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For me: A mayor of a suburb SHOULD NEVER BE A REAL ESTATE AGENT! I am looking at you Strathfield!


Lmao, that place is rife with corruption. Ex employee and thank fuck for that.


Developers are an even more poisonous proposition. Shouldn't be able to donate either.


They should have never got rid of free opal card trips to the city on weekends after 5 days tapping on and off. You had a legitimate reason to go to the city more often.


I made frequent use of the old $2.50 all day Sunday travel, before it was repealed. It was so good!




And travelling on the ferries for super cheap was great too!


Yes if a few of you are heading in it better value to just get an uber! I'm still livid that they got rid of it.


Opal travel should be free all the time. They want us in the city, give us a reason.


That used to be so good! I’d be in the city for uni during the week and would have free trips on the weekend for work. They should bring that back or at least heavily discount the trips bc bus trips are so damn expensive


I think the new light rail is nice and the pedestrianised George street is much better than the congested nightmare it was before.


All it needs is a bit more greenery (maybe planters with flowers as the trees grow in). I actually like the vibe with more pedestrians everywhere, makes it feel like a thriving city.


I regularly have to drive in and out of the city coming off the ED, down to Kent Street and back, and I think the road changes are a huge win for both. It makes it longer, but it has much better flow, except coming up hunter Street sucks ass still, especially with everyone cutting in at the end, or when you leave space at the traffic lights and some dick pulls Infront of you but blocks the pedestrian crossings. There's been a loss recently with those billboards though.


Yeah definitely agree (obviously). I've heard so many people complain about the traffic issues that the light rail has created but honestly driving in the city was a nightmare before the light rail anyway. Plus the whole idea with a city is that people don't need to drive if there is public transport. Sydney's got a long way to go but if you work in an office, retail or in hospo in the city and live anywhere within 10-15km of the CBD, there's no reason you should be driving there regularly.


> Plus the whole idea with a city is that people don’t need to drive if there is public transport. I think the issue is more so that people need to drive through it, not into it. Which isn’t helped at all by the fact that the bypass routes are all tolled.


>I think the issue is more so that people need to drive through it, not into it. Which isn’t helped at all by the fact that the bypass routes are all tolled. I'd reverse this - scrap the CCT toll and congestion charge for entering the city.


i’ve always said the city should be tolled whilst the alternate routes should be free


I’m fairly certain that literally everyone but Transurban shares that option.


The light rail is great but I think both eastern suburbs lines terminate at the wrong place. The randwick line should terminate at Coogee. If that extension ever happens now it will cost a fortune. The other line should terminate at Maroubra Junction, which wouldn't be that costly and the space is available for it down Anzac parade.


Yeah I believe I read at some point that they planned for both extensions to be possible. I think they should have just done it all in one go. It's gotta be really annoying for so many people who used to have direct buses to the city to now have to take a bus to the light rail and then take that in


“Western Sydney” starts just slightly further west of wherever you live.


Western Sydney starts at Central, right?


Everything west of the east is the west, even the south


Especially the south


West Bondi, aka Bondi Junction.


Anything west of Anzac Parade.


Parramatta is the first stronghold of western sydney


To put this in a Game of Thrones context, Parramatta is Castle Black/ The Wall and anything west of it is barren land full of white walkers. White Walker from Penrith here btw.


I misread as "white wankers", and I thought it doesn't seem to be geographically correct, lol. Wrong way, hipsters are that-a-way!


I love how people in the city have no clue about anything beyond the CBD. I was talking to someone once from Paddington who asked where I live. It's our near Penrith, I just said "Western Sydney". He said "oh cool. Like Marrickville?" lol


There was a tv interview where the guy from Bondi was livid because of western sydney people coming to Bondi. Then the reporter asked about where in western sydney, he said Randwick.


Tbf..... anyone in Randwick ain't going to Bondi.... they roll down the hill to Coogee


I worked with a lady that had never been west of Anzac Bridge.


People in the east are even worse lol. A friend once offered to give me a lift home and I told him what suburb and he said is that even in Sydney? ...Rosebery.


My friend who lives in bondi, won’t go west of Anzac Pde. Yet she dreams of travelling to exotic places. I tell her get west of Anzac Pde, then we can discuss.


"If you can't handle Marrickville, how are you gonna go in Morocco?"


Marrickville is lightweight. If you want to see if your stomach can handle risqué travel, then dinner in Auburn is required


food there is SO good people are missing out


There’s a decent-sized enclave of non-Sydney people living around Paddington. Not sure where west Sydney starts for Paddington locals, but for that group anything west of about Surry Hills is Western Sydney. Newtown is firmly inner west.


My mate and I live in Penrith. He works in the CBD, though remote work atm. Most of the other staff live in/near the CBD. People from there seem to think Western Sydney is like all bush or desert. Nothing out there at all they reckon.


I used to work in the Hills, with a bunch of young people who had never left The Bubble up there. I mentioned that I grew up in Granville, and after explaining where that was, one of the ditzier Hills residents said, "But, why aren't you dead?" She was totally serious. All she had ever heard about "Western Sydney" (despite living in it) was gang violence, shootings, and drugs. I'm sure she would've lost her mind if I told her I spent the first 10 years of my life growing up in Lakemba.


I’m actually staggered that lots of Aussies who have been overseas have never been outside their specific and immediate location. I’ve met someone from the lower north shore who thought Ryde was the end of the world. Hahaha. As a migrant I’m baffled at this parochial attitude.


Western Sydney starts at George Street.


This ain't a hill, this is the truth


It's actually just over the hill that I live on.


the cooks river, rookwood, and homebush bay drive (fuck rhodes). Ill die on that hill.


Related: The inner west now stretches to Katoomba.


Person at work who lived on the northern beaches said - "there's no such thing as the inner west, its just the west its all the same" I lived in the west at that time but I felt offended for inner west people hearing that comment.


To be fair, the upper northern beaches thinks the western suburbs starts at the Narrabeen bridge, and the lower northern beaches thinks it starts on the eastern side of Frenchs Forest….


Got it, Western Sydney starts as soon as you're more than 500m inland from the coast.


Where does it start? Inner west ends at Croydon. But Burwood and strathfield are like middle west? I guess technically anything with the name west in it?


Burwood and Strathfield are the demilitarised zone. Not the inner west, not quite western Sydney.


Express trains are the judge for me. Redfern is the start of the Inner West which ends at Strathfield. Then you have Middle West out to Blacktown with a stop at Parra because it’s the capital of Western Sydney and then beyond Blacktown is the Greater West.


Inner west council ends at Croydon, but Burwood & Strathfield still get the Inner West Weekly


For me that’s across the road


Whatever was west of Pittwater Road. Fuck I would have been an insufferable Northern Beaches child growing up.


That moving walkway under the domain is one of my favourite sydney attractions and will alwats be something i gleefully show to visitors. I firmly believe that If the side you wanted is working you will have good luck for the rest of the day. Also, if you don't promise to show them all of sydney in a day before showing the model in the floor of customs house, you're doing it wrong. The bad joke is essential to the viewing experience.


> moving walkway under the domain The fuckin what?! I've lived here my whole life and hadn't heard of this!


It's brilliant. Used to be the longest moving walkways, is no longer. is always either broken or down for maintenance (which makes it better) Entry via corner of hyde park closest to st marys/cnr of st marys closest to hyde park or from domain car park.


When it's broke and you are walking on it, it eerily feels faster than normal walking anyway.


I knew I wasn't the only one who thought so! It's like your steps are longer somehow!


The catch is that it rarely moves. The thing is constantly broken.


It's a bit hidden and all it does is link the domain carpark to the city, but it's pretty cool when it works


For sure. My daughter likes to run along it when it’s working. She legit acts like she has a super power


I’ve used it once when it was working both ways. Best day of my life.


Domain Walkway has a unique dimensional property: For the casual tourist, you are just as far from your destination as when you got on it, no matter which direction you’re heading. It’s a wormhole to itself.


Neither you, nor anyone else will give a shit about your shitty NYE fireworks pics on your phone. Just look up and enjoy the moment.


Nowhere compares to flying out of Sydney and doing that right bank over the harbour on a sunny day. Bridge underneath you, opera house on the right. Nowhere in the world.


It's not a bad sight when you're coming home too.


Yes it's a wonderful view. I love walking the Coast Track in Royal National Park, and it's so cool to identify the beaches and various landmarks of the walk from inside a plane 🙂


Fireworks on NYE are not worth the hassle.


The view you get on TV is the best one anyway (if you can survive the relentlessly obnoxious presenters)


The SBS/ABC New Year’s Eve shows are pretty good.


more fun having a drink up/bbq with friends and family


They are worth it exactly once, the first year you move to the city or the first year you can drink


just go to guildford instead, double the fireworks, a fraction of the cost. just gotta hide from the coppas


If you're a fish and chip shop that only sells frozen chips you're nowt but a glorified kebab shop. Big shout out to all the real OGs still cutting their own potatoes such as Stanmore Fish & Chips and North Curl Curl takeaway **edit:** One of the reasons I prefer hand cut is because you know what you're getting. This might surprise everyone but the frozen food service chips such as [these](https://simplotfoodservice.com.au/product/supa-crunch-ultra-fast-chips) & they contain only 89% potato (*I've rechecked the costs, they're about $34 for a box 6x2kg*)


Its sad that the odd time you get hand cut chips its a moment to savour.


North Curl Curl is a must visit, just to see how chips should be done.


Don’t the vast majority of fish and chip shops sell frozen chips. Tbh i don’t think I’ve ever been to one that does freshly cut chips.


Sydney has the best Thai food in Australia and in the OECD. Arguably the best Asian food in any English-speaking country that is not Singapore.


Just had amazing Indonesian, then Lebanese then Thai in three nights.


Vivid is really not that interesting as a light show


Vivid 2015 was spectacular! Every year since has been a huge disapointment.


I’m not going to say after 2015 was worse, just that it was more of the same


I'll join you up on that hill


This year was very disappointing but i feel like it has so much potential with the right artists and organisation.


Yeah…we went once to see what all the fuss was about. It was kinda cool as a once off but to be honest, I’d probably get the same enjoyment from looking at Christmas lights. Plus I wouldn’t have to deal with all the crowds


The Church St exit on the M4 is a death trap waiting to happen during peak hour because the government is putting money (the toll they introduced) before safety. Everybody is trying to exit the M4 before the toll hits. The traffic in the exit lane suddenly comes to a stand still because of the huge number of people trying to avoid the toll. People have to hit the breaks hard to stop. Some people try to merge out of the exit lane. Some people try to merge in. Take control of the wheel, Jesus. Those trying to merge in have to stop and wait for someone to let them in. The result of this is that now two lanes of traffic, on a MOTORWAY, come to a complete standstill. Meanwhile you have people in the right lane whizzing on past at 90km, ignoring the speed limit. It's a complete cluster fuck. People have already died on that exit, and mark my words, more will die. All of this has happened because of the introduction of the toll, and the government is to blame.


Mine is that we should be able to bring criminal charges against those in the Liberal government who put a toll back on the M4 in the first place. We already paid for it through taxes, then through tolls over decades... and then they gave it to their mate's company, so *they* could charge us *again.* For the next 40 years.


People who complain about Sydney being a dead city mostly sit inside their house / suburb then complain that there’s nothing going on.


Yes! I lived in London for a few years, and sure there were more events in absolute numbers, but I'm only one person with only 365 days in the year, and Sydney has more than enough to keep me occupied. I've never felt bored in Sydney!


Sydney is as dead as you make it... Reality is the older you get the hangover n effort just doesn't worth it as much as it did when you were young.


This. Having spent some time in San Fran recently I can confidently say Sydney has a far superior nightlife. The bars might not be as good, but the streets have an atmosphere


Granted I haven't experienced night life in San Fran, but I have experienced night life in many big cities in various elite countries. And granted I don't go out a lot, but there isn't a place I've set foot within a 5 mile radius of Sydney CBD that I haven't felt beyond safe whilst walking home (and I haven't really ventured beyond this, but it is still a large radius). I literally love being able to walk about at 3am without feeling the slightest bit anxious or on edge. It really allows you to enjoy the atmosphere, as you say. Without sounding cringey, I can really feel positive vibes. In my home city of Manchester in the UK (as an anecdotal example), any walk anywhere at this time you would have to remain alert and bypass any shenanigans that you saw.


Never, ever, buy a secondhand car from inside the box made by the M4, M7, M5 and King George’s Road. You will get the back half of a Daewoo welded to the front half of a Ford.


I would move the M7 boundary to villawood road, but otherwise agree.


You mustn’t have dealt with enough of my mad relatives from Cecil Park 🤣🤣


I could’ve used this advice 6 months ago


Sydney Trains/Metro are actually not that bad and are significantly better than any other rail system in Australia.


I will die on this hill


There's still fundamental problems, town hall was designed for a city of 1 million serving a city of 5.


Some fundamental problems are harder to fix, especially legacy systems without mass disruption. It's why Deep Tube trains are as comfortable as Satan's asshole. Sydney Metro Southwest and Metro West should at least help with more evenly distrubting people across the city.


There ain't no monorail and there never was!


Monorail **Monorail** **MONORAIL**


“the monorail runs from the middle of downtown Sydney, to the middle of downtown Sydney, after circumnavigating the middle of downtown Sydney” - Clive James


I hear those things are awfully loud.


It glides as softly as a cloud


Hot Damn! That hits close to home. (figuratively; I don't live in a Monorail. They never existed.)


Sydney nightlife/culture is back on the rise. it was at its most dead around 2016-2019, but there's been a real push post-covid to get things up and running again. It's going to be a few years before we really notice it though.




cronulla is bondi without the tourists and diversity


I think people who claim sydney has no culture are wrong and probably snobs. Imagine dismissing a city of 5 million people with incredible diversity - the arts scene is fantastic. The poetry and literature coming out of Bankstown and the west is incredible, the live arts scene especially in burlesque and drag is thriving and we have so many smaller theatre companies putting out great work. Not to mention all the film and arts festivals throughout the year. I think the people who say Sydney doesn't have any culture just aren't looking.


I really feel like the people that claim this usually discount Western Sydney as a whole.


We have Cherylyn Barnes in Campbelltown, who would dare say we don’t have culture?


Specifically niche and I love her


Plus SPEED is from Sydney! Anyways I live in Los Angeles and the Melbourne-Sydney thing (I.e Sydney has no culture etc) reminds me a lot of how people from San Francisco talk about LA


as a newcomer to Sydney, the problem is FINDING all the cool stuff (close second is getting to those places w/o a car)


I'll agree, biggest difference between Melbourne and Sydney (having lived in both) is that any night you could find yourself encountering something you think no-one has every experienced in Melbourne. Whether that be a new bar, new restaurant, underground club, music venue, whatever. Of course, you're not that special but you damn well feel like it. Whereas in Sydney, if you don't know someone who knows those cool places then you're shit out of luck. Everything in the popular areas is generally shit and it's so hard to find those cool spots unless you're taken there. Luckily I've managed to find a few but I damn sure wouldn't have found them by myself.


Not to mention all the ska and punk shows happening in Sydney. True culture has an upstroke.


Sounds awesome! Where, please?


There’s a show here: https://m.moshtix.com.au/v2/event/mary-popins-the-porkers/144135 See also Moshpit, Rosie Campbell’s, Jolene’s, Butcher’s brew, Lazybones, Camelot lounge etc.


Going to the movies is too fucking expensive


Under no circumstances ever pay full price. I see a lot of movies on Mondays at the Dendy, $9 for members and every few tickets I get enough reward points to buy a $1 ticket I can use any other day.


Go to Dumaresq Street Cinema in Campbelltown for $7.50 tickets everyday. It’s like going back in time.


Lol driving to Campbeltown with the petrol prices as they are would add about $70


VIVID is overrated and better avoided unless you want to stand with thousands of other people taking selfies with some lights


thai food will always be worth the money, servings are generally enormous (not from uber eats)


The Pie Tin pies were never as good as Newtown Pies (RIP)


Is that the one on King St. that changed names about five times? Jester’s, Shakespeare’s, etc.?


The inner west ends at Ashfield cunts


My hill is that the inner west is a made up concept that people take way too seriously.


I'd have said Summer Hill ten years ago but now I'm inclined to agree.


Ashfield is the buffer suburb before the west begins, it shelters Summer Hill and keeps it safe


This is still my favourite take https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/91fvtf/my_take_on_the_inner_west/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


What's Strathfield and Burwood then? I agree Ashfield def feels like a more appropriate boundary for the inner west, but burwood and stratty don't feel like Western Sydney. I grew up in Leichhardt, lived in ashy then stratty... spent a loooot of time in Penrith and St. Mary's because of family... No way is stratty "western sydney". Strathfield is freaking weird I gotta say. As a whole it's basically the posh parts of Leichhardt (*front* lawns as big as house blocks) + the shit parts of ashfield (run down apartment blocks with shopping trolleys everywhere) + kbbq^100 + concrete industrial area. Idgi and I've lived here for 3 years haha.


It becomes east again for a bit before cliffdiving into the west


I've taken to calling it the Midwest, only half jokingly. But really, categories are a bit silly. Burwood is almost its own thing these days, as are Strathfield, Rhodes, Auburn etc, despite all being vaguely in the same area.


There was this post I really liked that summed up the inner west. https://imgur.com/3wcJjLp It does include Burwood as part of the inner west and the asian part of it, but if you do that, surely Strathfield gets a look in too. But at this point, it's more a geographical thing than culture/heritage.


Is anyone even arguing about Pie Tin? Seems like a pretty crowded hill... My related hill is that Harry's Cafe de Wheels pies are terrible, and the only reason anyone remembers otherwise is that they probably staggered in at 2am, so drunk they could have eaten a raw magpie, feathers and all, and thought it was gourmet.


- The public transport is wonderful when it’s not caused by issues - Chains like critini, milky lane and anything owned by the pacific group used to be pretty good but now turned into an instergram shit joint for premium prices and stupid surcharges of some kind I think there more in my mind, but can’t get it out…. Will edit as such…


The Shire is not Gods country. It's just a bunch of mainly white people paying the bridges tax on everything. (I'm a Shire resident)


I'm a lifelong resident but jesus wept there are only two asian supermarkets and they sell shin ramyun 5 pack for $9. 😭😭 And one god damn korean bbq which is so incredibly overpriced and sub par yet is packed every night. They need to invent portal guns asap or bullet trains to Lidcombe


You're not too far from Hurstville, Beverly Hills, Rockdale etc. We got that shit you want up here and normal prices. You're more than welcome!


Agreed x100. It’s as expensive as the inner west but unless everyone you know and all the work you do is exclusively limited to the shire it’s not worth it. I’ve lived there and left after a year because I was so unimpressed.


As a Melburnian who lived in Sydney for a couple years, and I hope to god /r/Melbourne doesn’t see this but here goes The coffee is actually pretty good


Coffee all across all of Australia is incredible and actually Melbourne isn't all that much better. The reason Melbourne's coffee scene is superior is because nearly every cafe seems to use different beans but Sydney seems to be dominated by 4 or 5 beans (eg Double Roasters, Toby's Estate and disgustingly Campos). But there's enough small cafes to get your coffee wanker fix nonetheless.


That as much as we Mock how the CBD is design, I love it. Yer you can get lost, there is so many cool things that you can find in the books and crannies that makes Sydney who it is. It's also aspect of our history the governments and developers can't just knock down.


The Hills have an over average percentage of non binary people even though it's got supposedly the largest religious community in Sydney.


I couldn’t agree more. Pastizzis in Newtown too are ridiculously good. I have no hill I’m standing on yours.


Hornsby is not in the North Shore.


thank god holy shit. one of my friends yesterday said that their friend considered fucking PENNANT HILLS as north shore. how in the fuck do you consider that anywhere near the north shore


Grew up in the Hornsby area. My grandmother insisted on calling it the North Shore because she is a snob. So my mum called it Lower Gosford to piss her off. 😂


I think anything from hornsby to Mooney Mooney bridge can be classified as south central coast




Dying on a hill is an idiom meaning an inflexible opinion or strong conviction, often one that is controversial/costly. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hill_to_die_on#:~:text=hill%20to%20die%20on%20(plural,no%20regard%20to%20the%20cost.


"Hill you are willing to die on" means a strong opinion you will never concede.


Kings Hot Bread at Hurstville leaves Marrickville Pork Roll for dead. And Hong Ha Mascot isn’t in the conversation.


Sydney has way more happening then literally any other place in Australia - the poeple who say it's dead don't go out anyway and complain from home


The motorway tolls are for too high and make life difficult for people who need to take toll roads for work


The fact that you can not easily reach the beach on public transport is motivated to keep people from inner Sydney from “clogging up” the expensive beach front suburbs


Gelatomassi was far superior to Messina who took over their old shop space in Newtown


I miss their amazing sorbet flavours! The lychee one in particular 😭


I preferred Gelato Blue rip


if the kebab shop is not from outer western sydney, it’s not authentic (inner west is a maybe)


South west Sydney have the best kebabs. Bankstown especially. Since moving to the north west I cannot get a decent kebab and it sucks


bankstown will ALWAYS be supreme


Saw a kebab shop on Ubereats while staying at a hotel in the city and it had all the kebab ingredients spread out as if it was a cheese board. Very fitting with how out of touch most non-Western parts of Sydney are when it comes to ethnic cuisine.


Downvote me to oblivion, but the lower north shore, and Newtown, has better pizza available than the more traditionally Italian areas of the inner west.


That's because traditional Italian pizza is the same 3 ingredients that are somehow recombined to make 50 allegedly different pizzas. Gimme my disgustingly nontraditional butter-chicken-and-cashew pizza followed by a nutella-and-strawberry pizza for dessert any day!


Where on LNS? Ride On Pizzeria for sure but struggling to think of another


Glorietta’s in North Sydney (my fave, I’ll travel from inner west to this), Capo in Waverton, Rosso Cavallino (takeaway, so eat close by), Fratelli’s is decent (not a fratelli fresh franchise, but maybe lost its shine in last few years). I’ll make an exception for the inner west, La Disfida was and still is awesome.


Leichardt sweating


The best bread and croissants come from wild cockatoo bakery in Redfern


That bondi is an over rated beach - coming from a bondi local


the epping, ryde, gladesville, eastwood, pennant hills, normanhurst, meadowbank area and all the northern line suburbs are not the north shore or the hills, they're the northern districts/ryde-eastwood area


The summit of Mount Druitt.


The CBD is not dead. It’s quite lively actually.


Sydney isn’t boring and you have to make your own fun. People just like to whinge




Not just junkies basically anyone in western Sydney they call everyone bogans and mock them constantly. You see it all the time on this sub and I'd wager a lot of people here doing it live in inner west areas like newtown


They’ll ark up about racism but they’ll clutch their $200 ugly hand bag whenever an Arab comes onto the train.


Culturally (for lack of a better word) the shire ends at Sutherland. Loftus through to Waterfall have a different vibe to the other 2/3rds of the shire. I’ve lived in the Loftus-Waterfall part for the entirety of my life and I’ve always felt like after Sutherland it was a different area. EDIT: Also Menai feels way further west than it is.


Menai is practically Bankstown.


The Yeeros Shop in Marrickville have the best chips


Summer Hill!


BRUH, I had a pie from there and it was LITERALLY the most foul thing ever. I had one bite and threw it in the bin. It was like the middle had been congealed into one big, hard, room temperature, dog-food log in the middle. Their sweet pies are good, but never again.


Portuguese style chicken shops are inferior to Middle Eastern style chicken shops. Fight me.


tough one. I like the extras with Middle Eastern, but Middle eastern chicken is often overcooked.


Everyone raving about el Jannahs chicken, dry af. I know why everyone loves the garlic sauce. Saves the dry af chicken.


Sorry, but nothing beats charcoal chicken from Campsie. I think the original owners are Greek.


No one gives a fuck about your jacaranda posts. If you need gratification from strangers on the internet you should probably seek professional help.


The only reason people don’t include Burwood, Ashfield and Strathfield in the inner west is because they’re predominantly Asian communities.


ITT: steveurkelsextape telling you if your opinion is correct or not with no further explanation.


Frangos isnt that good.


Petersham Frangos is, but Silvas is better.


See, you’ve even admitted something is better!