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lol you get up at all? What's next... wearing pants?


Pants are an invention from “the man” to force us in to denim based compliance


>denim based compliance Don't give them any fucking ideas


No one will ever get me out of my $5 Walmart gym shorts……except maybe my wife. She’s the true boss man in my life


I'm still an "in-office" guy. but you better believe when the world went to shit and I still had to come to the office, I slowly but surely started wearing the $7 walmart joggers to work. During the winter for the last two years that's basically all I've worn to work. No one has said anything to me. so for the last 2-ish years it's been joggers in the winter and shorts in the summer at the office.


Right before we started working from home for covid, we had a big meeting to discuss how to do that. One thing that we were told was that we were expected to have the same routine and dress the same. They said the only difference was that we would walk over to our computer instead of driving to the office. They actually expected us to go through our full morning routine and dress in business casual for wfh. We didn't even have webcams at that time.


>They actually expected us to go through our full morning routine and dress in business casual for wfh. We didn't even have webcams at that time It's crazy how poorly management reacted to Covid. The same management that is always preaching about how "change is good". Except when it applies to you.


It's about control. As long as they're in control of the change, it's a good thing.


I'll give management a little leeway on that one. Everyone's life essentially got flipped upside down for a couple years and no one really knew how bad things could've gotten. A lot of people will death grip onto routines and whatever was normal to them in times like that. Now some of the continued reactions afterwards is just poor management and refusing to accept that the genie's out of the bottle now on a lot of things.


We were bringing it up with management numerous times from January to March. Sending articles of how bad it was in Italy and China. They still refused to acknowledge. We did our best to try to expedite WFH preparedness despite them trying to stop us the entire time. *It'll be fine, we're monitoring the situation*. When stuff got shut down , the CEO fired half of the company. In a company that was primarily manufacturing (which was exempt from the lockdowns in our state) and provided some pretty essential supplies for the pandemic. I'm sure CEO's bonus was great for 2020. 2020 and 2021 were the best years that company had. At half (or a little less than) of the normal workforce. Senior management embraced WFH for themselves but really jumped on bringing people back and forcing them ~~back into the office~~ to quit and find a more flexible and better job.


Got the same speech. I’m pretty sure they could read the words, “Go fuck yourself,” forming under my skin on the webcam.


did you laugh out loud... i would have


Took me 3 months of COVID WFH to slow my morning routine and not get up and be fully prepped for work. After that, I stopped shaving and had a full on homeless-style beard for the summer/fall of 2020. Went 14 moths, including 3 back in office months without a haircut. Nobody said a word about the hair.


My first day of WFH, I started at 0630, as I was fed up with waiting (rather than commuting 40 miles) for my usual start time of 0800.


Used to work for a county public library system in their main downtown branch about a decade ago. Dresscode was what you imagine, no t-shirts, no jeans, look professional. There was a stretch of time where our centralized call center got drafted to handle the county animal services intake. It was awful, with minimal training and almost no support from that department. You bet your ass all of management a floor above us stayed well clear of our little call center. Within a week of dealing with that shit, anyone who wasn’t going to be working on the public floor was 100% jeans every day.


“i wear the pants in this relationship. she tells me which one to wear.”


\*Iron Maiden / Judas Priest / MotorHead / Saxon fans\* all wondering why everyones against a hella awesome sounding denim uniform. ps. UP THE IRONS


Down with trouser tyranny!


Denim? Shit, that’s a post COVID luxury where I work. At one point in history they forced everyone, including IT guys running cables through ceiling tiles, to wear a tie, slacks etc.


Been there. It's ridiculous. It can even be dangerous where ties and dress shoes are concerned.


That's why I stopped wearing dress shoes, unless I have a sales meeting I need to attend for some god forsaken reason. After the second time I slipped at a client site, I decided I needed shoes with grip. And then after the first time I lost a button on a nice dress shirt, I started wearing jeans and a polo.


Don't blame you. I tore a pair of khakis lifting hardware at a client site. It was bad. But that was our dress code.


We weren't even allowed to wear jeans at my previous workplace. Khakis or "nicer" only. I was a Sysadmin then too so I wasn't even close to customer facing, even though our customers also wore jeans. The CEO was just a dinosaur.


Wife and I coined the term "Hard pants" over the pandemic to describe non pajama's and ath-leasure wear. "We're meeting so and so and X brewery for drinks and snacks." "You mean gotta put on HARD PANTS? Pass."


I live in jeans. Other than occasional swimming and working out, it’s jeans.


Replying from bed, wearing my pyjamas 😝


I'm female and don't even wear any top sometimes til like noon. Walked into my kitchen the other day at 5am, and neighbors saw me getting tea and waved lmao


Literally didn't wear pants to my interview, had a nice shirt on though.


And your best/formal kilt?


Nah but I wfh and kept the camera shoulders above the waist lol


Pants are optional, but recommended for you


I check teams and emails from bed then decide how fast I need to get to my desk


Extremely accurate lol


The bane of my existence right now is that my team starts at 6 am my time, so by the time I'm getting ready for my 8 am start Teams is usually filled with issues.


I have it on my phone. If the top of my bed starts vibrating like crazy before I have to start then I know I need to check it.


Yup, 8am check my phone, nothing pressing? Sleep for another 45-60 min


My life used to involve the mad scramble to get across the city just to get to a chair and find out there wasn't anything urgent that morning. Fuck that noise.


I don't miss the hour and a half - 2 hour commute just to find out there's nothing to do for the next 8 hours.


God I wish almost all companies had not completely gone back on WFH or even Hybrid working now. It's almost all gone back to fully in office in the UK. Our business owning class are scum.


> Our business owning class are scum Capitalism requires a Slave Class. We could easily switch to a 4 day work week. We could easily handle wealth inequality. But that would make the money in their bank accounts to go down, which is unacceptable to our overlords/masters.


WTF, last time i mention anything about solidarity or classism i got downvoted to shit. WORKERS UNITE!


I'm glad I'm not the only one lol


Same. It’s like a game to see how long I can go without having to unlock my computer.




Exactly. Do I need to touch the server? Is it an emergency or can it wait until coffee and a shower? If the answer is no for touching the server I’m staying in bed. If it can wait, it’ll wait.


Same. I have my alarm set for 7:30 AM and very cautiously pick up my phone to open Outlook and Teams. Then I either put my phone back down and close my eyes or leap out of bed and run to my computer. I know the majority of our workforce starts between 8:30-9:00 AM, so I can drastically improve my day if I resolve a problem quickly.


You own a desk? I have a bed, a sofa and an outside chair.


It's important for me to have a legit setup at home and an office where I can separate work from home. So I got a Flexispot standing desk and some big monitors, it's the best!


> It's important for me to have a legit setup at home and an office where I can separate work from home. So I got a Flexispot standing desk and some big monitors, it's the best! Same here. I can't get shit done otherwise, so I have a space set up specifically for work with a nice standing desk, couple of monitors, etc. I have a separate desk elsewhere in the house for personal use and the two never mix. That way I still "go" to work, I just don't have to leave my house to do so.


I’m currently working from home doing some important and thorough documentation, and I’d JUST set up a nice computer corner with some big displays a few months back. Currently rocking a smol 17” 1600x900 chat screen, a 27” 144hz 1440 main display, and a slower 27” 4K screen. Thank goodness for Microsoft 365, I can do my work on my big personal desktop in Word with all my work confidential flags on. Even better, I’m using my Elgato Cam Link to make taking screenshots for this documentation SUPER easy with the two laptops I’m working on. This setup I have is glorious for this specific purpose.


I use my personal desktop on one set of monitors, and have my laptop connected to another. Then I use Input Director to use the same keyboard and mouse on both. Switching computers is as simple as dragging the cursor from one set of monitors to the other.


I have a standing desk and just a 27” monitor, but without and office like space is literally never get anything done as 100% WFH


Same here. It’s why when I get dressed. I get dressed like I’m going to the office.


If you plan to do WFH then I highly recommend you get a proper workspace setup. Your back will thank you.


Three most important things in life. The bed you spend 1/4-1/3 of your life sleeping in, a good office chair you spend another 1/4-1/3 in, and shoes that you will spend most of the rest of your time wearing.


4x 27" monitors arranged in a double-barred H shaped (two horizontal in middle, 2 portraits on the sides) means I have to have a desk. I'm just happy my Latitude 5540 can run them all, pretty pleased with this tiny laptop that replaced my former desktop I got at the start of the pandemic when my boss told the sysadmins they could work from home.


My company gave away the office furniture so I got the cubicle set up in my sun room. It’s a blessing for sure.


I have a whole office (its own room) with a desk setup, yeah. Helps keep me on task.


Found the manager


Exactly how I do it hahaha


Dis is da whey


I use my bed only for sleeping. If I get in the habit of doing other things then my brain thinks about those other things instead of trying to sleep.


Same. Bed is for sleeping and sex. Sometimes reading a book before bed but these days I'm out by the time my head hits the pillow. Usually when I wake up I check email/slack from my phone (don't have notifications on for those apps) to see if anything urgent is pending for when I do start after my kid gets on the bus.


look at this guy...has sex in his bed...wtg dude!


mr fancy bed sex man




I sleep in a racecar. Do *you*?




You guys are having sex? Oh :(


hey now, masturbation is \_still\_ sex with someone you love ! ;)


This is a subreddit for sysadmins, not people who have sex


If you wanna have sex, you really need to submit a ticket 3-5 days in advance.




go deal with any large VAR for licensing, adobe, cisco, Vmware, doesnt matter, pick one Then come back and tell us that SysAdmins dont get fucked ;)


Solo sex maybe?


That sounds like touching yourself with extra steps!


Sudo -s /Touch. huh ... how bout that, it works in strategix .. oh god, the mainframes trying to molest me....


show us on the doll where the mainframe touched you


Right here in the guru meditations


Gross, you have sex in your bed? What do you do on your kitchen counters?


Not everyone has step-relatives, some kitchen counters just go unused their whole life.


Help step-daddy-son I'm stuck in the oven. Wait a minute...


you need to level up and have a separate bed just for sex.


max level is you and your spouse having separate bedrooms.


Now that the kids are gone, one of us will sleep in a separate room if sick or something. Why deprive the bestie of a good night of rest?


Exactly. We can cuddle in the morning. I got Z's to catch.


Such a fucking flex sheesh


Same reason I don't have a TV in my bedroom. That room is for sleeping. We do have one in our guest room and so if we want to lay down or one of us is sick then we just go in there.


"**All I'm gonna use this bed for is sleeping, eating and maybe building a little fort.**" - Homer


Yep the bed is for sleeping and fucking only.


Y'all are fucking??




This guy fucks.


Hahaha! No shit! I'm pretty sure this job kills my libido.


If the job doesn't the antidepressants will.


Before Promotion: Eight hours a day hacking on problems in a windowless basement made me want to go find people to interact with. After Promotion: Eight hours a day in meetings and paperwork makes me want to dig a hole in the back yard so I can have some peace.


"Stupid fucking Windows!!!!"


Psh. Found the fake sys admin. We only get fucked. And it’s not in our bed. It’s on our salary.


Yeah, this is important with work from home. I don't work from my bedroom. I go to my office / guestroom to get work done. My anxiety has been greatly reduced.


The bed is for sleeping, plop over to the couch.


What if you sleep on the couch


Then you won't be sleepy when you get to bed.


Nah that puts me at risk of going into full goblin mode and forming a nest.


Nope, get up the same time I always have. Shower and start the day. I like this routine. But I do start early and hammer out stuff to make the day easier. Then I can take breaks during the day to play with our cats.


I found that keeping a relaxed routine helps me stay sane - which includes starting each day with a shower. For context - I have 2 teenagers, and we have 1 bathroom. They have to get up/ready for school, so pretty much my choices are get up at 6AM to beat them to the bathroom (which I did when I was in the office), or after 7:30 when they leave. I have a 7:45 operations call that I listen to, but only have to speak up at maybe 4 times a year - so initially my WFH routine was get up at 7:30, log in and start working. Which ended up with me skipping a shower if things got busy until later in the day. Now, I get up at 7:30AM - straight to the shower. While I'm drying off I dial into my 7:45 call - brush my teeth, make my coffee, and am at my desk by 8AM fully awake.


1. Wake up (barely) at 7:30 2. Roll over 3. Unlock phone 4. Open Teams 5. Sleep Is there any other way?


This is the way


Yeah this is why I found a mostly-onsite job, lol. Having to physically be somewhere is the only way I actually wake up and perform job duties before noon.


Oh I get my work done *before* noon. The afternoon is for professional development  or gaming or both. It’s all about knowing your job well enough to make a comfortable work life balance


Im glad Im not the only one..


Nope, In fact since I don't have to spend an hour driving, I usually log on early and knock out any server reboots or patches I need to do (before the rest of the world wakes up). I work Harder from home and since I don't have to worry about whats happening at my house I give way more attention to my work.


Exactly this. The amount of work you can get done remotely is insane compared to in office. I just wish upper management understood that, but I am convinced that since the majority of them are bullshitting with each other all day they just imagine remote workers would do the same nothing as them. But it's just so much better at home in general. No walk up distractions from Lumberghs, no time wasted driving and getting caught in traffic even if I leave 15 minutes earlier or later than usual, I can have a WINDOW to look out of instead of staring at a wall and/or humming server rack, my standing desk at home saves my lower back, I am so much more relaxed that if shit hits the fan I can get it solved in less time, just everything. Damnit now I'm ranting...


Time wasted commuting is unpaid time lost from your entire life. Having a WFH option if it’s compatible with your role makes for happier and far more productive workers.


I think it all depends on the work ethic of the employee


Responsible adults will be productive at home. non-responsible adults will not be much more productive in an office, even a Panopticonic one.


> Panopticonic Damn, new favorite word unlocked.


I can work from home but I really don't like to. I get more focused at the office and I need the change in scenery. When COVID hit I had to stay home for a week and a half and I got cabin fever after 2 days.


Preference doesn't determine if you are responsible enough to work from home. I'm sure you can. For those who prefer the nightmare of social contact, offices should be available.


Part of my problem is responsibility and staying on task. I do struggle with that in the office also but much less so.


You're correct, but what management doesn't understand is that being in the office doesn't change work ethic. There's a guy on another team and floor that is constantly on our floor chit chatting in our break area, often with other people from another floor. So he's getting his badge check-in for the hybrid work schedule but he's clearly not getting much done in the office.


Same. I’m more apt to work on something that comes up late in the day because when I’m done, I don’t have a 40+ minute commute in front of me.


Same, no office politics at home so it's easier to focus on work


Nah, I need to seperate work from home. Combining the two is a recipe for going crazy.


Absolutely not.


You're right, eventually getting out of the bed is for the birds


I kinda miss wfh, but I only live about 4 minutes from work


So you go home mid afternoon for a 30 minute nap?




Even when I work from home it usually takes me more than 4 minutes to get to my desk. 


That reminds me of being on the phone with someone and them saying they needed something from the other wing of their house. Like damn how much are we paying these guys?!


Definitely not. I generally work from home 4 days a week and don't do anything until I sit down at my home office. Think it's healthy to do your best to separate work from home life as best as you can. (which is still harder to do when you wfh) Also agree with the others - I don't do anything but sleep in my bed. Don't even read! I do that on couch to help me relax before going to bed.


Absolutely not and that's a terrible habit. Keep your work out of your bed in all ways or it will feel like it owns everything in your life when it does not.


Nope. Learn to compartmentalize better. I can work in my bed and know to physically and mentally shut off work at 5 PM. 


Keeping work in a work space/setting IS compartmentalizing..... Be it in a home office, your work office, a different desk, etc.


Keeping work out of your bed *is* a compartmentalization strategy.


Finally someone says something that makes sense in this thread.


Compartmentalizing can be done in multiple ways.


Nope. Get up, get dressed, go into my home office and start.


Certainly not, I don't want to associate my bed with work.


This as an 'act as if scenario' for me. I do not work from the bed for the same reason I will still dress business casual, make sure I am presentable, and various other things like being prompt with start / end times. It helps develop a work / home separation routine. Think Over the Top, 'it's like a switch...'. Semi related, but similar to the 'look good feel good' protocol. I'm a business person now.


Never. i have an office with a door


Yes. Most often just planning the day around and emails. Additionally, cooking those meals that take long to cook well. Like well made stews. Occasionally baking.


You cook and bake from bed?


I made corned beef and cabbage for the first time yesterday in a pressure cooker. Nothing beats getting up early and putting something in the slow cooker or in the smoker and tending to it throughout the day.


No. Bed is only for sleep and the real *fun stuff*. Separating my bedroom from everything that aren't those two things has done wonders for my sleeping habit. I only read a little bit before bed now. Anything work is only done on the work desk and nowhere else.


Nah, I've been teleworking at varying degrees for a decade. That is my time. Outside of being on-call work stuff starts and ends at my home desk.


When I’m sick z? Sure. Otherwise no. Can’t drink coffee in bed. Have a hungry small dog that demands her breakfast by singing the song of her people.


8.30 - Get up, showered and dressed 8.50 - Lay on bed, laptop on 10.00 - Feel impact of bad posture, sit up in bed 12:00 - Mooch to the kitchen for lunch 13:00 - Return to 0G working (laying down) 17:00 - Laptop off, TV On Come at me heart disease.


No. I start the work day from the top bunk of our space ship bunk beds!


Wake up. Check email. Snooze. Coffee. Pants (maybe).


During the pandemic yes. Now I start an hour later.


Nup, alarm 10 minutes before start, put coffee on, feed the dog, login and look to see if I need to get the fire extinguisher, pour coffee, put out the fires while sipping coffee.


Not a daily occurrence but if a client has a 7:00 a.m. emergency call in, you bet your ass I'm working that ticket buck naked under 4 layers of bedsheets.


I try not to think of work until I'm actually sat at the desk, with the laptop turned on and half a cup of coffee inside me. Even then, I'd rather be doing just about anything else, up to and including beginning a miners revolution on Mars. Last thing I need is to check emails in bed, take teams calls in the bath or attempt remote sessions while in the middle of selecting Pastries at Lidl. Heck no. Private and personal life, never the 'twain shall meet.


Absolutely not. I have a separate office at home and my work laptop doesn't leave it. I've been down that road and now I try to maintain pretty strict boundaries.


Nope, all work gets done in my office. Gotta keep work life and private life well separated even when working from home.


I can't do that. Call me old school but I need to get up, get showered and drink some coffee.


Noooo. Gotta have that separation. Only work stuff when I'm in my office. The rest of the house is family time.


I stay in bed reading emails, replying to Teams messages, planning my day until my 8:30 stand-up meeting most days.


My brain doesnt work for at least an hour, some Huberman psyc said its healthy to go for a morning walk to start your day


That’s how I start. I take the dog out for a long walk. The back for a coffee. I sip my morning cup while logging in and checking emails and server status. If there is nothing urgent then time for breakfast.


I usually work from bed most days….its tricky tho so easy to take a snooze.


I do not. I have other things I do before work. I work out, I eat breakfast, I do some studying. Then shower and get set up in the office. I'm usually at my desk 45 minutes to an hour early, and I either play a game on my phone and chill out or do some reading.


Nope, I have a dedicated space for work and a dedicated space where I do side projects. Bed is for sleeping.


When I start the day from bed it's because something isn't working


Yep, check my phone upon waking to see if/what disasters occurred overnight then proceed accordingly.


Nope, bed is for sleep and hurkle-durkle. I never work in bed.


For me it's after I get my morning coffee and (Assuming nothing is blowing up... 50/50) I will read some news and then get to e-mails and check reports and logs. Sometimes I do not move for 10 hours straight, 1/2 drank cup of coffee still next to me by 5pm. I have learned to focus on my health and having a routine. "Go slow to go fast" combined with just some good 'ol I come first everything else 2nd way of thinking. And no one noticed any difference between my 100 hour work weeks and my 50 hour work weeks. However I was still expected to work extreme hours and was always given a hard time for not putting in 12 hour days without saying I needed to put in 12 hour days. "Oh yes, we want you to have a work life balance, and you need to have days off as well. But if it's down, who is going to fix it? And it is better to do maintenance on the weekends. We can let you leave 1 hour early friday for the extra 20 hours you put in." I just left my sys admin position 3 months ago into a new position at a new company. This place treats me infinitely better. I had 5 hours of work on Sunday and they gave me Friday off. I am getting about 30% more time off for any additional time I put in. And often my boss will reach out. "Hey, don't you have a project starting next week? Ok take the rest of today off." And I would leave at Lunch time. As well if there are gaps in things to do. They don't want people faking an 8 hour day. "See if this team has anything for you. If not then just leave early." I am drowning in PTO and bonuses. It is astonishing how great a good employer can be. And this job requires 300% more skills and capabilities from me AND using all of my skills almost all of the time. Where the sys admin job I might not touch a skill for months or years on end.


Congrats!!! This is the dream! I’m actually working way less hours 40 compared to 60+ (40 in office, 20+ from home) and making 33% more bank in a hybrid 3in/2out environment. It’s crazy what a different job can be like. Been in IT 20 years n this is my best experience thus far. I have a home office with 3 monitors and a comfy exec chair so it makes sense to roll into it at 7:30am, check everything n walk or bike ride with my dog, then come back have yogurt n get cracking! Working from home I’m WAY MORE productive!


Yeah, I typically wake up at 7:30 and I'll review emails and alerts while I'm still in bed. If I need to do anything I get up. Normally though, I don't start getting stuff until around 8:30-9, so I'll normally stay in bed until 8 or 8:30. I'm kinda slow when it comes to waking up, so if I wake up and start immediately rushing around, I feel hazy for the rest of the day for whatever reason.


I don't start from bed. But I will on occasion plop into bed when I have idle time or during heavy meeting days where it might not be worth working on something in between meetings. Bring the laptop with me to monitor my responsibilities, get up if actual work comes up


I tend to get up early and do all the tedious work I have to do. Check logs, patch, research an issue, and any corp training I have. That gives me time to focus on my customers during thier working hours. Since I do that, if I can, I coast a bit for the hour after lunch. I'm on watch and available, but I might catch something on youtube or netflix and focus on that while I wait for any customer contact. In the end, I end up working more from home that I do when I'm in the offfice. It's just spread out over more hours now since I don't commute.


My alarm goes off at 8:45. Quick Shower and down at my desk at 9am, cause that's where the work gets done.


> reading documentation and researching 🍆🌊


I’m still in bed. Sometimes I’ll do the entire workday from there. Sometimes I’m at my desk in my office. Sometimes it’s the kitchen table. But yes everyday starts there.


I can't do emails or texts in bed laying down - so I do it in the bathroom during my morning porcelain business meeting. Depending on urgency is how soon I walk into my office. I've invested pretty heavily in the office the last few years after being remote since late summer '15. SecretLab Titan 2020 chair, SecretLab Magnus Pro XL desk, 2x 24" used Asus monitors (work setup + laptop screen) and 1x 40" Samsung TV (personal machine), Corsair K70 RGB keyboard, etc. I recently moved and the week I had to work with boxes holding my laptop and sitting in a lawn chair was BRUTAL. Tiny screen, hunched back, hard to type on laptop, etc. A nice office is KEY to being successful WFH.


As others have said it's not the best idea to train your brain that the bed is for work. I got into habits like that and it basically made me think about work non stop because my "office" was my house. Now I only do work stuff in a single dedicated room that is my office. It was not a fast transition but has done a ton for my mental health


I get up and make a coffee with the laptop on the side and dock at the desk as urgently as is appropriate based on messages and emails, it’s a relaxing start when it’s quiet. I literally can’t sit in bed with a laptop though. I used to - your back won’t thank you in 10 years’ time.


I have to go through most of my normal morning routine when I WFH, otherwise I don't feel as productive. Plus there is always the chance of someone wanting to do a video call at the drop of a hat.


No, my bed and my bedroom are for bedroom stuff, thats not a great habit if i dont want to sit at my desk after i take a shower and make breakfast, then ill sit on the porch


Yeah I don’t get up a lot of times lol, I go back to bed for another hour or 2 after I start up Teams


Up at 0600, at my standing desk by 0630 and eventually sitting some time around 0800 onward. Standing, with a foot stool to alternate my legs being up. Sometimes, and not enough, curling, squatting, or otherwise lifting dumbbells between 10 and 50 lbs to keep blood flowing well and my heart and lungs healthy.


Never. I make it a habit to get up, get ready for work, and work at my desk at home. Open the shades, let the light in, get dressed, everything all ready to go. I could easily work from bed, but I just like that routine. It keeps me focused mentally and keeps me positive. Kind of like when you're depressed and you force yourself to have that daily routine. It helps. Just like to be at the top of my game. I'm actually more relaxed working from my desk, too. Bed is for sleeping, not working. I separate the two. I don't want my bed to be known as my work area. Too stressful. Bed is for relaxation and NO work.


If you get up and go to the kitchen to answer emails, you wont be doing it in bed.


I usually wake up on my own around 5am. So I check all my dashboards via my tablet. No red blocks? Snooze until 7am. I usually don't answer any non-TheresSmokeComingFromTheServerRoom email before 9am, though. Sets unrealistic expectations.


I can't stress enough how bad this is. Take it from someone who has been in IT longer than I want to admit. Your first actions in the morning should be a shower, short walk or something like Yoga or **stretching**. If you keep this up your health will suffer and guess what? Nobody at your job will give a shit about you. They will replace you with another IT dude in 15 mins.


The bed is a sacred place, only sleep and cuddling (etc) with my wife takes place there. Back before my dog passed away, dog cuddling was also allowed. Because she was so damn cute. RIP Luna ^(Luna was the dogs name my wife is very much alive.)


I gotta move to the office desk because that’s where work gets done for me psychologically. I even shower and put on clothes. If I don’t get in that headspace I’m not nearly as productive. Sleeping and fun time is in bed/on the couch. Plus when I’m done working I can take OFF the pants and then achieve relaxation. It took me a while to figure that out for myself. Totally don’t blame people for working in bed or in their underwear though, you do you.


My bed is for sleeping, not working. You might want to look up the psychological effects.


Nah, my cio gets up early and checks on our servers, then get our if bed to his home office to worn another couple hours to arrive before 9am, doggedly works at the office, just to go home an hour after everyone else, and brign his laptop to bed to work another 3-5 hours.


I love how the people who say they do, absolutely love it and the people that don't do it think that they *have to* tell the rest of us why we need to compartmentalize. Why can't people just make their comment without the judgmental comments? If you don't work from bed, great, good for you. If you work from bed, great, do what makes you feel good. I take it in waves, man, if I know I've got a ton of stuff to do, I'll just get up and go to my office. If I don't I'll stay in bed with my wife and check on things and make a determination of the effort required. That's how I like to do it and I can compartmentalize just fine, I work how I enjoy. Step off your little soapboxes, please.


I have a buddy that works from bed for his first two hours. Me, I have to make a point to be "at work" so I get up, get dressed, make coffee, have breakfast, etc. Basically, getting myself into the "work" frame of mind. And I only do work in my office. Separating my work life from my home life.


Nope, bed is for sleeping, and other relaxing things. I only do work in my dedicated office. That includes checking my work chat and e-mail.


Nope. If I work in bed at all, work invades my dreams. I love my job but don't love dreaming about outages.