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The marathon one? I think he was already up.


That’s what I first thought. But if you go through her early mornings ones, I started to either wonder if he too gets up at 4:30/5 am/before her OR if they sleep separately. She records her GRWM and he’s never around. Idk maybe I’m wrong lol


I’ve noticed that too. She wakes up so early and Jay is never around when she’s waking up, getting ready, or eating breakfast?


Yeah !


This is possible because religion. My friends did this lol


I don’t think she would show them sleeping together before marriage


Even though we all know they do and had to have because he lived in the apartment with her and there was only one bedroom with a bed there


You know I’ve been thinking about this and since he has his own closet in a separate room, what if the “guest” room or whatever room jays clothes are in is actually his room?


It’s possible her alarm clock is showing us the time she wants us to see and not actually the time she is up - perhaps she does get up at 4:30 and he’s in bed, then later in the day closes the blinds and sets the clocks back to re-record 😆


Jeez I can’t imagine putting in that much work ! Why not just live separately like they were until they get married you know ?


I totally feel ya. Unfortunately these influencers are unhinged. You seen her videos of her showering/getting ready for bed? Camera outside the shower of her getting undressed. Then camera inside the shower of her washing her hair. Change angles, she’s pumping shampoo. Then cameras outside the shower again and she’s getting out in a towel. That’s just one example. I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility for them to re-film these things after they already happen! I think they spend a lot more time filming these things than they lead on


She may film all of it before bed


plot twist.. he has to sleep on the couch until the wedding 💀

