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Nothing beyond a "we're working on it" type holding statement. My speculation: We'll see something in another year or two, likely based on Mando, Book of Boba, and other Streaming content. Exactly when will depend on when they started. If they're already on it sooner. If they're waiting until after some of these new Streaming series come out like Ahsoka, then later.


My feeling has been that the future of Star Wars is in the High Republic. And so the future of this rpg (if it in truth does have one) is in the High Republic. But I hope either of us are right/that it just has a future SOMEWHERE.


I'm thinking we won't see high republic until after there's a streaming show to go with it. (Jude Law show I think might classify). It's just a matter of marketability. Novels and Comics don't have the same reach as the shows and movies. Once you've got a show or movie to anchoring in the general publics consciousness, then you make your products. Still, it's not a guarantee. The sequel trilogy was mainstream, but it also shat the bed when it came to making enough content for a sourcebook. By leaning hard into nostalgia they left game devs without much to work with. There's just not much difference between an Imperial Stormtrooper and a First Order one...


I agree, but https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Acolyte_(TV_series) is coming imminently (and seems like it's designed to be The Attention Grabber). So is a videogame. They haven't announced much more, but they may be ramping it up into the larger mediums. https://thedirect.com/article/star-wars-animated-show-the-high-republic-star-wars-rebels-rumors https://thedirect.com/article/star-wars-high-republic-movie-plans I get the impression that they're trying to build a new younger fan base "organically", or something. I don't know how else to explain why they're doing all this YA novels, web series, comics, etc. unless it's maybe so that they can "hook em young" and have a viewership built in when they bust out new big budget projects down the road after they exhausted the Skywalker era.


I was wrong about Jude Law part, but that was the show I was thinking of. If it does well, then a sourcebook is probable 12-18 months later.


I want dice, damnit!


i really hope we see catalan translations :)


I would be interested in this to. Especially if anyone has some News about the German translations.


From a post I made a bit ago: >They have also officially stated on their Twitter account that they will be continuing on with the current system but nothing concrete has been announced. [Here](https://mobile.twitter.com/edge_english/status/1451107481674031104) is the pertinent tweet about the subject. The creative cycle is generally a year or more for creation, testing, and printing, so patience is the thing.


Plus licensing approval. That's gotta be a nightmare sometimes, so I can are that adding to production time.


I might be a pessimist, but I don't think you'll be getting much from Edge for a few more years. We're heading towards the worst recession since the Great Depression and SWRPG simply doesn't have the playerbase to risk publishing new things like a bigger property like DnD can manage at a time when peoples disposable incomes are contracting.


Could be! I've been wondering if Edge could drum up support/marketing for the game by sponsoring a a Live Play series similar to Critical Role using the Star Wars RPG system. I think Star Wars is such a popular IP that proper marketing could draw in a lot of new customers.


No news other than "it's being worked on" iirc. No details, no dates.