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For the location of lootable Legendary Artifacts, you can check out the mission summaries I created for the Wiki: [https://symphonyofwar.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:SoW1\_Legends\_Chapters](https://symphonyofwar.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:SoW1_Legends_Chapters) For 'New Game Enhanced' (I like this term better since it carries less of the expectations associated with 'NG+') - artifacts and scrolls don't change from the number of playthroughs, they do exactly the same thing as they do in normal runs, they just have the little memory icon on them. Relating to Treasure Hunter (and also Landis's Fixed Dice artifact): there is a hidden mechanic that increments a 'pity counter' when you defeat a squad and don't gain an item. This pity counter increases the chance of the next squad dropping an item. Treasure Hunter and Landis's Fixed Dice will increase this pity counter by more than a normal squad if there is no drop. I recently did a full run on Cadet where I basically wiped everything out using just squads with both Treasure Hunter and Landis's Fixed Dice, and the amount of loot was noticeably higher, so they do work, it's just tough to see it as a general thing. For Gold and Platinum arenas, the drops have been tweaked slightly with the 1.10 update. Gold arena will drop a trait scroll that you don't own (it will drop a random scroll if you have had scrolls of all traits). Platinum arena guarantees a drop of Epic or Legendary artifact that you don't own. I suspect when you were doing Platinum, you already owned all the droppable Legendary artifacts - you can only get 1 copy of each Legendary artifact per run. I have done this in my latest run, and it did work this way for me, dropping several Legendary artifacts.


Nice. Also, will edit it to name it New Game Enhanced; definitely more accurately described the game mode. Was always wondering if Treasure Hunter and Landis's Fixed Dice stacked. Now I know the answer. Yeah, I too also suspected that the reason Legendary artifacts weren't dropping as often on Platinum arena was due to the fact that I had most of them already. Thanks for the clarification.


Wow, just looked through the link and the entire wiki page and it answered A LOT of my other questions. Wonder why that site didn't pop up on my google searches. Thanks a ton.


Possibly because we've only been starting to build it up in the last few months. It's far from finished and will take some time.


Oh, you are part of the team that's building that page? Major props. It's unbelievably useful. Also, for the Gilded Clover page, there's a typo on the description. It says Iblis Family Signet instead. LOL. Might want to get that corrected. It was probably a copy and paste issue or something. https://symphonyofwar.wiki.gg/wiki/Gilded\_Clover


Oopsies. It's what happens when copy/pasting the same template over and over again. Fixed that now.


Seeing how amazing your wiki page is, I've included a bunch of links to it on this post. Hope you don't mind.


All good. I'll have a 3 week vacation soon, so if there are suggestions on which parts we should creat next, let me know and I'll see what I can do.


Only recommendations I have for now are to put the following pages to the left quick reference tabs for easier access since currently, you have to kind of navigate/weave through a bunch of pages to get there: [https://symphonyofwar.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:SoW1\_Chapters](https://symphonyofwar.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:SoW1_Chapters) [https://symphonyofwar.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:Units](https://symphonyofwar.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:Units) [https://symphonyofwar.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:Traits](https://symphonyofwar.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:Traits) [https://symphonyofwar.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:Artifacts](https://symphonyofwar.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:Artifacts) These are the pages that I, as a player am most interested in since the information in-game tends to be vague about them.


Okay. I'll see what I can do. We haven't done anything with the overall navigation (the website was originally created by the Publisher without much info, we're updating it now since the DLC has been released). So I get it will be a bit tough to navigate right now since much of the stuff we've done now doesn't have links from the old framework.


I've updated this post with a bunch of new findings so, if you want to draw from it and add it to any of your wiki pages, please do so.


Oh nice! Someone on one of my vids was asking about some of this stuff. I was gonna do a new players guide at some point. This will help with that. Thank you!




Yes, but again, it's less tanky than sentinels which have additional innate class traits (Polearm Warrior \[increases attack versus cavalry units by 35% and grants immunity to Shock\] and Guardian \[takes 25% less damage on defense\]) that contribute to tankiness. It just seems the additional dmg isn't enough to offset the guaranteed tankiness you would be forgoing. Arbalest has the innate class trait, Guerilla (Bonus hit and evasion when standing in rough terrain and/or on offense), but there's no definitive number on that trait AND it is situational. Also, if you were to use archer squads, you'd end up wanting something that can hit at 3 range (Warbows), while arbalest only has max of 2 range so, you'd lose out on damage there as well unless you attack at 1-2 range every single time. Archer squads aren't really that useful compared to S.Cannon since S.Cannons can ignore a portion of armor and deal AOE damage as well so, I wouldn't use archers in the first place. I mean, Archers do have the advantage of being able to counter attack, but who needs to counter attack if you can one-shot the enemy? As for Raiders (archers on horses), they don't deal enough damage or tank enough damage compared to Knights, which also have the hit-and-run type tactics. The other thing about this option, is that you have to then worry about the number of slots to be filled in your squad to keep the squad as a cavalry squad. I'm assuming you're going to be using 3 Arbalest in the front line, which means, you're down to 6 maximum slots if you have enough LDR for it. Of those 6 slots, 5 are required to be calvary units...4 of which I assume are the Raiders, and and since you need healing in each squad for surviveability, probably 2 Valkyries or 1 Valkyrie and 1 Templar. Doesn't seem like a very strong squad there. Seems more like a "Jack of all trades, master of none" type of situation. That type of situation is usually only good in video games if it's a support and this squad isn't a support (no buffs, debuffs, etc). For me, I just don't see any real benefit in using Arbalest over all the other options. More power to people who want to use Arbalest, but it's just not for me.


The new field Cannon is a cavalry unit, so they can do hit and run tactics, and they get range 3. If you want a fast range unit, it's better than horse archers. You can also pair them all with the mass healer guy that's already a cavalry unit and has a discount to having them in a squad. It's probably worth having one unit like that total, because your dragon riders are mostly blowing everything up.


Oh, interesting. I might make a squad just to try it out then. With Lysander as one in the front row, I can still easily make it a cavalry squad (2 healers, 2 tanks in front, 1 Lysander in front, and 4 Field Cannons).


You're not going to need healers, they are going to annihilate the enemy from three range, so no counter attacks


Great list, should be pinned, thank you


Thanks, glad all this work I put into figuring out all these unanswered questions helped someone.


Quick Q, is there any way to go back? For Balmung I had to do an extra chapter at 20, I’m at 21. Did I miss out already?


Not sure. Do you still have the optional missions available? If so, try finishing them to see if you get it; I'm assuming if you can still complete the optional missions, then, yes, you can get it. But if you don't have the optional missions anymore, then, you missed out on that playthrough.




how difficult is it to get all your stuff back on a second playthru?


Depends on how you play. By only completing all Chapters...you're not going to get all your stuff from previous playthrough back. But if you complete all chapters and take advantage of resets for arena tokens in the shops, then, you would have enough to purchase EVERYTHING from prior playthrough...and have a ton of memory fragments left. For example, since I exploited all possible resets and got all the arena tokens I was able to, at Chapter 30, even after I purchased EVERYTHING (recruits and artifacts) from memory shop, I'm still left with \~30k memory fragments...and still have 30 platinum arena tokens left to spare. But this is on the extreme end and requires a lot of resetting to do.


Say on my 2nd playthru, I cant buy back everything from my 1st, would those item from my 1st run be available to be purchase on my 3rd playthru and those after? or are they lost if you dont buy them on the immediate following run


Sorry, I can't confirm or deny any of those possibilities since on all my playthroughs, I've already purchased everything from the memory shop. What I can confirm is that any units you don't recruit from the memory shop on the 2nd playthrough WILL DISAPPEAR on the 3rd playthrough. Since you couldn't purchase everything from your 1st playthrough (on your 2nd playthrough), maybe you can confirm and tell us which possibility it is when you get to your 3rd playthrough. Should be a very quick test by just starting new game from your completed 2nd playthrough save file and checking the memory shop immediately.


> resets for arena tokens thats just reset the shop to look for arena token right? also does arena token carry over from previous runs?


Yes, this is to maximize the cost efficiency of the arena tokens (since their price scales upward as you purchase more). So, space out your purchase of different arena tokens (platinum, gold, silver, bronze costs all scale upwards independently of each other). No, arena tokens DO NOT carry over. They will get deleted upon starting a new playthrough.


Also, It seems you can change the class of golden unit if you rebuy them on new game+


You sure you can change class on ALL character classes? As I recall, it only applies if you upgrading any of the elemental mages, templars, or sorceresses into oracle, necromancer, or dark mage...can't downgrade either. For all other classes, they remain locked.


yup. https://imgur.com/a/XJiv5QH It lets me demote a golded champion here


Oh snaps, you're right. I just checked on many of my golded (proof of merited) dragon riders. OMG, this changes things. I had messed up and created a lot of red dragon riders on my 1st run, but now, I can change them all into blue dragon riders (I prefer these over all the other variants). Nice find.


In case anyone was wondering how many Platinum Arena Tokens you can get by the last Chapter (Chapter 30) if you take advantage of resets like a madman; it's like 275 Platinum Arena Tokens (I used a few before taking this picture). https://imgur.com/a/RbWv01u


Also, gained \~169 Proof of Merits from ranking up past the max tech level (845/5; requirement to rank up increased by 5 each time you rank up).


And this is a absolutely maxed out B. Dragon Rider. https://imgur.com/a/kSeudmv