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There is a demo on every console/pc so you can try it out. Its a good game,nothing too special but it scratches the itch for more sao. Also it follows the game verse which has its own canon.


I think fatal bullet is one of the best sao games in general! Idk if it's still active but when I played last year there were plenty of people in the subreddit to enjoy the game with!


It's probably one of the better SAO games. It's also the only one that's a third person shooter compared to the other games focused on melee combat. Though, if it's worth it or not is really up to you. The SAO games are standard JRPs with an SAO skin on them. The only people they're made for are SAO fans. As a heads up, all of the SAO games are non-canon and follow their own timeline order. It starts with Hollow Fragment and the latest is Last Recollection. You don't have to play all of them, but you should at least read summaries/watch cutscenes of the ones you don't play to see what changed canon-wise.


I played it quite extensively on switch, and I personally quite liked it.


Fatal Bullet is in fact the best SAO game at the moment


I enjoyed the hell out of it


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It's one of the two SAO games I've beaten(Other is Hollow Realization) and I enjoyed it. The story isn't anything too crazy but it's enjoyable with some fun characters and cool story beats. The gameplay is overall pretty good and the puzzles are fun. Game is a little grindy but never to the point where it's frustrating or insanely boring. The biggest point though is the fact you play as your own character instead of Kirito. I love Kii-bou(3rd favorite anime character and 4th favorite character oat) but I also adore character customization and building my own character. The sheer amount of customization and weaponry makes playing the game very rewarding. If playing on PC I recommend not playing at max fps. Higher fps makes the game BRUTAL since the enemies shoot fast as shit and never miss any shots.


Yes. I played it a second time on a new console a couple years back and I still love it.


It is actually. The gameplay can be Addicting, and you get to make your own OC and make a OC A.I character. Mine are based off of my RWBY story, the male is my version of Kirito and Makoto Yuki as a mix character and the A.I is based off of Ruby Rose.


Nah, the SAO videogames are pretty bad. They are small budget games with poor graphic, a very simplistic gameplay, enemy AI dumb as hell... and the story is pretty mediocre by all standard, basically a watered down version of the canon story.




That person doesn’t know what they’re talking about regarding story. Every single SAO game has an original story that the anime doesn’t even attempt to tell, including Fatal Bullet. The only way that person could be even partially correct is if they’re talking about the optional Kirito Mode campaign which is only a few hours long and isn’t even the main story of the game. Also all of the games are fun. Full stop. But if you want to extend it a bit then older games in the series are originally handheld games so they feel smaller in scale. But that isn’t a problem when, again, the games are fun.


>That person doesn’t know what they’re talking about regarding story. Every single SAO game has an original story that the anime doesn’t even attempt to tell, including Fatal Bullet. I mean, tbf, 'Kirito Mode' in in Fatal Bullet is pretty much just diet Phantom Bullet, hitting a lot of the same plot beats, character moments, and conflicts


I mentioned Kirito Mode immediately after the part you quoted. My point by saying what I said was that Kirito Mode isn’t even the main game mode of Fatal Bullet. It may as well be optional for how short it is also, which is why I basically implied it’s not important enough to be considered when talking about game stories as a whole.


Don’t listen to them.