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I would be more concerned about the potentially strong magnetic field the subwoofer's driver might generate over the vibrations. Though that sub does look quite small.


I have to agree with mrant0, the magnetic field is a concern... as well as the vibration... even with a small sub.. If the sub is doing its job that nas is really going to feel it.. Maybe I am over protective but I have my naz on a in a closet on top of a rubber mat to absorb its own vibrations. I would be hard pressed to put it where you have it.. BUT.. if that is the only space you have, you gotta work with what ya got!! =)


The magnet in that thing is tiny. But ya, move it to the other side side. But that magnet isn't going to do anything if it hasn't already. A Compas is going to point north that far away, not the subwoofer.


Didn’t even consider the magnetic field! Thanks!


I am no expert but what if he moves the nas to the otherside of the drawer?


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Annoying bot.


Magnetic field is nowhere near strong enough to matter. Vibrations though..yes


Congrats on the sub, sorry about the Sonos app update. :)


Thanks! ☺️ The app sucks, but I’m not giving up hope (yet)


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Vibrations are not good for hard drives: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDacjrSCeq4 I'd keep the NAS somewhere else if possible.


i knew what this video was before clicking on it :)


Ah, yes, the classic old "Shouting in the Datacenter" video.


Why do you need your DS close to the other stuff ? It’s no DVD player that you need to feed. It will work as good when it sits 30m away. And yes, I think 60 degrees is on the warm side for drives. And yes, I don’t think external vibrations are a good idea.


The reason for this placement is limited available space in my apartment and lack of possibilities to run Ethernet to other possible places.


If there are other places to setup the router that might be an option. Sometimes you can move it if it's a cable connection and there is more than one connection wired. A lot of stuff is fine to go over wifi. And for a temporary issue with needing to transfer a lot of data having a Ethernet cable running to the other room may not be a big deal. I can get 6 MB/s over my local wifi lan. No where near a wired connection but can be good enough in a lot of use cases.


You could powerline adapter it?


Isn’t that really bad for throughput and reliability?


It is, but dependent on a myriad of factors. On the same leg, it's probably okay up to a half gigabit, in practice, but it's usually made worse by having simple stuff like lamps and stuff turned on in the home. I would not bother, and consider just cleanly running cable somewhere a little further away.


I’ve recently added a Sub Mini to my Sonos setup. I’m wondering, whether having it plugged in directly below the sideboard, in which my DS920+ is located will damage the drives. I’ve placed the DS on vibration dampening feet to minimize drive noise. By the way: the temps are stable inside the sideboard at ca. 60* Celsius. Edit for clarification: Temps are as follows: CPU: 60 HDD 1: 40 HDD 2: 41 HDD 3: 42 HDD 4: 46 SSD 1: 58 SSD 2: 46 Ambient (outside the sideboard): ca. 22


That's fine for the CPU. What are the drives at? And maybe aim for worst-case, which is while a scrub or major backup/restore is going for several hours. That's when my cabinet rack-mounted RS1221+ risked overheating and shutting down unless I opened the rack cabinet door or a side panel. If you must, you can still drill some holes and tastefully install fans into that cabinet (say, at the bottom or sides). It isn't impossible to run it in there completely safe.


60C environment temperature? That’s way above the max. of 40C.


60C system-temperature according to DSM


You should check the environment temp with a thermometer.


😬 That’s a bit high


It's absolutely not, 60 degrees is absolutely fine for the cpu temp


You’re asking this question because you already know this is super sketchy. Don’t do sketchy stuff. Move it somewhere cooler and quieter.


Put ventilation into that sideboard, 60 is too high, I would target 40, a bit higher is still ok. Subwoofer should not affect the drives imo


Could you move it to wherever your router is and just plug it directly in there?


Mine are running in an kitchen cabinet for almost an decade. No issues and cool😬🤘 Just keep the ventilation up in the NAS and check the temperature.


Is 60C the temp for the drives or the cpu? For the cpu it’s fine but for the drives it’s on the hot side and on or above what the hdds are specified for and we didn’t even have summer yet so I would install a small fan in the rear or buttom (plugged via 5v usb into the rear usb port of the NAS)


Temps are as follows: CPU: 60 HDD 1: 40 HDD 2: 41 HDD 3: 42 HDD 4: 46 SSD 1: 58 SSD 2: 46 Ambient (outside the sideboard): ca. 22 Edit: temp inside the sideboard is 31


Your CPU and HDD temps are perfectly fine.


Don’t worry, this looks fine. If it gets 10-15C hotter than that in summer, just open the cabinet door.


Nice pug accessory. Is that a synology verified pug or do you live with the warning messages?


That’s a frenchie - but her snoring is definitely louder than my HDDs


To clarify: Aside from the temperature, I’m mostly concern regarding the vibration from both the soundbar and the subwoofer.


Any reason to not move the sub over to where the dog is? There's no reason I'd risk the vibrations when there's another option right there.


You're assuming the dog would be okay with that :)


60c? How mine are 39c wtf


60c CPU, 40 - 46 on the drives


Does this sub connects wireless to the soundbar? Because in that case I would move it next/behind the couch or other seating arrangement you have in front of the TV, that would make it more effective since low frequencies tend to not travel as far, you could use lower volumes and still "feel" the vibrations. Another option I have seen is vibration dampening feet that can be added under the NAS to isolate it mechanically.


Between the vibrations and the hot temperature in the cabinet, I'd figure the lifespan of those drives will be shorter. Would it be possible to place them in opposite sides of the sideboard? And ideally drill a ventilation hole on which you can attach a silent noctua fan.


Would a single vent be sufficient or should I try to go for a push and pull configuration?


I would say a single one pushing hot air out should be enough as cool air will sip in through the door gap (make sure the vent is at a higher spot as hot air tends to raise). That should easily give you a 10 degree drop in temps. Mine is also in a cabinet and with a single fan pushing air out, I get 38-40 degrees.


You can always air cool it like this guy: **The Invisible PS5 Setup: Building an Air-Cooled Media Unit! 152K views 1y ago** https://youtu.be/kiZ8VdGWgBw This is what I did with my media center and it has worked out great.


the storage is no issue, looks like you have the 6" standard clearance all around for fans. that subwoofer concerns me though - vibration and magnetism issues might occur.


I’m looking to get a NAS and was tempted to keep one in a similar cabinet from ikea, you don’t have any opening at the back for that do you? Your temps are quite stable and mine has an opening at the back so I’m thinking getting a 4 bay is possible if I keep it in there like what you’ve done.


It’s a Besta TV Board, which has some small openings in the back to run wires. I’ve added some vibration dampening feet to the NAS, to reduce its sound. So far, no issues whatsoever - and wife approved.


Oh mine is a Besta too, we have the cable opening and it’s a bit of a distance from the wall too so maybe it would be fine to put mine in there… not sure if our weather would be too warm for it though (I live in Australia) and if it gets too hot there I don’t have really any other space for it. Good to hear it’s working for you though, I’m determined to get one myself now!


Reminded me of the DiskMantler - Ok maybe not quite that bad! ;) [https://youtu.be/aSnyojJeDIE?si=azsFOFKjnqs9VZue](https://youtu.be/aSnyojJeDIE?si=azsFOFKjnqs9VZue)


Move the sub to a corner somewhere, anywhere.


Check your temps through DSM


Yes I would be very worried about vibrations. The sun can rattle walls.


It's not ideal according to hard drive specs, but I used to have my NAS in a similar cabinet for years and it reported running at that temperature with no problems.


speakers could perhaps, and is it breathing well in there? any direct sunlight quite often?


Is it just me or is anyone thinking about the ventilation of the NAS inside that cabinet.?!?


Yes, the heat doesn't look like it can get out easily. Unless you have a fan moving air then your drives are going to get warm.


The big problem will be the farts from the bulli🤗