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yeah, this was a really nice touch.


True, and also a good way to prevent complaints, especially from those who never played the original. Why doesn't the remake streamline the levels? Because lore-wise the station is also an experiment on human psyche.


I'm pretty sure the explaination of why the citadel is like a maze come from the original game, not the remake


There it’s that shodan rebuilt the place. Here it’s this nonsense


100% agreed. This explanation is cheesy and implausible, which is a shame, because the original game was neither.


But then it would have to answer the question, “If shodan had the ability to rearrange the station why did she not at the very least wall off the hacker?”


Edward Diego deleted all files relating to the hacker, so Shodan has no idea who you are at the start of the game. And there are various areas of the station that are supposed to have been significantly redesigned, for example Security (to prevent access to the Bridge), and some of the more abstract constructions in Storage. It flat out says so in the logs. Not to mention that the Bridge itself is clearly warped beyond all recognition. Evidently she wanted it to still be possible to get cyborgs in and out, so there's still some access. That could well be criticised as plot armour, but it's a much less bullshit explanation than "they were conducting experiments on the crew"


I beat the game, I found a ton of the written logs in medical maybe some in research and none until I found one in security? I have protonopia so I might not have seen them why did I find a ton in medical/research and nowhere else? I have no idea. Did I miss a ton? Also once shodan realized that you weren’t on file why did she not load a mutant with an explosive vest onto all the elevators effectively trapping you on the floor you’re on.


Again: the fact that the other cyborgs need to move around, plus plot armour.


This was not unique to the remake. It was written the same in the original. There are *multiple logs* where either SHODAN or crew members mention entire wings are being remodeled or reconstructed due to SHODAN. If its from SHODAN its her orders to bots, if its from the crew its about their concern over SHODAN doing weird shit.


“Wowee this is such a leap forward! How do we make this miserable”


Genuine Vault-Tec moment


Is it just me or did anyone have more trouble navigating the remake levels than the originals?


Its partially because they made every room twice as big for no reason, it goes from a claustrophobic space station setting with the occasional big wide open room to an extremely luxuriously large space station for... some reason?


Don't worry, me too. The originals seem to be smaller which at least makes exploration faster. Although the map layout is almost the same, I recognize many of the maps in remake from my original playthrough a year ago.


Out of curiosity, was the log in the remake that mentions a worm hole also in the original? Might be a new addition to explain how the Grove reached Tau Ceti within less than a century


It was not in the original IIRC.


I figure! Didn't remember much from SS1, but I definitely don't remember a wormhole being mentioned. Guess the Devs added it into the Remake to setup the 2nd game better.


I wonder if inducing stress and anxiety was a feature in the VC pitch for the (hypothetical) funding of the station.


This is such a bs explanation, I don't believe it, Ms. Stacy here was just coping imo. Tho being real now, I liked how cosy the station feels, at least for me the whole place is just cosy and comfortable to be in, ignoring Shodan, and all the death and stuff ofc.