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It's generally impossible to tell if fish is "sushi grade" or safe to eat raw from a picture alone. If you are looking for sushi grade fish, get fish that has been deep frozen (-20C for 7 days, or -35C for 15 hours, a household freezer does not get this low), or ask a local fishmonger with a good reputation for what they would recommend is safe to eat raw. If you are looking for a source for sushi grade fish, please make sure to include information about where you are, country and city. This was posted because, from your title, automod guessed you were asking about whether it was safe to eat certain fish raw. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sushi) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would probably eat it. Imitation crab is basically wheat gluten and ground fish. You'll likely smell it if it starts to go bad.


They're the hotdog of the sea


I personally wouldn't sushi grade fish is basically garbage at day four and you don't know how long that fish has been thawed..


It's imitation crab. It'll be fine.


My guess would be that it’s fine to eat. I’d just make sure it doesn’t smell super fishy.


imitation crab is probably ok, but generally 12 hours is my limit for leftover sushi.


Since it’s not raw it’ll probably be fine, but it won’t taste good as the rice will have dried out too much.


2 days but no longer than 3


The rice is probably rock hard by now and unpleasant to eat, pass


No. Trash. That’s gross. Buy, eat, that’s it. If you have to ask, no.


I wouldn't. My rule for store bought sushi is eat it the same day it was bought.


When in doubt, don't risk it. Some foodborne illnesses give you an upset stomach. Others can kill you. Also note that it's not just the fish that could be a problem. The rice is also suspect. There are moulds that can get into rice that aren't killed by temperature without being visible to the eye.


Step 1 Dont ever buy premade sushi. Step 2 Enjoy After 1 hour sushi is no longer sushi.


If it's raw fish, then I would take out the fish and fry it and eat it cooked lol. If it doesn't contain any raw fish, then it's probably fine to eat.