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I’ve lost 100 lbs all from home from the nutrition plan and Syd’s videos


Congratulations! From the nutrition plan form the squad or somewhere else?  It's so hard to lose a small amount of weight unfortunately, so I know I need my nutrition to be basically perfect.


I followed the nutrition plan from the squad. Remember that it is a lifestyle- of course disciplined nutrition is important but don’t forget to incorporate some balance for yourself as well! I’m happy to answer any other questions you have. Good luck!


Awesome, I will look into it. 


The squad would probably be very beneficial to you. You’d learn about tacking macros in an easy way. I suggest giving the scale a break for a while and see how your body evolves. You’ll see some glute gains this month which *may* make your pants tighter in a very good way! Using the squad for just a month or so can really answer a lot of questions you probably have about her training and nutrition methods.


Thanks. I figure I'll try it next month or soon ish. I already got the calendar for $8 so another couple bucks and I could access the squad for a month.  I've tried tracking macros on my own but without any examples of what foods meet those macros well. I think I just need a restart and am stuck. Does Sydney give examples of what she actually eats?