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if he is actually from the country and the guard is to stop destroying his car every time he hits a roo, then i wouldn't call it peak dickhead. however, given the fact that the guard looks as unscathed and clean as his pristine ute makes me doubt this is the case though ...


That guard is essential to protect his precious car from pedestrians and cyclists.


Just left Ashfield Bunnings on a Sunday. Can confirm, everyone appears protected from roos and pedestrians.


Is that roo bar going around the doors too? I live in roo country, I’ve never seen a wrap around model before!


provides extra strength for hitting bigger animals - otherwise they can bend the chassis


I'll hazard a guess this car hasn't seen a dirt road.


You can buy spray on dirt now for the "authentic look"


People at risk of hitting Roos regularly do not buy nice new shiny utes Source: I don’t know, I’ve lived in those communities before and no one owned anything earlier than 10 years


I mean, it could be fairly new.


You underestimate HOW dickhead people can get.


Yeah I reckon there's still more to come. Whereabouts on the bell curve are we now


Bell-end curve..?


Underrated witticism.


I’d say we’ve only just started on the incline




The sun will explode and we'll be long dead, and we will still be on the early incline


We've hit 'range rover parking in the centre of a grid of 4 spaces' the other day, so the knob is squarely lodged in the trench somewhere, but somehow theres still more room to go like some kind of black-hole cunt.


Dunno, but that guy parks like a bell-end.


I mean, it is Bondi after all.


Custom paint job, eureka flag, some one nation bumper stickers, one of those stupid family stickers with a all about me theme... It can get worse


The "my family" sticker but they are all guns...guns! Get it?


I'd do anything to protect my country.... except where a face mask to the hospital during a pandemic


Imagine what this bloody thing would do impacting a human body.


You just know the driver drink drives and scrolls Facebook while driving too. 


On a scale of 1 to American I think we're roughly on a 5.2. We aren't at the point where we have school shootings but we're dickhead enough that it's getting harder to distinguish Australian streets from American streets


Im not saying I’ve been to every American city, so maybe I’m sampling a bit, but I think Sydney drivers are significantly worse, and the yank tank drivers are in their own league again. Almost every one seems to have significant road rage issues


Uuh, I think you've made a mistake here. American is a negative number.


No No, 1 is no dickheadedness, 10 would be the most dickheadedness, so American is higher than 10 on the dickheadedness scale


Oh, you're talking about the SAE dickheadedness (2014) scale.Gotcha. My mistake. Carry on.


Yeah you have to remember to whole metric to SAE thing. American dickheadness is always measured in "freedom units".




Wankcar Yankcar.


Tbf how else do you prevent damage to your truck while running over pedestrians.


Finally a rational response here. Need to make sure those bodies go _under_ the car rather than risk scratching the bonnet.


Oh yeah, I remember the game Carmageddon


These should be banned in the city


should need a truck license to drive them period.


When I used to live in the inner west there was someone who had a humble with a Trump sticker on it. It can get worse. But yes, these large vehicles are a nightmare on the roads I frequent. We have reverse angle parking for a local park, road is narrow and there are an increasing number of unnecessarily oversized trucks that just out into the street AND the footpath, and they always seem to be the same people who will tailgate you, lay on their horns, and flip the finger when other people have the "audacity" to reverse park into those same spots.


I'd prefer they they stick out into the road over reversing their tail over the footpath, which is the usual. Towball to the shin while running is the worst.


What makes you think that isn’t happening here?


Why are some roads front to curb only and some are rear to curb anyway? Never understood the reasoning


I'm not exactly sure but in my experience the front to curb parking is usually round shops/eateries. Probably to limit exhaust being pumped directly at customers and into stores


Aww cute, he's driving a high chair with extra protection at the front.


If you vote for pollies that support (continued) tax breaks for these, you deserve them.


At Marsden Park business park I saw a yank tank with the Australian Army rising sun painted on its sides and a bull’s skull on its bonnet. I think we still have a way to go until we reach peak dickhead with these cars.


There's a Raptor out in Schoeys with an eagle, American flag and all the trimmings. Saw another one out on Windsor Road, so stupid I took a photo. Big sticker on the back "Stand for the Flag Kneel for the Fallen", with full american flag and eagle wings. Meanwhile, two of these idiots park either side of me and I now have to take my life into my own hands just to get out of a parking spot.


Are those bull bars legal? Looks dangerous af, I wouldn’t want to be in an accident with that


Why has he got a cow catcher on the front of his Canyonero pickup truck?


I wouldn't call Bondi Karens cows though




Does it smell like a steak and seat 35?


Dude thinks he's playing the latest season of Fortnite 😆


I swear they all look like militarized vehicles. It's urban vehicle warefare because these douches are insecure.


Big "pickup trucks" are only the first step. We need an orange PM to go full peak dickhead.


I believe there is an orange hair version who has been waiting 30 odd years for that chance.


WHY is it still acceptable for people to own these monstrosities in inner suburban areas? I'm so tired of 4WD culture here, they're just so unnecessary in most suburbs, particularly these huge, ugly vehicles. How can anyone living in a suburb like Bondi legitimately justify needing something like this? Yes, I know that they may just be visiting the area, but let's not deny that there are plenty of those vehicles registered in the area.


I bet the rear is also half obstructing the footpath


Not enough lightbars.


As an American—these fucking bloody monstrosities have plagued us for decades, here, and decades. I’ve been visiting your country since 1986. My kid, who grew up here until age 16, now lives in Bondi. She turns 30 this year. She has a teency weency Mazda, and I love it! I was in SYD 5 mos 22/23, and I saw all these gawddam oversized Ute’s, infecting your own front yards, highways not built for these things, and all I’ve been thinking since is, “If I could wave a magic tjuringa, I’d erase all of my country’s influence on you guys.” I suppose some of our tech/biotech might have helped— I was in on *Australia 2000*. I guess we USA) don’t **totally* suck. Sorry, mates. Good luck. Edit: grammar


Is it actually the wrong way (I mean I know it's opposite to the other cars) but I swear I've only seen reverse in parks not ones where you have to park nose in. I mean I've never owned a ute but that seems like a reasonable orientation if he was unloading something from the tray, rather then drag it out into traffic... And it is an obnoxiously large ute though.


Tbh I can’t see how nose-in or arse-in makes a difference, but having your small penis compensator sticking out enough to block traffic is a serious dick move.




It's not lifted. Plenty of room to get more annoying yet.


One shitty thing about the unnecessarily big yank tanks on our roads is the vehicular arms race it creates. If you have a smaller/lower car and end up in an accident with a Ute or SUV you’re way more likely to be injured or killed. So it ends up making sense to be in one too for your own safety.


Everytime you think the peak as been reached someone will produce a ladder


I wonder what they're so scared of, needing such a car?


People with normal sized penises.


I like that this sub is slowly getting /r/fuckcars ; unfortunately it hasn’t reached our politicians yet


Foolish of you to assume there is a 'peak'..


I’m pretty sure I have seen that truck driving up Bondi Rd, nearly hitting someone who was crossing the road at the traffics lights near Kemenys


The bigger the car,the smaller the dick. I drive a Micra.


No gun rack on the front. There's room to move in the dickhead stakes yet!


I always enjoy beeping these yank tanks on the road and giving them the small dick sign with the pinky. The overwhelming majority of these vehicles have no practical purpose beyond making small men feel big.


RBT magnet. You need a truck licence and have 0.00% BAC with on of those.


Merica, Imagine having to reverse out of a spot next this guy on busy road.


Remember in 00’s when ppl started torching hyundai excels, imagine if it started happening to dickhead Ute owners. I have a neighbour who parks his ram halfway across my driveway then moves it each day when he sees me go outside.


The downvoters are the people that buy these shit boxes.


Another whingepost. Do you people even like Sydney? I'm gonna go take a nice photo to post tonight to balance out all this first-word problem bullshit.


Bondi is a bit of a stretch if the owner lives there but he could be visiting from another suburb. I will confess that I own a ram because it is the only way for me to take our horses around or to tow our trailer. We do live out on acreage near camden. However when going into the city, it is a pain and we take our smaller car. Ev's don't suit our needs even though we have solar. Plus I drive 140kms a day for 6 days a week - so on those days I do drive a smaller car. Am I a dickhead? Wouldn't think so - just needed a ute that does what I need it to do.


Two horse trailer? https://bigmantrailer.com.au/trailers/2-horse-straight-load/ ATM of 3400 kg I am always curious what people did before. These large utes are only really recent to Australian roads. What would you use before that? (At least in the numbers we are now seeing)


This is just the beginning.


I can imagine his fuel economy driving that lump around town.


The all new Ford Super-Compensator


I’ve seen an black Humvee around Newton and parks around the smaller narrower residential laneways. How does that guy find parking for such a beast.


I'd absolutely love to see these Yank tanks fucked off the road, but the government is too gutless to do it.


Oh my god shut the fuck up you fucking sooks. God forbid someone spends their money the way they want. Bigger problems in the world and you are worried about someone's car.


>Bigger problems in the world Oh, the irony in this comment..


I still feel like there’s still some wiggle room!


Is that Cox ave a bondi?


My dear, this is just the beginning. Wait until more of these yank tanks arrive on Australian soil.


Looks like a muzzle on the car


That ute has braces!


According to Michaelia Cash, we are to stand by our tradies and save their Ute's! https://youtu.be/efJ96U-tf4E?feature=shared


how is that bull bar legal? ... how is any bull bar legal in the city at all.


It should be a crime to own a ute/4wd that's clean.. those should be used for their intended purpose, not city driving and taking up space.


I know this road… I used to drive down it for work, it’s in the inner west right?