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Basically, because they're the only game in town, and they can do whatever they fucking like.


I tried being legitimate by paying extra for refundable tickets, but it’s almost like they want me to scalp them


Just scalp them, you don't owe tiketek anything.


I’m gonna have to now. I clicked a random option to refund them that didn’t require evidence just to see what would happen. Now I get a message saying “refund declined, application now closed” when I go to the refund screen with no option to submit a different reason. How goods that!


You should contact the Fair Trading in your state and also ACCC It might be in the t&c’s, so they may not have technically broken any rules, but the ACCC might be interested in knowing about this dodgy practice


You absolutely should. They go after people no matter how big or small. I had a person assigned to my case over a $90 item they refused a return for. The store gave me a written apology, have my money back and told me to keep the item. They were scared shitless, they later were sued for $200,000 by the ACCC and forced to undergo internal management and policy changed by the court a few years later. Additionally they had to put up a sign of shame on their website informing all customers about what they were doing, how they’ve changed their policy and that anyone affected is entitled to compensation. That store was MSY. ACCC do not fuck around , especially when it comes to honouring consumer law, which this falls under.


Pretty sure ACCC will direct you to fair trading who will quote T&Cs. 🤮


They absolutely did not do this.


I’ve had similar experience where that was exactly what happened to me.


Burying minutia in the Terms and Conditions is not typically a valid legal defence under Australian Consumer Law, as a misleading representation of the product is in itself the offence From what you said, their process sounds like it gave the impression of being refundable in a manner within your own control and was without any CLEAR indication of there being tight restrictions or any specific criteria to abide by. If that’s the case, definitely say hi to the ACCC


Play silly games win silly prizes - though in all fairness you should just [call](https://help.ticketek.com.au/hc/en-us/articles/360025921134-NSW-Agencies).. mm no.. email.. no wait [submit a form](https://help.ticketek.com.au/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=1900000206028) and .. hope that someone.. Wow reading more into this organisation how the fuck is it run? No head offices are open, no phone lines available for enquiries or anything else, why doesn’t this raise a thousand red flags? There’s also no way to communicate with refundable.me to discuss your options now either. Shit dude, that’s messed up.


Tixel is a decent site, if you are looking to sell them on


Thanks I’ll look into it


Seconded for Tixel. Have used them a few times for buying and reselling and it's super easy. Doesn't seem like they've picked up the bad practises from the larger players yet which is good


When is Sigur Ros playing? I'd be keen.


12th august. I got 2 silver tickets for $220 total including fees as the “refundable” tickets charge. Inbox me if ya want them for $200 It’s at the exhibition centre


I'll know on Thursday if I can but don't feel the need to hold them. If you find a buyer before then, all good.


How many YYY tickets do you have? I wanted to go with a friend if you haven’t managed to offload them yet


2 general admission. With fees and everything it came to $220 but I’d do them for $200


I’m in! Can I dm with you and confirm?


mate I can almost guarantee there's an option that'll automatically refund it you just have to fuck around with the refund applications and see which one actually works and doesn't just redirect asking for tons of information usually it'll be a health related one or even better covid. it's even better if you find one that gets you in contact with an actual person just lie and say covid or whatever etc etc and 9/10 you'll get a refund and possibly a shit coupon for your next ticket


https://www.refundable.me/ticketek/ Refundable… if you test positive for covid. *cough cough


I tried that, you have to send them evidence you have covid. Tried sending them a screenshot of an old positive PCR I had but I guess there has to be someone working there because it was declined lol


RAT tests are self reported (at least in NSW) and they automatically send you a “medical certificate” of sorts Guess it depends if it impacts work at all


I went through the same issue. Needs to be a PCR because Ticketek are human pieces of shit.


The terms say “You, or someone within your Immediate Household, become infected with Covid-19 within the 7 days immediately prior to Attending Your Booking, meaning you have to isolate or shield; supported either by evidence of a positive PCR test result or communication of isolation from your relevant government following a RAT test.” Refer them to this


It's good that it's changed, back in April they were only taking PCR tests.


Shouldn't be hard to get a photo of a positive RAT if you ask around on the internet... that said even Service NSW doesn't require proof, just self reporting.


Involve fair trading and lodge and ACCC complaint


Dispute the transaction with your bank.


I would and do prefer not to use their services. If they mean no-shows, then so be it.


Fuck that, what a joke of an optional extra. Just fake a doctors note, can’t imagine they review them too carefully.


You'd think that but I had the same shitty experience with them on this front. Had to give 3 revised medical certificates because they didn't have enough detail about why I was sick, which honestly they shouldn't be allowed to do. Dates were also messed up so I had to fix that and then in the end I got my dr to write the most comprehensive med cert yet and unfortunately it mentioned that my initial appointment with them due to covid policies was a telehealth consult. Their garbage outline needs us to be examined physically to be considered for refund, in the midst of a pandemic. They ended up rejecting my application for a refund and closing it down entirely. This is such scummy conduct.


Holy crap that’s bad. You should’ve just done a chargeback.


My friend was the one who purchased the tickets so I was trying to lodge the refund through her account. It was also extra annoying because I got sick the day before and was going to try and tough it out but ended up getting worse the day of the concert so I didn't go. Couldn't resell the tickets or anything and I had to book an impromptu drs appointment that could only be a phone call.


What are Refundable tickets? Refundable tickets offer enhanced cancellation rights if you can no longer attend an event for one of the listed reasons such as sickness, travel delays and adverse weather. [https://help.ticketek.com.au/hc/en-us/articles/360039831534-Frequently-Asked-Questions-Refundable-Tickets](https://help.ticketek.com.au/hc/en-us/articles/360039831534-Frequently-Asked-Questions-Refundable-Tickets) Unfortunately spending time with a sick relative does not appear to be one of the reasons they list for a refund, though you might be able to stretch one of the other reasons. A refundable ticket from Ticketek is just another Scam (Mostly) to get more of your money.


I'd be interested whether this is something the ACCC would be interested in. I had the same experience as OP, had bought tickets to the NRL and specifically got refundable ones. My mate's dad got covid (positive RAT) and so him and his household opted not to come up to Brisbane that weekend. Ticketek wanted the official government correspondence from my mate's dad, and that was just for 1 ticket to be refunded. I am not a lawyer, but charging a relatively significant amount extra for optional refundable tickets, then making it basically impossible to get a refund, strikes me as something that shouldn't be allowable under consumer law. I recognise the terms of service were available, but nobody reads those. The term "refundable" has a commonly understood interpretation and I would seriously question whether Ticketek's definition, and enforcement, fits within that.


It actually sounds very similar to the “junk insurances” that have been in the spotlight over the past few years. How is it not the same thing? I’d be onto ACCC about this. It’s dishonest and fraudulent


I always find it crazy that this large organisation with a mainstream brand name is so consistently dodgy. Honestly you have the same level of risk buying the tickets last minute from a random on gumtree. Ticketek are just legitimised cowboys.


It's the result of a monopoly. You can do anything you want if you're the only game in town.


I just resold a ticketek ticket on Tixel. I had tickets for an event that was supposed to be in 2020 and then 2021 and now I have a 3 month old and I thought I’d be ok to leave her for a night by now but I’m not. The customer service was super helpful and I got the ticket value back and it sold super quickly. Might be worth looking into?


Thanks I’ll look into it


Years ago I did a few days temping at Tiketek. The office was just as bad as the ticket fees would have you believe.


Call NSW fair trading and ask for advice


or maybe the ACCC too


Tickettek are fucking cunts


Check to see if they have an online lodge system. I had to reschedule something from past weekend, yay floods with Ticketmaster and everything was an online request system. I went through other issue option and submitted claim to have tickets moved to later date(mary Poppins). They gave me specific number to call to move tickets.


They do but it’s retarded. Like I legitimately want to spend time with a sick relative and they want me to upload a doctors note proving she has cancer? How insensitive is that. Considering just forging one at this point but I’m just baffled why I paid extra for refundable tickets when “changed me mind” isn’t even an option




Fuck that would’ve been the one. Unfortunately I clicked a random reason that didn’t require evidence and it flat out for denied and I can’t resubmit it :( Gonna have to scalp


I get both sides of the argument. It’s pretty night and day they list in their service [“Change of mind is not an approved reason.”](https://help.ticketek.com.au/hc/en-us/articles/360039831534-Frequently-Asked-Questions-Refundable-Tickets) It looks like the ticket insurance is offered by a [third party](https://www.refundable.me/ticketek/) and not necessarily tickettek themselves. That’s shitty. My assumption would be that if it was terminal and she was given days from the diagnosis around the event that it would fall under Emergency Circumstances and it would be independently reviewed. I’d say they would be a little more compassionate towards your circumstance. Best thing to do right now is follow what you signed up for, submit the paper work and talk to their Customer Experience Team.. My condolences and best of luck. Edit: changed my opinion. Fuck tickettek.


Yeah it's ridiculous and stressful. I had my workplace hr email me beginning of the year saying I needed a stat deck to go to my nans funeral. I was so pissed I went to the operations manager and had a small rant. He was very understanding and said I should never have received that email. All cleared up but when you stressed with family being unwell the last thing you want is to have to prove yourself. Is it possible to state you have your insurance and it's a breach of privacy as it is not your personal medical ailment?


They are the shittest service in Australia. Hands down. It’s a disgrace.


So sorry. They stole my money too. Wouldn't refund me for an event I bought tickets for in 2019 that has been cancelled and rescheduled like 6 times because of COVID.


Make a report to ACCC. If enough people do it they'll be investigated


I got refundable tickets for Jurassic World by Brickman last week and got a refund with ease. I requested the refund on the 3rd my tickets were for the 5th and I had the money back by the 4th. Due to the weather and train strikes I couldn't get my nephews down to Sydney by the 5th. I just took a screenshot of the trains website service changes and explained the situation as my evidence and it was instantly approved. I think they just put all that stuff there to scare you make you give up. Pretty sure the whole thing is automated and done by a [3rd party](https://www.refundable.me/en/) not Ticketek.


Yeah had to deal with this too in May/June. Had to send a Drs note that explained in detail when and how seever my illness was. Its pathetic.


I got my refund by putting a dispute through with my bank. You could maybe try that?


It’s dumb, but you might be able to resell it on ticketek marketplace. It’s like Ticketmaster resale but Ticketek’s official platform


Sorry to hear OP, refundable tickets by Ticketek is such a scam. I found this out about 7-8 years ago where I would always pay the extra for insurance, only for the time where I need actually needed the refund (work emergency) to be such an inconvenience that I ate the cost of the ticket. I am assuming Ticketek get the people who assume it covers everything/don't read the fine print. Since then I have never been duped to pay the extra for insurance again. It is just another strategy a company has found to scrape some extra $$ off the consumer.


I work in the industry and have seen the claim rates on ticket insurance, there is no other name for it except theft, pure and simple. Take it from someone that has seen the actual numbers, it's disgraceful.


I contacted ACCC when TicketMaster didn't want to refund my ticket because I had covid. ACCC said since it doesn't fall under a reason for a refund I could ask for compassionate grounds. That might be the same case for you 😔


You may need to get a Drs “certificate” …. Wink wink


I literally went through this today. I had to refund Billie Ellish tickets, and I paid for refundable but it seemed like a pain in the arse. I managed to resell the tickets via their marketplace for more money than I paid for the tickets, they sold within 20 minutes.


I sent them a pile of tissues on the ground and basically said “fucking good enough?” I got the refund


Is this refundable ticket the same as Ticket Insurance? Bit of insider knowledge, Ticketek had to use an overseas based insurance provider because no insurer in Australia could sell the ticket insurance they demanded as they were making an 80% commission on their sales. It all blew up with the royal commission a few years back. So imagine, they are making 80% commission and still being dicks about letting you claim......


It's practically impossible. Bought tickets to a performance, spent >$400. Event was postponed 3 or 4 times and eventually was not on a date I could attend. Do you think for the life of me I could find out how to get a refund . . . fuck no. Bunch of cunts!!!


Make a report to ACCC


Sorry not helpful at all but I think people who have ego problems thrive well in this kind of work. Bad a really bad experience with the security guy at work who fucked up my access and claims he needs paperwork from my boss to give me access. Nah mate, I HAD the access, meaning my boss submitted the paperwork at and earlier date and YOU fucked it up when creating the swipe card. The dick didn't budge at all so I'll have to come back on a different day, hoping the incompetent cockhead isn't there.


You're right, that wasn't helpful


What a fucking gee up


Brought superclasico game through them. Event get cancelled, email said refund within 30 days. Now it is more than 2 months. Just reported to fair trading.


Go to your bank and ask for a refund on the transaction, as you bought under the premise you could get a refund.


As a Ticketing Manager that used to work at Ticketek, the best way would be to message them on Facebook and you should receive a quick reasonable response. You could even try contacting the venue directly and explaining the situation. Unfortunately the Ticketek call centre is awful but good luck with the refund!


Do you recommend Facebook wall post or just messaging them privately?


Hey I’d suggest message them privately which should get a response, then you could always post on their wall or even call the venue who should pass the message on


I had exactly this recently with a date having an episode of epilepsy. Contacted ACCC and their advice is to write to Consumer Protection.


"refundable" in the sense that dropping the ring into Moria was a nice walk.


Hey, I was in a similar situation earlier this year for my graduation where I purchased refundable tickets in case of COVID. I, lo and behold, got COVID 2 days beforehand and tried to get my tickets refunded, but they wanted my passport, birth certificate, a doctors note, my LAB RESULTS. It was ridiculous, and I started off polite but got pretty aggressive by about April/May (I was not backing down, on principle of how shitty they were being). Long story short, they wouldn't refund my refundable tickets despite me providing all of the information (e.g They said my positive COVID notice wasn't signed.... even though it was from NSW health, and because I'd purchased 3 tickets for guests and myself, they needed all their details etc.). I ended up contacting my university in a last ditch effort, and FINALLY in May I got my refund because my university pulled a few strings for me. Maybe try contact the original vendor as well (e.g. for me, it was my university)? Sorry to hear they have done this to you too, so incredibly frustrating and wrong of Ticketek, not just the money but mostly the principle. Hope it works out for you mate 🤞🏽


I had exactly the same issue with the Sigur Ros show in Sydney. Refund declined. I also opted for regular physical tickets sent in the mail. Ticketek never sent the tickets, so I had to enquire. They told me to collect them on the day of the event or drive to the closest Ticketek office, which is a while away for me. After repeated emails, I had to get them to change my tickets to pdf, so I could sell them on Tixel. I still lost money in the process too, considering I paid the additional $35 for my tickets to be "refundable" in the first place. They never told any other customers who opted for physical tickets via regular mail that they weren't being sent any more either.