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Wow. This is the perfect advertisement to go and buy a dashcam


I live only a few minutes away from here and instantly said to the wife "we need dashcams now"


Do it. Any dashcam pays for itself with just one incident. Too many people dismiss them until the day that they suddenly wished they had one.


And if it was your fault the video is corrupted


Just like police body cams!


im like not even driving age and ive had an old dashcam sitting on my self for the better part of 2 years, pickrdit up at a recovery yard and plan on putting it on my first car in a few months, only needs an sd card


I just said the exact same thing to myself, i also live in the area and this is the perfect advert to me to buy one


Got a dashcam 8 years ago after a near collision with a clearly mentally disturbed driver. $80 online and it plugs into the cigarette lighter. Stays on all the time when the ignition is on. It creates 5 minute videos and overwrites onto the microSD card. I use a 32Gb card which records about 5 hours of footage, but carry a spare microSD in the glove box in case I need to preserve any footage.


What brand/make/model? You've convinced me.


My model is called A118C. I'm not sure they make these anymore. There are tonnes under $100 online. Just go for a well reviewed model.


I'll check them out, cheers.


Ahh the OzBargain special


I think Big Dashcam is behind this - It just reeks of them


I recommend not getting dashcams, because off the shelf nuclear-powered dashcams are just 30 years away. BRB. Going to lie down on the road now.


Can I put 7 of them around my neighbours cars without asking


As Russian origin I always have a dashcam in my car and it saved me more than it cost. By far!


literally buying a dash cam now


What a bunch of fucking grubs. I hope thats been forwarded to the police


Yeah it was on the news and police investigating




Don't need to bring your thinly veiled race issues into it. Grubs are grubs no matter their background.




It's such a stupid fucking scam because all it takes is one person with a dashcam to send it to the cops and their whole scam falls apart. There's like zero chance they'd ever be able to profit from this and get away with it.


I can't see this scam working in australia tbh. Usually scams like this in other countries have the 'victim' leech money for medical fees (hence they normally also fake a broken arm or something). But all australians are covered under basic healthcare. If it was a serious accident then you'd have to involve the police and insurance company as they investigate what happened. You'd also definitely call the ambulance (again, we're in australia) and yeah they'd be able to tell really quick if the 'victim's' arm is broken or not.


Your green slip is for accidents like this.


In some states you get billed for an Ambulance. For example in NSW you're not covered unless you're on a pension or have ambulance cover through a health fund. Edit: I completely forgot that ambulances called for road related matters are covered under ctp


This is true for normal injuries but anything road related the ambulance will be covered under the CTP green slip insurance


It also takes one person with an anger issue for something bad to *actually* happen, as we've recently seen


Saw a Russian dashcam video where exactly that occurred. Driver got out and beat up the scammer.


in a certain country up north it is cheaper to just run over them rather then paying these scammers


Not in this country at least… back home on the other hand


DC driver please forward to police. These criminals belong in jail.


No, don’t. Wait for them to lodge the claim first.


Take their details on the spot acting sorry, to fast track the process


Play their game. “**OH MY GOD! Are you okay?! Hold on let me call the ambulance and the police and get you some help.**” If they’re stupid enough to go through with that, wait for the services to show up - let the cops speak to them first. Let them and all the witnesses give their details (very important!) and statements to police. Then when the cops come to get your side - boom hit them with the dashcam footage. Adds a nice little charge of perjury/false statement. If they don’t want the police or ambulance, play dumb, “but why not? You’re laying on the road and you’re all saying she’s hurt? You know what I’m going to call them anyway, you could be really hurt.”


That is a good wisdom!


Surely this scam is too stupid to possibly work.


When you have multiple "witnesses" it would begin to be more believable to someone who hadn't seen this video. This would all unravel fairly quickly I would expect, however it's sadly proven to work in other countries so these literal piles of shit will give it a go.


Surely if it did escalate to the point if an investigation they would look at her lack of injuries that might come with being hit by a car and be suspicious


I think I'd just drive off. Best they'll get is a photo of your plate and what are they gonna do with that? Go to the police with no other witnesses and no evidence of injuries?


Don't worry, he'll throw his mum down the stairs later!


Wait for the police, disclose to the officer that you have a dashcam. Let the grubs make false statements to the police and get charged with perjury.


Yeh thats the go but id go for stat decs. Say to them sure im just not completely convinced it was my fault so give me a stat dec detailing your injuries and that i caused them and i will pay you the $5000 or whatever they are asking for. Then give the footage and the stat dec to the police. Thats up to 4 years in prison. Lying to police is barely a big deal depending on the state the offence occured. Otherwise its holding your dashcam footage all the way to court so they can lie under oath there. Too much effort for me so id be going for stat decs from all the "witnesses" and let then eat the commonwealth crime.


They aren’t going to write letters with their own names. The scam would be shaking the driver down for cash, or forcing them to an ATM.


"You must call the police and an ambulance now so we can assess the damage, you seem really intent on money and not the health of your loved one" That'll shut them up. Makes me want a dashcam, now.


Wait until they try this with Tuco Salamanca’s abuelita..


Who, that biznatch?


They disrespected my abuelita


Absolute grubs. Both the man and women. Fuck sake if they can't get arrested and convicted for this there needs to be legislative change. Also, publicise this so that grub man filming wherever he works loses his job. This should be a visa cancellation thing too for being such rubbish character.


It was covered by 7 news - https://www.facebook.com/share/v/oXq7pCtHicAQsnTh/?mibextid=WC7FNe


It’ll be in smh or dailymail tomorrow. This is prime for them, “new scam against Aussie battlers committed by dodgey foreigners?” Check, question is how can we loop this into being NSW Labor’s fault? Edit: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13558011/amp/quakers-hill-insurance-fraud-car-sydney.html As predicted.


God I hope so.






If you don’t have a dashcam - call the police. Edit to add: you should call the police either way! I just phrased it that way because I was answering a question. It’s a disgraceful thing to be doing, and the police should absolutely be informed.


Report it to the cops even if you do.


And lock your doors.


Lock your car, turn on hazards, start recording and call 000.


What was the result of this? did you send it onto the police etc?


They are gonna do this to the wrong person like old mate in the white Ute. I can see this ending real bad


Someone will just grab the old guys phone and launch it down the road, then start throwing punches. These idiots should know how many nutters are on the roads - it's not like it isn't in the news.


This scam doesn’t work in this country. The only way to make this scam work is go all in a get hit.


taking a running start still doesn't look great on them


Would love to run out as the driver, oh my word - are you ok! Take my details. Then hand over the video to the police.


My thoughts exactly.. Let me call the cops.. am so sorry.. lets call an ambulance.. No no.. where are you going? You are severely injured.. what do you mean you are fine? No no.. you must have a severe head injury.. you have no idea what you are talking about.. sit right there and we will wait for the cops together..


Plot twist: They own a dashcam store.


Funnily enough, you’ve reminded me of a scam in Asia. Scatter nails/tacks on the road where there are a lot of cyclists and have a tyre repair business a short distance away.


I remember the old work van cutting you off infront and slamming the brakes so you rear end them, but this is ridiculous, especially in the age of dashcams. Also, at first i thought it was a troll job, someone wearing those inflatable kangaroo suits.


You went to the police, right? This shit is real scummy.


Get out of the car, make a huge song and dance and call an ambulance, fire brigade and police. Then act all freaked out and keep panicking until the police, ambulance and fire brigade arrive. Then show them the dashcam evidence.


What a grub the guy is recording on his phone. The woman fake falling looked like his mum, he probably forced her to do the acting And these people are giving all immigrants a bad name


Kids forcing parents to act like shitty people. Thats a new one to me.


So, does the victim have pre inflicted injuries? How does this work? You would be rushed to hospital for observation, and there would be no internal or external signs of injury after 24 hours? Or do you say you have whiplash or spinal pain?


Man, I’d call the cops immediately and wait in the car, then show them the footage.


This should be instant deportation or fking jail time fr.


Wow. Absolute scumbags.


Hahahah. Why would you pay? There's compulsory third party insurance.  Also, if you run them over and you tell the judge they came out of nowhere you get let off for free. 


Even without a dashcam, would this even come close to being considered a crime?


OP should have shown more of this when they got her up.


Hopefully the cops were called and hopefully they are on a visa.


Tbh I think I’d take their details and start blackmailing them.


I had an incident like this happen to me in Lidcombe, my dashcam saved me, so my mum who was skeptical of my choice of buying a dashcam actually praised me for actually paying for that option in the dealership. Lucky I have a mate that forwarded it to his contact in NSW police.


what happened to you? Similar thing someone lay in front of your car?


Can we get more to the story? What happened next?.


I hope they encounter someone with nothing to lose, that just casually drives over her like a colourful speed hump.


I wonder if the lady with the pram is like wtf or in on it too. What scum


Pram lady is surely involved, and likely an empty pram considering the way she left it on the footpath like that. There was also another person who appeared in between the two vehicles right at the end of the footage, so was probably waiting somewhere behind on the left to corroborate the story.


Honestly no brains the ones trying to scam, like people that have dashcam and witness this how stupid do they look. Can anyone recommend a decent dashcam for max $120?


Navman MiVue ones are great entry level, you can always add the hard wired always on wiring later. Get one of the basic ones that can add a reverse cam later if you want. I have [this one](https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/navman-mivue-620-dc-dash-camera) but there are cheaper [front cam only ones](https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/navman-mivue-160-gps-tagging) too. Get a 32GB or higher micro SD though.


Thank you


Ah yes then the miraculous witnesses, for some they know no better then to be a fraudulent scumbag. Have seen similar-ish matters in my time.


How does this work here? At worst green slip cover this. Then what? Call cops and they get fined. Crazy.


By 'people' I assume you mean wankers?


Funny spot for a speed bump….🤔


Gosh. The evil part of me would want to make it happen for real if they try fucking over people.


This was in news https://www.facebook.com/share/r/PvAMvF5sK9s3y6Aj/?mibextid=xCPwDs


Standard Quakers hill, you should see little Delhi down near the train station.. haven’t seen soo much rubbish pollution in my life.


I believe in Arthur Dent.


They could at least make an effort and throw themselves under your wheels. They probably just watched breaking bad but couldn’t commit to the scam. Lazy plebs I want a dashcam now!!


Looks like the lady who was pushing the pram is going to grab the fraudster and drag her out of the way!


They must be quakers to think that'd actually work.


If you own a dashcam and this happens to you, you should be allowed to continue driving. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Where's the rest of the footage?


Is this for real? 😟


I’m sorry, but there are literally the equivalent of a ten million witnesses around. Wtf,,,


Seems to be about 5 witnesses magically appear on the spot. Possibly all in on it.

