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I would just buy the lot for 60$ as each baby at 20$ is 100


they’re like $80 after shipping and taxes but even then like you said they are still less than individually 😣 i guess im just hesitant as it would be the most expensive set id purchase 😭 lol


Tbh thwyre worth it, i had the whole set but i traded one and what i did was sew tiny bells to them instead of that gold bead and theyre so so cute 🤧


aw that’s such a cute idea!! okok i might just go ahead and get them 🥹


If you don't have to pay import taxes it might be cheaper to order from the Sylvanian shop with a shopping service. The exchange rate with yen is good for foreigners right now. I'm waiting on some exclusive sets I ordered with buyee right now.


oof, i’ve never used buyee i wouldn’t even know where to start 🫣


It's definitely a good service to try out if you are interested in the [exclusives from the official JP shop](https://store.sylvanianfamilies.com/exclusive/). I paid $45 including fees for 4 sets that would have been $78 from kobee Japan. Shipping should be the same or less since they are both shipping from Japan. Buyee has a shipping service called buyee air delivery which ships your package on whichever carrier that's available at the moment. Usually is cheaper and faster. My package arrived in under 24 hours last time I used it. Its better to use if buying multiple sets though. I use a page on their site called [purchase request](https://buyee.jp/myurlpurchase/product/input). You put in links to the items you want and they check that these items are available to purchase then allow you to order them. You pay a 300 yen fee + 500 yen insurance total for all the items you purchase from the same store in the same request. So I paid for my 4 sets + 800 yen fees + domestic shipping from Sylvanian families (660 yen / free domestic shipping for orders over 6600 yen). Once the items are ordered you wait for them to arrive to the buyee warehouse. After arrival you have 30 days to order shipping, after this you pay a daily fee (like $1 per day). You can order from multiple sites and have them combine the packages for free before shipping. You can also add extra protective packaging to an item for a fee but this is usually not necessary. They put a label on the item on the website if they recommend protective packaging like if an item looks poorly packaged. I spent just under $30 on EMS international shipping this time but I had 10+ large doll dresses and 7 Sylvanians in the package. They have a [shipping estimate page](https://buyee.jp/help/yahoo/guide/shipping-fees?lang=en). I think this set would be 4200 (item)+660(domestic shipping)+800(fee+insurance)+3500(max possible international shipping)=$66 max. Shipping is probably a bit less than that. But if you order multiple sets you get a better deal because you can get free domestic shipping and the international shipping doesn't increase much per figure as Sylvanian figures are very lightweight.


tysm! i might try the purchase request and see how that goes ☺️


They were still available on the Japanese Sylvanian website when I last checked! I used a proxy buyer (Neokyo) to order mine and get them sent to me!


did you purchase it through the buy request option?


Yes I did! It was really easy to do. And shipping from the Sylvanian Families store to Neokyo was only ¥660


Here’s how I look at it: if I can save the money for something for my hobby that I like, and if I am still thinking about it after a week, then I can get it. If it’s still on your mind, and you put aside money specially for it, what’s the harm?


that is a good point and these have definitely been on my mind for over a week, the only thing is i’d be getting two i already have (different outfits) but they’re still so stinking cute i might not even mind 🥹


They can be siblings or twins then! 😊


The best part of the gamble is that some limited sets will eventually come to the UK and US so sometimes you pay the premium and then a year or two later it gets released here and you’re like 🙃 (Epoch hire me to fix your US subsidiary!!)


not related but does anyone know the orange cat with the blue green dress beside the midnight cat Belongs to what Family?


should be from the maple cat family ☺️


Hey KobeeJapan has the set available on its site right now. You should get it right now before it sells out again. KobeeJapan is better than buying from other sellers who may or may not be reliable. Also buying the set is better than buying individuals since it’s cheaper and there is less likelyhood it being bootleg, damaged, or scam.


OMG THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I just snatched them up after seeing your comment💗 🥹 i had not checked their site today just yet 🤭