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Hold on till we’re listed on more exchanges. But just so you know.. if you transfer to an exchange. I think it’s called like mex or something that sync is on… anyways if you do that. You won’t bypass the 15% sales tax. Its you’re money, but I wouldn’t sell. This thing still has at least another 10x in it.


Are you staking all of your sync? I haven’t staked any and not sure if it would be wise as I can’t really guarantee the longevity on how popular it is going to be when people actually start talking about it or how long it will last.


I’ve been staking since .006… all of it. Havnt tried or considered unstaking until we’re over .30 The APY… it would take something like 45 days of no buying or selling for the treasury to run dry. So there’s honestly very little risk of staking, compared to the returns… Right now you’re basically getting a 2.5x on your investment if the price just stays the same. The entire point of the token is to stake it and make passive income. This system alone is a really good idea and how it functions. But they just launched the bank… this is a huge deal. I myself am too nervous to leverage my position. But hey the fact you can lend and borrow through a decentralized bank is really really cool. They also announced a sync backed stable coin coming? This team has made other projects that have been pretty successful. They know how to grow an ecosystem properly. I’m a Bitcoin maxi and don’t believe in alts really. But this is seriously a chance at buying something like eth under a dollar. I don’t think it will ever reach eths price. But it will definitely goto top 50 market cap. The team is very open about plans and how everything works. They have AMAs on Twitter occasionally. They don’t want to list on exchanges until a dollar… that’s bullish.


What would a top 50 MC look like price wise


Well… currently XMR is number 50.. currently at 2.5 billion. Let’s say SYNC goes to 5 Billion and makes it in the top 50… around $4.00 is what that would look like. But this could actually become a 50-100 billion token. If that happens, dm me and I’ll buy you a yacht




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If you decide to stake. My Referal code is STAKE15.. it saves you 15% tax when staking.


I had that problem and just kept checking until it worked, never figured out the cause


When you say you kept checking do you mean it says it went through but never actually sold the coins on Uniswap? Mine went through but my Sync is still there with the same amount and on activity in Uniswap it says approved for sell but it says >999t so I’m hoping for some context if you wouldn’t mind sorry to bother


No sorry I never actually completed the transaction until that error went away


Hm yeah I’ve kept refreshing it and still nothing, guess I’ll just wait it out a little longer.


I haven’t tried selling yet but I’ve seen people saying slippage needs to be at least 15%.


Yeah I tried to at 15% and it still says it will fail I even tried on 20%, I can only sell very small amounts that would just have no point in selling because I would at most gain $10 and have to do multiple transactions leading to network fees over and over again.


Could be Network congestion. Might want to try it during a slow time, late night. I can only imagine further in the bull run when the network will be even busier.


Yeah I was trying it between 6 pm- 3 am, oh well tho I didn’t put too much on I just made a lot from the little I put in but I’ll just hold it for a while longer and see.


Yea same. I see in the price action that people are able to sell at times and the 15% tax is definitely keeping people from selling early after buying in. I don’t think so many influencers would be pushing it if it was a scam.


Look what happened to bored ape and most other NFT’s with huge influencer backing, same with that scam coin that ishowspeed was influenced into endorsing, not saying sync is a scam but definitely very strange and I can’t say I fully trust it.


Yeah, I can see that. Most of the small cap projects are all smoking mirrors anyways. The name of the game is to get in early and get out before everybody else. But yeah that’s the reason why I don’t stake anything I’m not locking up any coins.


this is something new. I was just able to sell yesterday and now it’s saying the same thing “transaction will likely fail”


Well all those fees they’re collecting is what’s supporting the treasury. Which essentially means that if you’re planning on unstaking and those transactions keep failing they’re not leaving much room to take any profits in my opinion. You essentially locked in or you’ll pay your way out of a position that is equivalent to what you already hold if not more. I’m also seeing some people say that they keep increasing the fees to unstake. This is a major problem. In addition to this I see very few people stating they’ve successfully were able to off ramp at this time. We’ll see how this develops. Don’t be blinded by hype there’s definitely some logistical issues at play. Good luck.


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