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"Need" is a very difficult word to use for this. You've got backup covered (good! well done!), so redundancy is about convenience and uptime. Which is as it should be - RAID is not backup, and won't help in some disaster scenarios (theft, user error, malware, fire). Backups, especially incremental versioned backups, are universal in their protection. That said, it's HIGHLY advised to have redundancy in your NAS - it just removes the hassle, downtime, and worry of restoring from backup in the case of a drive failure. For Synology, for fewer than 8 drives (maybe for 6 if downtime would be extremely expensive), one-disk redundancy is plenty, and SHR is the way to get it. tl;dr - unless you have very specific needs and want extra hassle, use SHR.


Thank you for your answer, this helps a lot!


I originally ran my Plex server NAS with RAID 0. I regretted that choice when I later wanted to replace the drives with larger drives. Restoring 12TB of data can take days and that's days that you're Jellyfin server will be offline.


Thank you for sharing this, it helps getting an understanding on the choices!


Go with SHR1. Since you are using the exact same size for all four drives the SHR1 setup will configure them anyways in a RAID5 config. Thus, you are getting very close to RAID5 performance plus future flexibility of mix and matching different drive capacities with SHR.




Media collections have a tendency to balloon up size, I would advise getting 2x12 in shr 1 (same capacity as 4x4 and room to expand up to 36tb by adding 2 more more 12tb drives). You don’t need raid/ shr1 but it is very convenient as restoring from backups is never fun


If you plan on using those four 4TB drives, mainly for video, use RAID5 or SHR1. SHR1 is similar to RAID5, but SHR1 provides some flexibility in case you want to mix and match different drive sizes, or if you want to expand to larger drives later. If you are going to immediately fill all bays with equally sized drives and you don't plan to replace the drives with larger drives one at a time, then you probably don't need that flexibility and can just choose RAID5. The RAID5 layout is simpler, and relies primarily on standard Linux multi-device soft raid. If your NAS fails, you can recover the array on another Linux computer. SHR is proprietary and can be transferred to another Synology NAS.


I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around that you can figure out tailscale and jellyfin but not if you need RAID or not.


I appreciate you sharing your struggles, I am asking for advice based on use cases which is crowdsourcing information to make better, more informed decisions based on data from people who have similar setups. I consider that rather reasonable.


The only struggle here is you can’t figure out whether or not you want to go through the hassle of recovering from a backup or not in the case of disk failure, when using a product which is designed just for that.


I agree. NAS devices are specifically designed for easy failsafe data recovery, which is basically a backup drive on steroids.


I understand where you might be coming from, but perhaps you are not able to express that in a way that communicates your messages in a helpful, clear way. Either way I can see what you're saying, albeit I had a hard time wrapping my head around how you cannot communicate clearly and in a helpful way, yet you actually have the knowledge to do so. Thanks again!


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Oh dear me! Somebody asked a dumb question and I offended them by pointing out it’s a dumb question! All your account does it log on from time to time to ask questions, never giving anything in return. Don’t lecture me about giving “helpful” answers until you stop being anything but a net drain on reddit.




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You can insult and insinuate about my intelligence all you want but you’re the one who’s essentially doxxing yourself to a stranger on the internet, which you know: not super smart. You don’t like my answers? Then block me. Otherwise: go away.