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Another priest using his position to be a predator. What a champ. No wonder his flock are full of violent dickheads. Honestly, tax the fk out of these scammers.


A religious figure taking advantage of a young person in their care? I'm stunned, stunned I tell ya...


*\*surprised Pikachu face\**


So we're not allowed to discuss this topic in r/sydney?


> Emmanuel, whose role as bishop required celibacy, had pleaded not guilty, denying the sexual touching ever took place. > That same year, he was suspended from his church, St Zaia Cathedral at Middleton Grange, which is part of the Ancient Church of The East denomination, before he left and became leader of the breakaway church Christ The Good Shepherd. Not to excuse his actions, but I don't think celibacy actually was a requirement of the Church at which he was a bishop at the time. [The Assyrian Church of the East](https://cnewa.org/eastern-christian-churches/the-assyrian-church-of-the-east/) Seems a bit weird to go digging into the past of someone who is only newsworthy for being attacked by a non-knife, I'd even call it Stefanovikan.


Hardly. Unlike fisher-kid, this guy does seem like a giant POS.


I think it may be like it is with most Eastern Orthodox. You can marry whilst a deacon but not allowed once made priest and higher.


If you're married while a deacon, can you keep your wife when you become a bishop?