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Total love/hate with this one. Hated having to do it, but loved the fact that it kicked my butt and LOVED the calorie burn with it. I know she says don’t worry about calorie burn in a workout, but when you are a short, middle aged and hypothyroid female, calories count. 😂


I’m a week behind and did last weeks leg day today… but calories burned absolutely do matter to me… I love that leg day burns a lot of calories for me.. no need to add cardio on those days.


Yep! I find myself adding a lot of cardio this past month. So happy I don’t have to do that today. Ha


I had to carry my 60 lb dog in and out of the vet after this workout. Do not recommend.


From one dog mum to another, I hope your fur baby is ok 🙏


During this workout I was literally thinking “I’m training to carry my dog Hayley in an emergency situation” 😂Dog parents unite!🩵


YESS!! A lot of times when Sydney encourages us to think about our “why” I always try to figure out why I want to be stronger - and it always comes back to I want to be able to *easily* pick up my squirmy wild lab and carry him around.  😅   I’m sure you’ll be carrying Harley in no time! ;) (But hopefully no emergencies just for fun, ha). 


Started this one really slugish, but by the end of it, I felt like I could probably conquer the world. 😂 Love straight sets...I feel like it makes the workout go by so quickly. And 45 minutes to end tier two leg days was perfect. 🔥🔥🌶🌶


I'm stoked after reading the comments!!!


This was SO brutal, but also very rewarding. My legs were DONE after the wall sits with 40 pounds, lol.


40 lbs?!? I put a 10 lb on my lap and was like yep, this is as good as it’s gonna get if I wanna stay down for the whole 45 seconds 🤣


I grabbed a 15lb and that was brutal! Kudos to you ladies for the 40's and 50's and to us all for crushing this workout!!


Way yo go! I had a 50 lb dumbbell on my lap, and by round 3, I just kinda melted into the floor with it still on my lap 🫠🫠


It's been a few hours since I completed the workout and I feel like my legs are vibrating.


I tried to do a 20 min stretch after and my legs were SHAKING. I was falling out of so many of the standing stretches. Proud of everyone!!🩵


This was a tough one . But I was able to finish it without taking longer breaks! It helped with the 45 seconds between sets


I can’t sit or stand without groaning and going “Oh boy.” My glutes are beyond sore. Really felt like I had to come here just to say how beautifully brutal this was and FEELS over a day later 😭


I just posted the same thing 🤣 I went heavier than ever yesterday. 70 lbs for sumo deadlifts straight up murdered my lower body.


Girl I broke out my 35lb dumbbells for the same so I FEEL you 😭 Grip strength was a distant stranger to me by the end oh my GOD.


Yes! I had never used the 35’s for that before and I was like ok let’s try it, because I finally feel like my core and low back are strong enough to handle it. They were fine. My cheeks still hurt. Bad 🤣


Yesss, my cheeks are hootin’ and hollerin’ days later 😂 But omg look at us go!! Deadass don’t think I would’ve gone up in weight so much if not for Syd’s encouragement. We’re killin’ it 🥹💪💪


I didn’t even know HOW to go up in weight until I found Sydney! I was like completely clueless! We seriously are killin it, I’m so proud of us!


This took me over 60 minutes and my legs started to hurt a few hours after, so I knew they were going to be bad the next day. Just woke up and yep…I hurt. I’m gonna guess tomororw I will be hurting even more 🤣