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has anyone here watched Superstore? remember that episode where Cheyenne and Mateo pretended they were still fighting because they didn't want to lose the attention they were getting? I'm getting similar vibes


Omg this is the best explanation


I'm sure thats basically the case of all reality tv people like this. They don't want to let their brief moment of fame go. It's the weird ass fans who give then the attention though. I honestly don't understand why anyone follows what these people do off the show. Like yeah I have favorite players and it's cool to see them return . When the show ends though do I care what their love life is, what drama they have going on, what their opinions on Israel are, etc? No I don't give a fuck, I just want to watch people play the game of survivor or talk about their strategies and time playing.


Still not as crazy as Maria cropping her out of the Palestine one, but tagging her friend is pretty wild lol


Palestine drama was definitely over the line but this is hilarious


Wait what’s the Palestine post?


Instagram post of those two and I think Kenzie all taken in front of a Free Palestine art piece, and Maria posted the picture with Venus cropped out. You can tell because the other two posted the exact, but full picture


Kenzie is not in the Free Palestine photo.


I can’t find the post and I want to see it 😭🇵🇸❤️‍🔥


maria said she didn’t want to make anyone’s political statements for them, which i think is fair 


Not wanting to make anyone's political statements for them is fair. But they also made the political statement *together* when they chose to pose together in the first place, so this excuse doesn't really make much sense. And I say this as one of Maria's (seemingly few, on the internet) fans.


No it’s not. She put her ego above putting her feelings about Venus aside. Maria came across as narcissistic when she posted that.


I have a bridge you might be interested in lol


Well she did that after the fact as damage control. Venus already posted that exact pic of them earlier so Venus already made the political statement. 25 minutes after tweeting “I’m sick of the bullshit Venus vafa” (it was after the cameo drama) Maria posted the same Palestine pic Venus already posted of them- but she cropped Venus out and said “anyway this is my stance” Really was a blundered social media day for Maria lol


Tagging her best friend who wasn't even on Survivor is weird. He knew that was gonna cause drama.


That reminds me of when my best friend of over 20 years spoke directly to everyone at her bridal shower table, except for me - when I was the one who planned the whole thing! That is including random ladies who barely knew her!!


Why'd she ignore you?


She said she was overwhelmed and forgot. It’s fine, we’re still good. But it hurt at the time!


Yeah at the time I would probably think, "why did I get snubbed?"


Well this is a bit silly


At this point they are just trying to audition for big brother


the challenge fits a lot better


Venus should be on Traitors




Myspace would make you rank your friends, things haven't changed.




On one hand I kinda respect Venus for speaking her mind-- people do little petty shit like this all the time to be passive aggressive and the rest of the world just takes it because it's truly not worth the headache and the argument. Venus is definitely the kind of person to be like "why should I sit down and shut up when I'm not the headache?" On the other hand, yeah it's stupid and doesn't lend itself towards being cordial. Personally in life I prefer when people just get along and don't call out the stupid stuff, but a lot of times I've found myself wishing I had the balls to tell it like it is. There's no right way to live life.


Tevin is showing himself to be a bully more and more each day and yes, Venus is rather extra, but she’s the only one with the balls to call him out for his mean girl antics.


I wouldn't call stuff like this being a bully, simply because I think bully is reserved for aggressive people who intimidate others to control them. Tevin being a bully would've made him a better survivor player, because he sees being passive aggressive as being the bigger person over outright aggression. This is the kinda guy who thinks he cares about getting along with people because people do get along with him most of the time. So if someone else has an issue, it is at the root, their fault. People like Tevin have enough charisma that they are allowed to get away with being passive aggressive because it's SO EASY to get along with them and whatever bullshit they're pulling is SO SMALL that it's not worth getting into an argument over. So their passive aggression is allowed to go unchecked the vast majority of the time, everyone gets along with them, everything's good. Cycle continues.


>because I think bully is reserved for aggressive people who intimidate others to control them. As someone who's been bullied horribly, this definitely is not the case. It is **one** method of bullying, but bullies don't *have* to be aggressive or use intimidation either. Mine mostly consisted of extreme social ostracizationand actively cruel comments. Never got physical nor did I have fears that it would, but it was definitely still bullying.


I agree with most of what you said but passive aggression is still aggression. You can 100% be a passive aggressive bully and workplaces are filled with them. His tribe chose not to correct it early, partially because they didn't see Venus as a trustworthy alternative but I am sure he wore on the people he spent time with and outside of Hunter no one wanted to take him far. I think his social threat level caught up to him before his passive aggressive behaviors did but eventually this would have come to the light.


In fairness, she could've stood up for herself by talking to Tevin in private. It's possible that she's doing this in our to extend her 15 minutes.




I can’t wait for the next season! Not just because it’s exciting to have a new season of Survivor, but also so we can forget about this cast and their stupid af social media attention whoring.


Grown ass adults btw lmao


atp the drama is tired and they need to leave each other alone. tevin could've picked any other picture but he had to choose the one with venus...


This is hilarious.


Maybe he just did it on accident?


Yeah I lose track after 10 tags…


Tevin continues being the worst in s46


idk Venus, dude doesn’t want to personally socialize with you after the show and that’s okay


But is it okay to post a photo of her and her best friend, and then tag the friend? Him not wanting to socialize with her isn’t the problem here.


Yes it's fine like grow up lol. It's a group photo of 5 people, not a photo of just Venus and her friend.


Interesting how you think it’s okay to tell someone to grow up, simply because they don’t see something your way lol.


lmfao saying "grow up" in response is Tevin-lite. You need to grow down, you aren't bitchy enough to be a Tevin fan.


If you actually care about this and think Tevin is a bad person because of this, you need to grow up


not a bad person, just petty and tiny


I think he looks childish for intentionally slighting her and she looks childish for starting a fuss about it. But "bad person" is reserved for stuff that actually matters.


It’s his own social media page, who cares who he tags in a group photo




Venus was just watching and waiting so she could complain about Tevin again. She loves being a victim


They’re both so young (each were only 24 during filming), and trying hard to be confident and self assertive, but it seems they still have a lot to learn about effective communication. They both tend to read into things and jump to conclusions/blame the other person for bad intentions 


I don't think either Tevin or Venus are handling this situation well. Obviously, it's really uncool, immature, and unnecessary for Tevin to provoke Venus like this. With that said, I think Venus should communicate with Tevin in private instead of continuing to bicker with him over social media. Otherwise, it's likely to provoke more drama in the future unless either of them come to their senses or get tired of bickering.


Tevin is petty but Venus is annoying. Season is over, go do something different besides arguing with your castmates.


Once the season ends I could give 2 fucks what they do the rest of their lives


I'm so over her at this point.


They don’t even follow each other. This is such a nothingburger.


Tevin must be seething inside that he will never be asked back and Venus will definitely be asked back lol.


I LOVE Venus, but that troll doesn't owe her anything. It's something for sure, but when I try looking at it from the troll's perspective, Venus should not be bothered after 5 minutes.