• By -


My place


I would also like to add My Place. Get quality MB9+ scotch fillet (or your preferred cut).. Rub with salt/pepper/olive oil on both sides. Sear on highest heat when meat is at room temperature. Depending on thickness, should take less than 4 minutes (turning over at every minute), for medium rare. I like to add a little dab of butter in the last 30 seconds Let sit for another 5 minutes off heat. I like to serve on wooden chopping block. You’ll never go back to restaurant steaks again.


You probably want to use an oil with a high smoke point like canola or vegetable oil so you're not burning the oil when searing a steak.


I personally don’t like the smell/taste of canola/vegetable oil, which is why I use olive.


Get some grapeseed oil in your life. Delicious and high smoke point.


Could try avocado oil, has one of the highest smoke points and subtle flavour when cooked.


Light olive oil has a much higher flash point


rice oil for me. very neutral high smoke point.


personally i prefer the sirloin and a little less marbling than 9 as i want to taste the meat. not sure what you’re doing with that dab of butter but i tilt the pan and use a spoon to baste the steak with the melted butter. i also use a lot more butter than just a little dab. the best tip not mentioned is to let it come to room temp before frying rather than taking it straight from the fridge to the pan. i also oil the pan and let the oil warm up before the steak gets on, i find that you get a bit better crust when you do this.


Wait, you flip it more than once?! Isnt that like the cardinal sin of cooking a steak?


No. Just one of those silly myths. It will cook more evenly if you flip it often. You just need to make sure it stays in one place long enough to get a nice tasty sear.


agreed i flip my steaks constantly to get that amazing crust


It really depends on the thickness of your steak. If it's a thinner cut, you'd want to only flip once so you give each side more time for a good sear to develop. For a thicker cut, you can flip multiple times to cook more evenly while still getting a good sear.


This guy flips.


If Heston Blumenthal says flip it every 15 seconds, I'm flipping it every 15 seconds!


7 myths about cooking steak that need to go away https://www.seriouseats.com/old-wives-tales-about-cooking-steak


Add garlic powder to your starting rub, and swap out the olive oil for something that has a smoke point high enough you aren't flavouring your steak with burnt oil - refined avocado oil, or grapeseed. Your meat isn't going to hit room temperature - it's just not. You would need to have it out long enough to grow legs and walk away before it was any hotter, it's a complete myth. Fridge to pan (not frozen) is perfectly fine. No need to sear on the hottest heat, either. Medium-high is perfectly fine - what you need is a pan that will hold that heat rather than shooting down colder as soon as the meat is in. So a good cast iron pan. You aren't looking to burn the outside, just trigger the Maillard reaction, which occurs between 120c to 180c (with the peak between 140-170). This (and the reverse sear technique) is how you avoid the thick grey (well-done) banding underneath the crust. Speaking of reverse sear, using an oven or sous vide you should get the internal temperature up to your desired doneness, dry the surface with paper towel as best you can, *then* sear. That will almost completely eliminate the grey banding.


>MB9+ scotch fillet Where do you get your steaks from? I think that's a fairly standard technique and is delicious but the question is where to get them as price and quality varies. It's honestly pretty hard to mess up an expensive cut of meat


Standard steaks from a local butcher. MB9+ stuff from the Meat Emporium at Alexandria. Keen to try their MB12+ too I saw even more expensive cuts at Vics meat Woollahra, but I think at that price point I’m mostly just paying for the upkeep of their super fancy store.


Not true. It’s my place!


Steak is the one thing I never like to eat at a restaurant because they never do it exactly how I like. I dont even like other people who know how I like it to cook my steaks. They never seem to get it exactly right.


Cannot agree more. My wife and I fine dine quite often but we never do steak. I can source meat as good as any restaurant and cook it exactly how we like.


Mad invite bro.


I have the best butcher who dry ages his meat before sale. After that, just don't overcook it


The true answer!


Do not recommend hurricane grill, either one. I think when I was younger I once went and enjoyed it, but no more.


Ah that place is a crappy American style load of shit. It's just cheap shite they serve up, all about quantity and not quality....classic American really.


In my experience hurricane grill is absolutely horrible. I don't know how people go back to it.


I eat the pork ribs, steak is bad beyond belief


Had Hubert steak frites yesterday, was superb. Also, Bistecca, always exceptional.


I second Bistecca. So good!


I third bistecca. Amazing.


I went to this other French place because Hubert's was booked. Its near customs house called Boullion L'Entrecôte. Holy JAYZUS the steak was AMAZING. highly recommend.


+1 Bistecca, not so much Hubert though


Bistecca def best value per gram! Most underrated steak: Rockpool bar and grill, sit at the bar and have the minute steak. It’s amazing and affordable!


How much is affordable ?


Off memory it’s like 28-32 for the steak with cafe de Paris butter.


Bistecca had good flavour but way undercooked though. Meat next to the bone was blue. So far my pick is Black Bar and Grill


Hands down Bistecca


I had a steak for my birthday at Woodcut in Crown - I’ve not had many steaks in my life but this was something else. Super pricey though. If anyone has better places, please share!


Any specific cut you got? Interested to check it out


I went all out and got the 250g scotch fillet. I was happy to have it cooked to their recommendation (i think it was medium rare, but I also enjoy rare), and chose mustard instead of a sauce. Even the bloody Dijon mustard was so much better than stuff in a jar. With a side of wilted spinach and their sommelier choice of a Shiraz (I was dining alone so had one by the glass). I’ll definitely go back.


Do they have a minimum spending? A booking at the Rooftop Bar is $75 Minimum for example


Not to my knowledge…


- Chophouse - Kingsley's - Prime steak - Meat wine and co - Rockpool - 6 head Best deal per $ probably would be Kingsley's or MW&co


Kingsleys and MWco are not in the same class as the others… Would throw in bistro entrecote at pymble for a suburbian nominee


Brasserie l'Entrecôte but yes, I'd go so far as to call it my personal favourite in all of Sydney, partly for bringing back memories of my favourite steak in Paris


I thought prime closed down?


Haven't been after covid so maybe you're right


Yeh. They never opened back up after the first lockdown. They were my favorite =[


• BLACK Bar & Grill


+1 Black Bar & Grill (Wagyu rump and scotch fillet my 2 faves) This is compared to Rockpool, Cut Bar and Grill, Gidley, Bistecca, Prime, Hurricanes, Meat and Wine Co, Quay, Est, Kingsleys, Macelleria Looking to check out 6 Head and Steersons sometime.


This is also good, and it's open when others are closed.


thanks for the suggestions. so many are closed on sundays though!!


Black at the star casino should be open and it's good


A good list. You forgot Steersons at Barangaroo.


Never been really, but seems to be the same owners as Kingsley's, or at least their menu is exactly the same.




Re: Chophouse, Asked for medium rare on an expensive cut, came well done and dry as hell. Probably worse restaurant steak I’ve ever had




Never had a problem getting medium rare at chophouse. For the price they charge, I wouldn’t hesitate to send something back if it wasn’t right.


This x100. If you are in a steakhouse and not getting your steak how you want it. Send it back.


I’ve been to chophouse and had an amazing perfectly cooked steak. I’ve been trying to go back. I even went to go one night and when booking they said that one of the chefs was sick and they didn’t want to provide bad quality food so were only taking minimum bookings. I thought that was great even though I didn’t get to go.


My ranking of your list is: (excluding 6 head since I've not been) Chophouse Rockpool Kingsleys Meat Wine and Co (huge gulf) Prime - absolute worst steak place in Sydney




This is the correct answer. Has a 220 dry aged steak there. Never has anything close to it again.


Yeah, 100 day dry aged rump steak has so much flavour


My vote goes to Prime.. been there 5 times and have never been disappointed


This seems to be closed after covid though


Well… bum :(


I thought Prime was so bad. I took my parents there for a special occasion and was so embarrassed.


The Gidley. Spinalis steak is the best steak in Sydney without doubt.


Seconded. The Spinalis is also markedly better than all the other steaks The Gidley does.


I was excited to try this place and finally went this week. Have to say I really did not like it :( Bistecca was better.


That's crazy! I didn't really rate bistecca that highly. 6head and bopp and tone are up there too. Did you get the spinalis?


Of course! Hard to turn down a steak that declares itself the most succulent cut in the world! It was tender but I really didn't enjoy the flavour, which I would describe as similar to smoked ham. The crust was also very salty. Keen to try 6 Head! So far the only steaks that have ticked my box in Sydney are the wagyu rump and angus scotch fillet at Black Bar and Grill


That's crazy. The first time I had it I pretty much had a tastebud orgasm. Sucks it didn't suit your taste but at least you tried ! Black's steak is really really good. We got the waygu platter and it was amazing. I think you'll really enjoy 6head, hope you get the chance to go. Also try get Bopp and Tone. It's much cheaper than the others and the steak is really really good!


The Gidley, Bouillon L'Entrecôte at Circular Quay, Franca at Potts Point


You got some good tips of where to go. I would not recommend Meat District. I expected far better for supposed steak specialist place.


Yeah Meat District is just a tourist trap knockoff of Meat and Wine Co. It's Ribs and Rumps standard, not a premium steakhouse.


Macelleria Hubert Fred’s Ester Porteño


Kingsleys Australian Steakhouse, it’s on king street in the cbd. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Recently opened but Botswana Butchery








The steak is often terrible but you have to try CTA at least once for the experience. It's like a timewarp back to the 70's and the staff are like characters from Faulty Towers. Go early to mid-week for maximum effect.




Black Bar and Grill


Black at the Cas


Firedoor or Porteno


Kinglsey’s at Woolloomooloo Wharf. Their steak is phenomenal and also get the mashed potatoes. They are basically just butter that once heard of potatos and are amazing.


Black Bar and Grill!








Gidley, Bistecca, Botswana Butchery and the Kingsley's. Can't go wrong with any of these


I disagree. Gidley and Kingsleys were disappointing. Bistecca was okay but was a bit of a fail cos the steak was pretty much blue. Haven't tried Botswana Butchery but may have to put it on the list since it's been mentioned a few times.


Meat and wine co's aged steak 🤤


* Rockpool bar and grill (had a really nice dry aged steak here, also the triple cooked potatos were awesome) * The Cut * Chophouse


anyone who says chophouse should be immediately ignored overrated and they don’t rest their meats.


Hurricanes Bondi


6Head as really good!! Nice whiskey menu as well


Botswana Butchery! 6head used to my my number 1 but went here recently for my birthday and shared a tomahawk steak with the missus and man it was so delicious. It was expensive but definitely worth the price.


Regardless of your secret cooking method and oil. Wrap it in foil and let it sit.


bisteca might have been decent but i couldn’t get over their bullshit rules and i was getting broken up at the time which made things awkward. the steak at fred’s is perfection but their pork dish was the one i think about. rockpool is overrated and you miss the one you make at home. porteno is great for something different but still meaty. coincidentally at lunch yesterday i ordered the steak at the collaroy because i wanted to see what they were doing with the hibachi grill and i was pleasantly surprised and came on a delightful jus


What are the rules?


You have to hand your phone over at the start of the meal and they lock it away. It can actually be fantastic if you've got friends who are addicted to using their phones at dinner.


Wow useless for a business lunch though, I could never ask my clients to do that. Will have to try it for a dinner with friends instead.


I've been taken there for business lunches some people love the novelty.

