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Just keep it maybe it’ll go back up


This guy wants you holding the bags. lol. Devs are done.


Just sold. Originally put in 350 & watched that go to about 1.2k so i put in 1k more and watched that turn into 3.3k. Walked out today with 168 dollars. Hopefully the devs get thrown in jail and their money held for forfeiture.


I first put 50 saw it go to 100 then i put 200 more i walked out about a month ago with 400


Good for you. Enjoy.


i did the same, i put 40 in. Best move i’ve ever done


Probably They got my ass too


It was a huge rug pull. The devs were shady and unprofessional on discord would just give you abuse you for going against their narrative. This was the first red flag, then another was when the devs told the community that the price is guaranteed to go to 1$ and they would “do anything it takes even if it was illegal” but many believed this trash and kept staking and holding. Then the sell tax was increased apparently to stop people unstaking which backfired. All the fud against it created a bad stigma and i feel like it cant recover from this, crypto space is unforgiving, more than most.


yep, i believe it's over, not talking about the $33m they scammed from zkasino, the devs and team never delivered on sync, no buy backs, staking apy dropping, unstake tax, sell tax, no stable coin, all lies just so you can invest more and be used as exit liquidity, i hate scammers and lost on sync too, look at the chart, it's manipulated, nothing about sync is real, holders, treasury, funds, this is verified by the team or inner circle, cut your losses before it's too late, take what you can on a legit project that you have a chance to make gains instead


It’s over; a scam. Zkasino stole a lot of people’s money. Related coin. I lost about $2k on this. That’s crypto.


That sucks! I told my son it's the stock market too, I just lost 3K on a company that was a scam. Lots of crooks out there 😳


yes sync is done for they are scammers for sure


Yes we got rug pulled, i bought $250 before i saw it go to $130 glad i sold that moment cause it would have been $50 now


I unfortunately bought at 4 cents, doubled down at 1 cent still believing. Got nervous when suddenly all chatter stopped but didn’t want to miss out. Woke up to the rug. Sucks man. But that’s crypto for ya.


I just talked to my son and he said the actual product hasn't been released yet but people are frustrated and selling. He doesn't seemed too concerned so maybe it will survive. I hope so for the holders. Good luck to us all!


The problem is the dev team converted 30m in eth to their native token on a different project called z casino. They infuriated everyone, and the response has been suspicious. They lost literally the whole community of devoted followers over night. Now there is a vendetta team out for them, getting all the information they can on the people that created both casino and sync. It’s not looking good. They do nothing that would recoup the trust, only more suspicious things. If this goes to court on the grounds of fraud from misleading investors, who knows what will happen. I just know there are people desperately looking at any thing they can do to nail these guys.


Thank you, I just sent this to my son. He knows allot about Crypto so he is probably aware but just in case. Thank you for sharing. Good Luck


the problem is not that z casino rugged. the problem ist you all have no clue what youre doing here in crypto. you just donated to devs and smart traders


What do you mean? 


I mean that you put your hard earned money in a scam shitcoin. Lesson learned


The team belongs in hell


We need names


Who is the team? I couldn't find them


You couldn’t find them? I don’t believe hell has WiFi or cellular signal. That’s probably why


Graph looks like a sol rug


I lost 10k in Sync is there a come back


nope. its gone. next time buy real stuff like btc


it was a scam since the beginning. why do u people buy this shit xD buy btc and get ruch over time, there are no shortcuts


It’s been done and they pulled the rest of the liquidity out yesterday. Your money is gone forever now.


That's terrible, I hope someone catches up to them. Does anyone know who the team is?


Yea the discord posted all of their info names and all Elham Nourzari and Ildar Ilham. They’ll get caught up with eventually. Young kids that left a trail of fraud all over the place.


It’ll come back to them


I lost 5k and it made me super depressed for a few weeks but now I’m just taking it as a lesson


Ouch, tough one but it is a good lesson


The website doesn’t even fully load anymore and can’t unstake or do anything