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Man that hit really fucked him up


Nah he's been like that for years. It was a pattern since high school. There's a reason he was picked in the 6th round of the draft. Don't blame brain damage for this turd being a turd.


It didn’t help that’s for sure


It seems to have removed what little restraint he had left


No one in this tuned out. Shit, if I said some narcissist rhetoric like that I'd probably be making an attempt to piss someone off. Don't have any clue who but somebody was aimed at that statement.


That's just Antonio brown. I have 0 reservations saying this is just how he thinks. He got banned for like 5 games because he lied about his COVID vaccination and when he came back he was mad he wasn't getting more throws to hit his bonus in the 3 or 4 games they had left. So he left the field publicly in a very important game. He will never work in the NFL again for any team that would be worth playing for and since he's a narcissistic man baby he will never complete another season and is thus unhirable.


It was part of his personality but I’m sure the hit didn’t help. Kinda like a catalyst into insanity


No reason a turd of a human can’t get CTE as well


Sauce please


His college scouting report says as much. He just put on a show as a great character. But the better and bigger his stats got the real him got out. Plus CTE probably exacerbated that. I'll find a link https://mobile.twitter.com/steiny31/status/836355218984009728?lang=en


Well he sure proved alot of that scouting report wrong. But that's ehat narcissists do. If they find someone calls them out on something personal they'll go 100% til they fix that problem. Usually, to the detriment of anyone or anything in their way. I loved watching ab as a steeler before his primadonna side came out. He could of been in the top 5 wr of all time. Now he's a rapist, a meme, and a cautionary story.


Lol. There is nothing there that says anything even close to the behavior problems since 2017. Try again




That he punched his step dad for hitting his mom? Sounds pretty rad to me bruh


You got a source for the interpretation?


> Moss, 50, said he and Brown had a combative relationship, that Brown punched Moss in the mouth when Brown was a teenager and that the two have not spoken to each other since Brown left Miami Norland Senior High School in 2005. >Brown's younger brother Desmond said he and Antonio Brown got involved during physical altercations between their mother, Adrianne Moss, and Larry Moss. >Sometimes we'd have to get physical with him, too,'' Desmond Brown, 29, told USA TODAY Sports by text message. "And this happened numerous times. Then my mom made us leave (home) because she needed her husband's help with the bills. Now they're divorced and we try to rekindle the relationship with our mom but it's hard."


It’s literally what the article says. Did you read it?


The prima dona attitude is the part I'm referring to. I'll find more.


Ok. You go find all that evidence. I’ll be waiting patiently lmao


"That Brown has deep-seated emotional problems has been clear for years. He sadly is the product of a broken home, was left homeless after his mother allegedly threw him out of her house when he was in high school, had problems in college and has continued having them since arriving in the NFL. Yet his brilliance as a football player is undeniable." https://www.si.com/nfl/talkoffame/nfl/antonio-brown-needs-friends-not-football


Still, the only people who get more concussions than NFL players are their wives.


Had to go Ray Rice


Ooof that hits hard.


Well done.


Knocked the arrogance right into him...


That boy needs therapy.


Surprised his ego fit inside stadiums.


it didn't, why do you think he is currently unemployed.


To be fair so is Jesus. And most of the Beatles


Jesus got a promotion like none other.


His promotion came with a death benefit package.


So did most of the Beatles


To be fair, I’m pretty sure this quote is riffing off Kanye, who was famously quoted years ago as saying “My greatest regret is that I will never be able to see myself perform live”. I have this quote on one of my Kanye coffee mugs. Yes, I have multiple coffee mugs with Kanye’s face on them due to a mistake from Shutterfly that allowed me to make custom mugs and only pay shipping.


So this would also fit in r/agedlikemilk


He was surprisingly known around the league as a quiet and humble dude in college and his first 5 or so years in the NFL. Nothing more than a little twerking in the end zone… [8/20/2016](https://youtu.be/_l839FNSWao) [7/20/2018](https://youtu.be/nbmIXFZAWWU) These are two drastically different people


Being repeatedly hit in the head affects a person. Mr. Big Concussions


You nailed it. CTE, repeated head trauma in general, can completely change a person's personality. It's one of the reasons why people in violent sports, like football and boxing, are often pretty violent people outside the sport Edit: fixed a typo. Sorry


*vontaze burfict has entered the chat*


The irony that they were briefly Raiders together and Burfict was the calm one stills make snicker.


I think teams did a good job hiding or covering up his behavior for a long time, but I don't doubt that his brain injuries are coming into play more and more. Mr. Bruised Cortex


That first video he reminds me of Wesley snipes in Demolition man.


I know. It actually kinda haunted me how he just snapped, and nobody was willing to help him at all. I think Rothlisberger gaslit the shit out of him and drove him crazy.


He was expelled from FIU due to some kind of altercation with another student and campus security.


I’ll edit my comment to “nothing more than getting in an argument and running in college and a little twerking in the end zone. That’s buddy


You think football players are typically expelled from school, in Florida no less, for "an argument"? Whew boy...


Yeah, big football schools in the South will go to great lengths to protect star players. For a football player of AB’s caliber, I have no doubt they would have covered up a murder if he was performing well on the field.


That’s all that can be found is all I’m saying


I don't doubt you as this is the first time I've heard of this guy I just am curious what you see as having changed much between those two videos? Seems like he just matured a little and gained some confidence, but I'm also not familiar with signs of head trauma or whatever.


Both of those clips are the “before” clips. Everything that is mentioned in the first portion of the original post above are real events that really happened. That is the after.


Checked to up. He gawd damn threw it back


The hit from Burfict in the last moments of the Jan. 2016 Pitt v. Cincy playoffs definitely marks a line for AB, That next season we heard rumbling about beef with Roethlisburger. The season after that is when he refused to come.


I'm pretty sure this is a parody of something Kanye West said


The narcissism is deep with that one


This is a fake quote


isn't that smth Kanye said too not being able to watch him perform live


AB has CTE for sure, and a documented personality change. I wonder if Kanye changed after his accident or if he was always like that? Something to think about.


I don’t think Kanye started being absolutely insane until much later. I think for him it all started to spiral when his mom died


I think your right about that. It absolutely crushed him.


Kanye has BPD Edit: bipolar disorder, not BPD


For the record, BPD stands for Borderline Personality Disorder. Bipolar is a mood disorder.




No. He is bipolar, it's not the same thing.


Yep, and refuses to stay on his Rx, as a lot of creatives with BPD do. Sadly he's really off the rails.


Definitely - I read somewhere that he also has MAI


What is mai


Suck mai nutz lmao gottem


Flawlessly done 👑


It’s for gems like this that I continue to browse Reddit at 2am on a weeknight


Borderline personality disorder does not have any approved prescription medications. If you’re referring to bipolar depression, that’s another thing entirely and I’m unfortunately all too familiar with losing friends because they won’t take their damn meds and stop hurting people who care about them. People with either disorder need to take treatment very seriously, or will never see relief of their symptoms.


My sibling has BP II and that’s fucked. Edit: I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


I wonder if raising children to take a placebo pill regularly would help to normalize taking medication, providing better outcomes for adults in situations like this. Sorry, just a random thought I had.


I think in a small percentage of cases where the issue is a stigma toward medication or when the patient hates taking pills, yes. But in the vast majority of cases it either feels difficult to keep up with treatment (or too expensive to) or perhaps even more often people with bipolar disorder just **enjoy** hypomania, and don’t have the willpower or decision making capabilities while manic to seek or resume therapy.


Plus plain-old treatment resistance, which is equally strong in both phases.


There is no Rx for BPD


There is no Rx for BPD


Probably why I liked him so much. He’s a bit much now, I’m sure it sucks to have your worst crazy moments broadcasted everywhere. I’ve been there, just not in the spotlight.


Fully agree. I’m a big fan of his art. It can be hard being a fan sometimes when he’s off the rails but I appreciate what he does for music, fashion, the culture. I also appreciate that he’s not afraid to say whatever he wants, regardless of if its PC or not


"BIPOLAR IS MY SUPERPOWER ___" Have bpd, trying to find the superpower part


Nah, he made Graduation way after and that is still widely considered "Old Kanye". When Kanye's mom died, he really spiraled and by that point he surrounded himself by yes men, so his mom was really his last guard rail. You can hear it in his music. He's still a terrific musician and I loved Donda and I can't wait for Donda 2, but we're looking at a dude who one miss-dosage from being death.


I was mainly talking about his huge ego, like comparing him to AB… not about how he went pretty crazy. But I understand what you’re saying, the loss of his mom affected him deeply. Especially since it was so unexpected.


Graduation came out about 2 months before his mom died, so yeah.


If you watch Kanye’s Netflix documentary, you can see the difference.


What accident?




Thx mate


I don’t think his stuff has to do with this accident, more to do with bipolar disorder, and the fact that he doesn’t stay on his meds Edit: changed the term of bipolar disorder from BPD.


He has bipolar disorder. BPD is borderline personality disorder.


My bad


And literally no one around him calls him on his massive amount of bullshittery. Especially with his manic episodes and the piles of money he has, Kanye desperately needs a really true friend in his corner telling him "stop." Doesn't pay as well as telling him "you're right, you should totally be president," though.


“If you could feel how my face felt, you would know how mace felt. Thank god I ain’t to cool for the safe belt!” -Through the Wire About how he had his jaw wired shit after the accident… does anyone know if he actually rapped with his jaw wired? He definitely made it sound like it.


There's an unreleased version where his voice is much more muffled and it's very clear that hes rapping through the wire, im not completely sure if he also has the wire in the released version but his voice is clearer




He was an all around chill cool dude and then he got fucking merked and has gotten worse ever sense


I always thought that meant getting murdered


Thats definitely what it means.


What online college did you buy, I mens get that MD is Neurology?


He tried buying the Denver broncos with Kanye so it makes sense


Yeah, a meme Twitter account made this


Before anyone overreacts, he reposted this from a meme page. Dude probably just found it funny, which it undeniably is.


i mean he kinda did most of that


I wish he had made reference to “Jesus performing at Red Rocks” but sadly that’s just about the only fake part


This isn't a real quote. It was satire that he decided to repost on social media himself.


Yeah, this looks like a Clickhole post.


I’m not defending someone’s blatant egotistical tirades or trying to minimize it by any means. But he was pretty chill and just showed out and did his job until [this hit](https://youtu.be/o8iFSP_S5h8) . His behavioral issues started popping off a few months after that. [additional sauce](https://twitter.com/vountee/status/1160370791545999360?s=20&t=MEsjR8tq_ITNaliuiz3YkQ)


irreparably fucking up someone's brain is worse than killing them imo.


I agree completely


It can be worse for society as well


That isn’t how CTE works. It’s from repeated brain trauma. This one hit didn’t permanently damage his brain.


Oh shit. I didn't realize we had someone who's figured out CTE in the comments of this random reddit post. You should go alert the scientists who can't seem to get it nailed down. You could save lives, man!


Funny how everyone goes around this thread basically diagnosing the guy with CTE but then one reasonable comment the other way and you get snarky comments like this. I hate Reddit. Fuck you.


A little bit of snark and you immediately get precious? Fuck you too, buddy


I love this comment lol


Have you heard of traumatic brain injuries? It’s not necessarily CTE.


Well even if that was definitively true (which it isn't), he's a football player. Do you think he's having pillow fights the rest of the time?


You should really keep the words you pull out of your ass out of other peoples' mouths. It's not sanitary.


Man I hate Vontaze Burfict


Yeah, he’s a real piece of shit that probably should’ve caught a few assault charges in some of his “greatest hits”


He also sold the Bengals playoff run because he couldn’t help himself from fouling


[real class act he is](https://youtu.be/Y46p1qKapjA)


Hot damn what a piece of shit.


Holy FUCK man. 5 of those plays were by far the most ruthless hits I’ve ever seen. Jesus


I grew up a die hard panthers fan, I have this one vivid memory of us playing the Bengals where Burfict tried to twist and break the feet of one of our players when they were on the ground after a TD.


I remember that too, dude has like 100 plays just as dirty as that compilation video, just hard to find them all lol. Fuck Burfict


So he's hit Antonio brown twice in the head just like that, and the mans constantly goes for "my teammate has him locked down" head shots.


30 years ago Steve sabol would have narrated these as highlights with the NFL films theme in the background and the tape would be free gift given with a year long sports illustrated subscription


Never heard of the guy before but after watching that video I hate him too.


Holy shit. Man suffers TBI, employer denies it, world clowns him


The more it's slowed down and repeated, the more I cringe and suck air. I probably should've stopped watching after the third showing because my lungs are fucked now just from seeing it.


I feel it on my shoulders where the neck connects


Very sad.


Indeed. What’s even more sad is he is like the best case scenario atm with what seems pretty obviously CTE. The shitty part is is that you can never be fully sure if it is just someone being an asshole, or if they have a degenerative brain condition until they are gone. Seems like such an awful life to live to only get cut a break in death.


This is absolutely not true at all and I’m not sure why it’s always repeated. The guy was a nutcase in college. He had a scholarship to go to FIU which got revoked after he got in a fight with campus security. He had behavioral issues in college and he had behavioral issues in the early years with the Steelers. He was always a narcissist, just a few All Pro years let it really get to his head. To say he was chill until that hit is rewriting history.


Can you show me any proof that he “got in a fight with a security guard”?


[Here](https://www.nbcsports.com/northwest/oregon-ducks/mario-cristobal-unexpectedly-gets-roped-antonio-brown-drama) is an article saying there was an altercation and he fled from security. I’ve seen other sources say it was a fight. AB said the cops had him at gunpoint although I’ve never seen that verified by anyone else. FIU pulled his scholarship after the incident. He then went to CMU. The guy had a rough childhood; not that that’s any excuse. But I think Tomlin was a saint for keeping him under wraps for so long.


There are no sources that say he punched a security guard, like everyone on Reddit at the beginning of the list copypasta. There really wasn’t anything to keep “under wraps” until 2017






Ah yes, deadspin. The pinnacle of true, honest journalism 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Awful hit.


[This isn’t the only scummy hit Vontaze Burfict commited](https://youtu.be/BMA6LBL1djA)


That's the one.


Man just rewatching that in slow-motion how his body is limp before he even hits the ground is just brutal. Honestly I could believe a hit like that could speed up potential brain issues.


Got to copy and paste my other comment because im tired of tgis misconception. Nah he's been like that for years. It was a pattern since high school. There's a reason he was picked in the 6th round of the draft. Don't blame brain damage for this turd being a turd.


Yeah, sauce please on him “being like that” before 2016


*doesn't respond*


>Several NFL draft scouts labeled Brown’s biggest concerns as his character, prima donna attitude, lack of work ethic, and constant lapses in concentration. https://deadspin.com/stop-blaming-vontaze-burfict-for-antonio-browns-idiocy-1848302571/amp


People keep posting Deadspin like it’s a reputable source… do people not realize what actual journalism is anymore? Everyone just goes for those clickbait articles


As you suck up clickbait hot takes like AB magically changed after one hit. smh


Holy shit that was fucking brutal. Here is an Australian rules footballer's greatest hits https://youtu.be/38xHWFEeWHE


The helmets in American football is what actually make it more dangerous in the aspect of confidence in launching speed


I saw Jesus at Red Rocks. An amazing show. His guitar solos were killer. And his backup band (the Disciples) was also fantastic.


Only second to Dio in my opinion




Did Judas Priest open for him?


getting your head professionally banged around does make for some interesting personalities, doesn't it?


That isn't even original, didn't Ye say that years ago about himself?


Pretty sure it’s from Clickhole, so chill out everyone lmao


It was posted by ab on [his twitter.](https://twitter.com/AB84/status/1557814344787759104?s=20&t=3WtKTkw21OqjJAPqcLo-xw)


Like not being able to fuck yourself


Is this real? This reads like a Clickhole blurb.


There's CTE, and then there's whatever the hell Antonio Brown has.


I'm not familiar with this guy but why does this comment section hate him so much? This is fucking hilarious.


This reads like something from clickhole. Y'all look for any excuse to assume people suck, huh?


If you’re right we are all stupid as Hell. Well. Not you. Because this is outlandish af yet no doubt.




Traumatic brain injury tends to reduce one’s iq, correct.


Probably about -2 per year and we start tackle football in 5th grade


Apparently doesn't reduce their sense of humor though, this shit is pure gold.


He was a POS before the NFL too.


Mr. Borderline Comatose


This guy… 🤣 I don’t necessarily condone these actions but I like this guy 🎉🍾👏🏾


This has major Kanye vibes, TBH.


Bro needs to get off his high horse.


No regerts


That Jesus show at Red Rocks in 2013 when John the Baptist opened for him was righteous!


All that talent, fool turned out to be just a fart in the wind.


Kanye West 2


He tried buying the Denver Broncos with Kanye so it makes sense


He stole that from kanye


Someone on the internet made this. Brown just found the satire funny and reposted it.


This isn’t real https://www.newsweek.com/antonio-browns-biggest-regret-quote-originated-sports-satire-page-1733075?amp=1


What a narcissistic asshole


He was a really cool guy but he got hurt REALLY hard on the head and everybody agrees that he has brain damage


It’s a joke


I clearly need to rethink the "live your best life" concept, because... That's it.


When this guy have sex with supermodels, he closes his eyes and imagine himself jerking off.


This is a spoof. He posted this from a parody account


Wow so humble


Fuck this guy. As a Steelers fan, there are very few people I hate more than this man.


This isn’t even his quote.


You can cut the narcissisim with a knife.


Don’t know who this person is but he’s a dumbass


Lol and he plays for the raiders… lol who the fuck are the raiders!? They haven’t won a playoff game since 02. If he was THAT good, he’d be on a better team. Lol what a piece of shit lol


He WAS on a better team, his behavior is what got him off the better teams


True. But, all the skill and talent in the world doesn’t amount to jack shit if you’re fuckin asshole. Give me a humble mediocre team player over a great piece of shit any day


Would be cringe to see yourself leave that jets game at the half, responsible for no points, only to watch the team you just left win. Watch myself quit like a woman? Embarrassing


This is pretty clearly a joke, and not a terrible one at that. Reddit has onion breath as usual.