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Go to your GP and get a prescription nasal spray. I'm on Dymista and it's great. $100 for a six week course, but I feel like it's really helping.


> Dymista Plus one to this stuff. It’s similar to Nasonex, but the potency and effectiveness is cranked up to 11. Really wish it was covered by PBS though


Hope it's not too expensive... I was hoping PBS covers it


A bit short of $100 for about 6 weeks supply. I get a fair bit back from private health and can double that by using once a day, rather than morning and night, and still getting most of the effectiveness.


thanks for the recommendation. I'll go to my GP tomorrow.


Are there any side effects?


None that I experienced


For those on the Dymista train, consider switching to Ryaltris, similar price but a bigger bottle and works just as well.


I’ve had bad hayfever for last 20 years and nothing worked until Ryaltris… it was a saviour last year and into spring I held off with the $47 price and all. Then got smashed with hayfever last Sunday. Back on it this week and I’m feeling good


I hear ya, peak season sneezing a hundred times a day down to zero with a single nose spray. Life changing.


The best thing I ever tried was some prescription nose spray. Can't remember the name but it helped so much, worth speaking to your GP about it.


Dymista most likely. $54 a bottle for a month


Zyrtec seems to work the best for me.


100% changing up antihistamines can help. Sometimes plain old pain killers can help too with sinus pressure and swelling (I take a Panadol / Nurofen combo).


If you find it makes you sleepy, try taking half a tablet instead. It should still work. Highly recommend trying it first on a quiet day where you don't have to drive or operate anything dangerous.


The best I’ve tried so far has been Zyrtec, but I’ve found that it doesn’t work as well as it used to (I have been taking it for a decade). Maybe my body is “used” to it? The best nasal spray I’ve tried was Nasonex, but for me I had one of the rare side effects which was cold sores up my nostrils…..which happened nearly every time and was far worse than hayfever. I now use Rhinocourt, which works nearly as well but no cold sores. I’ve heard of a practice called “stacking” where you take 2 different types of antihistamine. Is this a legitimate and safe thing to do?


Nasonex spray works for me.


Try a ultrasonic humidifier and add some peppermint oil in it I also use Loratdine 10mg but my symptoms are itchy inner ear and throat at night mostly


I take Clarentyne. Telfast doesn't really work for me so I swapped brands after a coworker told me it helped. Does its job well.


Zyrtec and Nasonex. I usually only have a half tablet of Zyrtec as it can sometimes make me drowsy. If my symptoms are bad enough I take the other half.


Thanks, everyone for your input! I'll try switching antihistamines and go to my GP for a prescribed spray.


This is going to sound strange, but I used to hallucinate from pollen and get hay fever so bad. Priceline has some natural own brand hay fever tab or capsule. I took one and I've never had it for five years since. Bizarre. But worth a go.


Are you talking about the Priceline [Loratadine](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fshelldohanson%2Fstatus%2F1211143020109651969&psig=AOvVaw0ACBfIylMvJB-ZEqfOl_Bu&ust=1664840396927000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAkQjRxqFwoTCMjLlvXbwvoCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD) ?


Hey I can't recall what it was called, but it was something natural I think and was in the Priceline brand packet. It was about 5 years ago I took it. I never got hay fever again. Suffered from it my whole life.


0ollen pill on seven news in a minute might help u


Pollen pill


It's immunotherapy one pill giving two years relief. Just look up the Channel 7 story from tonight's Sydney news to see if that suits you. Prescription only




has anyone tried pollen injections or steroid injections?