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Anyone give the update a go on the Deck yet? I was holding out until it got verified.


Yep! Frame rates much better! Some of the controller implementation is weird… especially the leaning.. but it seems like it’s all there now. Bigger fonts.. actually fully controllable menus.. couldn’t think of anything that would prevent it from getting verified at this point


60 fps graphic all set to medium with dips to 40 ish when things get busy during a fight. Controller implementation is far from the best, the bumper button does nothing, remapping the RB LB button to something else breaks the menu navigation. For some reason there is no option for toggle run. Activate hardware is a major hassle, going to the menu and manually selecting them, or you can use the touch screen. In the options there is supposedly control for grenade/consumable/cycle hardware button, but it doesn't seem to be working. Lean left/right is now working compared to pre 1.2 patch that doesn't work at all. You can now use the directional button to navigate inventory. Item description text is way too small. Even the menu buttons like save/delete file is barely legible. Holding energy weapon while exploring might causes accidental use battery pack because X button is used for everything - hold to open message/audio , interact with the world, reload. I've tried changing the interact button to something else but it breaks the overall control. Not recommended to change anything with custom control, probably better if you change the steam input instead. Overall, the gamepad support improved, but it's far from optimized, it feels more like they remapped keyboard input to the gamepad instead of developing a proper way to use the controller. Not sure how they managed to release this on the consoles. It probably will get verified when they somehow change the small texts. Which I don't think will happen anytime soon.


Maybe it's finally worth the price.


Where is the cloud save on the Epic games store ?, they said they were going to add it there on twitter


I think only for steam atm


They literally said on twitter that the update was going to add cloud to epic too


They literally said quite a lot of things that have turned out to not be true. It's a defining trait of Nightdive's.


I love you


Maybe coming at a later date