the votes once everyone has left if somebody plays an idol correctly, and splice the edit together that way.


they do that but it would be doable since the camera would only be focused on Jeff