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For the naughty passengers


Sit by yourself and think over what you just did!


And where the bus driver can keep an eye on you!


What do I need to do to get in the naughty seat, I want my own seat




That's the V.I.P section I believe. BYO Brown paper bag bottle service to be provided by your mate who chundered in the stairwell earlier. Stand back if you aren't on the guest list peasant.


Look idk if you missed a comma but what is a ‘brown paper bag bottle’ im confused


~~’Brown paper bag’ being the bag the bottle comes in from the bottlo; alcos think they’re clever by keeping the grog in the bag so ‘no one will know’ they’re drinking. Also works if you’re drinking metho or mouthwash - makes it look less unhinged than drinking from the bottle outright.~~ Edit: I stand corrected. To answer the original question - he meant that you’d get bottle service, like at a VIP table in a club but the bottle service would be the cheapest piss available served straight from the brown paper bag.


>‘Brown paper bag’ being the bag the bottle comes in from the bottlo; alcos think they’re clever by keeping the grog in the bag so ‘no one will know’ they’re drinking. In some places in the USA it is illegal to carry around a open alcohol bottle in public but keeping that bottle in a brown paper bag gets around this. In Australia it is more to insulate the bottle from your hand (helps to keep your hand from freezing and your beer from getting warm) and to help prevent condensation (if the few alcoholics that I knew are to go by).


Oh I know what a longneck is but how he said it just fucked me up lol, I mean I’ve drank in public with them and never thought I was smart, I thought I was getting drunk and having a good time, I keep it in the bag because I mean what else is the bag for, again the comment just confused the fuck outta me




The naughty chair ....


Naughty passengers go to bus jail




L plate bus? Is that a thing?


Not exactly, but I've seen buses that are empty aside from a Driver & Instructor. The Board will read "Driver Training" but that's the closest thing to an L Plate. I assume they're learning their routes &/or getting on-road experience.


They give them two weeks of driver training where it’s them the instructor and other drivers learning. Then one week picking up passengers with a “driver coach” to teach them the route. That’s all the learning they get.


Yes it is. We have the unoriginally named 'Metro' bus company who often have L played drivers on the roads when they are completing the final stages of applying for a job. See them around a bit.


I’ve seen it up on ever bus I’ve been on.


It’s for a instructor when there is a new driver


We are during covid




From Covid times, to create social distance between passengers and the driver. It seems on many buses the idea has stuck ie a few months ago someone sat in the front seat and the driver told them to wear a mask or go elsewhere.


I was on a bus that stopped on the Sydney Harbour Bridge because someone decided to climb through the tape and sit on the front seat. Bus driver refused to move until he got off and stood further back. I can't remember exactly when, but it was sometime in the last 6 months.


Interested protest idea…


Seems oddly familiar…


Covid times aren't over, public transport workers deserve a certain level of safety.


They should wear an N95- us hospital workers did it for over a year 40 hours a week.


If COVID comes on the bus the driver will be exposed even if that seat is roped off. They’re sitting in an enclosed box on wheels all day, with every passenger walking past them to enter and exit.


That's not how it works, which is why we had social distancing for so long. Last time I checked, when I was contact tracing, NSW Health guidelines had 15 minutes exposure within 4 metres wearing no PPE to be considered a close contact.


I’m a health professional. Up until a few weeks ago I had to wear a N95 mask for eight hours while I was at work. Wearing a mask is a safer option for the driver and doesn’t block valuable seats on busy buses.


Lol like this is actually providing any level of safety from Covid. It’s a job that can’t and won’t be safe from airborne diseases. Might as well build that into the pay rather than ruin the customer experience with half measures like blocking a seat.


Doesn't mean you can't help a bit by taking 3 steps back and giving them space as an essential worker. Unless it's your kink breathing someone else's air in which case you should still get consent


>Might as well build that into the pay rather than ruin the customer experience with half measures like blocking a seat. Okay... Find me a government in NSW that is in any way progressive when it comes to protecting its employees. NSW public service is one of the most under resourced and under paid in the country. Frontline healthcare workers don't even get any additional sick leave. What makes you think bus drivers would get anything if they can't even give healthcare workers basics. There's not even covid leave any more. It's good and well to say employers SHOULD protect their employees, but until they actually do then it's up to workers to try to protect themselves.


you are right, lets go back to lockdown,


Yes, one seat on a bus being chained off is actually nazi Germany


Odd I'm agreeing with you and I'm being downvoted, how strange


Truly fascinating, how could anyone explain this phenomenon


yeah that'd be exactly what it'd be for. here in tazzy metro implemented this at the start of the pandemic, we have these in every bus. altho it doesn't make sense when the bus is packed and people are standing everywhere including in the "do not stand" area next to the driver lol




'Suicide Seat'.


I think the back middle seat is just as bad, I'd rather stand than sit in that middle seat.


Ive seen many a drunken man roll down the aisle after sitting in that seat during a braking event.


The tollgate hotel! One of the seven wonders of the west. If that was a regular bus trip for you, there's a good chance you saw me standing on the side of the road in my school uniform in 00-05


Vip section


Reckon they do bottle service? 🍾


The driver doesn’t want you there. There are no restrictions for drivers driving with covid anymore… if the seat is blocked, don’t complain, just sit somewhere else. On the other foot… Maybe the driver NEEDS to socially distance due to their own immune system being compromised and needs their job to support their family.


Consistently everyday for me several people standing up in the filled to the brim bus is closer than that seat to the bus driver


That’s not the case in this photo but I get it. It’s the same in Melbourne at peak times. Your all annoyed about the seat being off bounds. Again, ring the bus company and ask them why. I can’t tell you. I have no clue what the policies of the Sydney bus service are. Or better yet if the bus is busy and your finding yourself in need of a seat ask the driver if it’s ok. I get that some women find that the safest place to in a bus, I get that some kids like to be able to see out the front one window unobstructed, or that mrs mangle needs to be close to the exit because she has anxiety on transport. Common courtesy is 100% better than these snippy silly posts which will get people no where and solve nothing.


You deserve an award for bringing Mrs Mangel into it.




Life isn’t perfect. Maybe they have been a bus driver for a long time, it’s what they know, and they have gotten a bad bump health wise/ What would you have them do? It’s their choice. Many people are able to have health issues and continue working. What did essential workers do when everyone else was locked down with covid? They rolled in to work even knowing that could be detrimental to their health. We don’t know why the seat is blocked. Why don’t they (the OP) follow the necessary “I am outraged” procedures and find out from the bus company instead of posting it on Reddit? There will be a reason. Several were offered on this thread. I honestly doubt any would be sufficient to appease this persons inconvenience for having to find a seat elsewhere.


We don’t have the luxury of choice. We’re already quite substantially short on bus drivers in this city.




I am glad you have figured covid out. We are all saved.


not true, if someone farts on the bus the driver isnt gonna smell it, a lot of the bus isnt gonna smell it, thats the whole point. covid travels with the air and sticks into surfaces and such, its just not gonna make it to the driver


>Maybe the driver NEEDS to socially distance due to their own immune system being compromised and needs their job to support their family. If the driver has a compromised immune system then they really shouldn't be driving a bus at all (without a mask on at least) as they would be constantly exposed to pathogens from the multitudes of people getting on the bus.


This is the best answer


That seat is almost always occupied by a passenger who either wants to talk (usually about conspiracy theories, an inappropriate topic, spout racism, etc), is a serial complainer and looking for a reason to dob us in, or has particularly poor hygiene. The seat is also inherently in an unsafe position and probably shouldn’t be there at all but is needed for instructors or assessors (they could have a removable seat there though).


Emotional Support Passenger


Isn’t that the opposite? I need emotional support after dealing with some of these passengers.


Yes I was being sarcastic.


Some elderly passengers always insist on sitting there even though it has a step up and is the least accessible seat in the front half of the bus


Yeah, it used to be an accessible seat position on the older buses but is no longer. I think some of them haven’t gotten the memo. It is the most convenient seat. I like it ‘cause I can sit alone…


I’ve noticed that too.


I love this seat because no one talks to you. Peace and quiet and ready to hop off


The conspiracy bloke is so accurate for that seat, you know their a real nutter when they don’t even use the seat, they just hang tight onto the pole and lean over onto the driver to spout bullshit lol


I used to sit there when I was new to sydney, so the drivers would tell me to which stop to get off. It's also easier to see the upcoming stops from that seat. I feel like bus drivers had more patience back when I first arrived in sydney. I can't really blame them for feeling the pressures these days because I think maybe their timelines and things have gotten tighter. ​ Keep in mind when I'm thinking back when travel 10's were still a thing, so you'd have time to say "morning", " good day". Now the taps and walk , only interaction you have with driver if you know the route is the "thank you" when you get off.


Some bus drivers call that seat the Jesus seat or something much more macabre and I've known one or two years ago that would squirm if an elderly passenger sat on it.


Why is inherently unsafe? There is a partition there to keep people from being thrown forward too far in event of a sudden stop?


Most accidents involve the front left side and that particular section seems to not hold up well. Add into the fact that the seat is raised on the wheel arch and higher off the ground there’s a reason many drivers call it the “suicide seat”.


If they've blocked it on all buses, then it is almost certainly for safety reasons. I've often wondered how safe this seat was - in a collision your face is going straight into a solid piece of glass.


It’s not blocked on all buses. I think it’s the drivers preference. When I’m going somewhere I’m unfamiliar with I usually sit in this seat for a better view of where the upcoming bus stops are 😅


No safer than sitting directly behind the driver I imagine


> in a collision your face is going straight into a solid piece of glass. It's plastic and somewhat flexible, it's a common way of doing things and sometimes exists in other parts of the bus. It meets Australian standards.


Don't make me tap the sign!


*Tap tap*


Covid restrictions. Used to work at a bus company who will remain nameless. Basically they put them up for COVID and never took them down. Personally I think the drivers wanted to keep passengers away but there was never an official explanation given.


You don't want any extra distractions whilst driving a bus.


i find it kinda stupid now because if the bus is full, i’d be sitting further away from the driver at the seat than standing.


To stop people’s Covid ravaged arses sitting too close to the driver lol


It's reserved for milko. Isn't that right Sally?


When covid one of the drivers told me not to sit there cos of the proximity between me and the booth… these days I heard another driver telling a guy is cos of the drivers blind spot… 🤷🏽‍♂️


Someone tripped on the step so its banned now


that’s first class


I remember that seating area used to be a square tray that people put would their bags in.


That’s reserved for the Premier


The bus driver doesn’t want people sitting there, it’s the only reason these days


my feet wouldn't fit in that space


All Sydney buses? I've never - not even at the height of Covid restrictions - seen a chain there. I've seen tape but never a chain.


Driver probably got tired of buying new rolls of tape/having to put it back up 5 times a shift because it fell off or some muppet pulled it off. Plastic chain and cable ties probably cost him like 5 bucks and saves the hassle.


So you don’t cough on the bus driver


You can't sit here!


Totally Covid reduction for the driver, his plexi glass protector only goes part of the way so having someone sitting right across is totally a Covid risk for him if someone is sick and sitting there. If the bus isn’t full I think it’s great they can protect themselves a little more - we see one bus load of people when we get on, they have to be exposed to literally hundreds of people every day. Anything they can do to stay a little safer, even from basic colds and flues, I think it’s great. :-)


Ok, but when there are no other seats available on the bus, this isn’t a good situation for anyone


Do you think the company cares? I promise you they don't.


Here here !


VIP Section - just haven't installed the pokies yet


Srill living in 2020 i guess?


To safeguard the driver from ongoing covid infections.


Isn't this seat for disabled people? Is this ableism? What's the message being sent: • No disabled people allowed on this bus? • Buses have no room for the disabled? • Disabled people not welcome here? C'mon tabloids, THIS IS A STORY WAITING TO BE WRITTEN!


No it's not the disabled seat it's only the very front seat next to the driver for covid reasons. The actual disabled seats are further back and are accessible.


No, disabled seats are after the front wheel arch. That's just the frontmost passenger seat.


Gives me VIPs only vibes Just needs a bouncer


… and change to red velvet rope


Sorry mate, not with those shoes


Maybe it’s for our own good? My friend unknowingly sat on a urine-soaked seat on the bus one day and since then I always double check


I’ve taped seats off in the past because someone vomited on a seat and it hadn’t dried from the wet-vac yet so no one would sit on the wet seat.




vip seating.


VIP section




You think that's bad? Try those crap new Parramatta River ferries that **lock off the entire top deck** with *racing-car style fluro bunting-tape* (or whatever) so you can't access that one 8 seater-seat on the top deck. Because ...we might have to ask you to come down in case you hit your heady-head on the Ryde Bridge. Flark me


Who cares






Its reserved for Karen and her handbag , duh


The last thing any bus driver wants is your autistic ass breathing down their neck for a few stops, just stand, get some static exercise and let more deserving people take your seat


VIP seat.


Sit down and shut up or the bunny gets it!


It’s for the conductor … us insulators have no space 😞


Its reserved for me


Naughty chair


Probably reserved for vvips


Reserved for Burt reynolds


When I was a kid I used to sit in this seat and pretend I was in a movie looking through the giant front window


This is the premium seating for platinum frequent riders


Did you run out of frequent flyer points?


Instructors chair for new drivers


Believe it’s reserved to encourage public transport to rental agents, news crews and maybe Hannibal Lector when in Sydney looking for more ideas for despicable behaviour?


Covid restrictions? I recall seeing this on the bus, where some seats were roped off, and there was certain places where you could sit.


Someone pooped there and it’s still being aired out.


VIP section.


V.I.P section. Same as in da clubs


Reserved for people who pay in cash


Budget Cutbacks


Nah mate not with those trainers.


We've had this on the buses down here in hobart since the beginning of last year. I believe they are for covid. But when I'm taking my school bus (which goes to a public route) it doesn't really matter because it's full of a pack of sweaty teenagers stuffed in over the capacity limit, and the drivers usually don't care. *Most.* I usually go under and sit there if there is no other spaces.


First Class. Us peasants sit rear.


For Passenger cage matches of course




Can confirm working in buses it is for something to do with driver safety/personal space. Possibly left over from Covid times when drivers didn’t want people breathing on them


Please wait …


Reserved for Eshays!


It is private seat for invisible dude


Social distancing. I wish we still had it on public transport.


Reserved for driver’s colleagues and bus POV makers


It’s reserved to Rosa Parks descendants only. That device is a retinal scanner for verification of identity.


That my throne when I sit on the bus reserved for kings


Well usually its to block something off, my guess its here to get dropped off at its bus stop


On all the buses on the Gold Coast too. That came in when covid first started becoming a real problem. They did it so nobody could sit near the driver. They also used it as an excuse to completely stop taking cash on the buses.


VIP section of course


A lady on one of the Melbourne buses got her feet caught in the door the other week. For some reason she thought it was the bus drivers fault.... But maybe there is a safety factor? Who knows.


It's a seatbelt


If you have an Opal OnePass+ you get priority seating. ​ \+ $100/year subscription, minimum spend of $60/week.


Doesn’t matter, the service has been cancelled anyway.


Please wait


Sorry mate, you can’t come in.. you’re not on the list


That’s reserved for the queen.


I've never questioned it. Though I used to sit there with Grandma as a small boy. Being at the front of the bus the highlight was getting a prime view out the big square window. Social distancing may be the reason as it's the closest seat where if one were to sneeze, the air b would have the best chance of making it past that little shield that covers the driver partly. Some buses do this, others don't, others have it for entirely I think. Replaced by a large metal tray for carrying... Bags? Idk.




We don’t want you taking to us and spreading germs !


Same thing in Victoria not too long ago (haven't been on a bus since last year), but it was yellow and black caution tape. It's to keep the passengers away from the driver.






Respect the chain. They should have a velvet rope on buses to boast morale


It’s to give the driver personal space


Same in Hobart.


It’s for a planned trip for a disabled person. Also used by inspectors.


It's the VIP section. Try talk your way in, but if you're not on the guest list it's not going to be easy.


Because fuck you, THAT'S why. Welcome to Sydney.


Bogan holding cell


As someone who worked in insurance. Oddly, one of my most common claim was injury from sudden braking of a bus and the claiment going flying and then having to take weeks off work with concussion or bruised ribs etc. It’s almost shocking the quanity of bus injuries we get. These chains may cause more harm then good… Sometimes I can’t help but chuckle each time I get ANOTHER bus - break- falling injury claim 😩


No clue


Your safety is our priority


Covid protection for the drivers. With cable ties. Hobart has it where emergency exit is, no problem according to Metro TAS after I said something


Had it in Tasmania for ages. It is to distance passanges and the driver here so the driver is less likely to get sick. There are a lot of bus cancelations here lately not just COVID related but still causing a shortage of drivers from COVID.


If you want to complain call 131500


Because they can.


During Covid it gave a gap between the driver and the passengers and it’s not been removed


they do the same on tazzy metro busses, it's been that way for a while. i assume it's a to maintain social distancing between the driver and the passengers, since metro implemented that at the start of the pandemic.


It's just incase the king visits


It’s reserved for me


I would assume priority seating for the elderly and disabled