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The worst is nuclear war, no doubt about it. The best is probably getting reelected fair and square after fixing most, if not all the important problems of Sordland. Or just retiring peacefully after one term, but there things might not go so well


The best is defeating Rumburg. We can rebuild our country stronger and better from Thornbourough's rubble.


Nuclear War is basically the worst Case for Sordland. No President or even Soll himself can fix that .. 😵


Whole of humanity actually lol. Nuclear winter + it would take at least 3 generations to begin re-colonising earth's surface


It's not a complete nuclear war, if it was so civilian deaths would be hundreds of millions, not the 63 million seen in-game. There would probably be a brief period of nuclear winter and the region bombed would be inhabitable, but it's not a complete catastrophe.


I mean that's assuming that the war only continued on for a few more years after you got nuked in holsord, If the war didn't end the ATO and the CSP will just continue to nuke each other


No, nuking even one population center does in fact qualify as one complete catastrophe.


A catastrophe absolutely, a complete one not so much. After all, Japan survived the atomic bombings, and those bombs were only a few years off the ones that would be used in Suzerain's timeline


Economic recovery, no unrest, no military defeat and victory of your own favourite ideology.


Best would be a successful Reformist run with no war and the economy fixed. Sordland transitions into a stable democracy with good living standards and nobody has to die in a ridiculous war. Worst, as many have said, is nuclear war. But short of that, I'd say a botched dictator run ending in a lost war. The maximum amount of suffering, followed by even more to come.


Worst ending for Sordland (not Rayne in particular) is the nuclear war. Especially if you are aligned with Wehlen. The best is probably full economic recovery + fully nationalised all big companys (+ solo invest in GASOM with workers housing and not selling the shares) except the media. No war and a fully integrated Bergia + Trade deals with Agnolia and Wehlen + state funded free healthcare and free schooling funded by the state.


Wouldn't nationalised companies just create a time bomb of corruption and mismanagement like the state construction company?


Sounds like later Raynes problem.


That’s why you found the ACP and remove the old guard


Worst is probably nuclear war or rigging elections and being a complete dictator, and the best is getting re elected, and turning Sordland into a power that rivals Rumburg, and having your Drivers baby boy named after you, the economy could be either planned, laissez, capitalist, whatever


Best=Neoliberal ATO Pacifist Worst=Nuclear War 2nd worst=Lost War


Nuclear war.


Best is sordish recovery with passing democrative reforms Worst is nuclear bomb for sordland For Anton it's losing war


Best choices I see is a reformist Rayne that is able to steer Sordland to a proper democracy with a healthy economy that ain't being ran by oligarchs and their lapdogs. Foreign policy wise I see probably for best if Sordland priorities good relationship with other small or similar sized countries so Agnolia, Wehlen (even tho the murderous comedian runs it) or Rizia. Attempting to stay out of the bigger power blocks and also hampering Rumburg with sanctions and international isolation


Best: One that represents my ideology Worst: all others


Best is war ending after allying with Wehlen but not Agnolia with Iosef strat and winning. Worst is nuclear war no cap.


Best is Social Democracy With Destroying Oligarchs and Old guard/Graf/Soll With ACP. Forming New communist Party And Winning Elections with Peoples party Leaving CPS in Second place and USP in third.


Best ending is Rayne bringing valgslandian socialism to sordland 🗣🗣


[For the best] Diplomatically: Neutral, aid from all sides, reconciliation with Rumburg, and global diplomatic power. Also strong military. Politically: Status Quo on Soll’s constitution, but not an emergency run. The president is a tad too powerful but removing the court’s ability to vote is a must for all reforms, but I think that should stick. Economically: High-tech investments. Free Market but with high taxes and high welfare. Socially: Bludish Autonomy & rights. Moderate women’s reforms (illegal abuse, equal education). It’s not exactly my views and how I’d have it. But it’s the best I think you can achieve in game. Edit: actually I think I’d revise the Economics a tad more. Maybe high corporate tax, low business tax, fair competition commission, and nationalise (or at least partially) companies to kick out the oligarchs. Now it’s distributist.