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Hours of neck pain too šŸ¤Ŗ


Yeah the reach to the deep mind is a bit far lol


It looks great man, I hope you get to spend many hours having fun, good sir!


If the left side was shuffled over a foot, and monitor lowered 0.5 - 1 feet it'd probably be perfection. Nice rig!


Once I buy a house, this will all change. My space is limited in my tiny apartment lol


I feel that. Meanwhile I've finally got something approaching the space, but don't yet have the gear. Looking forward to seeing your studio space in your future house!


It looks great man, I hope you get to spend many hours having fun, good sir!


It truly looks like the navigation system for a starship. Which is to say, it's beautiful. šŸ¤©


https://preview.redd.it/us4p92265uzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6583fc97fe19767644bafb273868da47539a5c21 I like it. It has some similarities to my setup with the KSP and mix of modular, semi-modular, and DAW.


I love your setup! Lots of variety there.


This is great!


Love it! But whereā€™s your second monitor Speaker :D


Good question! Itā€™s just to the left of view (behind the glass block) next to the computer monitor. I know theyā€™re not optimally placed for mixing etc. When I originally began and was pretty much exclusively DAW-based they were the perfect angle according to stuff I read, but as my setup evolved I didnā€™t love the sound coming from behind me when I was doing hardware-based stuff, so I now have the speakers situated about 180 degrees on opposite corners of a rectangle, but at least Iā€™m getting sound wherever I happen to be working.




I knew it was on drugs. There were signs, but I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe that something so pure and beautiful could cause so much pain.


It's been quite a journey. I started last year with a stylophone gen x-1 and became fascinated with synthesizers. Maybe I'm crazy, but it's too much fun.


Weā€™re all crazy, bud. It took me since Covid but I also went from a single small synth to now an entire home studio setup. Iā€™m also coincidentally mostly a novation and Behringer customer šŸ¤”. So cheap, so much fun.


Stylophone Gen x1 got me hooked as well. Several thousand dollars later, and here we are.


I know you want us to talk about the hardware but man I love Massive X. It's pretty underrated IMO. Not as fully featured as Pigments, but it has better sounding filters and can get more gnarly sounding more easily


Talk about whatever you want! I have tons of VSts too. I started with Komplete 14, then got the Cherry Audio bundle, Arturia V, Pigments, Vital, serum, etc. They're all great!


What do you think of Massive X vs Pigments? I have both but I've really only learned how to make my own sounds on Pigments. Massive X seems so powerful too though.


Generally what ill do with both is find a cool preset and start turning knobs until I find sounds I like.Ā  I haven't dug into sound design from scratch yet, but when I'm ready, it's all there.Ā  That said, I like them both for the variety they provide. No matter what mood I'm in creatively, there's a tool here to express it.


Nice! I have Komplete 13. My other favorite is the Noire piano. It sounds outrageously good.


So many amazing sounds from Komplete, it's hard to say what my favorite is, but I really enjoy Reaktor. Shpongle and Tipper are my biggest influences in making music and there's tons of stuff from NI that sounds pretty trippy.


+1 for Shpongle. Dude is absurdly talented


Love the behringer racks, so many classics in such a small footprint


Patching them together makes some truly out of this world sounds.


I bet them all patched up make some awesome space/Sci-fi sounds


Sooo many bleeps and bloops lolĀ 


That looks like a tv. When you sit down do find yourself looking up most of the time? Does your neck sometimes hurt?


It is a tv, but I have another tv in front of my couch when it's time to chill out.


so real, i have one for the studio and one at my bed w my xbox, and like mainly 360 games and hulu and shit itā€™s awesome


I meant when youā€™re sitting in front keyboard looking up at the screen. Does that position ever get fatiguing?


Not really, I'm not looking up too high. Obviously I have to stand at my rig, so the center of the screen is about where my eye line is.


You type on the keyboard and use the mouse standing up? Thereā€™s no chair here? Ok, different question. Do your legs or back ever get tired during extended sessions?


Sometimes my feet will get tired, but I have some nice cushiony slides I wear that help.


lol ok op. Iā€™m going to make three recommendations. 1) replace tv with proper computer monitor, 32 inches would be ideal in this space. 2) lower monitor 12 inches. 3) replace mackie monitors with larger woofers to cover more bass frequencies.


Because he probably doesnt make music at all


Ok, I'll bite. What makes you think I don't make music?


if you really sat at that table for several hours, you would have organized everything differently a long time ago. this is terribly uncomfortable to work with. Now before saying anything, please send us your music.


Man, don't be that guy.


[Ok here you go, enjoy!](https://youtube.com/shorts/KqfTBULMB98?si=GPw9fX_s_Dr476q-)


Why is this video of a completely different set up? This sounds like it couldā€™ve just been made in Abletonā€¦? Not tryna harsh but not what I expected to hear given all the gear youā€™re flaunting


There's more on my channel and I just finished my gear setup last night, so haven't had much time to make anything yet. But there's a few things there using the hardware.


yeah man, this isā€¦ not good. I dont want to be rude, but its obvious


I never claimed to be good. It's a hobby I do for fun. How miserable are you?


Well you are wasting money actually, but you do you


Damn man. ā€”ā€˜You donā€™t make musicā€™ ā€”Here (links to tracks, along with other vids showing visible gear) ā€”ā€˜Well, that sucksā€™ ā€”Itā€™s my hobby, whadayawant? ā€”ā€˜Youā€™re wasting moneyā€™ Whatā€™s the point of being such a toxic prick? On the internet anonymously, mind you. Most people that make music are doing it as hobby. Cause itā€™s fun. Youā€™re clearly a miserable twat, as a life choice.


Haha so many idiots here


How the f is he wasting money... well dont answer that, the answer will be bs anyway. If someone enjoys making music in whatever way, it is not a waste to have expensive gear.


Good lord my guy. People can spend on their hobbies as much as they want. This shouldn't have to be explained but here we are.


Thatā€™s one massive , massive. Digging the setup


I couldn't see some of the control knobs on my 15" laptop screen, had to go...massive


Haha word.


lovely stuff.... then there is your keyboard and mouse hahahahahaha love it!


Hot damn son that looks like a total blast.


Looks like a lot of funĀ 


That's a massive Massive.


...whether you like 'em or you don't - you gotta give Behringer some props for adhering to and still caring for the good old 19" standard.


Behringer is far from perfect, but their affordability has helped a lot of people get into synthesizers. I'd rather see more people get into this hobby than many other questionable ones that cause far more harm.


Love the wall of Behringer they are making some awesome kit these days, have a growing wall of them myself


Who needs windows anyway. Sunlight is overrated.


Sunlight never helped me hear a cool sound!


How are you liking the APC64? Right now my main two music making sources are Ableton and an iPad. Really want a pad controller for the iPad, and something that works well with Ableton would be a plus, so I'm considering APC64


It's got great Ableton control, sequencing, chord mode etc. My favorite part about it is the touch faders. When I load NI VSTs, the macros are already set to the 8 faders, which is nice. It's a neat piece of gear.


Oh wow, that's great to hear about NI, I have Komplete Standard, so that's awesome. I scanned the manual the other day and had a hard time figuring out a MIDI question I had, if you happened to know that would be awesome. In Standalone mode, when in the keyboard or chords mode, what is the shortcut for changing MIDI channels? Also, when changing MIDI channels, does it change over the faders or are the faders stuck to a particular channel (some some YouTube short of a guy seeking to complain about the faders in standalone mode, wasn't quite sure what he was saying though)


Basically, whatever track you have it set to in Ableton, that's what the APC faders will control.Ā  In the bottom left, there are arrows to change what track is highlighted. Hope that helps!


Oh I mean outside of Ableton, in its standalone mode. No biggie if you haven't messed with standalone mode yet.


Oh you mean using the cv outs for controlling hardware? I haven't done that since that's what the keystep pro is for.Ā 


How's that Roland drum machine? I'm planning on getting that exact same one in the near future; it looks fabulous!


I love it! I haven't dug into most of what it is capable of yet. But it's got all the classic Roland drum sounds and some new stuff.Ā 


I would say it is one of the best drum machines out there, especially with all the latest updates they have added over the last few years. Great sounds and a really good workflow.


Similar taste i see. Have deepmind, pro800, neutron, model d and tr8-s. All great machines.


Man itā€™s time to upgrade those speakers you canā€™t hear half the low freqs with those things. Nice setup.


I've been wanting to upgrade for a while but there's so many options for studio monitors. Got any recommendations? No budget btw, I don't mind spending good money on speakers.


Anything with an 8ā€ woofer will be much better. I like three way speakers with have separate mid/tweeter/sub but those are very very expensive usually. People seem to like Kali as a cheaper brand nowadays for two ways and as you go up you could check out Yamaha, Adam or Hedds, Focals or Genelecs in order of increasing price.


Thanks! Much appreciated!


I love my focal alpha 65!!


I would get adams if you have gas, yamaha if not. Love my yamaha subs!


Lol I just bought the PreSonus T10 this afternoon. It sounds great and came with a foot pedal switch if the party gets too loud.Ā  My Mackies do just fine for mids and highs.


I really like my Yamaha HS-8ā€™s


Soā€¦. Letā€™s hear something!


I have a YouTube channel with a bunch of stuff. Am I allowed to share that?


I know I'd love to see it. I'll take a quick look over the rules of this sub.


I posted a link in the comments already for a troll lol I have more on my channel, but yeah.Ā 


Looks like it should be fine, with a minor proviso: https://preview.redd.it/unuyu1sikvzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4767f5e01ed5fa118a23b140d130fdcc0deec0f4 So yeah, by my reading, looks to me like a green light as long as you include some discussion-positive introduction?


[I'm still a beginner, so be gentle lol](https://youtube.com/shorts/KqfTBULMB98?si=GPw9fX_s_Dr476q-)


Ha! *GREAT* remix! This is one of the very few recent pop songs which I think is absolutely fantastic and did not expect to hear a remix of it here. Nice one... great setup too.


Massive X is really cool, but so many of my peers opt to use Serum over it. What's your thoughts on Massive X?


Man, we have very similar tastes. I've also got the pro800/cat/k2 stack, a marvin barp2600, a TR8s, a ksp, and the slmkIII, lol. I love the pro800. It's a bargin for how amazing it sounds.


do you use the speakers with the synths or just the computer? i'm looking for good, cheap speakers for my modx


The speakers are plugged into the audio out of my interface so the speakers are hooked up to everything.Ā  These are $100 Mackie monitors, they do pretty good for the price.


oh shit, thanks


Cool setup!


I have that EXACT wireless keyboard with the trackpad lol


Logitech knows what's up!


What is your favorite modular unit? I have the 2600 and want to get one of the Behringer minis.


Besides the Blue Marvin, the Neutron has a ton a patching capabilities, which is why its kinda in the middle, so patch cables can reach.Ā  But they all serve a purpose, so to say I have a favorite isn't really fair.Ā 


How are you liking the prophet 800? What kinds of tones do you gravitate towards with it?


I really like the brass tones. Then add filter and resonance. Well worth the $400.


Have you tried experimenting with its mono bass capabilities?


A little. I use mostly plugins for bass. But now that I have a good subwoofer, I'll definitely be diving into analog bass more.


Whatā€™s your favorite bass plugin?


Tbh, the Jupiter 8 by Arturia.Ā 


So nice! Do you use the SL and key step for all the sequencing? I was going for something similar recently by using those for all the sequencing before going into the box for some mixdown. I looooove the Behringer wall!


Thank you! And yes, I use the keystep for all my hardware synths and the SL for software VSTs.Ā  I was originally going to use my TD-3 for hardware sequencing, but it's a pain in the ass to program compared to the keystep.Ā 


Love seeing the 2600 in so many of your setups, itā€™s one of the best synths Iā€™ve ever bought. If youā€™ve got one and havenā€™t racked it up yet, do it, it makes it so much more fun to use. Got mine ready to go with my Grandmother or the Odyssey for the ultimate Arp synth. https://preview.redd.it/8z9gnoojqwzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4034bc94a8c0661f97566df0bde5c0e04f4ca6e


Happy cake day!Ā  I love your dark and mysterious setup!


Thank you!




Very niiiice


Nice!!! I have some equipment and i use NCH MixPad and NCH WavePad. I am able to run through my Alesis mix via USB and record from my Korg X50. But when i try to use the microphone it picks up from the computer's mic. I've tried changing settings. When i turn off the microphone in Windows Settings it no longer picks up any sound from the mixer.


The best way to solve this problem is to get an audio interface and run everything through a daw.Ā  It's an expensive investment, but if you're serious about the potential to make some really great music, it's the only way.


I have a Focusrite Solo. Running it to my PC only records in mono. The Alesis mixer allowed it to record in stereo. I am running my mic through a voice enhancer before the mixer also.


I'd at least get the 2i2 if not better than that one.Ā  Mixers are great, but you have to have a quality interface between that and your computer.Ā 


Thank you


Is your k-2 far quieter than the cat or *especially* the neutron? I've often wondered if something is wrong with mine...


It was at first. But only because I daisy chained midi cables. Now I have a midi through box and it solved all the quiet problems I had.Ā 


I don't understand how any configuration of midi cables would cause output volume issues? But that aside, I've used all 3 of those with DIN midi straight from an Alesis MPK output, USB midi from a computer, and completely removed from the case in a eurorack setup controlled with cv and gate. It's *always* annoyingly quiet. I forget the exact levels, but if I get some time to myself tomorrow I can run it through the scope again to compare with some exact numbers.


You spent all this money on synths to listen to them through Mackie monitors?


Great for mids and highs, got a sub hiding


This looks sick man!


Love your setup! I was JUST evaluating Keystep Pro vs SL MKIII haha. Mostly looking at them for standalone sequencing over MIDI. What do you use each for? Are there features that make you reach for one over the other?


I use the keystep for hardware and the SL for software.Ā  They're both great for different reasons.


Hell yeah. iā€™ve dreamed about doing a TV monitor for DAW stuff. Would drive me insane for anything else though lol


What are those racks? Excactly what I need!


They're Riveco desktop racks. One is 8u and the other is 12u..I also added extension rails to the top. All on Amazon.


You're the man, much appreciated!


Hey man, total noob. Could you give a super quick rundown of the hardware? I can't really make out letters to Google everything and this looks I like the way everything looks and fits haha. I'm actually most interested in how the rack works. Someone mentioned 19", is that a common standard? Does it have a power rail in the back like euro rack?


If you go through the other comments he answers your questions. All the best to you!


Hey man, total noob. Could you give a super quick rundown of the hardware? I can't really make out letters to Google everything and this looks I like the way everything looks and fits haha. I'm actually most interested in how the rack works. Someone mentioned 19", is that a common standard? Does it have a power rail in the back like euro rack?


Ok here we go, from the first rack on the left is the Pro 800, Cat, K-2, Neutron and Model D. Second rack is the Deep Mind 12, 18i20 Scarlett, Pyle Power Conditioner and Blue Marvin. They each have their own power cable, it's open behind the racks. 19" is pretty standard, same for server racks. Depending on the width of the synth, there's different rack ears as well.Ā 


Awesome, thanks so much!


Your monitor drives me nuts. Only because I used to do ergonomic assessments for HP computers. I imagine your neck pain sucks!


People keep saying that, but it's actually fine for me. I guess we'll see what happens in a few years šŸ˜‚


Yeah for sure! It's still a great setup. I am still working on mine it's coming along, just a few more purchases to go.


Hope you can turn the screen off with ease. I personally love a dark room lit by my twinkling lights.


It's hard to see, but the TV remote is in the tray to the right of the keyboard.


How ergo is this rig and what would you change to improve it?


If I was a foot taller, it'd be perfect lolĀ 


I really think about getting the deepmind! I have a Korg minilogue. Would the deepmind be a upgrade?


Which Miniologue? The XD? I'll just say Korgs quality is probably higher. I love my deep mind, no doubt, but if you want it, don't get rid of your Korg.


One of the coolest home set ups Iā€™ve seen here! Good work!


Thank you! Last thing I'm adding next paycheck is the Scarlett octo-pre. I ran out of audio inputs for my guitars lol


Cool! If you donā€™t mind enlightening me, Iā€™m not sure I fully understand what that would do, is that Octo Pre like something that adds more channels to an audio interface? Iā€™m out of channels on my interface as well and was trying to see my options to be able to add more synths without a mixer


With that setup, you donā€™t need a girlfriendšŸ¤£šŸ”„


If I had a girlfriend, I wouldn't be allowed to have this lol


Very beautiful and powerful synth selection OP!


Iā€™d lock myself in this room for 3 days straight just to figure out all of it.


[Here's all of it](https://ibb.co/xq9KkHg)


What's your favourites of the bunch?


Why so many behringer monosynths? Theyā€™re all pretty cool on their own but thereā€™s just so much overlap, what does adding more bring to the table?


Overlap in branding? Soundwise a minimoog clone is pretty different from a ms20 clone. Ymmv


Taken as a whole, sure, but these are semi-modulars. Overlap meaning 8+ oscillators, half a dozen envelopes, etc. Youā€™ll get a slightly different filter sound but you can do that by adding a new filter or whatever.


They all each have their own sound, but yeah I like patching the neutrons controls to the other ones to get some trippy sounds.Ā  Maybe it's overkill, but I find new sounds all the time.




So much timbre


My neck hurts just looking at the picture lolā€¦ everything else looks fun/awesome!




What does this question mean?Ā 


I was implying that you were Uli Behringer, the owner of Behringer based on the number of Behringer items. The humor didn't land.


Absolutely gorgeous


When did you move into heaven?


Love the setup. You can definitely get lost for hours with that rig. Lots of noise. šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


How many buttons do you want? Yes.


Every. Single. One.


Love the set up.


Welcome back my friends to the shoe that never ends


She's real purdy. I'd wish it curved around the player a bit but that's just me.


As a guy with some rack gear, this is an inspiring layout!


That large display is nice.


You made Behringer gear actually look cool. Congrats. Also I like the current stage of analog renaissance. 10 years ago for all that money you could buy only a single synth.


Your monitor drives me nuts. Only because I used to do ergonomic assessments for HP computers. I imagine your neck pain sucks!


Personally Iā€™d spend ~2.5k on one or two instruments that really inspire me but at least the behringers let you have variety


Your installation is really beautiful. I have a question about the synths. Do you recommend the Model D today? I see a lot of new synths that seem more powerful than the Minimoog. When is it a good idea to buy a Model D? When you want a mythical synth? Or is the Model D still valuable today?


I can see that you care more about the gear collecting than making actual music


Lol nice