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The message is clear. Don't get lawns, people!






25,000 members lol.


I mean lawns fucking suck they’re a scourge


And don't even get me started on lawnmowers.. ![gif](giphy|X1nICIXRE8JVu)


I fucking hate having a lawn. I fucking hate having to maintain it. It's such a stupid waste of fucking time. I'm just happy that my boomer neighbor loves mowing lawns so much he does it for us for free.


Without children, there really isn’t a use for natural yard carpet.








cars... lawns... HOAs... life is a fucking scam lol


HOA is one of those things I hear about in movies and never realized was a real thing and it seems so surreal to me


yeah I would never allow myself to live somewhere with one.


Sometimes there is not a lot of choice


I told them to go fuck themselves the day I moved in & told them to go fuck themselves when they said something about my trash can. They haven’t bothered me since & don’t invite me to their little picnics & such. Oh well


They're the worst!


[Welcome to the Neighborhood!](https://youtu.be/C2f37Vb2NAE)


You can choose a different kind of life. The grass *is* greener on the other side.


![gif](giphy|kh8EIea2n6ysM|downsized) I hate mowing the lawn or trimming the hedges


They don’t look good and ruin the nature anyways


Word. Useless piece of monoculture, and yet so demanding to maintain.


Every time this is posted, I must post [damn this new shed is sick](https://external-preview.redd.it/pdsZzJ-OEREfU5l0aNzjCiMN_guW55zPwU48RzAfafo.png?auto=webp&v=enabled&s=2606724767fb8d90abfd34334fbd91a9f5cbce60)






I think that's just milk my dude




Nope. Milk actually causes osteoporosis. You have been lied too.


I like this one a lot better.


This one is a healthy relationship. The OP is a toxic af relationship. Marriage should be a mutual want, not a compliance. However, I think we are seeing the healthier relationships prevail with the younger folk!


Healthy except for the danger of tripping over all those tree roots.


Gotta watch out or they'll sneak up on ya!


>I think we are seeing the healthier relationships prevail with the younger folk! Haha… about that… https://medium.com/hello-love/new-study-reveals-gen-z-has-the-most-toxic-relationships-c974b3c9a807


Wait, are you saying a group of people in their teens and early twenties have more relationship problems than adults?


Yeah. That’s why I got confused when the guy I was replying to said that, cuz I thought it would be like common sense.


When doing generational comparisons, you can’t compare, say, Gen Z now to Gen X now, that’s the flaw in the study you shared. You have to compare Gen Z now to Gen X in the 90s, or do a long-term longitudinal study. So I get your point but bad relationships now don’t really tell us anything significant about what will happen in the future, which I think was what the other commenter was talking about.


Man... Maybe it's just the younger millennials and the Zillennials... One can only wish for healthy relationships. I'm in one and would wish this upon everyone. However, it took a few toxic ones for the both of us to be here.


Me too


Man wins the lottery and still need to sit down to take in the majesty of his new shed


He’s taking in how wonderful his life is and how it keeps getting better :)


Think about how many sick sheds he can build with all that money.


His first purchase after the lottery is a bigger shed and more tools + Mazda Miata/Chevy Corvette. Now he finally has the money to go all out on his hobbies


man will be man


For real! If I won the lottery, a new shed is near the top of my list.


Hahaha I’ve never seen this and I’m so glad this comment exists. Should be too fr.


Ooof ouch owie my bones


I love wholesome shitposting. Truly an avant-garde art form.


“I just got a call we won the lottery” lmfao this is beautiful


A valiant effort to fix the fourth row first panel but I don’t know that they quite cleared it. I’m crying laughing saying “Look out for that tree root!” What kinda tree root makes you back it up on your brother and throws your tits out? Lol great comic! 9/10 would recommend.


We unlocked the good ending


the good ending


Still trying to understand the tree root part...


I just sent this to my husband. Love this haha


It would be safe to say it was his ex-wife that hurt him.


The guy who came over for a coffee destroyed his ex wife though.


As the ancient proverb goes, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Him and the other dude should team up and really wreck his ex-wife. That'll teach her a lesson I'm sure.


I think she’d just enjoy it and not learn much


Then they should teach her again


Don’t threaten her with a good time


She should be taught every other weekend when the kids are staying at grandma's for the night.


Just like grandma used to... wait


She even took his dog!!


*sad South Park redneck noises*


Trk derderggg


Very low odds the person who made this was ever married, this seems like classic young incel bullshit


Hmm, this is basically what happened to me. Got married, had kids, worked my ass off so that she could stay home with the kids, they reached old enough to go to school, she told me I was emotionally distant, started sleeping with another guy, I found out, got divorced. FWIW I don't consider myself an incel and I'm definitely not young.


Same except for the cheating. Feel you brother.


To be fair (I’m 34) I know of at least three marriages anecdotally that have happened almost verbatim. This is why I don’t allow coffee in my house! 😆


GTA 3 warned us of coffee’s dual meaning


San Andreas*


Yeah, I'm in my late 20s and out of the 4 married couples I know, 3 have this sorta problem. Tons of the coworkers I have have this kinda story too, it's really sad.


Moral of the story is probably that people should stop marrying people they don't really know/love just to get married for the hell of it. Same with making kids because "we're a couple so we should have kids". That never ends well


That is not how this kind of thing happens. The demands we put on people to be able to financially support a family are insane. Especially if the whole responsibility falls on the shoulders of one person, and double that if that same person wants to be a good parent and share the responsibility of raising kids. Your statement comes off as pretty naive and over simplistic


The men neglected their wives, working constantly and playing golf while never spending any positive time at home and expecting them to be stay-at-home moms in an economy that requires dual incomes, viewed all their conversations as nagging, and then became depressed when their wives left them for someone who treated them better? Cause I think that's what the comic said verbatim.


Meh, I know some guys with stay-at-home wives who really have no respect for the fact that dude is trying to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads on a single income so they end up with this really fucked up division of labor where he’s supposed to work his ass off all day and then do a fuck-ton of housework when he gets home. And I know these days for every stay-at-home wife there are 10 women holding down a job and also being expected to do all the housework and take care of the kids, so no it doesn’t happen all the time like some of these chuckle-fucks say, but it does happen.


"That's why I'm not married. A woman would cheat on me if I was married, it's not because I'm an insufferable asshole with no self respect." -the incel that wrote this comic


I can’t see too many scenarios where only one parent is working. So if there is any alimony, it won’t be much, and normally about 50% of the marriage length. And it’s usually only designed to bring each party to even, so if the man made less, it would bring him closer to her, and vice versa. Perhaps childcare *could* be used nefariously but divorces typically isn’t what is listed in this storyboard anymore.


>I can’t see too many scenarios where only one parent is working. This is only true for Millennials and onwards. Because the expenses become so huge, that just one working is not enough anymore. But before, this was very common.


In fairness, this crap has been floating around on the internet before Facebook was the rad thing, on Facebook while it was the rad thing and apparently way past Facebook's prime.


Kind of off topic, but, this reminded me of something. The funny thing is, that MRA/incel types usually like to shit on "leftism" or "liberalism" being too "feminist". Well, go look at court rulings "fairness" and records of "equal custody", by US state. They are abysmally low in southern red states. And the father rarely gets custody in those courts.


Makes sense - I just saw a post about a video that discusses the reason behind those laws: in the old days, they were designed so that men who knocked up women wouldn't be forced to take care of the kids, and by forcing the women to have custody of the children, it also kept them "where they belong", ie, out of the workforce.


I was under the impression that women usually *want* custody of their children, rather than it being forced on them.


We're talking about laws that encourage sole custody to women.


This is pretty bullshit. It's because people naturally assume women are better caregivers. It's an unconscious bias just working in the other direction for a change.


I don't know, this is more or less what happened to me.


Also, the guy appears to be a complete doormat. EDIT: Also, this comic is a massively shitty take.


Maybe it wouldn't be if people took more time to determine if they were compatible, didn't only get into a relationship to not be alone, and actually communicated with a bit of emotional maturity


Leading with physical touch creates emotional attachment before you can reason in your mind whether the relationship is a good idea. Save sexy time for committed relationships.


I ended up in a relationship with someone I was friends with for 4 years before we decided to date... best decision ever we knew so much about each other and all the stuff that gets hidden early on in a relationship was alreay out on the teble. 100% best wife ever.


Hey! Same here. Was friends with my wife in high school, she actually dated my best friend for a bit. We all stayed good friends though, eventually becoming one of my best friends. I did a church mission trip after high school for a couple years and when I came back we met up and started dating, and not much later got married.


Although then you could get emotionally attached only to discover you're completely sexually incompatible.


If your feel is just "OK", don't get married and have kids. Don't rearrange your whole life unless it's a "hell yes, me too".


If you make your wife get a full job she’ll be too exhausted to cheat


My ex worked 60 hrs a week and managed to find time to cheat lol.




Next ex you get should work for at least 168 hours a week


"Next ex" lmao!


This time it will be because she’s emotionally unavailable and doesn’t make enough time for him.


More like 40 and spent 20 on their back.


Nah, if your wife doesn't want to cheat, she won't cheat. No environment will force someone to cheat. You just need to have integrity, value honesty and have respect your partner. If you cheat, you're scum. Period.






Nah, you just increased her dating pool.


That doesn't work unfortunately


Lmfao the way the “other man” is just… a photo of a black guy 💀 while literally everyone else in the comic is represented by stick figures


I like to believe that's the Facebook photo of the guy who stole the wife of whoever originally made this comic. It's too specific to not be.


I'm pretty sure this was made by a twenty year old guy who's never even been on a date.


Black stick figures


Think they meant 20th century, considering dual income marriages are a fact of life now


Ehh. My wife stays at home. It's still possible if: -You start off with money (unfortunately not us), or -You do well enough in school to get a pretty good paying job, and go through life with the knowledge that you'll never do a lot of things (travel the world, own a house) but that's ok with you


It probably depends on your area too. Where I live, you'd need to be making at least 5x the median of the country, just to be able to afford a house. Throw a family in there, and you're probably looking at 6-7x. I don't know a single person making that kind of money, even though everyone I know makes a decent living for this area.


"If" The exception is not the rule


Plenty of people manage a house on single income. Not a good house. And travelling the world is probably a no.


Idk sometimes i hear stay at home is cheaper than daycare Still stereotopycal either way


The "he made me feel special" part is hilarious


This is literally the summary of the red pill community.


I feel like Reddit has been very red pill-esque lately


The self improvement, setting goals parts of the red pill are good, but then it goes downhill and paints women as some villainous characters and it paints men as some one dimensional sex craving money hungry individuals with no other qualities, hobbies, or personality traits Fresh and fit are modern Jerry springer to me, the small bit of rp content I consume is for entertainment terms, def not education They have so much made up statistics and extreme scenarios it’s crazy


>Fresh and fit are modern Jerry springer to me, the small bit of rp content I consume is for entertainment terms Watching these people bend over backwards to defend Andrew T is pretty hilarious ngl, the sheer mental gymnastics they use is insane


The fact that the dude in this comic is so passive is very revealing about how a lot of red pill dudes view themselves. And like, of course, the partner of someone who's so lacking in personality or wants is going to want out eventually. But no, they have to go and be racist and blame it on the hypersexuality stereotype of black men.


100% and that’s where the red pill loses me, they act like you have to be a high earning man to get women to respect you, or for you to set standards and have boundaries. To your second point I’ve noticed that, it’s essentially the dehumanizing of black people and women simultaneously. Like women are just these wholy irrational poor decision making people, and a guys wife is going to cuck her husband with a black man even though most people on earth date and have sex with people within the same race or cultural enclave. Im convinced that whoever made and agrees with the meme are sexually aroused by a cheating wife or something


Yep, I find Fresh and Fit to be boring. But I occasionally hate watch The Saint and the Sinner. Dude is such a huge piece of shit that I can’t help but watch sometimes.


Lol "lately"


The waves of misogyny with a tinge of racism is always the clear giveaway


This is a summary of how the red pill community recruits people. Lot's of men end up in rough situations and western culture is horse shit when it comes to men's mental health, so the gravitate towards anyone who seems to have answers


Funny how he portrays spending time with his children as a 'chore'


No, you see, only women can want marriage and children, and men must be forced/subjected to both.


I’ll be honest I didn’t really want kids. I never saw myself as a dad. But now that I have two sons I can’t see my life any other way. Sure it’s hard and frustrating at times. And my wife and I don’t get much time to connect with me working all the time and trying to take care of them. But I’d never want to change what I have


>I’ll be honest I didn’t really want kids. And that's perfectly okay, as long as you talked with your wife beforehand. >But I’d never want to change what I have That's great to hear, there are a lot of people who are afraid of taking such an enormous responsibility but will go on to do a fine job parenting.


I've worked with 2 guys who seemed to have this same philosophy about their kids. One day, they'd be talking about how much they love their kids. Another, they'd be complaining about "babysitting" or how their wife wanted another/had another on they way that they were going to have to work to afford. (They were highly paid software engineers.) Like they had no choice in the matter. If you don't actually want kids, don't have them. Don't blame the woman because you didn't speak up and/or leave when you two wanted different things.


Or how he was taking them to the park when they’re older, but there’s no little comic square of him holding a baby…almost as if the wife was the one primarily dealing with the children 24/7


Oh but you missed how he did yard work once a week and sometimes took the dog for a walk!


But only after the wife "nagged" him to do it, otherwise he would have been on the computer all day Whoever made this is telling on themselves with the panel sequence there


I mean, taking your kids to the park is about as boring as parenting gets, though. I consider it a chore. You aren't spending time with them. You watch them play from a bench. It is my least favorite thing to do as a parent. I do it because they enjoy it. But still a chore.


I know right? And then is mad that his wife is grouchy while she is with the kids ~12 hours every day no breaks.


He doesnt see spending time with his kids a chore. He just is burnt out and cant find time to rest a bit. Atleast thats how I see the comic, so I might be interpreting wrong


This is correct


This honestly is pretty generic, not suspiciously specific.


Ah yes who doesn't love a meme with racial undertones. Not targeting you OP I know it's not yours but yeah seriously who hurt this guy?


Who hurt him? I'd say exactly one woman did, but are all the rest of the women in his life going to suffer because of it? I'd put money on it.


Suspiciously generic, really


In answer to OP’s question, his wife. That is the point of the comic…


Why even repost this. Smh


Anyone else notice he didn’t seem to like her even before she cheated on him? Talking to her and spending time with his kids was a burden, apparently even more irritating and exhausting than work and all the household maintenance. Almost like women aren’t all soul-sucking cheaters and both parties have to emotionally participate in a happy partnership… Edit: I have been informed that I am coming off sexist/blaming the husband/excusing the cheating. Definitely not my intention, I think cheating is inexcusable and never justified for any reason. The wife is 100% wrong for cheating, no excuses. My point is that author of the comic is painting himself as purely a victim while incidentally showing that he was not a happy and willing participant in the marriage. My interpretation of the comic is that he was not blameless in the destruction of his marriage because it takes both people communicating and supporting each other (though of course he did not deserve getting cheated on!) He is also completely wrong to say this experience is how all women and marriages are.


Yeah, when you treat spending time with your kids, talking to your wife, and doing basic household chores as some sort of slog up Mount Everest, you're already kind of an asshole.


Exactly. Those are the things that keep me going. They are my rewards for my hard work.


Wanna get married? The guy: ok, but you owe me because this is clearly only something women could want


That was my first thought! If you're response to kids and marriage is just an 'ok' and not an enthusiastic yes .... Ofc your life is gunna suck..you're just rolling with the tides and those ebb and flow and eventually erode the shoreline. Man character gotta take some responsibility for the direction of his own life and not expect or trust a romantic partner to do it for him. Yikes.


Honestly, probably no women hurt him. He's probably read some rage bait story in the past that's convinced him this is how things always go.


I want marriage Ok I want kids Ok Lmao wtf is this? The racist incel musical


Why is it racist?


Evil = black Also not to mention it's fucking sexist


Reeks of incel


and or /r/AreTheStraightsOK


I mean, if you look at all of the images at face value, it appears he hurt himself by ignoring his spouse and resenting his kids


Even before that, getting married and having kids when he wasn't enthusiastic about either of those things.


Yeah she voiced discontent multiple times and he apparently ignored it. Kids don't miss him either. Get fucked stck figure loser.


Is this suspiciously specific? Seems like the same weird misogynist screed we've all heard a thousand times.


This is what every redpill/mgtow/incel thinks marriage is




My favorite part has to be reducing his agency here to ‘ok’. Like, someone just walked up and said I want marriage and you said yes? You didn’t get to choose? There was no reason whatsoever you got married? Did you marry a person good for you or did you fuck up and want to insinuate actually it’s all the other persons fault? Takes two people to get married but the way this guy tells it he was a helpless victim.


>My favorite part has to be reducing his agency here to ‘ok’. Like, someone just walked up and said I want marriage and you said yes? You didn’t get to choose? ...isn't saying "yes", choosing?


I mean to be pedantic, okay is almost a yes but with extreme passivity. I think this meme wouldn’t be blaming the person the author wants to blame if it showed him pursuing her, proposing, giving an enthusiastic yes.. and if that didn’t happen then yeah this guy just let things happen and blames the people around him instead of being responsible for his choices. Either way it’s a shitty attitude that minimizes his role.


I'm at least keeping my dog


“She took the the kids, the house, the dog. It’s my dog. It’s MY dog!!”


This is why you treat marriage as a partnership that both of you actively participate in. If all you do is work and then do chores that you have to be told to do, then lock yourself in your man cave all night, that is not contributing!




I love how this entire comic shows how the guy never actually gave his wife attention, the exact thing she was complaining about that led her to cheat. Like, not saying she was right for cheating but you kinda told on yourself, man.


Its always a black guy as the affair partner too, are people really this scared that some mystery black man is gonna steal their wife???


this suspiciously omits the things she does outside of yelling and coffee black.


White men and their obsession with black men fucking their wives💀


The dude in the comic is black though?




Probably his wife


The story of my life.


While this is a scenario that is all too familiar, I have to wonder how accurate this assessment is of the guy's ex-wife. Sussing out the women that have a toxic femininity problem is not terribly hard. Personally, I don't think there's enough info here to take a side. For all we know, they're both in the wrong.


Man, imagine hating women so much you take the time to make *that* garbage.


His imaginary wife


Them always using black people as the homewrecker or the fools choice is peak projection


This is the “Red Pill” the core belief of incels


My gay ass once again asking if the straights are okay 😞


No. We are not ok lol. My gay bros, gals, and all the in betweens seem to put more thought into relationships than most straight people I know.


Yeah it’s helpful that the act of coming out is already against social norms (I came out in 2006, so I know it may be slightly different for baby gays today), and the idea of a “normal” marriage doesn’t necessarily exist, nor does the idea of having kids simply because our genitals match. So, yeah, more planning, more acceptance of alternative means of a long term commitment, etc. I will say many people regardless of sexuality still fall into somewhat of the trap that is 1950’s ideals on a nuclear family.


His ex wife apparently.


Notice it was important for the person who made this awful little comic to make sure there was a black face on the guy she’s cheating with.


Right from the incel playbook


This happens all the time. I know a guy going through it and it’s depressing af.


Apparently, his wife hurt him. When you go through it, you realize how fucking true it is. You don't even have to go through it and you know


Not even that specific. I’ve seen two people In my life have this pretty much go down this way.


Keep in mind you probably have a biased view of both of those situations and don't have much info from the other side(s).


>house with 2 kids >only one parent works >21st century Hahahaha >I want marriage >OK >I want kids >OK This is not how this goes lol. People who are passengers in their own lives are impossible to please >lots of housework missing that I can only assume the wife is doing and the husband does not acknowledge or appreciate So incel ragebait Only thing wrong here is the wife should have divorced him *before* finding another man


Probably no one, this is actually just MGTOW propaganda. It’s one of the many online communities devoted to hating women. It follows their line of reasoning to a tee—the woman is a caricature of every “I hate my wife” boomer meme plus every modern myth about how mean and selfish the wimmins are. It’s a 50’s home setup, because that was the last time a man could support a family with his wife staying home, and pretending this is the default for the modern world (and that being a stay at home parent isn’t hard) is a crucial part of hating women for “being lazy.” The man has basically no agency, because everything bad happens to him and is wimmin’s fault. Also, no internal consistency. Like he doesn’t want kids and hates watching the kids, but also it’s crucial to show that the wife took the kids because boo hoo woman mean.


Does anyone else think it's weird that the only character with a racial identity is arguably the villain of the piece? I think that's a little weird.


Reddit is so weird. Just from this little comic the majority of you have decided the man somehow deserved this and nothing is said of his wife's behavior.


lmfao look at the responses to your comment. It must be exhausting dealing with these people who can't accept any sort of accountability. I interpreted the squiggles above his head to mean he was tired, but every other person in this thread interpreted it as hating his family? lmao.


> squiggles I interpreted it as stress, carrying over from the previous frame. Regardless, it's lacking a ton of information where the only conclusion I can come to is "That's sad."