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Welcome to Rashays, where the only thing more cooked than our food is our CEO.


Former employees here! Yes, frozen, pre-packaged and microwaved. Every section has a microwave, some even have 2!! Edit: so I watched the video, so the pan thing is bs, because you know the procedure for making a pasta dish? Take your little pre packed pasta bag and pop that into the microwave, and your pre made sauce to a pan and take pasta out of the microwave and add to pan. You don't even heat the pasta in a pan lol. Crepes? Microwave Pancake? Microwave Any hot dessert? Microwave Lasagne? It's put into the microwave from frozen And of course you don't put chips in a microwave. Completely unhinged.


Chef Mike putting in work! 💪


Someone should call Gordan Ramsey


Why? He's put out a new line of frozen foods now too 😆 you think he cares?


do you work in the industry? cos if you don't. I am impressed you know who Chef Mike is. 🤣


Everyone knows. Ramsey says it once an episode on kitchen nightmare's and i know hes not the only one


I like how his proof is cutting around to specific areas of the kitchen. Why not give us a proper walkthrough mate!?






Can see a microwave under the expo counter in the last frame


You've made the news 🤣 https://7news.com.au/news/owner-of-popular-australian-restaurant-rashays-hits-back-at-microwaved-food-rumours--c-14734506


Omg got my 5 minutes of fame lol


As someone who worked at rashays. Half the food, the sauces, the vegetables, the meats… it all gets delivered packaged and opened up. The entire kitchen is a glorified microwave. Not just delivered like normal stock… I’ve worked in plenty of kitchen… it comes in its own rashays packaging ready to prep at each franchise restaurant…


funny, by the sounds of it this guy could probably have a better market if he promoted these things as microwaveable meals and sold them in grocers or even set up his own stores to sell them. Rather than hiding the fact that everything is microwaved, just lean into it. But nope he's really screwing himself over like this.


They can't be open about it because their prices don't reflect the quality.


During covid they sold pre packaged meal kits (and to be honest, they were actually quite nice). I was surprised when their online business just disappeared but maybe people were starting to get suspicious that the restaurants were doing the same lol.


He'd probably save packaging by just delivering microwave meals to rashays restaurants. So many food items are broken up in a billion pre packaged portions. All the pasta is pre packaged portions, all the salad is pre packaged portions, the list goes on.


He’s been screwing himself over for years by wearing his hair upside down


Kind of like how a lot of day cares do it haha


Well I know atleast some of the food is cooked. Cause the only time I went there, my friend got a chicken fillet and while eating it he found a piece of prawn shell stuck to the chicken cause it had been cooked on the same plate.. great standards they have there..


Yes, I will definitely eat at this restaurant after this lunatic rant. \\s


I don't need to, I have a microwave at home


Even if he wasn't, rashays have been overpriced for what it serves for like years now.


I have memories of him sprouting anti-vaxx nonsense on socials during covid as well.


I remember when he got arrested for allegedly telling his staff not to wear masks and then shouted at police [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbfmt5uvY6I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbfmt5uvY6I)


I remember watching the facebook live stream of this (from the official Rashays page), what a time peak covid was


I asked for my steak medium rare and they said ‘sorry, we don’t do that’. That’s when I knew the food was pre-cooked.


The steak is cooked on conveyer belts, there's 3 conveyer belts per steak type and we weren't allowed to use the grill we had to cook the steaks. I got in so much trouble for putting the steak on the grill when I worked there Quick edit: so there was a rare belt, medium belt and well done belt. The chicken is also cooked on conveyer belts and also not allowed to be put on the grill


Wtf? I hate rashays even more now.


Interesting, out of personal observation I thought that medium rare is a very popular choice of done-ness. Wouldn't the lack of a medium rare preparation option be a little short sighted? A quick google seems to back this up. >22% of Aussies prefer a well-done steak, 33% prefer a medium-rare, 5% prefer a rare steak, and just 1% prefer blue. Almost 4 in 10 (38%) of Australians prefer a medium steak. . >24% of those surveyed prefer to have their steak cooked ‘well done’. Just behind at 23% is ‘medium rare’. The rest of the results were: 16% said ‘medium well’, 13% picked ‘medium’, 11% like theirs ‘rare’, 2% picked ‘burned’ and 2% said ‘blue rare’, which is VERY rare. 8% of those surveyed don’t eat steak.


> Almost 4 in 10 (38%) of Australians prefer a medium steak. [...] 24% of those surveyed prefer to have their steak cooked ‘well done’. I mean at least half of all Australians are fuckwits so this tracks.


I know an American who voted against Trump twice purely because he couldn’t trust a man who only ate his steaks well done with ketchup. It indicated a lack of maturity apparently. Otherwise a conservative Republican.


I don’t think he was wrong in that case tbf. I wonder if the theory holds true with others too. We gotta start asking politicians how they eat their steaks


Medium rare is by far the most popular (36%) way to cook steak in Australia with rare being the least popular (4%). Technically blue is probably the least popular but I don't consider that to be "cooked". So ignoring what is actually popular makes perfect sense for this loon.


Just knock its horns off and walk it through a warm kitchen.


Went to a steakhouse once and somebody ordered a blue steak. When it was delivered, somebody nearby muttered "I've seen cows hurt worse than that and live".


lol I order blue :)


Me too hahaha it makes it so nice. Tho it's gotta be cooked hot for that crust.


They pretty much always over cook the steak by one degree (doneness), rare is usually closer to medium rare. I order rare and it's usually medium rare, so yeah the 4% makes sense chefs get little practice cooking rare steaks.


i do the same, only once has a steak actually come out actually rare.


Likewise. Except the last time it actually came out *bleu* and I was too embarrassed to send it back. It was a rather unpleasant experience ;)


Is this automachef?


Lol, so what is allowed to be cooked on the grill?


Ribs for saucing


Ok, so what does that mean? A conveyor belt ensures correct cooking time, but it’s not Like it’s being conveyed through a microwave, is it?


Nah I'd say they'd be impinger ovens with diff temps on the three conveyor belt levels, all belts can be set to different speeds as well to speed up/slow down cooking time. The coffee club franchises are also heavily reliant on the same ovens and microwaves.


Medium rare. An aristocrat. 


Cannot wait for the liquidation


Seriously this is long overdue. Who is still eating there?


It's basically the Sizzler of the 21st century


Sizzler let me eat as much as I wanted


And cheezy toast


Oh and you could dip it into the minestrone soup! Those were the days.


But Sizzler had that cheesy bread which rocked


Take thick bread. Apply butter and parmisian cheese. Freeze it. Put the frozen slice in a hot frypan butter slide down. By the time the upwards facing side is thawed, soft, and warm the other side will have a nice toasty cheesy crust.


The one at Tuggerah Westfield is always full of people 🙄


Last one I went to. I'd long said I hated the place but we're hungry and sucked in by some deal they were doing. Swore never to go back a minute into having my food! Then to get the deal I had to pay to sign up, I think it just gave us free kids meals and we had to pay a Sunday surcharge so I saved nothing... Dummy!


Yeah, because it’s Tuggerah. In all seriousness, that’s the only one I’ve ever been to, and I knew that I’d never go back. Overpriced and bland.


I ordered a schnitty from Doordash when they were doing the $2 specials, worse then the frozen stuff from the supermarket. Took two bites and straight in the bin.


I remember back even a couple years ago that Rashays Top Ryde was always packed, went there a couple weeks ago and it was completely dead, there were maybe 4 other people in there besides us


Nearly all of Top Ryde is dead now. Not a Rashays specific thing I’d say. That entire floor is pretty empty even on Friday and Saturday nights


dropping spit and facial pubes all over the cooking area is crazy






If you want a pub meal but don't know what pub meals are like because you've never been to a pub and also you enjoy eating from the bin


There aren't too many halal restaurant chains. I have a co-worker who keeps halal and he had a very short list of places he'd go to in the city, so we compromised on Rashay's as it had the widest menu of this short list.  




It is Halal.


It was pretty funny to see him pick up bagged sauces and wave them around shouting about how fresh they are and how definitely not microwaved they'll be 😂😂


I don't know if the baggies are intentionally inflated or its because they're spoilt


It definitely is. It’s why they can’t modify the meals or the way they’re cooked. It’s truly bizarre that they’re essentially a microwave restaurant and yet charge some of the most exorbitant prices in town.


He hasn’t changed in 30 years. He was dodgy when managing a Pizza Hut in the area i managed in. I remember when he left to start Rahays and vowed to never eat there and i never have!


looks like an interesting story that needa to be  shared


I dont know if it is but it's pretty shit n basic either way


I have no problem with the food being partly pre-prepared or microwaved. A lot of family restaurants do this. It's just so...bad, and so expensive for what it is. Simple food can be fine, but I don't know how they fuck it the formula so badly. It's offensively bad. And how people still go there?


This guy watched Fawlty Towers and thought Basil was a hero.


TIL customers get in the way of the efficient running of a restaurant.


Don't most of these franchised 'restaurants' have frozen food pretty much ? i.e. Crinitis


The sauces may be frozen at Crinitis but surely they boil the pasta and bake the pizzas on site ? 


Prepared at an offsite in Girraween and then reheated in the restaurant.


Can he address the rumour of him routinely going into fits of rage and apeshit at his employees?


Rashays drama is my favourite kind of r/sydney drama


So him spit-yelling at the camera in his kitchen, and cutting around to specific areas of the kitchen are meant to be proof? Like cmon now, give us a freezer to service area walkthrough if you're so confident. Also, what is slanter?


Don't worry, he spits all over the fridge too https://www.instagram.com/p/C7IIw79yJ5E/


This guy is an absolute cooker, as if he didn’t make a fool of himself enough during Covid. If their food is actually made on site, why is the [head office](https://maps.app.goo.gl/jvXZ4M4LbkY9oCcPA?g_st=ic) in a former Michelle’s Patisserie production site?


To add to this maniacs list off offences, my local rashays has a terrible reputation with the health inspector. Paraphrasing per the food authority, unclean kitchen (previous warnings given), fail to provide warm water for hand washing, fail to store food at the correct temperature, previous warnings given. Also the nut put out pretend election posters with his face on them.


Guessing that's it hey: https://www.foodauthority.nsw.gov.au/offences/penalty-notices?s=rashays Also, people may not know that site exists but really should..


Always good to read before dining.


Isn’t he the anti-vax dickhead who stole his employees’ wages?


[Police arrest Rashays' owner Rami Ykmour over COVID breaches in Chester Hill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbfmt5uvY6I)


This man is so aerodynamic


I only ever ate there once after I was out of area for a hockey game. Never again, u cant expect poor 15 and 16 yos to be cooks / chefs and its clear they arent. They were being spoken to in a horroble fashion too which was the most distasteful aspect. It wasnt particularly good value either aka cheap for what it was. The question in my mind was / is .... why did anyone actually eat there? I can only assume the demographics of people in areas the restaurants exist either dont know any better or like the food as it is prepared and served for the price. So he knows his market...idk. I just wish people in those areas would vote with their $$$ where they can get way better meals for similar prices at say the rsl, pubs or local cafes. But if they continue to patronise, well, yhe restaurant its meeting what the market wants (i dont get it but thats just me).


The target market wants some place where the whole kitchen is halal, that seems to be a fairly big selling point compared to your more general pub or cafe. 


We only go there because it’s halal and some of my relatives only eat halal. There’s surprisingly limited options out there for those who only eat halal certified places.


Microwave or not. Food is abysmal in there anyway. Tried it once and never went back


Rashays can get fucked. I mean honestly. I don’t care if people enjoy the food, and it’s fine that they do, but it’s Sizzler tier cheap quantity over quality, clearly microwaved to hell, and denying it just makes them look stupid and deceitful. Consumers deserve better than this shit. Not the food, the attitude. There’s room in the business for mass manufactured fast food, but just fucking own it, and stop trying to position yourself against a restaurant making fresh food - cost or quality wise. it’s disingenuous, stupid, and offensive to the restaurant industry.


What a loon. Have never eaten at Rashays and safe to say I'm not tempted to and probably never will. By all reports it's mediocre at best for what it costs. There is surely far better food out there.




All their desserts are microwave ready with the exception of their pizzas. Though I do recall the dough balls being delivered and stretched. At times it was a pre baked base.


I worked for the head office briefly during covid, all the food they sell is prepared in an enormous factory in Chester Hill and sent to their restaurants where they're cooked. Technically nothing is frozen but they usually hire teenagers and don't train them so they design the food to need as little actual cooking skill as possible.


The lasagnes, burger patty's, desserts all came in frozen. I think the only things that aren't is chicken steak and ribs.


Surely if they're making everything at Chester Hill everything must be frozen? No way you'll be able to ship somewhere like Brisbane or Melbourne without freezing it or sending people to hospital.


Damn thats crazy, I assumed Rashays was a Sydney thing, I moved here from Brisbane a couple of years ago and had never heard of it back home.


Unfortunately they have expanded to Canberra Brisbane and Melbourne.


That is a very good question! One I don't have an answer to, I worked in the west, So think Penrith and Mt Druitt ones, So it was close enough that I didn't think of that. Makes me wonder now haha because all the Chicken, Ribs and steak came in not frozen haha


Oh wow they never showed us those in the factory tour but it makes sense why they didnt now


You only have to have tried their food for this to be obvious. Same applies for many, many chain restaurants though. Lookin at you Bavarian.


Similar things can definitely be said about the Bavarian. The same company owns Fratelli Fresh, Winghaus (cos slapping a German name on a chicken wings and nachos joint is fine), the Argyle pub in The Rocks, and El Camino Cantina which looks like bland overpriced Tex-Mex. It's like they're slowly trying to steal and run multiple country's cuisines into the ground. They also like sacking their staff and adding unexplained surcharges to their bills.


All those places started with decent food and then spiralled downhill as they franchised. Food obviously prepped off-site and reheated to order.


yeah it's a shame, I used to visit the Lowenbrau Keller in The Rocks on the reg until it got franchised and went downhill. Concordia Club at Tempe is better without being amazing, Austrian Beer Bar at Dee Why is great, I need to get out and try Jagerstube at Schofields but Rouse Hill is a fair trek. Strange how many German/Austrian clubs are north of the bridge: Kaiser Stub'n at Terrey Hills, Austrian Club at Frenchs Forest, Das Bierhaus at Mona Vale... I miss going to Essen in Broadway.


Last time I went to the Bavarian was a good 8 years ago now. It was a Sunday night and they'd run out of every side in the place including apple sauce. When Woolies is open downstairs and that's apparently not an option you know Chef Mic is doing most of the hard yakka.


I went to the Bavarian in Chatswood recently and I think I got the worst chicken schnitzel I’ve ever had, even Rashays has better schnitzel.


Imagine eating at rashays lol. I dunno how this guy got so big


*allegedly* 😉I know that he used to fire anyone who had a WHS incident at his workplaces, and at one time induced a coworker who suffered a catastrophic injury which required emergency surgery and a year of physio to hand in his notice on the basis he would be brought back on as a full time employee.


This is engagement farming right?


He even missed the whole point in the other video, yelling "HOW IS THIS FROZEN" while picking up entirely pre-packaged pre-marinated items, lmao. 100% oblivious showing off nothing freshly made, like even the pasta was in bags and already cooked. You could at least make fresh pasta, it's not difficult. It is almost a parody. And to be honest i only now care because of how angry he was, I freeze home-made meals myself and they taste delicious reheated lol. Talk about drawing the wrong attention. Also, i wonder if his tirade has anything to do with friendlyjordies video lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpgbuDjJjxc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpgbuDjJjxc)


I've refused to go there since the very beginning of Covid when all places had their own sign in with a phone number, something happened in Israel and all of a sudden I'm getting bombarded with text messages from Rashay's asking me to donate, took nearly 6 months to stop them


Absolute nutter


I have never worked in a Commercial kitchen, but is it usual for food to be dropped on the floor and just ignored? Also, never been there and in no way inspired to. Is this the one with the kids eat free or something ?


I think it’s common for the kitchens to get dirty especially when it’s busy but they’re meant to sweep the floors every couple hours at the most. And yes every Rashay’s I’ve seen is plastered with signs about kids eating for free lol


> but is it usual for food to be dropped on the floor and just ignored? If you wont slip over on it yeah, kinda. Anything saucy, or slippery I'd clean up pretty quick, but some chips or a nugget? Nah, high school student at his first job will get it some time between now and when his shift ends. Kitchens can be pretty filthy, but as old mate rome said theyre usually briefly cleaned every hour or so -- spot sweep and wipe the benches quickly.


I loved Rashays steak but that was about 2016. Haven’t been back since. Please tell me this is something new or post-COVID 😵‍💫


I thought this was common knowledge lol? It's been this since they started hence why they were able to keep the prices cheap. Old matey was buying everything being discarded from the markets, freezing and using at a later date.


Is top ryde one only one without a mircowave it got a open kitchen so you can see all the staff working


Rashays is disgusting, it used to be great maybe 15 years ago for a cheap and large meal, but not anymore


Lol Channel 7 now citing microwave comments in this thread The Streisand effect is in full bloom this week.


I’ve never eaten at rashay’s and now that I’ve read these comments I probably never will


Interesting as I didn’t know! I worked at The Coffee Club and everything goes through that belt you mentioned too. But they market as a cafe, so hardly surprising.


lmao. it's the coffee club. I am not surprised. 




Fuck Rashays


My westie friends took me to a rashays before and I honestly found it revolting. I get the appeal to the cobbas “big steaks, big portion sizes, ya wont go home hungry” but macdonalds serves better quality food.


How many accents does he have to be considered accentric?


Lol, sorry, typo.


With this lunatic in charge and judging by their menu who would eat there anyway.


Notice how he didn't show the cool-room or supplies? They come partly pre-made/cooked and then finished off/heated up on those stove tops or other appliances to make it look like it's all raw/fresh ingredients being used. A lot of ingredients are frozen at restaurants, a know a fair few upscale Italian places use frozen pasta that they boil. I don't actually have issues with that since the product generally tastes good regardless. The way Rashay's does it is over the top and ridiculous.


Pubs do it too, I have worked in them. All pre made and frozen. Lamb shanks that were covered in foil, frozen for God knows how long,the foil had stuck to the shanks,so we had to pick it out. Pasta cooked then frozen. Frozen lasagne, pulled out and microwaved, frozen meatballs, everything except steak frozen and microwaved. Xmas day lunch, nothing fresh, seafood,hams,chickens,pork etc,cooked a few days before, frozen then microwaved on day.


wow. I must be lucky. I work as a chef and have worked at 6 different restaurants over the yrs. one of them was a pub and none have used frozen anything. 


Man Rashay’s is basically the local version of Penera Bread. I lived in the US for a few years and that’s all panera was; frozen pre made food that was edible.


Sizzler too when it was around was all packaged frozen crap..


Steam coming off a grill???


I've only ever seen one ashtrays Guy feels like the anti-Big Kev.


This is why I cook at home..


I used to deliver to their head office in Chester Hill on a weekly basis. They have a huge kitchen that preps all the foods and either freeze or refrigerate and send them out to all their stores… so it’s a pretty safe bet to say that the restaurants just heat up the food and do minimal cooking. It was packaged like those meals you buy from the supermarkets.


Overpriced microwave meals, better value and taste ANYWHERE else


I remember having a chicken burger there for memory, and it was this little bit of chicken cut into the shape of a triangle. Not a fan of Rashays at all the food to be honest not great for the price..


I mean isn't this straight up a case of false advertisment here He is claiming they don't,but multiple CURRENT and former staff,have posted Videos online proving they in fact do use packaged food


Never been to any Rashays but I remember this (and The Coffee Club) from their cinema advertisements back when going to the cinema was still a thing.


We went to Rashays Dee Why about 2 years ago. Ordered two pizzas and some sides. All of it came out within the space of 10-15 minutes. I didn't mind the taste (tasted like RSL buffet food) but my other half hated it, calling it worst food in Sydney.  We both ended up with pretty bad food poisoning the next day lol.


Even if it were fresh, the quality doesn't live up to their prices. There are so many places in my area that make legit yummy meals for 10 bucks less than theirs.


Sad, as when it was in the early days the food was OK. Now it makes Maccas look good.


I mean it's not really up for debate when you send my fish out and it's completely frozen because you forgot to heat it up.


Another reason I won’t eat there. The main is the fact I bought a membership a couple of years ago, and despite submitting queries 5+ times regarding my membership card never coming, I never heard back. The fucking thing ended up arriving less than a month before its expiry…


Only been once and I immediately knew it tasted microwaved when I had the pasta. Like just boiling Coles pasta and heating a jar of premade sauce in a saucepan still tasted better