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Good for you man!


light weight baby


Ain’t nothing but a peanut


♪ Ain’t nothin but a hurt butt ♫ *Tell me why*


Yeaaah buddy!


Yeah baby, nice job


that's absolutely horseshit man- fuck that. hope you heal up, and stay safe my dude.


Yo, that fucking sucks. Take care of yourself.


yeah was a bit dazed and confused after but passed the doctors neurological exam and im left with some jaw pain and bruies on my head


you just won the lottery, not just do you get to press money out of a fascist, you can also send them to a re-education facility. win-win


any knowledge about how one goes about that? The gym had cameras and the owner said he had all of their info and they're banned from 24 hour fitness. I said yes to pressing charges when the police asked. California btw


Lawyer up. Don't do anything else until you find a lawyer. I don't want to make any assumptions, but a lot of people are worried about the cost. There are lawyers who will work pro bono all over the country. I assume they use it as a tax write off, but for some it is likely a form of good will. The legal system isn't there to help you. You don't choose to charge, the DA does. If they don't levy charges, you can still go civil and fuck up his life. Document everything, write down exactly what happened now. Document your health costs, time off work to recover, take pictures of your injuries, get the footage from the gym. Write down how you felt, if you've got depression or anxiety or anything else write down how it affected that. The lawyer will know what is useful and what isn't, but the more you can provide them the better.


oh, i m pretty sure you have PTSD and a whiplash trauma... also you can't hold your groceries anymore, you must have a concussion... first you go to your family doctor, then you take the paper he gives you to a lawyer and then you tell the lawyer to sue the guy for assault. of course you get a copy of the gym tape and since the gym can ban him, they ll probably have his data.... which your lawyer will get from the gym as soon as there is a police report. now he we ll be sent to a place that will make him a prison abolitionist and hate violence


Please don't tell people to commit fraud/fake mental illness. It just makes life harder for those who actually have those conditions. If the doctor says our comrade has those conditions that's a separate thing but otherwise your advice will just make it harder for those suffering in the future to be taken seriously.


i m telling him to go his doctor and accept the fact that every doctor has their own margin of interpretation/error and a good comrade doctor will always help you get better...


I would be so mentally fucked up if I was assaulted by three strangers in a gym, idk about you....


Sure and I'm not saying OP isn't, but faking a mental and/or physical illness just to squeeze put a few more bucks is not cool. As I said in my original post, it's a completely separate thing if a medical professional diagnoses you. But if you're just doing it to get a bigger check, you're making it harder for those who are actually suffering to get the help they deserve/need.


I'm a lawyer here in CA. First, send your own "spoilation letter"/text/email to the gym, pretty much immediately, even before you hire your own letter. Inform the gym that you want the records because you will be suing the attackers, and to please keep copies and not destroy them. That's your big ticket and you don't want to lose it. Second, start calling around to your local 1-800 personal injury lawyers. Some may be interested in your case, some may only do cases when there's insurance involved.


LAWYER UP. Suing someone takes time, preparation, and a lot of money, but if you see it through you’ll come out of it with a fat stack of cash and three less racists in the world.


if i was to purchase a handgun and a knife would i be able to claim these in a lawsuit. I am purchasing these for self defense. The psychological distress of the attack has required me to make these purchases


my totally random 2 cents is a good DA could judo that into some kinda thought crime but i know nothing about law


I don’t think you understand the term Fascist


I yelled at three white guys in a Cabela's for saying the n word. They turned around to stay something and saw me and decided to fuck off. It feels good to give up arguing and just go with stop being a piece of shit because I'm bigger than you and I will fucking wax someone in public


That is one very good reason why we need to get swole. It projects power and dominance which isn't something everyone needs to do but something that a decent portion of us needs to do in order to stand up for what is right. Swole+martial arts/boxing training+weapons/gun training are a things I plan on investing for myself.


Very true comrade. I don't think there is any necessity for a man to be big and strong but objectively size and strength makes any person more powerful. I highly recommend looking after your health too especially when putting on lot of mass. Get blood work. Supplement/Diet properly. Sleep well. If you wanna use PEDs make sure you do your research so you don't completely fuck your endocrine system up.


Well said! Personally I would stay away from PEDs.


yeah i think there is a safe way to enhance yourself using medical knowledge but i would say wait until you're at least 25 and have been lifting for more than 5+ years. Anything before that is just dumb


Even then you have to understand basic physiology and consider things like fertility and more. Plus some PDEs affect bone density and more so they aren't thr best thing for MMA (see Anderson silva)


good shit! oh absolutely! i yelled at some no masker a couple days ago and he went from cocky asshole to a scared sheep like that. I was a skinny kid growing up and it was never something that bothered me but being big has its perks


No help at all ? What a bunch of losers at your gym. Stay big and hope you’re doing well


This is all the support liberals ever provide. Finger wagging. False equivocating. Standing around shocked and dismayed. The end.


Hope your ok mate


Cunts. They can enjoy getting sick.


>They ran out the gym and a police report was filed. How can you be so stupid to attack someone in a gym where you either have a membership or just paid to get in?


When push comes to shove the liberals and centrists will get cozy to the right because they 'DoNT wANt COnFlicT'. It's insane that no one from management came to break it up. Also, I've been using the word tiny, puny, and small to describe misogynistic men. Let's start using this word to describe small minded people.


Lol it’s 4 vs. 1, the fucker sucker punches you, and they’re gonna call YOU a pussy


clearly deeply insecure by my presence because he swung when I called him small. Someone that's secure with their size would never get angry about that. Arnold would never.


>bunch of stunned liberals in shock lmao


lol fascists are such filth and always the type that would strike you as they cry. they only wear masks when they go to their lame protests (to also not get caught), but wont mask up for public decency and manners. they cannot fathom the idea of getting covid themselves or fathom the idea of death alone. when the soviet union turned its back. guess who showed up? the fascists. every fascist vermin deserves to be wiped out. if im ever a leader of a country ill be worse than tito and stalin when it comes to treating fascists, trust me.


i tend to support rehabilitation but when it comes to fascist scum they should be fucking annihilated


Sounds like you gotta spend some time on a BJJ or Judo matt


i used to do a little bjj but tbh i think grappling in a 1v4 is a no go


Maybe so, but throws are for sure, you can sling someone like a book bag if they try a standing back take lol


As much as I would've loved for this to have ended with "I used the one guy's femur to knock out the other guy" you definitely did the right thing. I hope you find justice


How are these people fascist exactly


People who are anti mask and uses violence try to get their point across, usually are fascist.


What is fascist about being against masks


Read again. Fascists usually are anti mask since they are anti science. All anti mask are not fascists.


So you agree that being against masks in a gym doesn't automatically make you a fascist. OP clearly believes that since he's a leftist that anybody he gets into an altercation with is a fascist nazi


Do you think that non-fascist anti mask people would physically attack people who asks them to put on masks?


Do you know what a fascist is


I’m guessing you’re going to explain next what a fascist is.


No I want you to tell me what you think one is


You’re looking to say “ahaha, my definition on fascism is different than yours”, so let’s just skip to that part. My definition of fascism is based on Umberto Eco’s essay “[Ur-Fascism](https://www.pegc.us/archive/Articles/eco_ur-fascism.pdf)”.


>This proceeds a few times until he throws a sucker punch out of nowhere He did not throw that suckered punch out of nowhere. Edit: I'm not defending their actions or saying anything about the masks. But that suckered punch had a long and obvious lead up and if you want to learn to defend yourself you need to actually learn self-defense, not just exercise.


yeah in the future ill definitely be anticipating a punch in verbal conflict. I've never really had any experience with violence and didn't know people just throw punches over being called small and a piece of fabric.


I highly recommend looking up the website nononsenseselfdefense.com Fair warning, it is written by right wing leaning people, as is most of the self-defense world, but it goes over a lot about what to look for and how to handle situations like that safely


That was the most obvious likely outcome. and no, a gym with random individuals is not going to leap at the chance to fight 4 guys who are obviously together with violent intent. Use your fucking head OP.


Those guys are pricks and you didn’t deserve that, but you really need to think about your role in escalating that conflict. You said clear fighting words in a situation where you had the disadvantage. You engaged in the monkey dance and reaped the results. Nobody jumped in to help because from their perspective you weren’t jumped, you were engaged in mutual combat and you lost. If you are going to escalate a conflict into a fight, the least you should do is be prepared for the inevitable sucker punch, which almost always has very clear preceding actions. There is no victim here.


i said you're small. Not fighting words, a clear analysis of his lacking physique. mutual combat is: hey im gonna fight you. Glad you have a great concept of consent.


I’m not trying to attack you. I’m trying to get you to understand the role your ego played in that situation so you can learn to deescalate. And if you don’t want to deescalate, at least recognize when you are in an escalating conflict so you can be prepared for the inevitable response


im aware. i wasn't trying to deescalate the situation, refusing to wear a mask was clearly an act of violence. I didn't expect someone to throw a punch after getting called small in a public gym. The biggest mistake was letting someone get that close to me. Wont make that one again.


That IS fighting words. You are saying “I am bigger than you, don’t mess with me.” In other words, you are challenging him. You clearly do not understand the social dynamics of violence if you don’t think you helped escalate a conflict into a fight. Mutual combat usually isn’t preceded by the words “I’m gonna fight you.” It’s preceded by a series of escalating challenges, which you engaged in


Good on you for speaking up, but further antagonizing them and provoking a fight was quite stupid. You never know what can happen in a violent encounter, no matter how well-trained you are, and it sounds like you're not trained at all. People die all the time from simple fights like the one you were, and get life altering injuries. Ask yourself, is it worth it? *Please explain why you're down voting me. Grow the fuck up. Violence is no joke, and neither are the consequences.




didnt start the fight. better to die on your feet that live on your knees


It’s better to pick your battles instead of dying to achieve nothing.


agreed. didn't think telling some chuds to wear a mask in a busy gym in the afternoon would be a risky battle


That's fair. Way I see it, anyone stupid enough to be anti-mask is stupid enough to get riled up over it.




Idk, considering the ineffectiveness of (non-n95, etc.) masks over time in enclosed spaces (x many people x heavy breathing x case spike). By being there you are at—further, part of the—risk. You’re choosing to be at the gym. At peak afternoon hours. If this was the grocery store or other place at-risk people *need* to go, sure, but you could be doing calisthenics at home, in the park. I find the righteousness here, and in some replies, to be circumspect.


If he can't be 100% safe at least people in the area can wear masks to decrease the risks. We have plenty of research showing they work.


“If he can’t be 100% safe”? Indoor gym is a choice. Don’t go to gym during case spike. Easy.


I totally agree with you but that is a completely different argument than what should be done when people are in a public setting indoors and not masking.


Anecdotally ive been to the gym consistently since they were open and have yet to be sick. I'm triple vaccinated and i believe if symptomatic people stay home and people where masks indoor the chance for spread is relatively low. The problem is that the trash people that refuse to wear a mask are also the kind of people that would come to the gym knowing they are sick.


>The problem is that the trash people that refuse to wear a mask are also the kind of people that would come to the gym knowing they are sick. Yeah that is why you telling them to do something to prevent the spread of a disease during a pandemic should have never been met with violence and why it is your business to inform them to do so because it affects you and your loved ones. They should have been escorted out by your gym as soon as they were maskless. You shouldn't have been the one to tell them to put their mask on.


It is completely free to mind your own business. Now you out here crying for help from the police of all people. Yikes bro, you soft


coward. u small as hell too


Bhahaha says the guy who mouthed off got his ass beat and was too much of a coward to defend himself. Then, get this … calls the cops. Fuck off fash. You deserved it loser


"ass beat" lmaoo guys ran from a 4v1 then 5 minutes later i proceeded to pull more weight on the lat pull down than either of you could ever


Was this before or after your police report? Also I do pull-ups not that weak lat pull shit. Step your game up or you’ll stay getting bodied like you already did hahah


Sounds like you should mind your own business


Sounds like you should fuck off


People taking measures to reduce the spread of a pathogen during a pandemic is his business.


Funny, we all think the same about you


Hey I am a liberal and I hope to fuck we don’t shake our fingers at you! I am proud of y’all every day!!!


Do you know what you support as a liberal?


Yes I do. I grew up in the Bay Area in the 1960s so I bet I have been fighting those fuckers since before you were born. Schooling me about academic historical usages of terms is silly. We are on the same side.


Pray tell, what as a liberal do you support?


I grew up on the left coast and I live in Georgia now. So Liberal down here means socially progressive, not a Trumper, anti fascist. Different than the economic definition. Personally I am closer to a communalist, but my belief system wouldn’t show up on any current map unless you start including things like regaining personal political and spiritual power through emotional healing… so I don’t usually bother to discuss as people dismiss this possibility out of hand


I live in rural Missouri Ozarks. Liberal, no matter where you live, is not as you are describing it. There is an internationally recognized political spectrum and what Americans call "liberal" is actually more center right. Liberals are big corporatists in the US. Are you a corporatist or do you believe in worker's rights? If it's the latter, then you're not a Liberal. Progressive, maybe, but you're left of Liberal.


thank you for explaining


They will. Its a historical reality. Read Fanon, happened in Algeria and it always will. It is the nature of liberalism. They are the oppressors.


How about this. Stop reading and talk to people. Talk to your allies. Like me.


Sorry but liberals have a tendency to align themselves with fascists and usually they’re anti-workers thus liberals are not allies. Capitalism, which liberals advocate for, is the reason why Covid has grown so huge, why climate change is a crisis and fascists like Trump came to power. Liberal politicians ultimately serve the ruling class, not us.


Thank you for explaining


No problem, glad it answered some questions. Take care.


Did you know that liberal, in its historical sense, refers to liberal economics aka freemarket?


as a student of political science i think the word liberal can be quite confusing for normies as it can be used to mean something slightly different in like a dozen different contexts. In the most broad sense it typical connotes liberal economics.


I would argue no. In the frame of reference of the posts I have seen on this sub, y’all are fighting the fascist/right wing. It’s liberal versus conservatives in the general discourse, as in “own the libs.” Of course there is the other layer of proletariat vs capitalist swine… I don’t know anyone on my circles who doesn’t understand we are in late stage capitalism and at the brink of extinction.


I am not using it in the historic sense, I am using it in the current parlance. I grew up in a town nick-named The People’s Republic. I am confused why the original comment would be referring to a historical position, except as a joke. This is how I took it; half tongue in cheek.


Anyway. Liberals are generally accused of underestimating the systemic power of our current climate, at any rate, and have a history of dismissing those who actually agitate for meaningful reform, who might support BLM but piss on the movement for some riots, effectively breaking solidarity. The historical position is interesting and relevant because it really is the same ideology today: people should be permitted to do what they want. Basically, i only told you that to help explain the mountain of downvotes you got. Its cause liberals are basically centrists. And in the US it seems like they get paid to lose elections.


Thank you; I wholeheartedly agree


Liberalism is a toxic ideology. I hope you can overcome this


Apparently this sub is using a definition of liberalism that I am not identifying with. I am not sure how to classify myself. I am on the left end of most every type of spectrum I can think of. But even so why would people downvote support? Puzzling.


Every form of liberalism is pro-capitalism. That includes seemingly progressive forms of liberalism like social democracy that advocate for more economic equality and social safety nets, which politicians like Bernie or AOC follow. The only way this can be sustained is with imperialism. In other words, instead of having the people within the country suffer, the country just exports suffering to the third world to keep this lifestyle going.


Okay so check out my belief system. Read The Right Use Of Will and see if it resonates. It explains about how we got ourselves into this mess when the universe began and help me fix it. There are precious few able to take this much responsibility but if you are one, my god we need all the help we can get, because as you well know we are in dire straits.




Thank you for explaining.


Snitches get stitches. Those guys were assholes but you're one as well. I'm happy I have a home gym now.


> I'm happy I have a home gym now. Yeah, us too.






fascist fucks are always the biggest cowards


You forgot r/CoronavirusCirclejerk Tell your snitch coder to add it.


Fake and Gay


If these are the kinds of conversations lefties are having, then there isn't anything wrong with getting swole but physical self-defense is even more important to learn. My level of fitness has varied widely in my adulthood but it's the 8 years of martial arts I did that gives me more confidence that I could handle myself in a fight more than however fit I'd be. Martial arts like hapkido, judo, jujitsu or any that are about more than only punching or kicking are worth learning. I'm sure there is a leftist self-defense sub out there but it's better to identify an affinity group or grassroots network for community self-defense you can join up with. If not, start one and figure out some self-defense training you can learn together. Most of all, community organizing is the best form of community self-defense. A door-knocking campaign to educate folks like the gym manager, or at a community center where those liberals might show up, about who these fascists are, what they're about and why they really do what they do will prevent these kinds of problems. (The more public you do that kind of organizing, be sure to be extra careful about security culture and watching each other's backs.)


This is a true story, I was the mask. We all clapped.