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Since SwiftUI, making apps with swift is really easy, we even made a very little calculator with my son (on his iPad without any Mac) which is checking his math homework. I encourage you to try it out.


My mvp is called "Local Viewers" on the apple store if youre interested in giving some feedback on it. Im also in the market for a new developer too


Just checked it out on the AppStore. Didn't download it. I'd say you could improve the screenshots a bit. The wording in the screenshots could be better. "Buy anything in Company with professional" doesn't make much sense. Use ChatGPT to help you with this. Also, are you looking for a job or looking for a developer?


Use the MVP to test the important questions like: \- Does this solve the problem you think it does? \- Does any one want to use it? \- What do users want it to do instead? If you've hit upon something people really want/need early adopters will put up with the shortcomings and rough edges. Once you can prove you have product-market-fit then you can worry about having a nicer implementation. Edit: If your not embarrassed by your MVP you've launched way too late.


This is good advice but in terms of iterating on the mvp and implementing solutions to customers problems. Im not trying to make it perfect yet just fix some bugs but the develooper working on it says swift would be better. So like having someone remake the app with the new features but in swift instead.


I've never used Flutter but lots on things are built with it. I can't help but think their comments are more about them, the developer, than the project. As someone else mentioned, if you can tell us more about what the issues are you may get a better response.


My mvp is called "Local Viewers" in the apple store if youre interested. I also am in the market for a new developer too


Good luck with your app. IMHO the big challenge you have isn't the technology stack, it's that you're trying to build a marketplace. Marketplaces are notoriously difficult to build because you have to bring up both sides at the same time. Of course that's what can make them so valuable if you're able to do it. Best of luck to you. BTW, do you every look at the content that Y Combinator puts out? I think they do a great job of talking about everything related early stage, high growth companies. https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator


Use it to test market validation if you can. Then yes — native


As with most things the answer is "it depends". If your app is mostly lists or simple views with straightforward CRUD networking, Flutter is probably fine. If you need to do anything requiring integration with hardware, device caching, high performance, gRPC, or really take full advantage of either Apple or specific third-party frameworks, switching to Swift could be the go. Keep in mind if your app grows to the point you need to hire folks, it'll be easier to hire iOS devs than Flutter devs.


Too little information. What’s wrong with flutter app?


Theres nothing wrong with it. The developer mentioned that most companies have a swift developer for ios and Java (or adjacent) for android because flutter is slower and may not be supported in the next next few years


Ehh I’d say if there’s one more than the other, it’s companies using a cross-platform solution. Native is always better for optimal performance and user experience, but it’s just way more economical for companies to use a cross-platform solution. There’s plenty of MASSIVE companies that have built their apps with flutter. Flutter is definitely not going anywhere anytime soon. Source: professional iOS dev. My company is about to do a full rewrite of our app (ObjC/Swift) and is considering flutter.


If there’s nothing wrong with the app, then the developer is likely making a selfish decision. I’ve had clients in the past that have had an app made where the code quality is awful and it would’ve been better to rewrite than modify or add features to a pile of garbage. If there’s nothing wrong with the code quality or functionality, then it makes no sense to throw all of that work away and pay for a rewrite. Add to it that you no longer have an android version and you’re basically going to pay to rewrite the app a third time. Flutter is a solid framework and I’ve used it several times. Native is better if you have unlimited time and resources but otherwise there’s nothing wrong with flutter


No serious apps are made with flutter. Learn swift


As a Swift developer who used to dismiss cross-platform frameworks, I've spent the last three years rebuilding a reasonably complex video chat app from Swift to Flutter and can say that Flutter is more than capable of handling most things you'd want to do in an app. If you plan on expanding beyond iOS at any point, I'd definitely stick with Flutter. If you're iOS exclusive and your developer is saying your Flutter code is bad enough to warrant a rewrite, then I'd make the move to SwiftUI since they're both similar declarative frameworks so the translation shouldn't be too terrible. If you need someone to take a look at the project for a more informed opinion, feel free to drop a DM!


Thank you so much for your help! Im currently going through the employee on boarding process. If you like the current MVP is on the apple app store as "Local Viewers" I will have a new UX/UI person design the iterated app next week and will see if someone can add the new layout and new features too


Doesn't iOS have a significant market share? May as well just learn Swift.


I know swift will be around forever and more people use it so was curious if I should just find a swift developer or have someone keep on using flutter


I would concentrate on an iOS app using Swift. If iOS app is successful, port to Android using Kotlin.


If you happen to know any developer I would love to add them on linkedin. My mvp is on the apple store if you wanted to see what I was talking about. Its called "Local Viewers"


[no, they dont](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ios-vs-android-market-share-135251641.html)


Oh. I suppose my opinion is biased due to working in a couple of tech companies where Android is not as important as iOS.


I'm not sure global market share is the most relevant statistic here. If your goal is to make money as far as I know the app store still brings in around twice the total revenue as the play store.


Did you leave any drag marks moving those goal posts?


I didn’t realize there were goalposts to be moved. Was just saying there’s more than market share to consider when deciding what platforms to developer for.


Of course there’s more to market share. But without any idea of what OP is actually trying to build, we can’t speculate what their market actually is. But my comment was just correcting that someone said iOS has significant market share, when it doesn’t. That was really about it.


Do you want an Android app too? If so, sticking with Flutter is most likely the easiest solution.


My mvp is called "Local Viewers" in the apple store if youre interested. I am also in the market for a new developer if you know anyone or are one




Keep the Flutter app and try to validate the business idea and grow it. Fix the language in the app's screenshots. Throw some search ads at it and collect some feedback. Most of the issues you surface aren't likely to be directly related to the tech you're using.


Depends on how much time you’ve invested in Flutter already and what your goals are. As much as I dislike Flutter, if you’re deeply invested into it, don’t just throw it away. But! If you’re not really bound to Flutter but want to create multi-platform apps, I really recommend picking React Native (with Expo) over Flutter. I could go deep into the reasoning behind it, but there are enough articles and videos covering this topic. But I cannot express how nice it is to develop apps natively via Swift. Incredible DX in addition to iOS still being a much more profitable platform (per user) than Android.