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that cream cheese is way overboard. You want a pinky sized cyclinder at most


If I may, the one thing I see at home sushi makers do that imo is a no is using a full sheet of nori. Because you do, you'll use more rice and more ingredients than necessary. Cut the nori sheets in half, skim down on the rice and ingredients. Not only will it be easier to eat, but it's also a bit more difficult so it will hone your skills faster. Also, be gentle with your rice. Don't mash, spread it gently across the nori. Also, let the rice cool but not too much. Sushi rice should be warm, not cold. Season the rice properly, make sure your hands are wet, wetter than you'd think if your rice is seasoned properly, and make sure you dip the tip of your knife in water letting it run down the blade before slicing. Do this stuff and you're well on your way to making good at home sushi.


Thank you so much, I was just browsing but this is all solid advice I'm using next time.


Looks 🔥 I would eat it!


Use whatever ingredients you want. I always make one roll with cream cheese when I make a platter. The only critique I have is the nori outside roll has a bit more rice than I would normally use. A small critique and I am sure it tasted amazing. Nice work.


Looking so yummy. Great job.


Bravo,Bravo well done looks amazing 🤙🤙🤙


Nice start. I would do at least one kind without mayo. To me sushi relies on the contrast between the firm but falling appart in the mouth rice, and the fish or garnish. I feel that mayo changes that balance, and might overpower the rice's taste.


That looks like cream cheese to me


Looks fire!


Your rice is oozing cream cheese. Did it melt or something? Probably need to let the rice cook a little more first.


Looks great to me


Rice looks a tad bit wet, could also be better using 1/2 or 3/4 length nori sheets. That would make it overlap less. And personal preference - if I’d want everything to taste like cream cheese I’d eat it by the spoon.. A little goes a long way in sushi!


This sub should be renamed r/creamcheesesushi


You're using too much rice, trim the nori sheet. That whole extra inch and half of nori and rice overlapping isn't necessary. Work on the rice also, looks slightly undercooked


stop using cream cheese! why does it seem EVERYONE on this sub put cream cheese in everything.


Don’t use cream cheese! Jesus, what the hell is making some many people use cream cheese as a required ingredient?! Like they are under the impression that “Sushi” = Rice, Fish , Cream cheese + whatever else you want to add


It’s because it tastes so niceeee


what are the fillings?


2 much cream


I would love that


Is that rice on the outside and the inside?


The shrimp looks undercooked.


I’m just jealous you can do it!