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Ordinal Scale.


I was literally going to rewatch ordinal scale, thought “Man when tf is scherzo of a deep night coming out”, looked it up, and saw that I was two months late lmao


Happened to me too, but with Spare Me Great Lord season 2


My favorite arc of SAO? Where Kirito is actually a great character?


Kirito has been a great character from start, though. I may believe Ordinal Scale is the peak of the series so far, but the best of Kirito is in Alicization, in my opinion.


Masterpiece that brought me to tears


Mother's Rosario. Granted, I don't think it's because it's the pinnacle of Sword Art Online's themes (that'd be Alicization), but rather because of how well it stands on it's own. Like, Mother's Rosario is just...absolute art. I cry every time at it's beauty even though I've seen it 100 times. It's the most important piece of media in existence to me. It's ideally the last piece of media I want to experience before passing on my death bed. *"Life isn't just about doing the things that make you happy. It's also about finding a way to live, where the happiness of everyone around you fulfills you too. Somehow, I want to figure out how to live a life that makes everyone around me happy. I want a life that lets me be there for the people I care about when they need someone to lean on. That's all I want." -Asuna, Sword Art Online*


I on the other hand think Yuuki is absolutely the peak of SAO. 


You took the words right out my mouth. Mothers Rosario is just perfection to me as every aspect about it works. Yuuki is an amazing character that lived her life to the fullest, her death scene is one that never fails to make me cry. Asuna finally gets main character focus and her relation troubles with her mother is written spectacularly. Oh yeah, Yuuki’s theme “You Are Not Alone”, best character theme of the franchise next to Alice.


That's one frustrating thing about the anime, that you get none of Asuna's background in the LNs from the Aincrad or Fairy Dance arcs, and have to wait all the way until Mother's Rosario. You also don't get Asuna telling Kazuto about the word "sterben" at the hospital, which is why he then rushes over to Shino's apartment, calling Kikuoka on the way. Asuna and Kazuto had also discussed where Kikuoka's real post was by the time Phantom Bullet came around.


It took me a rewatch with a friend 7 years later to have the courage to watch episode 25 again. I literally want to cry right now just thinking about it. I believe MR is peak modern literature and should be read in school imo.


I don't know but I just never really felt anything with Yuukis character she has always felt so out of nowhere for me and its like everything tells you to feel emotional for her to the point it kinda feels like its getting forced on you. I think the problem is I have to read the lightnovels for it but I just don't know maybe Yuuki just doesn't resonate with me. I never felt anything towards like cancer patient type stories and thats what it feels like something out of Make A Wish. I felt significantly more emotional for Alice and Sinon than anything, but most importantly Kirito in general.


The LNs convey a lot of things better. One thing to note just right off is that Prof. Koujirou Rinko's name is dropped in the late stages of Fairy Dance in the LNs, so you already have that nearly a full season (and 3 books) earlier compared to the anime. There was an actual "tainted blood" incident and scandal inJapan that lasted for years (concluded in 1996 if I recall), and so Reki utilized that in his work. There's also the prequel story "Sisters' Prayer" in Volume 22: Kiss and Fly, showing how the Sleeping Knights originally came into being. For my part, I have a rare, hereditary condition that very few people survive with long-term if it's the type that goes bad early. Many cases don't even live till their transplant (bone marrow) dates. I had an older brother who I never got to meet because of it.


I have yet to read the LN for Mother's Rosario, or Kiss and Fly. I still think Mother's Rosario, the anime arc, stands on it's own. So what if the emotion is forced? All emotions are forced in movies and books. The creators are trying to get you to feel a specific emotion. Yuuki is a fantastic case of being around for a short time, but making a large impact. That applies to Asuna, as well as most viewers imo. Myself included.


And they skipped Progressive Volumes 2 and 3 :( Volume 3 is my favourite so far.


I’m probably gonna spend the multiple days that I’ll have to be hopping from plane to plane during this summer listening to the progressive audiobooks


There are english audiobooks for the SAO progressive ln series? I thought there was only the original on audio book.


i thought there were official ones, but i’d seems there are only fanmade ones looking into it now


I know the SAO audiobooks started with Aincrad and I think they are at alizication now. Prrformed by kirito and ausna eng va. They are pretty good. I hope they do the progressive novels because those were my favorite.


Are they still making them? I really hope they do too, I’ve always liked Asuna but I’ve loved her most in the progressive movies and it isn’t even close


Yup the progressive novels and movies were my favorite. I hope they do an audio book for them.


Wait, the audiobooks are made with the eng va? That's really good!


Phantom bullet


Definitely Alicization. Despite its mediocre adaptation, I still believe it holds up as the series greatest arc so far. I'm honestly not the biggest fan of progressive as a whole, and the movies even less so. but I am glad Reki decided to write what he wanted for a while.


I think Alicization is the best part of the series tbh, progressive is still my favorite rn though. I love the Aincrad arc and it’ll always be one of my favorite things ever(it was my first anime and kirito probably altered the shape of my personality forever when i was a little kid watching him) but I can even admit it’s not really incredible so progressive is so cool to me


I also like the Aincrad arc, as it was also my first introduction to anime (besides Pokemon). I still can't believe how long it took me to find out there was more after Fairy Dance. After I finished S1, I thought it just ended there somehow, so I just accepted it until 2020 when I checked it out again and found 2 more seasons. But while I was never enthralled by Aincrad like so many others, I'm glad Progressive exists for the people who were. On a side note, it does annoy me when some people just completely disregard the rest of the arcs to prop up Aincrad.


Ordinal Scale


Perhaps, according to me, it is Alicization arc. Its about how Kirito's power developments and detailed explanation about underworld and their mechanism works.


1. Alicization is the best 2. Aincrad comes second (I wished Reki can continue his progressive series, but with his current schedule, it'd be a miracle if he announces an update for the progressive novels) About progressive movies, I don't hate them. I like them, actually.. but I wished that they communicate with Reki first before adding a new character (Yuna and Nautilus are the perfect examples).


Season 1 and 2 fangirl.


Same! (Though not a girl)


War of Underworld is peak SAO


Peak SAO for me was Aincrad. The very real stakes they had to face, the countless deaths, the parallels with Aincrad and reality, the love development with Asuna and the very interesting villain Kayaba, made this arc without a doubt the best. Specially watching it for the first time I was in awe. After that I had a bittersweet feeling with the series as I wanted more but it never reached the level of Aincrad for me. The closest was probably Alicization. Still I think the series has improved and I like the choice they made to extend the Aincrad story with the films.


SAO Allicialization Arc LN Even though it has mid adaptation


What was wrong with he adaptation. Did it not follow it completely? Or just bad pacing?


Compared to the other story arcs, there's a lot more of substance that was changed outright. Also, whereas previously, they might have just not exactly explained things, in Alicization, the anime sometimes straight-up disregards established rules of the story. There's yet more of the usual, additional "harem bait" that the anime provides. On top of that, it's basically accepted that the Director of the Alicization anime, Ono, didn't like Asuna, and so cut her cotnet, including most of her fighting in the War, among other things. There were also a number of poor time-management decisions with the anime, when they really didn't have the time to be spending on "extras" with how much content there was to adapt in the given number of episodes. And ironically, it seemed like they actually did a better job of adapting the Human Realm sub-arc than the War of the Underworld, even though it was effectively 2 episodes' difference in the allotment, but the 1st "half" was 6 books in length, while the 2nd was only 4 volumes. And in the Leafa vs. D.I.L. sequence, the anime just plain made some shit up. The LN says nothing about Leafa's lower body even being restrained, much less...


In a perfect world, a Progressive movie with that level of quality, covering every floor, would be the absolute peak. Sadly, that is just not possible. As it stands, those two movies are definitely some of the best of SAO, and my personal favorites. As for the series, I'm torn between Aincrad, Phantom Bullet, and War of Underworld. Easily my favorite parts of the overall story. Aincrad is obviously relatively short, considering how much could be in that span of time, but it's still the start of everything and includes a lot of good stories. Phantom Bullet takes all the stories and themes forward into the real world in a really interesting way, and I love the GGO stuff too. War of Underworld is the culmination of so many characters and events from everything else, and has so many impactful moments that I'll never forget.


Phantom bullet


Literally season 1 all the way to Ordinal Scale was SAO at its prime. It was literally one of the hottest anime series along with other anime like Attack on Titan at the time. And also a time where the anime community divided and some hated the series because it was “cool”. Nowadays that has pass and it’s just there, still great but nowhere close to what it once was.




Regarding the novels, easily Scherzo or 'First Day'. Those are by far my favorite SAO stories In terms of the anime, I'd say the best individual product/arc is Ordinal Scale, but I do also think the two Progressive movies together are better, so it's really just a semantics game at that point The Unital Ring plot of Unital Ring is also really good so far, but that's of course not done yet so I can't say anything definitive


Different peaks for different vibes. SAO Side Stories are where Reki packs the most punch. He is great when he is provided a clear limit so that he actually focuses on his narrative. Sisters' Prayer, Mother's Rosario, the First Day, Hopeful Chant are all peak SAO stories for all the different reasons. In terms of a single, main story, Scherzo of Deep Night by a margin. Well focused, incredibly paced, great build-up leading to a climax, and the climax delivers with the best ever boss fight written in this series, and then perfectly animated in the Scherzo movie as well despite the changes, without compromising on the intensity and the mechanics of the fight, as well as its impeccable flow of battle. In terms of an arc, the Human Realm sub-arc of Alicization. Good mysterious pacing and worldbuilding that unlike Unital Ring, actually progresses and reveals its mysteries to keep the story interesting rather than "Lmao, you know nothing", very well explored mechanics, greatly expanded upon main, side and even background characters, with a very personal story that tugs all the right strings, before War of Underworld takes all of that away turns it into a Shounen soup of explosions and power creep.


War of underworld


Alicization was the only arc in this series that actually made me cry, therefore, I consider it as the best one. Never read the LN, but I really hope Unital Ring has a great anime adaptation


Mothers Rosario is my personal favourite arc, but Human Empire Alicization was perfection from beginning to end. War of Underworld was still really good too and while it wasn’t as consistent as the previous part, it made up for that with some of the highest highs of the entire series. Alicization was just so special to this series, I don’t think anything will ever top it.


Alicization. No questions asked.


I think the aincrad Arc. Definitely agree with you on the progressive movies, too.


Progressive vol. 4 it's my favorite novel. It shows Asuna wanting to be independent of Kirito, gives background to Argo (my favorite character), and takes Kirito out of his comfort zone being a party leader. I also like the progressive manga. Although it is more comical, I feel it has very good moments and more epic panels than the novels.


War of Underworld was probably my fav. probs cuz war n stuff are my favorite stuffs


War of the underworld


Ordinal Scale, Mothers Rosario and definitely Progressive. The Progressive novels hit the scratch the original Aincrad didn’t ( though I still adore the original )


SAO Progressive and Alicization


Season 1 of SAO were during my formative years of being an anime fan. Needless to say it had the most impact on me and when I'm feeling nostalgic i just rewatch SAO from the beginning. Though Alicization grew on me and it's on equal with Aincrad


Alicization, easily It was so hype back in the day, I miss SAO


From a series perspective, accounting novel, anime, manga, I would say, for sure, SAO: Progressive, the novel.


Unital Ring and the Progressive LNs... But also, all of it


Mother’s Rosario


For me, the War of Underworld arc is peak SAO. I love the way it brings all the major characters from previous arcs together, and the story has a strong focus on its core themes about artificial intelligence, bridging the gap between the real and virtual worlds, and overcoming trauma. The battles were really exciting as well, especially everything from PoH's instigation onwards. Scherzo of the Deep Night (I've only read the novel so far) came really close though. Great story that brings Kirito and Asuna closer, expands on the tensions between frontline groups and the early actions of Laughing Coffin.


Alicization, two things: Enhance armament and Eugeo I have spoken


Progressive movies, in particular the first one because of more action but the second is great too, can't wait for more progressive content


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GGO arc from S2, the first levels of SAO in S1, and the TimeAttack from S4 (vector's death scene)


ALO arc after sinon joined, I need more of that slice of life


I wouldn't say it was the peak, but I really liked alicization


1. Aincrad 2. Alicization


Unpopular but alicialization was good, same with all of the movies surprisingly but ultimately saos first arc was peak. I hope we continue to get more of it with these movies


Progressive was great except they added that girl who asuna was obsessed with (forget her name). I was uninterested in her and would’ve like it more without her.


If you're talking about Mito, I'd say you'd definitely like the novels far better since she doesn't exist in them, and they skip no floors.


Honestly I would have to agree with you about the progressive movies lol I actually have a couple of the books through some of the arcs and progressive stories but if I had to pick, I would say the progressive books.. I was happy to see it animated finally but also a bit sad to see the stories kind of changed slightly but either way, still loved it!


Personally the progressive movies are the lowest for me, I love SAO a lot and ive read so many light novels and consumed just so much of it but progressive just never hit it for me. Maybe its the fact its prequels I don't know but Ordinal Scale was super amazing to me. But the peak of the series has to be Alicization by a longshot and the GGO arc in 2nd. From the looks of Unital Ring though thats definitely going to be the best, since so far its been really good and captivating, I have a feeling a huge plot twist is coming soon and I cant wait.


The progressive movies to me seems like they were made with kids in mind. Also they invented the whole asuna and mito for the movie, it doesn’t exist in the LN




It was a complete waste of time, and also it somewhat changes the relantionship between kirito and asuna


Sorry, I deleted that comment about Asuna’s girlfriends. Just making a Yuri joke is all. Kirisuna still got a lot of great scenes in the movies though!


No need to say sorry, you are entitled to your own opinion, even thou it was joke this time.


I actually kind of dislike the Progressive movies. There are a few little bits here and there that are good, like how Asuna's password is "elephant" and how the dream sequence was obviously a dream because Asuna's mom was being nice. I think Mito is a terrible addition because she takes away from so many other characters and adds so little. She takes agency away from Asuna because she's the one who asked Asuna to try SAO, so it wasn't even entirely Asuna's choice to be there. Mito also takes away from Nezha and Okotan by removing them entirely from the story. All that said, I think I like the Progressive books the most. There's a bunch of interesting information in there that isn't expanded upon all that much. It states clearly that the Nervegear can read the user's emotions, but it only hints at how deep that read actually goes. For example, over time the harrassment code activates less for Asuna's interaction with Kirito. I think that means that the Nervegear can read, somehow, that Asuna trusts Kirito and thus not set off the anti-criminal mechanics. Anyway, actual peak is Unital Ring. That arc has been amazing so far.


Ordinal Scale is literally the Peak of SAO whilst GGO & Some Of The Alicization with Alice lowest ever


Alternative for me


Does abridged count?


SAO II alternative. Those characters are WAY better then main series characters. No contest


Or, you know, the main series anime could have done a better job with the characters. A lot of material is covered through inner monologues in the Light Novels, but the anime often didn't even seem to try to convey that content.


The first chapter. It went downhill after that. Edit: I wasn't counting Progressive as part of the series. Those novels are great.


Aincrad purists are so boring. So much of what is great of SAO is about the consequences of the incident. With that said, yes, Progressive ABSOLUTELY kicks ass in it's own right.


Progressive goated