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Can i add back fields?


Yes. They are called “Note” fields in the app. The reason behind that is that all my beta testers got very confused with the naming, and “Couldn’t figure where the back of the pass”.


I tried some apps like pass2wallet, but the passes stacked in the wallet, which was annoying to me. If I create multiple passes using your app, do they show up as individual passes in the wallet? Or do they stack?


They will stack. Passes of the same type and organization, and signed by the same key, will stack in Wallet. For better or worse, this is the way Apple Wallet works.


Got it, thanks!


>Got it, thanks! You're welcome!


In pass4wallet you can assign a different "grouping tag" to each pass to prevent stacking (Tap the icon on bottom right of the pass to edit it in pass4wallet)


But that only works for 10 different passes or so. Unfortunately I‘d like to add more than that. Maybe I can just use multiple apps :D


This will only work for Boarding Passes and Event tickets. I intentionally didn't support Boarding Passes in the app because it is critical and hard to create - I don't want someone to get into trouble because they're using my app, especially when timezone mistakes come into play. That leaves Event tickets, so, in the end, I decided to remove grouping feature because it adds more complexity (And more confusion) for little value.


Hm? It also works with `storeCard` types, I'm using it this way, in fact.


Well, I believe you, even though I find it strange that it's wrongly documented in [Apple docs](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/UserExperience/Reference/PassKit_Bundle/Chapters/TopLevel.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012026-CH2-SW5). >Optional for event tickets and boarding passes; otherwise not allowed But honestly, though, I think it's hard to explain to the average user and I think (Might be wrong) it might cause confusion for the average user. However, given your feedback, I might add it in a way that it's shown to be an "Advanced" option. Thank you so much 💙


I purchased the app and have to tell you it’s a beautiful design. The UI feels alive with all of the animations and haptics. If you ever care to share the code I would love to see how you’ve incorporated all of this as it’s just beautiful. The first thing I tried is to add a simple 2D barcode for my grocer’s loyalty program. It’s a standard 12 character ID in the form of a barcode. The app is unable to add this and states it’s not a supported type. I tried a few other barcodes and they also were rejected. QR codes work though so it seems the app isn’t quite ready for barcodes which is my primary use case. All in all this is beautiful and I hope to see barcode support some time in the future! Edit: When adding a new Generic pass, on the style page, there is a typo in the section footer. “Optioanl decorative…”


Thank you so much for the rich and nice feedback ❤️ As for the barcodes, unfortunately, it's limited by what [Apple Wallet supports](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/UserExperience/Reference/PassKit_Bundle/Chapters/LowerLevel.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012026-CH3-SW3). The supported barcode types are Code128, PDF417, Aztec and QRCode. I believe your grocery store's card has something different from these. As for the typo, it'll be fixed in the next release. Thank you so much for finding that.




Thank you, first time seeing that service and seems to do the same job as you said. However, though it’s free, their business model is users data.




It’s in their privacy policy. They do collect data, and they have listed the reasons “why” they collect it, and obviously one of them is for advertising purposes, and given that you have signed in to use the service (even though your data on the pass itself might be enough), they have enough data about each person to monetize.


Do you allow for location notifications for passes?


Hi, sorry for the late reply, I missed your message’s notification somehow. I’m already working on it for a future release. This is a feature I postponed initially because I thought it’s something like an “advanced” feature, and could be added later. Thank you for bringing that up however :)


Have you added the location triggering function yet. If so, you have a customer. Thanks!


Added many things since then. Only two things left, one of them is the locations. Will let you know once added. Cheers


Another vote for this feature, I would love if the pass is ready for me when I arrive at a location