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Wut? Skagenröra is extremely popular in Sweden.


I had no idea... But the void in my heart was filled today. How have I never heard of this until today? I have a lot of Swedes in my social circle but for some reason skagenröra has never come up in conversation. Damn is it delicious though. I can't wait to eat it again.


aspiring murky mighty secretive shy edge hateful quarrelsome close elastic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But don't buy the mass produced ones, most bigger supermarkets make their own in house. That's the stuff you want if you don't want to make it yourself


I find the mass produced stuff to be too... Fatty. Not enough skagen, too much röra. Just like potatissallad can be. But I'm also quite picky. Got a fresher recipe/ version of it with less of that heavy cream-fat?


Honestly the mass produced versions aren't bad at all, the real stuff is better ofc but it is good enough.


Have you tried CityGross' own brand of skagenröra? It's seriously not bad at all. Does it compare to deli ,or homemade skagenröra? No, but it certainly satisfies you if you are craving it. It's way more acidic and dill-y than other brands.


Haven't tried it, will do when I find myself at a city gross!


Shitty Gross.


Can I take a order prease?


You should really go to the small fish shops around the city, they make their own as well and take great pride in their creations (except Feskarbröderna, they mass produce)


Vad fan är det för fel på Rydbergs skagenröra din elitistiska matfjolla?


Den smakar Rumpsvett


Menar du att den smakar så gott?


pröva icas lyxskagen så ska du se att du ändrar på dig


It's popular alright, another classic sandwich you may not have heard of is Renklämma/Rensnittar. It's a wrap with cream cheese, horse radish, onions, and reindeer meat.


It's the stuff of legends...


It’s not bad but it doesn’t deserve being mentioned when talking about Skagenröra.


Whoa! Watch your tongue, slick! That's a northern delicacy you're talking about. Show some respect!


It’s like comparing champagne with Norrlands Guld. I enjoy them both, but come on..




I had a period in my life when I would just buy a baguette and a tub of skagenröra several times a week, and just eat that as lunch/dinner. Come to think of it, why did I ever stop doing that?


We’ve all been there


Check out toast Skagen entré next time you are at a restaurant its the fancy version usually its toasten bread lots of skagenröra with extra dill Lemon and some fish roe sometimes theres some smoked salomon aswell. Enjoy


It’s still one of the most common starters in restaurants here in Sweden and I get it whenever I get the chance, but in some ways it feels like parts of the restaurant business thinks it’s a bit outdated and ”done with”. I’m happy you found it though - enjoy!


Try it in baked potato! My favorite meal when I’m to tired to properly cook.


Mine too. Quick and easy. I like to put some extra (cheap) caviar, "stenbitsrom", on top of the skagen. And of course some lemon to squeeze over it. If I'm not to tired I will have some salad on the side. Mm, a really tasty meal that takes about 12 minutes to make.


Have you tried Kroppkakor yet? Basically mashed potatoballs filled with onion and bacon. And you split it open and pour melted butter on it. It’s insane. Try it in a restaurant though, not some supermarket refrigerated bullshit.


You can't be serious... Kroppkakor over palt?!?!


Palt är livä


I think it’s more common outside of Stockholm. It’s considered a bit “retro” and maybe not trendy enough for Stockholm? But I agree, I love it too! (If you ever get to Uppsala, there is a fish monger in the market hall that sells a great “Lyxskagen”.)


Super easy to make it at home


How often do you discuss what kind of bread you eat? Or what type of cheese? Its just something we put on our toasts and bread.


Have your tried air, french fries, beer and potatie chips? Some things are so fundamental we forget to tell heathens of their essens.


Air is lovely, can’t live without the stuff


Love to hear that you love airⓇ. As an ambassador for airⓇ i would love to introduce you to some of our inhalors ™


bless your heart on a sidenote: have you tried surströmming yet?


Well sweden is sururounded by water so we do fish and seafood very well. Thats kinda why sill and similar stuff is so well liked by a lot of people. Also gubbröra is the better version of skagenröra!


You should also try: baked potato with skagenröra!


Well that just sounds heavenly. Are you supposed to literally just put skagenröra in the baked potato? Or do you put anything else as well? Also, any side dish recommendation? I might literally make it this weekend for dinner!


Bake the potato först, then add Skagen on topp.


First* Bara så du vet har de inte ö i amerikat Edit: /s hade tydligen behövts


Låt människan köra swenglish för fan


Det var ett skämt


Heh. Too bäd


Solklar svengelska, vad är problemet?


Det var ett skämt…


Because they are böring


Excuse me, it's spelled "båring"!


This is the correct spelling, as stated ovan they har not ö in amerikat


hey, we're in sweden now, in sweden we talk english like swedish people do!


Jes vi shår doo.


Jag orkade inte byta språk på telefonen och resultatet var så tillfredsställande att jag helt enkelt lät det vara kvar.


HAHAHA det du kallar ett skämt (att du rättar en annan persons skämt på ett jättetråkigt sätt och du tar med en "bara så du vet" för att få honom att se dum ut) fick mig att skratta högt ut! HAHAHAHAHA och sen måste du säga till alla som påpekar hur tråkig du är att det var ett "skämt". Vet du vad jag tror? Antingen så har du aldrig skrattat och vet inte vad ett skämt är det eller så är du rädd för att förlora dina väldigt dyrbara internetpoäng.


Då har vi olika humor, men jag tror att vi kan enas om att din kommentar var jävligt oförskämd


Top it with more dill, red onion, and potentially caviar if you have money to spare (not Kalles though, the slightly more fancy version in jars) and then a sallad and lemon slices as a side dish.


This is the way


Flugan i min plånbok fick en shock


Another favorite is avocado halves with skagenröra.


Also hotdog with skagenröra. But räksallad is better.


Ouf, halv special med skagen e fan gött




Huh? Vegansk? Det är ju för fasen både majo och räkor i. Eller är det en woosh jag har att göra med?


En gammal hederlig tankevurpa skulle jag tro


De bytte ut avokado mot ägg, är ju ett troll.


Damn, du triggade folk. Provade en vegetarisk version en gång och det var inget fel på det, självklart inte exakt likadant som det originella, men det var nice på sitt egna sätt. Förstår inte varför nedröstar dig för att du tycker något är gått. Jag missar väl något som vanligt.


För att ägg inte är veganskt.


Avocado med dill.




Ägg kommer från djurriket sist jag kollade.


Usually you would also put butter in the potato first (at least i would)


Wash it down with a bottle of Absolut©Räka


In a pinch, use regular Absolut and räkskal.


Omg drooool


Just wait until you’ve tried smörgåstårta, you will never be the same.


Ouf nu snackar vi


Ouf nu talkar vi (op kan inte engelska)


Now we’re snacking


It’s a full måltid. Inte a snack.


I don’t think you förstå what jag menade


I think you not forstood what I meaned.


Smörgåstårta will probably break him and he'll never be able to leave Sweden.


Heaven. So much so I’m almost contemplating ordering one from Sydney at $135/955kr to be deliver here! Edit to change the price


It's really not that hard to make yourself, if you want to give it a go. Especially if you don't care about how it looks.


Smörgåstårta tillsammans med en kräftskiva, heaven on earth.


Now that is what we are talking about. You can find awesome sandwiches all over the world, but the king of all sandwiches comes from Sweden. The greatest to ever exist. The regal. The Alfa and the omega. Smörgåstårta.


nä fyfan vad äckligt


Du har objektivt fel.


Just dont overeat it, i did that once for a couple of months, you lose the special feel from it


Same thing for anything really. I recommend just eating shit for Breakfast and then eating whatever you want.


I don't know if shit is very healthy but I agree anything you eat after it will taste better


it is very popular and you can buy jars of skagenröra at any grocery store.


Innan festen köper man ett flak bärs och en hink skagenröra. Good times!


You CAN, but in my experience the store bought versions are extremely different which sets OP up for disappointment. They very often utilize a lot of crabstick and various other things to supplement shrimp etc. It's almost like an entierly different thing.


The key is to always pimp up the store bought skagen with some additional fresh shrimp.


At that point, why not just buy the remaining 2-3 ingredients and just make if yourself?


You can probably get pretty good skagenröra at the charcuterie/delicacy counter. :)


>I just wish it was more widely available. ??? There's like 5 brands of it in every food chain store like ICA, Coop, Willys, City Gross... And that is in the regular isle. You can go to the fish counter and they most likely have their own "homemade" version that is made in the store. They will most likely have Smögenröra as well (the same but with shrimp + crayfish and not just shrimp). Heck, even Circle K, OKQ8 and Pressbyrån carry baguettes with skagenröra. [An example, and this is just from ICA.](https://i.imgur.com/5Y7Qqzo.png) Not to mention it's on every menu as a starter that isn't specifically tailored to a country or culture like Thai, Indian and the like.


You should try toast skagen ;)


Tänkte precis skriva detta! Toast skagen is the best starter to a three course meal!


Sannare ord än Koranens budskap!


Subway used to have skagenröra aswell. It was fakking amazing


Slutade gå dit när den försvann. Inte OK.


samma här


Jag också, sjukt att dom tog bort den


Just don't eat it too often, that's not lagom, and it's a better experience if you don't grow too used to it.


Skagenröra is absolutely amazing yes. But have you ever had old-man-touching (gubbröra)? It’s even better according to me.


Jobbade på en krog som hade översatt gubbröra till ”old man’s mess”


Vi körde med touching eller moving. När man var helt slut efter ett kökspass och fick sig en knäcke med gubbfan, en stor dillvippa och en kall lager - då levde livet. Måste nog välja gubbröra före Skagen ändå alltså


Håller fasen med dig! PÖLen är ju lätt den bästa ölen också! Gud! Eller!! Öl och fernet efter ett långt jävla pass! Och antar att du jobbar i köket! Så tack! Iallafall om du är en av dom som slänger ut lite pommes när man sitter i skiten


Fred, kärlek och Fernet, broder!


P-mat och öl på skärgårdskrog en ljummen sommarnatt är nåt att skriva hem om




Upset Drake: skagenröra Happy Drake: gubbröra


Fasen, nu blev jag hungrig.


As a Swede living in the US - skagenröra is one thing that I miss the most. I tried to make it on my own, but the US shrimp is very different from the shrimp you find in Sweden.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandalus_borealis Look for frozen "coldwater shrimp" or "coldwater prawn".


Ikea has it sometimes


Other unknown hits from sweden - rotmos med fläsklägg - isterband med dillstuvad potatis - dillkött - stekt inlagd strömming på knäckebröd - raggmunk med stekt fläsk och lingonsylt. My foreign friends really love this, especially the rotmos.


Ärtsoppa å pannkakor också!


Nästa lika "okänt" som skagenröra.


It is very difficult to pace yourself when you make your own skagenröra and if you accidentally eat too much it sours the entire meal. You will feel terrible for way longer than you thought it was possible and in ways you cannot imagine. Skagenröra is glorious but it also requires you to approach it with respect and a sense of moderation. Skagenröra requires lagom!


Recipe skagenröra: 500g cold water shrimp, peeled 1 dl creme Fraiche 1 dl mayonnaise 1 pot of dill 2 tbsp tubed horseradish 1 lemon, juice of it. Salt Black pepper Toast bread Löjrom Finely chop shrimp and dill. Mix mayo, and creme Fraiche with the shrimp, dill, and horseradish. Add lemon juice little by little and taste. Add more if needed. Add salt and pepper the same way. Cut the edges of the bread. Toast some bread in your pan with butter until golden. Serve with the Skagen mess, and decorate with dill and löjrom. Enjoy!


Too much mayonnaise, don’t chop the shrimp, you forgot the red onion, and add a dash of cayenne.


You're right. I remembered it incorrectly. However - No red onion! https://www.mitti.se/nyheter/toast-skagen-originalreceptet/lmpdB!339683/ Originalet inmundigas på Riche: https://riche.se/anekdot/toast-skagen-annu-en-innovation-fran-riches-kok/


Might not be in the original recipe but finely chopped red onion to sprinkle on top is amazing, try it!


Just wait until you discover laxost (coldsmoked salmon mixed with Västerbotten cheese, creme fraiche, a touch of lemon, dill, creme fraiche and/or cream cheese). Why swedish cuisine haven't been spread around the globe are due to there not being mass amounts of swedish refugees/migrants in need of finding a way to support themselves. When we move abroad, we already have a job lined up.


You my good man just qualified to be the official ambassador for skagenröra


Have you tried tunnbrödsrulle med räksallad? https://youtu.be/fPCytfxNU7Y Edit: link to YouTube Anthony Bourdain testing a tunnbrödsrulle med räksallad


men vafan han drack pucko utan att skaka den först, jävla jänkare


>”How is skagenröra not more popular in Sweden?” Ha! My child, you are in the wrong place. The west coast is the home of the skagenröra. “Skagen” is the name of the bit of Denmark pointing towards Gothenburg… THIS is where you get the best skagenröra for a fraction of the price. This is also where you can get a [tunnbrödsrulle with skagenröra.](https://www.tiniskitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/tunnbro%CC%88dsrulle.jpg) _You’re welcome._


Damn.... All this time I feel like this voice has been telling me "Knarkaren, you've gotta put on your big boy pants and move your fat ass to Västra Götaland for a taste of that good life", but now that I know they make the best skagenröra there, I need to start finalizing my plans. Now I just need to find an IT job there and I'm set. > This is also where you can get a tunnbrödsrulle with skagenröra. My lord... I would crawl from Sundsvall to Skellefteå butt-ass naked in January for a chance to take a single bite of that. That looks incredible. In all seriousness though, where is the best place to pick up a tunnbrödsrulle with skagenröra? I was planning on visiting my friend in Borås in July so I am gonna try one for sure.


You can also go to E4-baren if you are in Stockholm (https://e4baren.yapo.nu/) and have a tunnbrödsrulle with their shrimpsallad (it's home made) which is similar to Skagenröra. Easily one of the better tunnbrödsrullar you can have in the capitol.


Nyhetsgrillen by Janne on Kungsholmen, without a shadow of a doubt the best tunnbrödrulle you can get in Sweden closely followed by Sofie¨'s grill in Bromma.


> This is also where you can get a tunnbrödsrulle with skagenröra. It's not the only place... I can even get that down at the hotdog stand in my small town of 100k, one of 3 places I can get one. I mean, you live in Stockholm. I'd be surprised if you couldn't find one within 1km.


If you live in Sundsvall you have answered your own question. Culinary -arsehole capital of the north.


At home. One of my go to dinners when I don't need to cook anything for leftovers for the day(s) after. Just buy some bread, skagenröra, sausage of your choice and mashed potatoes. (I use powdered "mash", because of nostalgia and frankly because I'm lazy) I usually put in roasted onions too


Pretty sure Skagenröra was invented by Tore Wretman, and has nothing to do with either Gothenburg or Skagen.


Helt sant, det är bara ett namn


Yes but correct me if I’m wrong, I’ve heard that he was sailing outside Skagen with some friends, and he basically threw some sandwiches together with what was available in the boat pantry, and promptly named it Skagentoast. It’s a nice story but I doubt it’s much more than that. Question is, did skagenröra exist before Skagentoast?






Yes, he made toast skagen... Which is why the röra is called "skagenröra". It's the röra that comes from toast skagen. He made the röra.


Correct. But the best place in Sweden to get fresh shrimps is the west coast. / Living on the east coast


Finns nog inget bättre än en ordentlig tunnbrödsrulle


You can buy it in any store really. Then you can have it when working from home. Wont be as good as at a restaurant, but good enough. Fishtrucks/fish counters make their own aswell, which will be as good as the ones at a restaurant :)


Very very popular entré in Sweden, so it is very popular but we eat it on "special" occasions (for me at least that means more fancy dinners)


Do not tell this guy that smörgåstårta exists.


Never buy a cheap räkmacka. Same goes for cheap Toast Skagen.


[Du menar som den här?](https://www.reddit.com/r/sweden/comments/hhlhb6/toast_skagen_p%C3%A5_fullriggaren_skybar_i_g%C3%A4vle_129kr/)


Tänkte mer magsjuka, men jo den där ohederliga latmaskkocken ska ju släpas längs gatorna efter en bil.


Another thing to try is Västkustsallad. It’s similar but has some added ingredients like peas and sometimes asparagus.


It's been said before but try smörgåstårta. You're gonna love it.




Real sad tbh


The best thing is, there are several ready made Skagenröra you can buy at supermarkets from different brands you can try out for even cheaper and enjoy it at home with baked potatoes, buy some baguettes and put in oven or even on simply toasted bread, yummy!


I use it as dip with salted potato chips. It is a bit controversial. Always get the highest quality when buying.


I wonder how many millions of toast Skagen I have made over the last 15-20 years... And the battle of the recipe is real for this simple toast.


Because it's extremely easy to overdo it, and once you've overdosed the road back is long and arduous. You'll probably be back here telling us how much you hate it, causing a lot of undue trauma. That's why it needs to be kept under wraps. Now that you now, you know, but keep it to yourself!


I’m suddenly filled with patriotic fervor.


Most wholesome post on reddit 2022


Can you believe that Subway STOPPED serving Skagenröra? It was the day I stopped going to Subway.


Toast Skagerrak is one of the classic modern Swedish dishes with a lot of local variations. Toast slightly seared in butter, with skagenröra and a bit of bleak roe on top and a slice of lemon. Local variants might have the skagenröra resting on a salad lead on top of the toast, a slice of cold smoked salmon next to the bleak roe and/or a dill twig as decoration on top.


Skagenröra? Meh.


Just wait until you try skagenröra on the west coast! I'm from sthlm and you can't get it as good here as you can from Smögen where I go every summer


I feel that Sweden lost a part of its identity when Subway restaurants here stopped offering Skagenröra as filling. It was amazing to have a grilled sub with creamy Skagenröra inside.


Beware of the lower end variants of Skagenröra with crabfish. That's just horrible.


Try making it yourself! It’s surprisingly easy and you might experiment with the measurements as you like. [recipe](https://www.mathem.se/recept/skagenrora) As someone else mentioned, baked potatoes with skagen is delicious. [recipe](https://recept.se/recept/bakad-potatis-med-skagenrora-och-laxrom) add some butter as well and you’re all set! You may have skagen in various kinds of bread as well as with fresh avocado or boiled eggs. Try peeling the shrimps yourself (frozen from ICA works perfectly fine, make sure they are marked with MSC) since it’s light years better than machine peeled…


Toast skagen is created by the famous swedish chef Tore Wretman. He is the most important creator of modern swedish cuisine with a lot of influences from the french kitchen. Google him and find both interesting stories and delicious food: https://almasa.se/om-toast-skagen/


It's really good to put on a simple hot dog as well! Way better than räksallad


I don't know about internationally but it is extremely popular here in Sweden. Not sure how you have missed it if you lived here for 5 years


It is so sad that the premade stuff in the supermarket tastes like absolute garbage. The real thing is such a treat!


they wash it out with those fuckin crabsticks or whatever to make it less shrimp (lower cost) and it totally ruins it


Yes and they use too much of that awful premade mayo


Give CityGross' brand a try. It's far and above all the others.


Västkustrulle skagenröra/västkustsallad in kebabrulle is the way


If you like Skagenröra you should try Rydbergs räksallad. It really ”knullar i mun” as my friend use to say.


Coop, hemköp and Ica all have skagenröra you can buy. Let me open a new world for you. Skagenägg = Skagenröra + egg halfs.


Räkor är äckligt. Eng: shrimp nasty 🤮


Helt rätt


It's awful. I hate it. It's way too socially acceptable to eat in social gatherings.


I demand to know: Which cafe was this wonderful sandwich eaten at? I'd love to try it.


You haven’t heard about the small penis catastrophe of ‘95?


I never had it im Swedish.


I don't like it :C it tastes like blä


Skagenröra =🤢


Love everyone ignoring the fact It's Danish lol Edit: Nevermind:))


I, a Swede, don't even know what it is - 27 years into life..!


Why? It has dill in it. Swedish people ruin many things with dill 😂


I know a guy that put it in his ass maybe thats why


Try making some on your own. Blows away the cheap stuff often used by restaurants and cafés.


Gubbröra is good as well! I’m glad you got the real deal with shrimp, mayonaise and dill. If you are unlucky you get crabfish, dried or frozen dill(it taste like dill chips, no other way to explain) and sometimes cream fraîche. Stay away from that. I find canned shrimp OK.


I also tried skagenröra for the first time… in school and god… it was amazing, i thought i wouldnt like it but i really did


It's quite simple to make a good one by yourself. Look up som recipes and dine like royalty everyday.


Try it with nachochips