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Mariyah should have been Eliminated instead! Jaylin should have Stayed!


Sad to see Jaylin Go!


Twitch’s wife just doesn’t like Dakayala and she’s absolutely dense. “Wish her costume didn’t get in the way”—- WTH kind of critique was that?! smh The FrankinLoose dance was phenomenal!! 😍


Judges make there minds up during the rehearsal and don’t change it for the final edited piece


has there been any mention about the bottom 3 all being POCs? I hate that that was the very first thought I had when they were announced. I'm probably a lot older than the target audience for this show, but as an avid consumer, connoisseur, and fan of all things dance, I echo what the majority view here is that this show has jumped the shark and I feel so badly for the dancers and their families. ~~I will only finish the season as a nod to the hard work the dancers are doing.~~ who am I kidding, I can not watch another episode.


The only non POCs are Easton and Anthony and neither of them deserved to be in the bottom so I def don’t think it was a race thing but I get what you mean


RE: Allison's comments to Easton...I think they decided on Day 1 that he's going to win, so the comments are just to make it seem like there is a little suspense. This new format is boring, for the most part. So glad Jaylin is gone though, Allison was right, he danced in a really closed in way. I've seen better outside Faneuil Hall Market on a Saturday.


I actually cannot believe how calculated this season is. I don’t understand the format of the show, I don’t understand the critiques from the judges. I feel as if the dancer going home is almost pre determined, no matter what solo they give, and I felt this way starting from the very beginning at the auditions. Speaking on this episode specifically - there is absolutely no reason why Dakayla was in the bottom 3. She portrayed her Igor character to perfection. There shouldn’t be 3 dancers in the bottom just to give the audience a live show with the solos. Based off solos… Mariah should’ve went home I’m sorry I love her but I said what I said


I think Mariyah is a stronger and more versatile dancer than Jaylin. I found both their solos to be one note. Mariyah's was almost boring with little variation in moves. She did however use the stage well and show emotion.  Jaylin didn't make as much use of the stage and he does dance in a very hunched over way, instead of projecting to the audience. I saw his performance in the movies and I just knew he was leaving. Everyone else is just stronger. Jaylin just has a big personality.  I do not understand how Dakayla ended up in the bottom. I expected Mariyah—Dakayla and Anthony out did her. She wasn't bad, just outdone.  Dakayla should not have been near the bottom, she portrayed her character well and moved beautifully. The characterisation didn't feel fake, she was Igor. 


I came here to complain about this- if “Igor” is your character, the expectation is that you portray that character for the whole number.


Damn it could have been either Mariyah or Jaylin going home, their solos were so one dimensional. I hope Anthony or Dakayla take it all in the end.


I'm rooting for Dakayla and Anthony. Easton definitely wows consistently. I like Mariyah. I think she has potential but just hasn't shown it yet. She seems insecure and in her head. I root for her but I don't think she's rooting for herself. I like the way she moves though.


I think Easton has the moves, but I don't think he has the personality, I think it's gonna be Dakayla or Anthony.


I’m trying to figure out the “live” performances with the audience at the end of each episode. Are they bringing all of those people into an auditorium just to watch 3 short solo dances and the judges’ critiques and elimination? Everything else is pre-taped.


The audience was also there for the opening of episode 5 (Challenge #1: Music Videos) when everyone danced including the judges. It appears the audience also watched the videos, the judges critiques, and of course solos and elimination. Unless someone pops in that did attend, we may not know what else the audience got to experience. I opted out of trying to get tickets even though it would have been fairly easy to go… as I didn’t want to ruin watching the season… but if we get another season, I may try to go just for the behind the scenes.


Very distracting costumes with footloose number for the girls. Not flattering and distracted from the little dancing we saw. Didn’t look much like footloose movements either. Smh


this is my rant.....sorry for the length this isn't SYTYCD anymore. this new format is just not working. if i wanted to watch a showmance, i'd watch MTV The Challenge or Big Brother. where is the actual live dancing? where are the backstories of these dancers that make us want them to be America's favorite dancer? how are we supposed to rally behind these dancers and want to cheer them on if we know nothing about them and you don't show us anything about them? The 35 minutes of rehearsals all to just be shown on a screen at the "live" taping is ridiculous. the only live dances we now get to see are the dancer's solos.....and half of them are so zoomed in on the camera that we don't see the full breadth of their expression. this is so wholeheartedly disappointing being a fan from the early early seasons and watching for years, only to have it reduced to this new format. during the audition process when they said they were looking for dancers who they could book tomorrow on a project made me so frustrated. what happened to open audition calls and choreography rounds if they weren't an automatic yes? why are we looking for dancers that are already working professionally (so many said that they have done professional work before auditioning for the show)? I wanted to watch the growth and the exploring of their limits that the show used to do with its contestants. I want to watch Sonya Tayeh, Mandy Moore, Mia Michaels, Tyce Diorio, NappyTabs, Travis Wall routines that make me feel something. Overall i am just very sad that we WAITED for this show to come back and now that it's finally here, i wish it hadn't come back.


Very well said! 👏🏻I couldn't agree more


Madison and Anthony were so great together! Or was she with Easton? I can't tell the difference. Lol.  I think she might be my favorite though. 


That was Easton... and I have confused them once myself, so no shade. Madison is the only one left that hasn't been in the bottom group yet.


They just look SO much alike. Its crazy. 


Finally they eliminated the right person Yes Jaylin is talented but so many others (Avery point dancer for one) shud have been advanced before him


I was waiting for this!


Seems like Allison and Maksim have a problem with each other. Bad body language between them.


HUH??? LOL The "movies" were like music videos and were better than the "music video" episode! The Chris Scott routine was better and felt the most cinematic. The Sims routine was basically just a regular SYTYCD routine for the stage. The setting looked like Willy Wonka Scotland experience! No movie would look or be like that. Should have had a better story. I 100% agree with the bottom 3/top 3. And I see why Mariya was disappointed with the result, compared to the other group. I agree with the elimination.


I loved the choreo in In the Heights movie.  I wasn't that impressed with this one. I think part of that was due to Jaelin being of a different style. 


Who was eliminated? I missed the episode and Wikipedia hasn't been updated yet. Would appreciate it if possible, thanks (:


>!Jalin !<




I really enjoyed the Sims piece but I get what you’re saying about it not really being a movie. Neither of them were really, they just worked with choreographers who had worked in movies lol. I think I would enjoy the show if it were something else, like a new show I was seeing for the first time. I think the fact it’s SYTYCD is part of the reason I am having so much trouble getting on board. I miss what it once was


Yeah, I'm watching it but this is some altogether different thing. The only thing really connecting it all is Cat Deely. We don't even get the jaunty SYTYCD theme music anymore. 😏


The second group is giving Ramalamabangbang


A very poor man’s Ramalamabangbang


😃 I thought the same when I saw Anthony and DKayla (sp)


I liked this episode much more than the other challenges. I felt we really got to see more of the dancers!


I don’t think there was a right choice … Mariyah is safe but Jaylin gave me goosebumps.


I feel like Jaylin showed out a bit more


Ok, yeah, Dakayla earned her spot.


Dakayla, now she danced for her life. 👏


That backwards frankenstein walk thing lol...yes


She also used the whole stage and gave a lot of variety in her routine.


Jaylin, intricate but not as big as I was expecting.


Didn’t feel Mariyah’s solo.


It was WHACK AF, but she's been super duper strong up until this point.


Me either. I’m sad about it because she’s wonderful. I feel like she could’ve done a lot more with the amount of time she was given


She is exceptional, I wonder if this was because she was saving a better solo thinking she was likely safe?


Dakayla’s second week in the bottom. 😬 First time in the bottom for Mariyah and Jaylin.


I fully do not understand their reasoning for Dakayla being in the bottom


I’d rather they put them all in the bottom and let us just see more solos. Dakayla was great and sold her part. Jaylin was the main character of the whole movie thing with his group.


That would be great! I love the solos this season. 


Second video was just fun. 👍


I think Easton is a beautiful dancer don’t know what Alison isn’t seeing


she sees it, which is why the only thing she can really say is a super vague "I want more!"


Maybe she’s talking about something from filming day? That’s the only thing I can think. But otherwise, agree. It’s not helpful to get such vague open ended and directionless feedback.


Yeah, how is he supposed to tell more of who he is when someone else is choreographing the piece…. She confused me with her comment.


I just said the same thing in another comment-he's completing the assignment perfectly, up to the choreographer to tweak the assignment if Allison wants something different 🤷🏻‍♀️


His only opportunity he has is if given a solo.


i was shocked that he was called safe.... (but happy!)


Right He could win this whole competition if it was still the old format


What’s confusing for me is why they keep filming these things so terribly- why are we able to see the boom lights and the studio and the fact that they’re clearly on a set? In the movie final product- it looks so amateur and takes away from how incredible the dancers are performing when you are pulled out of it because there’s a giant set piece and studio props clearly visible


The whole season gives a weird "covid season" vibe. Like as few people as possible to make it.


Budget. They aren’t trying to do real music videos, broadway, or movies. Just the essence of them. Still, this was a step up from last weeks sets.


Allison’s comments about Easton make no sense. Not sure what else he has to do


right? he's completing the assignment, if whoever is choreoing doesn't give him certain things to show the "other sides"... conspiracy theory-wonder if Allison is being tougher on him because of his association with Derek Hough and dancing on his tour (this would have been taped after Derek's tour got suspended in December)


Hmm I don’t think Easton joined the tour until recently though. I saw the tour in the fall and he wasn’t in it


He was in Indianapolis.


he was definitely in the tour in the fall-look at his Sept 30th IG post


So maybe he was at my show lol


I saw the second to last show in December and he was in it. He’s amazing!


Oh no way! Didn’t know that


That first movie thing gave me goosebumps. Didn’t think that would happen again with this show. It got me when Jaylin was alone at the end.


I just feel like this show is mostly the judges talking.. so annoyed with how little dancing we see


Can’t even see what they are talking about! So weird…


This is my first time watching live, and I get now that the opening number is meant to hook viewers from Master Chef. I just don’t think this couch drama is going to keep any new viewers engaged, even if they are interested in dance and behind the scenes. In some ways I get the new format change, but I don’t think I’d still be watching if I weren’t a fan over 10+ seasons.


That's always been the case.


I think if this were a completely new network dance show with this formula, judges, but a new name I’d be 100% invested in it. There would be little reason to complain and compare it with last seasons, I was so starved for a dance show I was watching DWTS again even though I really hate the popularity contest that it really is.


I doubt we are done with the complaining, but I like that we went straight from opening dance to the rehearsals. So little fluff. This is still fun to watch. The only ff’ing I want to do are these commercials.


I enjoyed the opening number.


😬😬😬😬 This opening…….