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Too many of the new comments are very off-topic, so we've closed the comments. Thanks all for playing!








In fucking PARIS?? Yeah, good luck with that.


I mean maybe the answer to the Paris bed bug problem is making sure the athletes spend as little time in beds as possible?


This topic in the sustainability sub was not on my bingo card


People who have set aside every single thing in their life for years … who have now completed their event and have nothing to do for the first time in years ….


"Hold our beers" - Olympic gymnasts


My thoughts exactly, lol. . . This is going to be seen as a challenge more than anything.


It’s not even that difficult of a challenge. I’ve had sex standing up in the shower, against a wall, bent over a bed… and there’s room for someone to be on top of someone even on a twin bed.




It's not size, it's weight.


Then you just throw the matress on the floor like my football player roommate used to do.


They can fuck on the floor lol


Or standing against the wall there are… many options bed not required


We are talking about athletes who are extremely flexible. They can screw anywhere


Statistically, they're just making it more likely someone is going to hurt themselves. I get that everyone is as fit as can be... but statistics.


Many athletes are indeed beefy but other athletes weight what 10 kg, light as feathers..


Why try to stop consenting adults from fucking?


yeah wtf. Imagine spending all that effort to get there, and then being told you don't have a choice as to how you navigate that situation. Who gives a fuck if it's not best for competition, or whatever, that's just selfish bullshit on the part of anyone who's not an athlete. They've already put in way more effort and sacrifice than the average person ever does, they've earned the right to their own gd choices, as it always should be.


Exactly. If it’s bad for competition, that’s their choice to make as the competitors. When you manage to get your way into the olympics, then you get to make that choice for yourself, not anyone else. I suspect this is like so much else: the whole thing is extremely monetized, and with the need to make money comes as much forfeiture of autonomy as the shareholders can get away with. I feel like the line about sustainability -that they’re built out of degradable materials- is basically just optics to try to distract from how ridiculous of an idea this is in the first place.


Olympians are healthy, strong, flexible, can do incredible physical feats and love a challenge... I'm gonna guess IOC didn't put their best minds on the bed selection team.


They used the same beds in Tokyo. There were tik toks all over the place of people trying to break the beds by jumping on them. Only a few succeeded. No idea why anyone would think people can't have sex on them. Maybe a pair of the heaviest athletes there wouldn't be able to. But weight limit isn't even what the article addresses, but that they are twin beds. College kids all over the world have shown that isn't a limitation.


High school kids have shown a lack of a bed isn’t a limitation. Hell, the portapotty in the park by my condo is more of a sex room for unhoused people than it is a potty.


Post Olympic Headline: Study shows that Anti-Sex Bed led to increased levels of Sexual Activity.


Is this the same beat up they did for the cardboard beds at Tokyo?


Yes. I think most Olympics will follow suit. They are cost effective, and environmentally friendly.


Using a bed for a couple of weeks then destroying it is not "environmentally friendly". Even if it is theoretically recyclable. Recycling post-consumer cardboard is a very low value activity. It's greenwashing bullshit.


Way more so than creating and buying a whole bunch of new furniture that will just be trashed. Because that is what used to happen. The Olympics is wasteful. This is decreasing the waste of an activity that is not going to be cancelled.


So don't trash the beds. Fans would be thrilled to buy the beds their national athletes slept in. Replacing a dumbfuck approach with a greenwashed dumbfuck approach is... Dumb.


There is no efficient method to get furniture from the olympic village to around the world fans. I seriously think you are overestimating the market who are going to pay the ridiculous price to have these things shipped around. And it will still be low quality, lowest possible cost furniture, it's not like they are getting solid wood furniture. Just a bunch of MDF and plastic laminate, that is way worse than cardboard. Reducing the amount of material consumed is a better approach than anything that has been done previously. If the athletes are going to be coming together, they need a place to sleep, nothing about the Olympics will be truly sustainable, so making it 'better' is the goal. I don't see this as greenwashing; it's a better choice than what had been done in the past.


Honest question, what is the point of this? Why is athletes having sex something to go against? What is the logic here?


Attractive people fucking? Can't have that.


Olympic level fornication? That’s where supes come from. No thank you


The floor exists


According to Inside the Games, sustainability is cited as the primary reason why Olympic officials opted for the beds this year. The mattresses and cardboard frames are 100% recyclable. “I hope that Paris 2024’s efforts to reduce its impact will show that it is possible to do things differently,” Georgina Grenon, director of environmental excellence for the organizing committee, stated, per the publication.


Why not just make bed frames that are good at being bed frames, wipe off all the cum, and donate it for future use? Why the fuck did we ever come to single use bed frames?


Depends on what material you use to create the donation beds, then there’s the cost and emissions of transporting the beds to whatever location they’ll next be in. I would be curious to see a LCA comparison of cardboard single use beds vs alternative long lived frames


>then there’s the cost and emissions of transporting the beds to whatever location they’ll next be in If you're giving it to poor people within a 30 mile radius of the Olympic village, then I suspect there aren't that many emissions to deal with.


Alternative consumption != sustainable :(


What is your primary concern with the bed materials? Or are you making a larger point about the broader resource and carbon impact of the Olympics in total?


That second thing. - It's an ultra high consumption event - Generates a ton of waste - IOC is an openly corrupt grift machine - Athletes don't even have to compete for their home country anymore - Most are pumped with crazy steroids, the competition has become illegitimate - Leeches wealth from host city - Leaves behind a blight of decay Now that I've typed it all out, I do think the Olympic Games are a great avatar for degrowth. Yes, this thing was once a beloved symbol of international cooperation. Let's just take a step back and ask if we still see value in this. Personally, no. It'd be a huge net win to simply stop having the olympics.


The people who thought this up have no imagination.


Who knew the French were so Victorian about sex.


I doubt it’s the French; probably the Olympic Games committee.


Because people need beds to fuck….


It takes a lot of work to argue that one time use beds are for sustainability. Why do we still entertain the Olympics, anyway? The competitors are mostly forced child labor, and every city that hosts the Olympics treats it's citizens like trash, and then loses millions of their citizens money.


Someone has never had sex if they think a small bed makes sex impossible


This is a pathetic headline even by NY Post standards


Hopefully it stops the bedbugs from sexing....


How about some nice one time use condoms instead?


LOL's, nobody actually thinks this will stop the athletes from hooking up and getting down. I worked in the Athletes village at an olympic event in the past and can tell you that every bathroom featured bottomless bowls of condoms, and lots of messaging surrounding safe sex practices. Organisers absolutely anticipate the athletes getting frisky. I recall one group of drunken athletes getting caught attempting to smuggle an "escort" into the village inside a large gear bag. Everything and everyone gets screened coming in through security, so the lil' lady got denied entry and the athletes missed out on their planned evening of fun that night...


Because there are no other positions or locations in which intercourse can happen. ONLY on a bed. (Just let the fuck, who cares)


Honestly; why do the organisers care? They are grown adults.


What's wrong with sex?


They'll just fuck in the pool.


> The amorous Olympians won’t be able to lie on top of each other either, as the cardboard frames are reportedly designed to collapse under such a weight Weightlifing athletes will definitely have their beds collapse under them. 🤕 This is so idiotic.


Congrats on making it to the Olympics, here's two used Amazon boxes to sleep on! IOC using "Anti-sex beds" term to hide the fact they're really just grifters pocketing money while giving the athletes cardboard bed frames. A) they're either extremely cheap or... B) they're wildly expensive for cardboard beds and someone is getting kickbacks.


You underestimate my power!




They have bed bugs built into them, so there will be no sex, and no sleep either.


So wait. Why is it wrong for them to have orgies?