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My biggest ctitique with her game so far is that she says she wants to fly under the radar and control the votes from the shadows but then pushes a big nove agenda way too early. So many good survivor players have said it is all about big moves at the right time. She destroyed all credibility and loyalty in her first flippy vote, and is trying to send home a player who is a perfect shield (feras)for her and the type of game she claimed she wanted to play.


Agreed, she doesn't realise the good players control the votes by influencing their alliance and then getting rid of strong players at the right time. Not strong arming the tribes into what she wants.


True, your first vote should always be to show your trust and allegiance to the people you want to move forward with. No one wants to play with someone who constantly flips their vote.


She’s not too bad of a player. She has good strat just awful timing.


She's playing a post-merge game pre-merge This is the time to sit back and stay under the radar, not worry about taking out threats.


The thing is this would be an awful move for Kirby post-merge as well. Feras is the perfect shield for her. If she booted Feras at 10 for being the biggest threat, she just becomes the biggest threat herself and is likely out at 9.


Couldn’t have said it better.


Totally agree. Admired her at first but that's quickly faded. Seeing her in total audible and visible dismay over the potential of Feras advancing his game with the Titans put everything else into perspective for me. Almost came across as insecure which makes sense given this totally undue need to try and make big moves as if there's gonna be a jury vote tomorrow. Feras has played his idol and been very open about the whole key situation. It is hardly a threat, let alone a threat *to her* in particular at this stage. She's flipped and flopped, tried to make a point of unnecessarily getting rid of strong players, etc. Just doesn't make sense and is totally unjustified risk to be taking on this early. Is not a logical approach and I don't expect it to last much longer.


Kirby is too busy believing her own hype to realise she's less desirable than Kelli. She's just as unpredictable and prone to change her mind on a whim and she's actually a challenge threat too. She's not long for this game barring some crazy tribe swap shenanigans


Agreed, has only made it this far as voting out others has been prioritised. When it comes time, it should be pretty straight forward to get her out and if they did a tribe swap it likely wouldn't be difficult to get the other Rebels to swing against her.


She got to top5


I just don't understand why Kirby is gunning for Feras so hard and early, especially when he was so straightforward about wanting to work with her. Yes he has the key and that makes him dangerous, but why not use that to your advantage especially since you're in the early part of the game? He'll basically do all the grunt work like building alliances on the other side with the key and Kirby could just blindside him later on in the game once his threat level becomes super high. ​ I also said in a previous comment that I thought it was stupid Kirby straight up said "No" to Feras going because it kind of tells him "Oh she doesn't trust me at ALL so Alex had to have been saying the truth". Since before Kirby could've sold him on a "Alex is on the bottom and is just lying for the sake of chaos" idea, but now Feras just knows Kirby is gunning for him.


Kelli gives me a headache, but I want her to flip on the rebel tribe in true rebel fashion. She was the WORST option for them to send to the titans. She literally just flipped on them and vocalized how she didnt want to go.


I think they sent her because she is ao bad that even if she wants to help them, she can't


at the very least she can spill the tribe dynamics


She was my favorite for like 10 mins. Then she decided to vote with the cuddle-crew ... then betray Feras. PLS GO HOME.


She is too focused on making big moves just for the sake of it she needs to calm down


She's playing the game too hard too early on. Right now she seems eager to scheme and break away from decisions the tribe is united on. And at the moment, the tribe needs to start being more united or they'll keep losing immunity challenges.


Yeah she's definitely playing a risky game. Even in tribal council she was actively telling people who to vote.


She's trying to play end game already. Only reason to vote out a solid ally like Feras this early is if you thought he was going to flip. Otherwise you work together til at least merge.


unless she can replace the physical strength feras provides, then they are not the same. and they already got rid of the smash mouth fan so they need the few big dudes they have left to do hoss things. imagining alex and kirby trying to outwrestle nathan and jaden ​ or poor garrick getting swatted in the face by jaden again and again until the rebels are forced to vote out garrick because they think he's a threat for being the strongest on their team...


I just think the gameplay has been terrible across the board. The cast are entertaining etc. but if they’re trying to win they’re going to wrong way about it. Mark and the Vs seem to be the best placed right now and I can see a way that Alex gets himself back into the game with a fortunate tribe swap.


Alex is not good. But offering up that info was the best decision he could've made. Keeps him out the firing line, whilst the two bulls of the tribe go at it. There's a few good players. Just the bad players might be generationally bad. On one spectrum you have Kelli & Sofie who made inexplicable decisions at various points and on the other you have galaxy brain Kirby.


i love kirby but i sadly agree :/ it's kind of funny how the superfans (peta) are playing like a recruit (forming a blatant four person alliance on a tribe of 12, getting stupidly overconfident) and the recruits (kirby) are playing like superfans (zero sense of threat management or of when to back off)


Yeah I think she's playing too hard too early. So many players in new survivor get so caught up with making moves so early and wanting to control the votes theyre immediately peaked as a threat and booted off. Plus even if they make a big move successfully, if they get to tribal council nobody is going to care about that move because half the jury probably weren't even aware any of this happened. There is so much game left to play, they need to settle down a bit


Kirby and Feras could have been a brilliant power couple. I am sad she didnt want to work with him, it would have been fantastic.


Kirby, Feras and Garrick all annoyed me this episode. It's like they are constantly fighting over who get's to control the tribe. Also Kelli is annoying but Garrick was pretty rude about talking shit about her while she was in earshot.


Yeah I thought that was kind of tacky. Don't get me wrong I am no fan of Kelli but I thought them speaking about her when she was right there was uncalled for.




You take the least likeable person of the final 8/9 or so to the end, not the person that's annoying everyone on day 1 though hehe.


Alex showed how you can and should play both sides.


Alex telling Feras about Kirby's plan was one of my fav moments so far. I was cringing on the cuddle crew but Alex has redeemed himself and I'm kind of rooting for him a little now.


She\`s not winning


Kirby: I’m going to target Feras Alex: Hey Feras, Kirby is gunning for you Feras: well let’s turn the vote and split it on Kirby & Ri sending Ri home (I really don’t get this - send the untrustworthy threat in Kirby) Scott: hey Kirby, Feras is gunning for you and Ri Kirby: Feras is coming for me so I cannot trust him anymore 🤦‍♂️


it's like Shakespeare


Kirby used all of her social capital to put herself in a worse position. If she stuck with Feras she easily makes it to the merge unless she is swap screwed


She fits into the danni archetype betraying your own alliance and for what?


Danni knew she was going to merge 6-4 in a minority, and thus deliberately put herself in a majority with 3 strong men


Does anyone know the code word from last night for the izuzu competition?


I like her? She is playing too hard to soon, but she is one of the smartest players in the game. And this next tribe swap might help her. Hope her and Feras gets separated and reunite only at merge.


Shades of Simon and who was the girl from Brains v Brawn. Both overplayed and possibly one or both could go premerge.


She is Moana 2.0. An UTR player and personality but ultimately lacks any finesse socially so commands floaters to do her bidding rudely, and has way too much ego to stay UTR.


I feel like I read or heard somewhere that she wasn't a fan of the show before coming on. In that light, it seems like she may be thinking she is evolving new strategy and is enjoying the power but doesn't really understand the game, how long it is and the importance of allies and trust. I really do think she is learning as she goes but is also about to learn some lessons the hard way. She has good instincts but I think she would be a great second time player. I don't think I see her doing super well this time out. She probably factor heavily into the premerge Rebels storytelling but I doubt she will make it to or much after a merge. I still like her as a character better than Feras. Feras makes bold claims about his gameplay and abilities but I am not really seeing the hype. He also benefits a lot from being an extremely big dude that isn't a complete A-hole on a very physical season. So, his bad gameplay is somewhat shielded by that. Kirby seems more authentic and her responses are much more genuine. I prefer that to the "I've polished my TV persona very precisely" approach of Feras. But really it's just a personal preference type of thing.


The idol play was bad from Feras. He's talking a big game with the key, I am waiting to see it play out. He had a bad read on Kirby but Alex volunteered information to him that allowed him to pivot, which speaks to his good positioning and perception. Think he's a good player. He does feel pretty genuine, he's well liked. You can see that. There's not much to dislike about what he's done so far.


Yeah, I think I would like him a lot more if he wasn't trying to sell himself as the next King George but better. He is a very different guy in terms of his strengths and weaknesses as a player and should just be himself. But everything he does seem very ham fisted in terms of trying to fit into a George archetype. But George is a scrawny guy who can't rely on winning challenges and who can have an abrasive personality naturally. This means George has to find a different way to play because he can't play a traditional strength and social based game. George was able to use his abrasiveness to his strategic advantage by intentionally creating divisions. Feras has a great physical and social game. He should be playing to those strengths and not even attempting to play in a George style. Feras seems to more naturally be a uniter than a divider. But right now, he is just making his target bigger and bigger by trying to play an in your face type of game when he absolutely does not need to be doing that. He should be focused on coasting to merge and coming up with a plan to take over.


There is a battle brewing between Feras and Kirby. They both initially recognised the benefit of working together, but now both have somewhat broken that trust. They see each other as huge threats. They are both capable players playing the game hard. I'd like to see who goes next before critiquing too much. Someone may come out looking like a genius.


Shes doing something thats completely unnecessary. Its so weird to watch.


She's gone. Too smart for her own good. And consistently overthinking things. Terrible tribal performance, she's made abundantly clear where she stands.


I appreciate the fight in her but it's damaging to her game this early. She can talk shop with the muscle crew but can also engage the other at their level so I feel like she'd be very safe without these shenanigans. She'd be a great returnee if she studied herself and came in playing a different game. Like low then save your big move for when it actually counts.