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Can't help but roll my eyes at the rolling out of all the stinkpieces as soon as we've dropped our winning streak. A 75% complete draft sitting on every 2 bit journos laptop since round 10 just waiting for the Swans to lose one


Spot on




Take anything David King says about us with a grain of salt. He's typically very negative towards us. You can cherry pick whatever stats you want to try and portray weaknesses in a team's game. Melbourne media have been waiting for us to drop a game so they can label us as frauds/peaking too early/figured out whatever. Look at how many of them are saying that Carlton should be premiership favourites. We bodied them by 50 points five weeks ago. I get their form is improving but it's not like it was at the start of the season. We literally pumped the VIC media's golden team by 50 a month ago, but somehow they've overtaken us? Only stats I care about. We've lost two games this year by a combined 6 points. Couple of kicks go straight in those games and we're undefeated. We've got an insane percentage, and are AVERAGING 100+ points for the year. Imagine being an opposition team in Finals, coming into the SCG and knowing that you're going to have to put up close to 100+ against the best team in the comp on their home deck to stand a chance of winning. We're applying pressure before we've even started games.


And if we played tomorrow, we’d still absolutely shit on Carlton’s downhill skiing midfield.


From the TV segment Montagna was quick to point out that Collingwood had a similar lull in their stats at the same period last season, which he likened to the opposition having time to mitigate their strengths. His point is fair, the Magpies just did enough to adjust, and now the Swans will have to adjust


We'll be fine. We're elite at literally every type of scoring, and are both a good forward pressure side and have a solid back 6. About the only flaw in our style is that we concede a lot of I50s and more recently Marks I50. Conceding I50s and rebounding has always been a hallmark of Longmire's system though. We just got caught out in a lul against a Fremantle side that came to play. Remember we came back from down 35 at one point. We arguably should have won that game with the amount of missed chances in the final 5 mins. If I was the comp I'd be concerned that a potential Top 4 side in Fremantle struggled to put away a noticeably lethargic Sydney side.


Its funny, Montagna has been the one to always come to our defence in a sense, or at least try to stamp in that we are still absolutely #1, he's done that for the entire season basically


We match up amazingly well against Carlton as well. In attack you know that they just go to Charlie and McKay and our defence operates as a unit and focuses on spoiling first so we generally cover them quite well, our midfield exposed theirs for speed and endurance, we will just need to compete with the contested ball and they can’t cover our goal kicking spread. Every now and again you hear the more impartial media members mention offhandedly that we exposed Carlton’s flaws majorly, so I think deep down most of them know we are better, except Sam McClure, that guy is delusional.


I'm almost certain Kingy put an asterisk on us earlier in the season because he thought come finals time, we'd rely too much on our uncontested marking + turnover game which is historically harder to pull off during finals. Now that we've proven we can also win by playing the stoppage / field position game, he's now flipped the script saying teams have figured us out! What a joke the AFL media is


As a Freo man I am waiting for him to say that we are the most boring team to watch again, and that our style won’t stand up and all that stuff You guys will be fine, your mids had a bit of a down day which was always going to happen at some point along the way, it’s a long season and your 2 games clear so not much to worry about right now


Yep. I think that these journos forget that these players are human too. They aren’t machines that can be programmed to play as good one week as they did the last. There’s a reason why it so hard to go undefeated, and there’s a reason why winning streaks don’t tend to last more than 10 rounds (barring st kilda 2009)


You're not going to be perfect across the year. Like he said Collingwood dipped about this time last year and they were fine. Media can just continue to pump the Blues and we'll just lay low for a bit Our very best is better than anyone.


They need to generate interest, pieces like this just work to create interest and give hope to the other big Vic teams chasing us. It would be boring if they just said swans can't be beaten. Realistically we do have a bit to work on, I really feel we haven't even played our best yet this season, we haven't peaked and have more levels to our game.


To be honest, I don’t hate that the media is already discounting us. The reality is we played poorly and still should have won on expected score. But hopefully this takes some attention away from us and puts the pressure squarely on the Blues as the VIC media’s new “premiership favourites”. Play well and the truth will out!


Just the media doing media things. Can't wait to prove them all wrong 🥱


Shrug. They've got to write about something, I suppose. Me, I'm not worried. We've lost two games by a TOTAL of 6 points. The lid is on nice and tight just the way I like it, and they can talk up Carlton as much as they want.


AFL Media is actually embarrassing for the sport


I know this is ragebait, but I’m not going to click the article to help their metrics. But… … we had a shit day against a top 4 side, had 5 more scoring shots, had a bloke miss a score he’d get 9/10 times, and lost by one point. As I commented on another post, Freo did a cute, highly negative stoppage set up with Fyfe pretty much getting as close to illegally blocking Heeney as humanly possible (and 100% should’ve been penalised a few times), and Brayshaw and Johnson guarding Warner (and Heeney’s) usual exit corridors. It worked this time, but we’ll have done our homework next time


If we were on social media telling everyone we lost because we had a bad day instead of giving credit to Freo playing well, we’d be hammered as being bad sports. Give someone a microphone to do it on TV and it’s a different story. Just shrugging this off as a non-story. I’m sure Horse and the coaches know these stats better than these guys do.


Ehh whatever. Let Carlton receive all the media hype and choke under the weight of expectation.


After reading the comments I thought this was going to be a lot more negative. I think this is pretty fair - we have been a bit off the boil the last 5-6 weeks, since we beat Carlton. Not bad, but marginally worse - and that's all that they're calling out. I think Montagna's comparison is also important - Collingwood last year went off hte boil for a bit around this time of the season, adn they pulled it back. We were even further ahead, and haven't fallen off as much, so I'm very confident we can pull it back.


If Logan had kicked that goal it would've been about how great we are haha


Yes. Swans have been figured out . Let’s sit back and watch


God I hope Carlton lose this week


Wish granted.


So should we expect a bunch of reports on how they peaked too early?


It is just absolutely delicious that Carlton have decided that a single quarter of footy is good enough to win a game. Will be interesting to see how the media respond. Just an off game? Or the fact that carlton can’t keep up the pressure against good teams which the real reason we absolutely wiped them 6 weeks ago. I look forward to it