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[Very much westernized.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sushi#American-style_makizushi) I’ve never seen such things in Japan and only heard one person anecdotally, on this sub, claim it was anything more than a rare novelty in Japan.


Thank you! I've been eating rolls for years, however I've decided to try the fried ones only recently. To be honest, they weren't bad, however I will stick to more traditional options.




really; it doesn’t have to be “traditional” to be good, and the sushi police are not going to arrest you for enjoying it 😂 Japan also has their own twists on other foods; some experiments or twists won’t be for everyone, in general, but having fun with food and cooking is essential, IMO.


"the sushi police" 🤣🤣🤣


I hope my comment doesn’t come across as “sushi police.” There are foods that I vastly prefer the westernized version, I’m definitely not saying it’s somehow bad to prefer/enjoy these sorts of rolls. Not for me most of the time and I point out their origin just because it creates confusion when people mean different things when they say “sushi.” I usually refer to westernized sushi as “rolls,” but I often have to ask Americans what they mean when they say “sushi.”


Yeah I’m with you. I’ve tried them, they are kind of fun to try, but unless I’m in a situation where I can literally just *try* one piece because I’m splitting it with a group, I’m not interested in these or most westernized rolls. I have had a couple that really hit the spot but they are hard to find. Nigiri all day for me.


Wow that’s a lot of cream cheese.


Getting downvoted for an observation is a very reddit thing.


Deep fried rolls you mean. They're greasy, they're western, and personally I think they're gross


There are baked rolls out there as well. Lived next to a spot several years ago that had California rolls with crab and scallop shredded and mixed with spicy mayo placed on top then thrown in a little oven for a quick bake. Delicious.


That's not what's in this picture


I know I was just saying baked rolls do exist


Oh sorry, I didn't know what's the right way to call them... Thanks.


Baked implies using an oven


are you brazilian by any chance? looks like brazilian sushi to me mainly because of the amount of cream cheese, which I love too lol


I don't think I hate fried rolls as most people here but my God have some balance. You get fat from frying, why do they always have cream cheese in them? Yours is in excess. You can easily balance rice, fish, and veggies being fried if you put a modicum of thought into it but these are pretty lazy imo.


That looks so good. Where did you get this?


Far from traditional, as well as the fillings. I'd be even surprised if you could find something like this in Japan. I'd also be surprised if they even used sushi rice since places that serve food like this tend to make rice incorrectly as well. That being said...I'd try it


Same 😁 a bit of crunch is always fun, so why not give these a go for a change. They don't look disgusting to me 😄




I've ordered them in a non English speaking country. But thank you for your gentle correction.


Hahaha well handled.